News Star Wars Galactic Starcruiser coming to Walt Disney World 2021


Well-Known Member
It's not worth arguing over, because people are just googling for random images and not putting any of it into context.

Yes, there were some scattered RoS products out there. No one said there weren't. Contractually, no one had any choice. I have to guffaw at the stuff they are selecting, though, because the stuff they are googling and finding are mostly the dregs of Star Wars products, the stuff that collectors who spend money we are talking about joke about, and the few kid targeted things they are showing didn't even sell and ended up in clearance/dollar stores.

It would be generous to say that they did 10-15% of the products for RoS that they did for TFA - and that reason is because ST stuff doesn't sell. Or they would have continued making large amounts of it. In the merchandising world, everyone has pretty much "moved on" by going back to the same characters/etc. that have been perennial sellers for the past few decades. That's why the insistent Disney focus on Galaxy's Edge and the Star Cruiser in the ST seem almost outdated at this point, because they are the only ones who are heck-bent on pushing ST product.
Beautifully said.


Well-Known Member
You keep moving the goal posts of your argument. Your original comment was there was no toy line released with no other specifics given. My original reply and the example given was to that point specifically. Adding additional qualifications after the fact or arguing what the definition of a toy line is doesn’t change your original statement as demonstrably false.

But now you are saying you were talking about 6 inch figures? You do realize that’s the Black series and not the Vintage collection, or any of the figures you posted pics of right? Those are all 3.75”. So at this point, I question how much you really know about the actual product offerings at all. So I am out.
I clearly meant a 6 inch figure movie tie line with figures and vehicles as all the other movies have had. Also, also, I have already discussed the Vintage and Black series lines and how they are not the same as the direct movie tie in line when a New Star Wars film is released. Hell, even Solo and Rogue One had their own tie in figure lines.


Well-Known Member
I clearly meant a 6 inch figure movie tie line with figures and vehicles as all the other movies have had. Also, also, I have already discussed the Vintage and Black series lines and how they are not the same as the direct movie tie in line when a New Star Wars film is released. Hell, even Solo and Rogue One had their own tie in figure lines.
Jesus Christ man do you just like hearing the sound of your own voice? We get it, you hate Star Wars and everything to do with it and you want to make sure that everyone on here knows it. We know it! You keep derailing this thread to bring up the toyline and yet you are just regurgitating the same thing over and over again. You originally stated that there was no Rise of Skywalker line of toys, then after being shown that there was you changed it to just 6 inch figures, which even THAT is wrong, because you are clearly talking about the 3.75 inch line of figures which go with the vehicle sets. 6 inch has only ever been for The Black Series line in which there was specific Rise of Skywalker ones made. Yes there were less toys made for Rise of Skywalker than there were for the other films. Ok so? They still made toys for it. Even though they just made it the 3.75 Vintage line they still made a dedicated line of figures and vehicles for both kids and adults to play with and the packaging was labeled with Rise of Skywalker. Can you please move on from this pointless tirade and get the thread back on topic please. At this point I miss the complaints about the lack of a pool!



I'm Just A Tourist!
Premium Member
Dare I ask how a Star Wars themed toilet would work? Do you hear the Emperor say "Complete!" once finished and you flush?
An appropriately themed space toilet would have to be equipped with accessories suitable for those rare but inevitable moments when the ship's artificial gravity drive fails. Think ISS-type facilities with hoses, biologically specific adapters, a tight seal on the seat, and a certain amount of vacuum to keep things moving in the right direction.

As you board, be sure to ask the crew whether or not the water served on board is original or recycled. Should elicit quite a reaction...


Well-Known Member
Jesus Christ man do you just like hearing the sound of your own voice? We get it, you hate Star Wars and everything to do with it and you want to make sure that everyone on here knows it. We know it! You keep derailing this thread to bring up the toyline and yet you are just regurgitating the same thing over and over again. You originally stated that there was no Rise of Skywalker line of toys, then after being shown that there was you changed it to just 6 inch figures, which even THAT is wrong, because you are clearly talking about the 3.75 inch line of figures which go with the vehicle sets. 6 inch has only ever been for The Black Series line in which there was specific Rise of Skywalker ones made. Yes there were less toys made for Rise of Skywalker than there were for the other films. Ok so? They still made toys for it. Even though they just made it the 3.75 Vintage line they still made a dedicated line of figures and vehicles for both kids and adults to play with and the packaging was labeled with Rise of Skywalker. Can you please move on from this pointless tirade and get the thread back on topic please. At this point I miss the complaints about the lack of a pool!

View attachment 580049
1. I do love the sound of my own voice. As should everyone. But I am not speaking, I am writing.

2. I love Star Wars very much. Hate what Disney has done to it; but you are wrong in your assumption. I love it. And no where did I post that I don't love it. Don't confuse me pointing out facts and making a logical argument based on facts with 'hating star wars'.

3. Back on topic, this place still needs a pool.

4. If i got the figure size wrong that is smeantics (I am used to ,as a toy collector my self, as of late having most of the figures I purchase be 6 inch or around there) The point was there was no dedicated line of toys for the film as not only I but another laid out and explained. I made a simple post and I was done. Othet posters felt the need to try to correct me for some reason and I corrected them back as did another user. I made my initial post and was done on the subject but other posters kept bringing it up and responding to me personally and I politely responded with not one insult or profanity. My goal was to inform.
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Well-Known Member
1. I do love the sound of my own voice. As should everyone. But I am not speaking, I am writing.
Your voice is any medium used to express your ideas and opinions. As we are all on a website, text written is your voice, and oh boy is it apparent you like it. Not since congress have I've seen so much unnecessary blabbing.

2. I love Star Wars very much.
Could have fooled me.

Don't confuse me pointing out facts and making a logical argument based on facts with 'hating star wars'.
"facts" and "logical argument" used by you are the very loosest form of the words I have ever seen. as such...
The point was there was no dedicated line of toys for the film as not only I but another laid out and explained.
Myself and others have pointed out and given photographic proof that there were specific Rise of Skywalker branded lines of toys including figures. The fact that you continue to deny this point is what is making your "logical argument" point come across as completely laughable.

4. If i got the figure size wrong that is smeantics
You did.

4. If i got the figure size wrong that is smeantics
You argue schematics yet its this very point that you call out others on as being wrong, that there were no 6 inch or any figures at all made for Rise, which has been pointed out as false.

Othet posters felt the need to try to correct me for some reason
Because you were constantly wrong and incorrectly stating your opinion as fact.

3. Back on topic, this place still needs a pool.
Barely since it has been stated multiple times that there is no pool.

And here is my opinion that is actually on topic for the discussion. Yes the price point for the experience is high and I believe there is a lot of people not necessarily Star Wars fans that will sell the place out, but eventually they will drop the price once the well begins to dry up. Will this be in 5 years? 10 years? hard to say but I can not imagine that these prices will stay like this forever. All I know is I can't wait to go there myself!


Active Member
Darth Vader: "Impressive"
Leia: "Into the garbage chute, wise guy."
(when you're in there too long) Luke Skywalker: "I have a bad feeling about this"

"What an incredible smell you've discovered!"

All I know is that you hear the lightsaber noise when you approach the urinal and unzip.
And for bidet toilets when the water pressure isn't quite strong enough to get the job done.

We need to make this idea a reality. It would be a big seller for any household with Star Wars fans.

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