That's actually my biggest issue with what I've seen so far. The lightsaber training and the bridge both look like they were designed for 10 year olds (or younger). Neither of them looked like anything that's going to move the needle for an adult.
There's nothing wrong with that in a vacuum -- having an area full of Star Wars themed kids activities would be a great addition to Galaxy's Edge -- but for $5000+ I'd expect something far better.
I assume there will be more impressive experiences that Disney hasn't shown, but I still don't understand who that video was really for.
This is my feeling, exactly.
I've done laser tag with my son a number of times starting when he was about 6 years old.
We have a blast.
(pun intended)
You put the vests on, the guns shoot
real lasers you can see - not just what appears to be white beams of light.
The indoor environment you play in has fog and strobe effects along with ramps and platforms and maze-like areas. It's way more exciting than the light saber training they showed off in that video appears to be and it's about $8 a head.
Sure, it doesn't have Star Wars in the name and I would normally expect the same experience at Disney
with Start Wars in the name to be more like $50 a head but I still have a hard time understanding how what they showed of the lightsaber training showcases what they plan to offer for the money spent.
Same with that play area picture. My son loved the play area in the inside post-show/waiting area for Mission Space. Is it as elaborate as this looks to be? I'm sure not but for $5k less, I think it's probably elaborate enough for the majority of kids in the target age range.
All that said, I've yet to see them show anything that appears targeted to the "grownups".
Maybe that'll be the really elaborate stuff?
Disney has billed this as a
major new premium experience. I'm still waiting for them to show some of the premium parts.