Stanley Cup on Parade


New Member
Cuseorng1, too bad no one in North America cares about the World Cup. I played soccer from 2nd grade through college, I barely care about the World Cup. I even went to a World Cup game in Foxboro, MA in 1994 (Argentina vs. Greece). The crowd was a heck of a lot more entertaining than the game itself. And that goes for all World Cup games. Soccer, er, futbol, er, whatever people want to call it, has never taken a foot-hold in this country, and likely never will (other than, no offense intended, kids being forced by their Soccer Moms to play it as a form of babysitting after school).

While it is true that the rest of the world puts more importance on the World Cup than any other trophy... what else to they have to play? Most countries can't afford to play hockey (padding, gloves, sticks, pucks, helmets, uh... ice? Most places can't afford to build rinks) or football (padding, helmets). It's easy for poor countries to play soccer? Why? It's inexpensive, almost free (you use 4 rocks as goal posts and kick whatever is lying around as a ball... INSTANT SOCCER).

Besides, the World Cup trophy is a pint sized, cheesy looking trophy. You maybe think the Stanley Cup is second-rate to the World Cup, but very few people in North America will agree with your assessment. My point is, don't expect to lessen the importance of something you don't care about, without someone doing the same to something that's important to you.


Originally posted by jodez21
The bulin wall imho is not the best goalie in the league. Sure hes awesome, and I would probably put him on my top 5 list for best goalies, but the thing I admire about him is how he came through in the final few games. Calgary had a lot of chances to tie up the final game, but the bulin wall stood tall and made some miraculous saves. Under all that pressure he came through when needed.

now back to disney!:lol:

Top 5 Goalies in NHL:
1.Martin Broduer
2.Roberto Luongo
3.Mika Kipersoff
4.Marty Turco
5.Evgeni Nabokov
Khabibulin was 21st in GAA and 27th in Save %, but yea he had a good playoff year, but he is not a top5 or even top 10 goalie.

Man Goofy looks cool in the hockey costume.


New Member
Congrats to Dave and the rest of the Lightning. They fought hard and deserve the cup. I just wish the Devils could have done it for Dave a few years ago. Andreychuk got it on his own terms. No team hopping to get a cup like someone else in the past. Glad to see a truely good guy win one for a change.


Active Member
No team hopping to get a cup like someone else in the past.
Who are we refering to? Please don't say Ray Bourque. Because he didn't win the cup with the Avs until his 2nd season. And he deserved it! Still my favorite hockey moment. The emotion when he was handed the cup. Classic!
Did anyone see the clips they did on Keith Primeau during the Philadelphia Flyers :cry: Lightning series. He is a huge Disney fan. He has a ton of Disney collectables and he said if he were to win the cup he would go to DisneyWorld. His brother Wayne collects Goofy ornaments. Oh well, I guess seeing Andreychuck there is OK but I would have been a lot happier seeing Primeau there. :brick:


Active Member
Back to this whole great goalies thing. How is it that all of you are overlooking Eddie Belfour? He had an amazing regular season, and playoffs. Belfour was pretty much the only reason the leafs ever got past ottawa in the first round, and he kept us in the philly series too. IMO Eddie was definitly in the top 5 best goalies of the season. It was really nice to see Kipersoff have a great playoffs too.


Originally posted by TheCoasterKid
Back to this whole great goalies thing. How is it that all of you are overlooking Eddie Belfour? He had an amazing regular season, and playoffs. Belfour was pretty much the only reason the leafs ever got past ottawa in the first round, and he kept us in the philly series too. IMO Eddie was definitly in the top 5 best goalies of the season. It was really nice to see Kipersoff have a great playoffs too.

Ummm, what Philly series were you watchin? I was at two of the games, and it looked like Eddie had no idea what he was doin, let alone being the thing that kept them in the series. He is a very shaky goalie and is not one of the best in the league.

12th in GAA and 13th in Save %. Those are hardly amazing numbers.

None of those goalies are great, with the expception of Brodeur. Mika, had one good year and was a 3rd stringer every other season. Turco...nope, no way. Luongo, still to young to determine greatness.

The way my goalie coaches always taught me - A great goalie rarely has to make huge saves, because they are always in the best position to stop the puck. With that being said, it pains me to say that the greatest goalie of all time is Patrick Roy.


Premium Member
First off, nice photos of Dave. Congrats to the Lightning. I was hoping for Calgary to win, but they put up a good fight.

Second: Khabibulin is not the best goalie in the NHL. This happens to be one of his only good years in his entire NHL career (maybe including last season). In terms of GAA, SV% etc... he hasn't been that good. He happened to get in a rhythm this playoff season, and the team was able to shut down the opposition. IMO, Brodeur is currently the best goalie in the league. You got some youngins like Luongo, Raycroft, DiPietro, Lehtonen (Atlanta), Ouellet (Washington) coming up that definately look like the next generation of great goalies (I know I left out a few names).

From what I understand, Andreychuk is returning for another season (if there is one). TSN article link

Keith Primeau during the Philadelphia Flyers Lightning series. He is a huge Disney fan. He has a ton of Disney collectables and he said if he were to win the cup he would go to DisneyWorld. His brother Wayne collects Goofy ornaments. Oh well, I guess seeing Andreychuck there is OK but I would have been a lot happier seeing Primeau there.

I saw that myself too. Just think, if San Jose played Philadelphia it would have been the second time ever I believe that brothers played against each other in the finals (Wayne Primeau and Keith; 2002-2003 saw Anaheim's Rob Niedermayer play against brother Scott on Jersey). I keep thinking I will see him @ WDW when I go. :D That would be nice. It's not like it's hard to find a muscular, 6'5" man.
Originally posted by maxime29

Second: Khabibulin is not the best goalie in the NHL. This happens to be one of his only good years in his entire NHL career (maybe including last season). In terms of GAA, SV% etc... he hasn't been that good. He happened to get in a rhythm this playoff season, and the team was able to shut down the opposition. IMO, Brodeur is currently the best goalie in the league. You got some youngins like Luongo, Raycroft, DiPietro, Lehtonen (Atlanta), Ouellet (Washington) coming up that definately look like the next generation of great goalies (I know I left out a few names).

Bhulin is one of the top, and has been for a few years. Since the Olympics in 98 at least.

Trivia...who is the best goalie, never to play in the NHL???


Originally posted by ArchiDanDisney

None of those goalies are great, with the expception of Brodeur. Mika, had one good year and was a 3rd stringer every other season. Turco...nope, no way. Luongo, still to young to determine greatness.

The way my goalie coaches always taught me - A great goalie rarely has to make huge saves, because they are always in the best position to stop the puck. With that being said, it pains me to say that the greatest goalie of all time is Patrick Roy.

I didn't mean to say that those five are great. I just meant to say that they are the five best in the league right now. And personally I think having the most save in one season makes one great, so I'll say that Luongo is great. And of course Marty is great. I still don't see Khabi as a top 5-10 goalie in the league. He always seems to be out of position and scrambling around, but that's just me.

Being a goalie I agree that a great goalie rarely has to make huge saves, but for some reason I can't see Roy being the greatest.

maxime29 dont forget Robert Esche of the Flyers. He's gonna be one heck of a goalie, and I still think JS Giguere will be good.


Originally posted by SirGoofy
Top 5 Goalies in NHL:
1.Martin Broduer
2.Roberto Luongo
3.Mika Kipersoff
4.Marty Turco
5.Evgeni Nabokov

NAB-BY, NAB-BY!!!!!!

Oh.......sorry. Often found in sec 203 of the Shark Tank. Hard to believe that Kipper had the nickname Kipru-soft around these parts less than 2 years ago. I'm willing to state that we have the best goalie COACH in the league with Warren Strelowe: Nabby, Kipper, Hedberg, Jim Craig (1980 USA), has even worked a bit with Broduer.

TB has a good one, though. I remember him playing an incredible game against the Sharks in Winnipeg. We just plain hate Belfour round here, but let's not go into that.

Yeah, they've been promising this stoppage since 1995. There's already a plan in place for interest for money paid for season tickets here, and the last payment isn't due until "Sep 30 or 30 days after the end of the work stoppage". Just when the boy is getting old enough (8) to follow what's going on. :cry:


New Member
Stanley Cup

There is only one stanley cup. The one you see the players carrying around is it. there is no original in Toronto.
Khabi is not a great goalie. Too inconsistent.
You are wrong, there is an original in toronto, they replace the rings that make up the larger portion of the cup, they can fit something like 6 teams on each ring, as there is only 5 rings, thats only 30 teams (probably more) but the rings prior to the 60's and 70's are stored in the Hockey Hall of Fame, thus...the original stanley cup. The Chalice itself is the only part of the tropy that has been in continuous use since its inception. With duites such as, a flower pot, cereal bowl, baptisimal for a baby, and even a Urinal ( stupid montreal canadiens). And, it is indeed the most recognizable trophy in sports, the holy grail if you will.


New Member
Try again

As the rings are removed they are placed on a wall in a vault in the hockey hallof fame. The Hall of fame is in an old bank hence the vault.
Agree it is best trophy in sports by far, but there is only one. Trust me on this. I have experience with the real one. The keeper of the cup explainedthis to me.

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