I came across them in the Galaxy's Edge backlash and they're absolutely terrible. I heard them spouting things that had already been debunked and a lot of bad faith arguments. The one that sticks out the most was them listening to the stockholder call around that time and jumping out of their seats screaming things as... a Bob (I can't remember which) said rather innocuous things, her screaming "HE'S LYING!!! HE'S LYING TO US ALL!!!"
I watched Tim's video and Ordinary Adventures. Then I watched DIS because I've watched their dining reviews and know they never shy away from saying anything negative. Their positive impression was what really took me aback. I'd early on seen videos talking about the Starcruiser's failure, but upon watching them realized they were all people streaming from home and watching other people's footage, goin in with a view to poking fun. Not an ounce of good faith. Trolls looking for clicks and looking to either create enough outrage to draw people or be the king or queen of the cynics.
But jeez, it really feels like the most critical out there and in here are just digging on the people who would find this interesting. It's like they've never been to a Renn Faire in their life. It feels like nerds who want to bolster their ego by talking down on those nerds for being nerds. The entire Disney buy-in is to just let loose and lose yourself in an immersive world. And so many people who are fine doing that are deriding wanting to do this at all as childish with no sense of self-awareness.
And then there's the goalpost movers. And then there's the people who can't understand anything good, so they assume it must be bad. There's a middle-ground between believing the company can do no wrong and shouting down those who step out of line and believing the company can do no right and thus nothing is to be believed until you can hold it in your hand. I wish the latter didn't believe anyone with a positive opinion or even just says "Can we wait and see?" is one of the former. We get that enough in the world. Do we need it in our escape?
I scanned over your message and for a moment swore that you attributed one character's race to "tikibird".
Watching the DIS vlog, I'm actually more intrigued by their friend taking another path and constantly slipping off rather than what I see.
I'd read that alcoholic were also included. Was that misinformation? I know there's a lot of that going around.