The more I think about a Kingdom Keepers attraction, the more I think it's a perfect fit for FLE. In addition to the points I mentioned way earlier in this thread, it fits some additional criteria people are looking for....
-It's a franchise (albeit a book franchise) that is huge on villains! It would essentially be a villains ride (coaster, maybe...but wouldn't it be an awesome use of the Tokyo Pooh technology?), which so many people have demanded for so long. The master villains of the series are Chernabog and Maleficent, how cool would it be to have your "hunny pot" on a tour with Finn of a new WDW attraction (the main characters of the stories are hologram guides in the parks), and we encounter a bunch of crazy villains, making the tour go awry. The finale could be a run-in with none other than Maleficent herself (how about a cool AA, please?)!
-While it's a successful book franchise (and could make for some awesome much potential), the average guest would recognize the characters in the attraction, because they're FROM all the movies and attractions...the attraction could help build the franchise even more, which could in turn fuel the attraction...(and the cycle continues). There wouldn't be any trouble driving guests to this attraction, because it's new (of course), and because the characters are easily recognizable. It would please book geeks, WDW fanbois, and the average guest alike (imho, of course :lol
It's funny, Iger has talked in the past about franchises, and here's a franchise that is both established in its own right, yet features a plethora of characters who are also parts of their own established franchises. Add to it the biggest franchise of all, and really a character in the books - the parks themselves, and it just seems like such a good fit...
I's funny, I was talking about this thread to my sister earlier, and this idea, to my sister, who has never read the books (and is a 32 year old librarian, who knows a ton of tweens who love them). Not having read the books, she thought it sounded cool. Just thought I'd share my thoughts. I'm not really one for speculating on these types of threads, but I just think this would be so cool if it were part of the FLE. End of ramble