Standing in Line?


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When standing in line for a show (like "Fantasmic"), can one or two members of our party reserve a place in line or reserve seats once inside the auditorium for the rest of our party?


Originally posted by cdralon
When standing in line for a show (like "Fantasmic"), can one or two members of our party reserve a place in line or reserve seats once inside the auditorium for the rest of our party?

I dont know about saving a place in line for people, because thats kinda unfair to the other customers in the park.. but once you are inside say the Fantasmic auditorium (with your guests also inside).. if they feel they need to get a soda or something at the top of the stage you can save seating then.. but you have to stay in the auditorium.. I mean you can always chance being able to save a seat but Fantasmic is a hot show and.. is always packed.. I would suggest for a show such as that.. get your party together before any of you get in line.

The Mom

Premium Member
At least you can TRY! ;)

As I posted elsewhere, I'm tired of dealing with the rudeness of others when I've done this in the past, so I refuse to do it anymore! If I have to miss all of the fun, stand in a hot, smelly line, or sit all by myself, and be abused by ignorant people, EVERYONE else in the family will have to join me! ;)


New Member
LOL! Mom.... :lol:

I don´t really get mad if a party is taking turns in line... Many times (although my dad hates to do this), we took turns to browse the shops or go to the bathroom or for snacks while others were in line. At least you know how many they are and they are all queueing at some point. It does bother me when it happens that right when you are going to come in, the WHOLE party shows up and just by Murphy´s law, they get in and you have to wait for the next show... :mad:

I don´t really recommend not being all together when entering the theater for Fantasmic (or other shows)... One time when my family visited me, we were my bf, parents, brother, sister and her husband. My sister and husband decided to do ToT again and meet us inside the theater.... we were saving places for them, and right when I got desperate and went back to hurry them up(they were walking really slooooow), they put the chain right behind them and told the rest of the people to wait for the next show. My sister´s face was priceless... If I had not been there to yell them to hurry, they wouldn´t have made it! :animwink:


When a paradise is lost go straight to Disney™
Premium Member
Holding a spot for a family member is acceptable, EXCEPT in Fantasmic, where it is heavily frowned upon. You can get away with it, but if your seat is taken while you're gone, the CM's, while they will understand, will have little sympathy.


New Member
It depends on if the other people don't care if your saving seats, but it is quite rude to do it, but you gotta do what, what you gotta do! This kinda happend to me when me and my friend sat in our seats for Spectromagic me and my friend were in our seats for 1 1/2 hours saving them, and this Cast member told we had to move, these girls fitted there butts in the seats we were sitting in, 10 minutes befoe the show ,and that Cast Member didnt say anything to them! And these were some good spots in Lierty sqaure we ended up sitting right next to them, I was never so mad! :mad: :fork: :cry:

The Mom

Premium Member
Before saving seats for any parade you've got to check and make sure you're not sitting in a special viewing area. These are marked on your map; you should also check to see where the stantion "holes" are (that's where they'll put the poles with ropes to block off the area) The CMs only set these up 1/2 hour or so before the parade, and you will be asked to move.

Saving seats is such a hot topic! Some people think it's OK for one person to save 20 feet for their group of 20;others think it's rude to save your husband's spot if he runs to the bathroom!

I remember saving a bench in Epcot to watch Illuminations. My brother, father, and daughter were riding Norway and Mexico. My mother, sister-in-law, and myself were saving the bench (1&1/2 hour before the show) We were at each end and in the middle, with our "stuff" in the spaces. You would not believe the number of peole who truly expected us to move so they could sit down!

Were we being rude? We were willing to forego having fun to sit there; why should someone who just got off of a ride expect us to just give them a seat?

I've seen people put down whole blankets to mark their spot, then just walk away and expect others to honor it...I consider that unrealistic. But if I see 2 people sitting with a towel or "stuff" between them, I assume they're saving that seat, and would never ask them to move. I would also never walk over their things to cross the road etc.

I hope I haven't opened a can of worms here! :lookaroun But I didn't start the thread! ;)


Well-Known Member
I think this falls under the "Common Sense" Catagory.

When saving spots for Illuminations, I've seen one person try to save 15 spots in a prime viewing location. I think this is rude and unrealistic. At least 1/2 of the party should stay and hold spots, not just one or 2 people.

I have stood in line with my wife and kids for an HOUR waiting to ride Winnie The Pooh. ( I know..I SHOULD have gotten a Fast Pass..but that's not the point here. ) After standing in a hot sweaty line for an hour and finally getting to the front of the ride, I've seen 4 and 5 people duck under the queue ropes with ice cream and ice cold sodas and get in line in front of me because one person saved them a spot. That's just wrong!

I have no problem if someone has to run to the bathroom, but don't expect me to be all smiles and happiness if you cut in front of me with a party of 6 all fresh and cool after I have stood in a long hot line for an hour. :animwink:

Having said that...I might add that standing in line can be turned into a fun activity if you have the right attitude. I have met some wonderful people from all around the world standing in lines, and it's fun to people watch. My kids and I always dream up new games while standing in's a good time to do some family bonding.

It can be a SMELLY experiance as well so we always bring those small personal fans with us so help cool us off and help keep the undesirable odors away. :lookaroun

BoBa BoI

New Member
haha maybe fantasmic should have a fast pass system. I guess this is one of the pitfalls of having Fantasmic in an auditorium and having Fantasmic as a somewhat new attraction. On the westside(Disneyland), i have been known to wait 3 hours for a show, but in Florida on a prime day... that's almost nothing. Right when the auditorium opens hundreds of people pack into the arena. Its amazing, cuz in California things don't get that packed untill an hour and a half to an hour till showing. They do sometimes, but i haven't seen anything like that in California recently. Also, if you sit in the middle of a bunch at the arena it becomes incredibly difficult to get a cold refreshing drink. In California you wouldn't necessarily need it all the time, we lack the tropical heat and humidity of Florida, especially in the late afternoon. That's why since Fantasmic is in an arena at Florida, Disney should utilize a fastpass of sorts, where by using their own ticket, a guest could receive another ticket for a reserved bench. Thus eliminating the need for saving seats, line places, or having to wait a couple of hours for ideal seating. Still, I think Fantasmic is a great way to free up some of the Lines for ToT and RnR.


New Member
Originally posted by mktiggerman
Holding a spot for a family member is acceptable, EXCEPT in Fantasmic, where it is heavily frowned upon. You can get away with it, but if your seat is taken while you're gone, the CM's, while they will understand, will have little sympathy.

Well Rob... I did it! :D I don´t care if people do it if the person went to the bathroom or to buy a snack, or if the bigger amount of people in the party are seated waiting. I don´t like seeing one or two persons in the family saving a whole bench right in the middle for the 10 other people in their party. In our case, we were five seated saving a place for only two. :animwink:

Like Scooter said, I hate seeing people jump the queue with snacks and drinks while you are waiting in line. But you know what? you can do the same too!:D What I hate is when people just show up at the very moment they are going to ride and start jumping the ropes in between others to catch their party at the very beginning. Think of the queue of IASW, that´s what I mean... :animwink:


Active Member
We did the spot saving New Years Eve. My bro and I would go explore Epcot, my mon and dad saved our spots, and we switched off.. for 7 hours.. until the greatest show ever took place over the Lagoon... Illuminations 2000:Refelctions of Earth...
but I guess it's not the same as waiting in line, eh?


Well-Known Member
hee hee hee....made me have a flash back of our may/june trip!
my poor husband had to stay with the strollers...two-one of our own that had the 2 yr old in it. then the double stroller from Disney. We were at our parade spot well over an hour before parade time...for the stars and cars parade. well half an hour before the parade the 5yr old decides she has to use the I take both the 5 yr old and the 8 yr old. my husband stood next to the stroller with the baby in it. our 12 yr old nephew sat on the curb wedged between the two strollers and our 15 yr old nephew sat on the other side of the double stroller. I was gone maximum of 10 minutes irate family really got mad and started yelling because my husband wouldn't move the strollers and the boys....15 minutes before parade time...these people wanted great I come walking up with the girls from the restroom...and here comes a CM to see what the problem is. Lucky for us some nice couple from England verified to the family and the CM that we had all been "doing squaters rights" sitting for over an hour curb side for the parade..the cm didnt have a problem that we weren't there but this family was mighty mad that they didnt get curb side seats 15 minutes before start of parade....I don't have a problem with people running errands while waiting for parades....or running a child to the restroom but I do have a problem with one person holding line spots for 10+ thanks for letting me rant~


New Member
I believe that everyone should have to wait in line with everyone else. It's only fair. Plus if you have people switching like that - why not just get a Fastpass instead of going through the hassle of fighting the crowd? I don't mind if you save a few seats at a parade show rather than standing in front of me when I have been waiting for an hour.


Well-Known Member
Well nothing p*sses me off more than people jumping queues, especially Fantasmic. If my family and I take the trouble to join the queue some 90 minutes before the show starts then I expect those in front to queue for a similar time.
My suggestion is as follows. The WHOLE party joins the queue. When fellow guests BEHIND you join in the line then 1 or 2 from your group can leave - this way the party behind you can vouch that you have been in the line in front of them for at least some of the time.
As for 2 or 3 people saving an entire section of bench for the missing people in their party FORGET IT. As above, the entire party should arrive together and 1 or 2 leave at a time.
CM's should be on hand to ensure all large gaps are filled immediately, instead of waiting 10 - 15 minutes before the show starts. If people can't be bothered to arrive in good time to get a good seat then they should be standing at the back.

Pumbas Nakasak

Heading for the great escape.
The concept of Q ing is alien to some nations, (im thinking Germans ) they also like to "reserve" seats, loungers, places at the bar. But to be fair if you dont normally q why would you start on holiday.
Here's my two cents., In Feb. at the magical moments parade, our group of five was in the second row. My view was already partially obstructed by a huge mickey balloon attached to a stroller. When the dad decided to take the child for a walk before the parade another couple wanted to "seize the opportunity" to invade this man's staked out spot and not to mention make me feel like a squished sardine. Well I must admit this is my parade tactic for people who try to do this to my clan - I just put my elbow on my hip and have my elbow take up a huge space to the left or right wherever the person is trying to squueze in. Works every time.:lol:


RunDisney Addict
I have no problem with someone that was in line or the seat and left for a couple minutes...but when one person holds a bench for people who have never stood in line, that's where i draw the line.

We were one of the first people in line last time, and wanted like 3rd row...well the lady at the front of the line promptly took a bag full of stuff and filled that whole row with it. When i saw it, i gathered it all up, handed it to her, and said "this is yours". Then we sat down. She tried to tell me she was saving seats, but then I said, they weren't in line, they won't get to be seated near to you. I also told her to think and not cheat next time. I then encouraged others to take up her remaining saved spots.

I love being evil.


New Member
If you get out of line or were never in line to begin with then FIND THE END OF THE LINE!!! Holding spaces for someone that is out enjoying something else in the park rather than toughing out the queue like everyone else is unacceptable...
Please raise your hand while you are in the next line you enter... I would be more than happy to cut right in front of you since you think it's ok!
Theme park queue lines = survival of the fittest

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