Had to put my two cents in to this whole matter.
The reason I come to these boards is to exchange information, chat with Dis-nerds from around the globe, and learn things that I didn't know about Disney. Anything regarding confirmed plans, rumors, new rides/attractions, and leaked info is just bonus to me. Before these boards I would have never thought ANYONE would be able to know or talk about future plans for The World other than Disney execs and the like.
Now that I know some things can get out before "official announcements" I enjoy ANY knowledgeable person to share what they have available to share.
Juan- Although Disney has come out and said that changes are in the works I appreciate the hints you've been trying to drop (although I feel like a moron that I haven't put the pieces together yet). I know you WANT to tell us but obviously for fear of reprecussions to your job you are unable to. I also know that as soon as you believe you're able to say something, you will. Which may be after Disney already comes forth but if so, whatever. I enjoy the fact that you as a Disney fan seem REALLY excited for these changes and that alone allows me to speculate and salivate until these changes are announced. So thank you.
Lee- Thank you for not just putting out whatever is given to you from all sources you have. That is exactly how rumors can grow out of control. Someone says "x" is getting built and another says "y". "Y" gets built and then you have a ton of angry board members flaming your name when "x" doesn't get built and it wasn't even something YOU said. I know you'll probably end up sorting it all out and will probably be able to say something before Juan. And if you do, great! If not, oh well.
Everyone else- Please respect these posters. They are not getting paid to feed us secret plans from Disney. They are just posters who are a little more connected than the rest of us and try to provide us with as much credible info as possible without getting themselves or their sources in trouble. No amount of PMing to each other is going to cushion something like this. If needed, it can all be traced back to the original person. They would honestly be better off calling one another. But none of us should expect anything from them except what they are willing to give us.
Thanks for reading...