

New Member
Original Poster
Just wondering, does anyone know how SSE is coming along, I heard that Mickey's hand wont be down till sept, any rumors coming about?


Well-Known Member
how bout reading one of the hundred other threads instead of posting something that has no importance what so ever.

Maybe you should look through the forums to see what other people have posted and here is a video for you,

not from this site but it conveys the message

btw this not news or rumors this is in the wrong category this belongs in general disscusion


Well-Known Member
how bout reading one of the hundred other threads instead of posting something that has no importance what so ever.

Maybe you should look through the forums to see what other people have posted and here is a video for you,

not from this site but it conveys the message

btw this not news or rumors this is in the wrong category this belongs in general disscusion

I don't know this guy, but cut'im some slack. He's new and probably doesn't know much about the forums yet. I remember when I was new. It's not a good feeling to make a mistake and have everyone get mad at you for it, and I made several!:lol:

DisneyMania121, Welcome to the Boards!!!:wave:

The Mom

Premium Member
Just wondering, does anyone know how SSE is coming along, I heard that Mickey's hand wont be down till sept, any rumors coming about?

Several members have been posting almost daily updates on the demolition. Nothing has been posted for the last two days because the crew has not been working on weekends. There will be updates as soon as work restarts, so there is no reason to keep starting threads asking for updates.


Well-Known Member
I don't know this guy, but cut'im some slack. He's new and probably doesn't know much about the forums yet. I remember when I was new. It's not a good feeling to make a mistake and have everyone get mad at you for it, and I made several!:lol:

DisneyMania121, Welcome to the Boards!!!:wave:

The reason I posted this was that this same poster starts the same thread everyday when they could easily find this info by reading the other posts, if you have something to contribute to the news and rumors than you should, if you don't then don't post anything and try reading other threads that actually contain some news.


Active Member
I don't know this guy, but cut'im some slack. He's new and probably doesn't know much about the forums yet. I remember when I was new. It's not a good feeling to make a mistake and have everyone get mad at you for it, and I made several!:lol:

DisneyMania121, Welcome to the Boards!!!:wave:

There doesn't seem to be a whole lot of slack given around here anymore. Ever since the Gen. G incident the decorum on this board has gone down to the point that I rarely post here anymore. Maybe there should be a concerted effort by all of us to cut some slack to all posters on this board before more members jump ship. I know I have one leg over the rail already.
Just my two cents.

The Mak

There doesn't seem to be a whole lot of slack given around here anymore. Ever since the Gen. G incident the decorum on this board has gone down to the point that I rarely post here anymore. Maybe there should be a concerted effort by all of us to cut some slack to all posters on this board before more members jump ship. I know I have one leg over the rail already.
Just my two cents.

If there were no slack given, this poster would be banned and given an embarrassing member title and avatar like on the somethingawful forums. This forum is extremely forgiving compared to most other forums. The fact that this thread isn't locked yet is also a big hint towards that (this thread is neither news nor rumor, and here we still are).


Well-Known Member
There doesn't seem to be a whole lot of slack given around here anymore. Ever since the Gen. G incident the decorum on this board has gone down to the point that I rarely post here anymore. Maybe there should be a concerted effort by all of us to cut some slack to all posters on this board before more members jump ship. I know I have one leg over the rail already.
Just my two cents.
From your signature: “It’s a mistake not to give people a chance to learn to depend on themselves while they are young.”
We are just letting him know his mistakes, and hopefully he will learn. Patience is the hardest thing to learn (have you ever been in a WDW queue?:lol: ). He will learn.
I have found that there is an influx of "children" visiting these boards this summer (no one knows how to "go outside and play" anymore :lol: )!


Well-Known Member
There doesn't seem to be a whole lot of slack given around here anymore. Ever since the Gen. G incident the decorum on this board has gone down to the point that I rarely post here anymore. Maybe there should be a concerted effort by all of us to cut some slack to all posters on this board before more members jump ship. I know I have one leg over the rail already.
Just my two cents.

In the past month or so, I've seen this General Grizz member and "incident" referred to quite a few times. I was neither a member nor a lurker in 2005 when this happened, but after some research, I pinned the culmination of the incident as this thread:

After reading it, I think I've gathered a general impression of that individual's posts. (This is all off the topic of this thread, but it goes towards the general attitude that things were better in the past on these boards...which oddly fits the theme of that thread concerning the Disney company in general).

I think it's important that people be courteous to one another while posting on a forum. However, when mutual courteous ceases, I don't believe one party has some inherent obligation to uphold courteousness. Then other members come along, see the second person (who was 'harmed' in the first place) and without knowing the first poster's past history, defend that individual despite lacking knowledge of the scope of the situation.

That is what has happened here. Several good members who have posted 'unkind' things here have previously attempted to help the other poster ease into posting here. The other poster ignored this advice, and subsequently has received less than cordial responses.

Personally, I don't like this whole mentality of cutting someone slack simply because they are new to a forum. If you're new, lurk for a bit, gain an understanding of the culture on the board, then post. If I go to England, drive on the wrong side of the road, and hit another car and injure or kill another individual, am I going to be cut slack because I didn't know the rules of the road? Certainly not, and while that's an extreme example, I think people should understand what they're doing, before they do it.

Since I strayed from my off-hand rant with that paragraph, I'll stray a little more with this one. Debate isn't always friendly; while it should be, and we should try to be respectful for one another as much as possible, sometimes people conflate another's refutation of their opinion as an insult on them as a person. There is not always a clear line with this type of conversation, and sometimes we need to slow down and blow some steam off another way, before we respond to a post here that we find offensive or so wrong, it's stupid/insulting/offensive. But, insults invariably happen. I have insulted others here, and for that I apologize; others have insulted me, and for that, I forgive. I think understanding the heated nature of debate helps understand why things aren't always completely friendly (debate about anything, don't use the excuse that this shouldn't be heated debate since it's "only" Disney. People have strong opinions about every conceivable subject), and helps us realize we might want to shrug off unpleasantness and move on.

I don't know if there was a cohesive point to all this rambling, but if there was one, it's this: WDWMagic is still a great place to be--what some people consider as a sign that the forums are deteriorating is just a sign to me that debate is taking place. And honestly, isn't spirited debate better than docile and uninteresting banter, even if we personally are offended now and again?

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