News Star Wars: Galactic Starcruiser Permanently Closed Fall 2023


Premium Member
You and reality don’t seem to see eye to eye sometimes
You mean the reality is they built it, opened it, and closed it in near record time?

Which means they knew before it ever opened it wasn’t gonna work with their advance bookings?

That reality?

Why? That’s the question. Probably several in slices…

But “it was fantastic and they didn’t mess up”…ain’t gonna fly.

I’ve seen many instances of fence sitting over the eons. This might be the most interesting one?

I get the nonsense thread about attendance…it’s typical:
1. “Attendance isn’t down” (it is)
2. “It’s not the price” (it is)
3. “They want it that way” (they do not…the worst example of lying in the mirror fans have ever sold themselves)
That scans…

…But the post mort on this starprison is just fascinating.


Well-Known Member
1. You know they don’t sell a lot of those rooms at rack rate. And it’s been trending that way for years. I think you know that
2. But let’s just assume you are correct and money ISNT the problem (it is…it’s not a “whale zone”…the cards have fallen…but still)…
So why couldn’t they sell it?

If it’s not money…it’s one other thing…and we are coming up on the 11th anniversary of it in a matter of days.
Hurricane Sandy?


Well-Known Member
You mean the reality is they built it, opened it, and closed it in near record time?

Which means they knew before it ever opened it wasn’t gonna work with their advance bookings?

That reality?

Why? That’s the question. Probably several in slices…

But “it was fantastic and they didn’t mess up”…ain’t gonna fly.

I’ve seen many instances of fence sitting over the eons. This might be the most interesting one?

I get the nonsense thread about attendance…it’s typical:
1. “Attendance isn’t down” (it is)
2. “It’s not the price” (it is)
3. “They want it that way” (they do not…the worst example of lying in the mirror fans have ever sold themselves)
That scans…

…But the post mort on this starprison is just fascinating.
You have a remarkable ability to miss the point and change the subject.


Well-Known Member
But “it was fantastic and they didn’t mess up”…ain’t gonna fly.
I haven't seen anyone saying this.

Instead, I see people disagreeing over the reasons it didn't work. Many are saying price. Others (ahem) are saying it's the ST setting instead of the PT setting. Some point to what they see as a botched marketing effort.

To dismiss those who said they enjoyed the thing is to miss key insight that can add clarity and nuance beyond "it was a failure" and "I told you so!"

Fortunately, it seems Disney is trying to sort out what made people like it. Hopefully, they'll being that to bear in future offerings.


Premium Member
I haven't seen anyone saying this.

Instead, I see people disagreeing over the reasons it didn't work. Many are saying price. Others (ahem) are saying it's the ST setting instead of the PT setting. Some point to what they see as a botched marketing effort.

To dismiss those who said they enjoyed the thing is to miss key insight that can add clarity and nuance beyond "it was a failure" and "I told you so!"

Fortunately, it seems Disney is trying to sort out what made people like it. Hopefully, they'll being that to bear in future offerings.

Hey…I’m sure people had a very good time…and the reasons and motives I’m sure vary…

No problem with that.

My fascination is why it flopped? In the wash - it did flop.


Well-Known Member
We all deal with obfuscation in our own way….

I’d love to hear your take on what actually happened? And could I get two scoops of “insider innuendo” please? 🍦🍦
You are the king of obfuscation

It’s nearly impossible to have a discussion with you because every time someone responds to you with anything but agreement you turn the conversation into something else entirely. Constantly moving the goal post.

The starcruiser was a flawed idea from the start. Many inside and outside the company knew this from the beginning. It should have never moved beyond the initial feasibility studies. There were a variety of reasons for its ultimate failure. However, guest satisfaction with the actual experience and its execution and quality was very high. This really can’t be debated.

Vegas Disney Fan

Well-Known Member
The avg rack rate at the Poly in the cheap rooms is nearly $900/night
2 adults, 2 children park hoppers in April 2024 is >$2700.. so avg another almost $700/night
Throw in Genie+... another $80+/day
Dining Plan? Another $260/day

So you're looking at over $2k/day for this prototypical Deluxe hotel visitor. (before Discounts)
Starcruiser was about 6k for that same family of 4.. So 4k vs 6k. For something that was supposed to be very special, and 'above and beyond' just your normal park stay.

I think Disney has a ton of customers fitting that prototypical model... considering they have tons of people who used similar kind of math to justify buying DVC.

The problem in that scenario is it’s Disney competing for Disney fans against Disney, but at 50% more.

Disney created something for Disney fans and then priced it in a way that made no sense compared to other Disney options.

It looked cool, we even debated doing it, and then decided we’d rather spend our money going on (another) DCL cruise with a couple weeks in Europe instead.

That’s why I say they overestimated their middle class guests, lots of people can afford to drop $10k on a vacation but most people can’t afford to drop $10k multiple times a year, and if you can only afford one big trip a year 3 days isn’t going to cut it for most people, it’s primary appeal was to those who can do multiple big trips every year, and even then they were still competing with other amazing Disney options.

erasure fan1

Well-Known Member
In my opinion, some of the best parts of the parks are not very popular (and sometimes because they're not very popular). Epcot is what it is today becasue some of the best attractions ever made weren't popular enough. Does that make them bad?
That's true. Just because something is popular, doesn't mean it's good. Just like if something isn't popular, that doesn't make it bad. The star cruiser, weather you think it's good or bad, it doesn't matter. What it didn't do was capture the attention of the masses. Now what was the actual reason for that? We will probably never find out.

I think it's great that people enjoyed it. I know there was almost zero chance I would have done it. It offered almost nothing of what I would look for in a star wars experience. Am I alone in that? Doubtful. But I do know what it's like to think something was great and it fail miserably. I still think sega Dreamcast was absolutely awesome. Lol


Premium Member
You are the king of obfuscation

It’s nearly impossible to have a discussion with you because every time someone responds to you with anything but agreement you turn the conversation into something else entirely. Constantly moving the goal post.

The starcruiser was a flawed idea from the start. Many inside and outside the company knew this from the beginning. It should have never moved beyond the initial feasibility studies. There were a variety of reasons for its ultimate failure. However, guest satisfaction with the actual experience and its execution and quality was very high. This really can’t be debated.

I can have any kinda discussion you want? Or none at all…your choice

The one exception is: “I know so much more…but I’ll try to tease it instead of just saying it…”

That’s tired old web board schtick. Nobody working in Orlando is charged with CIA level intel.

Well apparently Jason Bourne is at universal now?…but beyond that? No.

About that “guest satisfaction”…since it was such a small, niche market…how would research account for sampling bias?

James Alucobond

Well-Known Member
I can have any kinda discussion you want? Or none at all…your choice
Having a discussion would require you to actually read what people say and respond to the points they make, not just spam three posts in rapid succession of tangential complaints. It is frankly not worth the effort when everything goes completely unacknowledged and gets buried by the same low effort ranting over and over and over again.


Premium Member
That's true. Just because something is popular, doesn't mean it's good. Just like if something isn't popular, that doesn't make it bad. The star cruiser, weather you think it's good or bad, it doesn't matter. What it didn't do was capture the attention of the masses. Now what was the actual reason for that? We will probably never find out.

I think it's great that people enjoyed it. I know there was almost zero chance I would have done it. It offered almost nothing of what I would look for in a star wars experience. Am I alone in that? Doubtful. But I do know what it's like to think something was great and it fail miserably. I still think sega Dreamcast was absolutely awesome. Lol

Yeah…I’m right there as well.

Do I think Disney handling of LFL Has been atrocious and downright embarrassing? Considering the bankroll and opportunity they were given?

But does that mean I wouldn’t have ponied up if they really delivered on this?
Of course I would…

Absolutely. Give me a space simulator that’s “out of this world”. Or a ridiculous urban assault kinda thing? Or even a bar/gathering place with full access where we could celebrate the “kid” in us…

Not planned, budgeted “good Enoughs”

I’d argue Bob has never done anything other than “minimalist”. And it shows with this to my untrained eye.


Premium Member
Having a discussion would require you to actually read what people say and respond to the points they make, not just spam three posts in rapid succession of tangential complaints. It is frankly not worth the effort when everything goes completely unacknowledged and gets buried by the same low effort ranting over and over and over again.
…ok…you go in the “no” Column. Got it.

James Alucobond

Well-Known Member
…ok…you go in the “no” Column. Got it.
Considering I have had productive conversations with many on this board, including those I disagree with, the problem might lie elsewhere. You may not be doing it intentionally, but my point is that it is really frustrating to have the person you're trying to talk to simply ignore every point you make and focus solely on the point they're trying to make, even if you just presented evidence or testimony to the contrary and/or weren't being contradictory in the first place. It's exhausting, and it is no wonder that people don't always engage when they know the outcome.


Well-Known Member
And could I get two scoops of “insider innuendo” please? 🍦🍦
This may be the best thing ever posted haha.

I still think that the #1 problem was creating such a restrictive experience. The average family doesn’t want a 2 night fully scheduled experience that basically locks you inside a windowless building that is themed to one timeline of one franchise.

If Disney just charged guests the same price per night and allowed them to come and go (with the option of spending the entire time at the resort if they wanted for the “full experience” it would probably work.

Mickey's Pal

Well-Known Member
You really don't think that people liking things and its popularity are the same, do you?

In my opinion, some of the best parts of the parks are not very popular (and sometimes because they're not very popular). Epcot is what it is today becasue some of the best attractions ever made weren't popular enough. Does that make them bad?
Some people like the movie Cats but that doesn't make it a good movie. This awful Star Wars Hotel was not popular. Did not make money. Was not creative. And not what people and especially what Star Wars fans wanted. My evidence: It is CLOSED. That is the only argument I need to prove I am correct.


Premium Member
Considering I have had productive conversations with many on this board, including those I disagree with, the problem might lie elsewhere. You may not be doing it intentionally, but my point is that it is really frustrating to have the person you're trying to talk to simply ignore every point you make and focus solely on the point they're trying to make, even if you just presented evidence or testimony to the contrary and/or weren't being contradictory in the first place. It's exhausting, and it is no wonder that people don't always engage when they know the outcome.
So still a “no”?

I’m looking for the point of this whole thread, really?

So it’s “good”…and yet nobody wanted it?
And before we parse that - in terms of travel and specifically disney parks…nobody wanted it.

So beyond that…I’m struggling to see the point.

But I’m sure I’m missing something. If we are saying it’s a management mistake…that’s good enough. Bad idea…bad failure. Leave the execution out of it. Didn’t work.
But the execution would have kept it going if it was THAT good. It’s a 24/7 digital world. Word get out.

But still.

The reason I get squirley…other than bad lunch…is the random nonsense. Like “me thinks doth not have a grip on reality?”

The “realty” is the thing was yanked before the asphalt in the service area dried…and now it’s a party for mold colonies.

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