SSE Reviews


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It's allot of hanging blue LED lights that look like a high tech grid. It's a great effect. (at least we have one!)


Premium Member
Not much of a review as much as it's a compilation of changes to the classic scenes that I got from videos (actual riders should have much more)!

Posted this in another thread but hear you go anyway.

1) Cave men
*Leader moves wonderfully
*Cave drawings move? Yes they do, its pretty cool, one of the positive points
(are all the cave dwellers there or are we missing one?)
2) Egyptians
*Papyrus maker now has a cap
*Pharaoh and co have new costumes and caps (advisor's Leopard coat is gone but he finally has a cap to cover his bald head)
3) Phoenicians
*Boats and characters move great
(hows the area adjacent to them with the matte painting of a boat?) Nothing but black now
4) Greeks
*Two actors are replaced with a philosopher (Socrates?) and three listeners
5) Rome
*Movements look better and predicting the projection will too
6) Islamics
*Down to three from four Arabs and they have new costumes (one with a huge turban)
*Jewish guy is squatting instead of standing
*All have great movement
7) Cathedral Abbey
*Writing Monk has realistic wrist action
8) Germans
*Gutenberg and co now have realistic movement
9) Italians
*The two Berries and Cream guys have been replaced with a grey eybrowed Sam Elliott from Ghost Rider
*The male musician is older and now has a mustache
*Both musician now have stands that they read their music off of
*They now have great movement
*Statue now politically correct
*Michelangelo now has realistic arm movement
10) The Age of Invention
*Newspapers now read Civil War Over (paper boy now shouts this)
The paper boy has been moved toward the back of the scene and is facing backwards
*You can now hear what is being prepared for the Telegraph (new movement)
*Radio show actor has new costume and now has a hat (new movement)
*Female radio actor is gone
The radio call letters on the microphone have been changed from WED to WDI
*Movie montage (Snow White, 20,000 Leagues, Harold Lloyd) is now a theater showing undetermined film/s
*Television montage (Wonderful World of Color, Ozzie and Harriet, NFL Championship Game) has become a detailed living room with the little girl moved off a stool and onto a chair to her right and a new figure on the ground, all watching man's first steps on the moon
11) Computers
*Computer room replaces the picture talk and uses two new adult animatronics in place of the two kids
*Garage Scene replaces the same area with the invention of the personal computer and adds another animatronic
*Electronic babble neon lights replaced with matrix effect

Money well spent :sohappy:Add more as you find it!



Premium Member
Can you explain more about the "blue grid", I'm very interested!!

There is a nice blue 3D grid (cube) of lights just after the descent begins. Your vehicle passes through it, and it does give a disorientating feeling. However, the horrors of the video finale then begin, and the whole descent turns very very dull.
Think of a 3D grid, making boxes, but without the lines. At each corner of a box, there's a blue light. So, grid minus the lines made of blue dots floating in space. It stretches out seemingly endlessly in all directions.

Its where the classroom was, so you sort of twist down into it at angle, for a very disorienting effect.

It's allot of hanging blue LED lights that look like a high tech grid. It's a great effect. (at least we have one!)

There is a nice blue 3D grid (cube) of lights just after the descent begins. Your vehicle passes through it, and it does give a disorientating feeling. However, the horrors of the video finale then begin, and the whole descent turns very very dull.

Ah, I get it! Thanks! And I see it in this video, right when it's time to "choose your future" part! Very cool, I'm sure it's more impressive in person but still very cool!


video credit: pseybert


Active Member
Original Poster
It looks like nothing is changing since the construction walls are reported to come down sometime next week.

See below from:,0,2982744.story

"Construction walls near Spaceship Earth, iconic sphere of the theme park, will fall sometime next week, after five months of refurbishment, Walt Disney World officials said. Inside are changes in content, new interactive components and enhancements of items that have marked the attraction since Day One."

I really hope Disney reads these blogs and understands they've created a crappy iconic attraction.


Well-Known Member
Again, like most others, I'm going to do this review based on Jose's vids that were posted earlier. Again, I'm going to be doing a final critique once I get on there myself. As MMC has pointed it out, even just in the past 2 days a single line has been taken out, and an old projection has returned. We don't know what they still have up their sleeves; heck, I didn't even want to watch the videos before I rode, but when everyone is starting to devide into two legions of people cause of this...well, I had to see it for myself.

The pros are obviously the new lighting, new sets, the fluidity of the new AA's, and the new scenes, are absolutely awesome. I myself didn't know that sooo much space was there for that one computer scene. Absolutely amazing. The videoscreens themselves as well are amazing, and the design on them (ie, visual design) are great.

So, to the cons: Yes, I agree with most folks: the Descent is VERY disappointing. I don't have any problem with the Ascent, cause like it's been always (to me, at least, since I've only seen the Irons version) been dark and instructing folks on what the ride is and all, etc. The narration I can't comment too much on, since at times it sounded like babble cause of the echo, BUT, it did sound alright. It just sounds more and more impersonal through the whole thing, and while that's okay depending on the context of the dialogue, but I personally prefer a more formal sounding dialogue. NOT monotone, just formal.

Sooo, back to the Descent:
What are main issues? Like with everyone else, yes, I do have a problem with the fact of how there's nothing but lights and the videoscreen, BUT, again, most of them haven't been on, so again, I'll wait til that happens. However, I can see where a BIG part of the problem lies, and CAN be fixed easily.

To Imagineers if they are even reading this:

-- If you guys plan to leave the ride as it is now, (ie, the videoscreens and all) here's the big thing you need to fix: TIMING. The timing is screwed up in plenty of ways with this. One, I would say maybe, if possible, add a bit more narration instead of it being right immediately after the 180. How to do this, in a relatively cheap and non-time consuming way, you ask? Move the lines of narration that begin with "30,000 years of time traveling", to right at the beginning of the the Descent. There, add several projection screens, with each having little montages of famous landmarks, inventions from old to new ones. (Think the montages done in the Cinema sequence.) Add some spacing between the final line/s between that one about 30,000 years and the inventions, to the line/s before doing the videoscreen.

Lastly, the videoscreen. While the look of it, in the visual design, is great. However, two issues plague it: One, is how the program loads your selected 'future' in. It should be immediate, or at least just about 10-15 seconds, no more. That took WAY too long. Plus, the facts are REALLY unnecessary. We don't need to be quizzed on what we saw before. That, and people won't be interested in that (Take note of a motto of something I learned in while doing and studying theater: Always remember that the audience is stupid.). That brings me to my other point: The audience is stupid and this IS a family ride, but the cartoon ending just takes away from ALL the seriousness that was done before. It's like you're getting a Thanksgiving meal: You get small appetizers, and it gets larger and larger, and soon enough, you get the motherload of a turkey. Well, in this case, the motherload of a turkey is 3/4 smaller than the rest of the meal. Or, if you want me to be firm, a slap in the face. If you guys want to stick with the animation, then go with CGI. No little Meet the Robinsons character's either. Put it in a first-person perspective, and to have a more deep sounding guy for the narration and no cartoony music during it; annd, as much as I would love to see the facial recognition technology at the end being implemented in the segment, to me, it personally sounds REALLY cheesy and tacky. It probably would have most people laughing instead of acting like, "Hey, cool! My face is on the screen!"

Lastly, if it isn't on cause of the lights, PUT BACK THE MODEL OF SSE BACK. That's one thing I absolutely LOVED bout the ending was seeing that. It brought a sense of hope and wonder at what the human race could be capable of. That brings me to my other and last point: With this ending, without another piece of narration after the videoscreens, THE WHOLE CENTRAL MESSAGE OF THE RIDE FALLS APART. In the end, we are ultimately left with no message or something to think about. Irons did this perfectly with the ending. He asked riders in how we have the responsibility of creating a better future for ourselves and our children. The ending should have the same type of reflection. I myself have an idea for the ending lines, and I'll post them once I get the ideas formed up, haha.

- Annd, on VERY tiny notes on the music: from what I could hear, absolutely great. My only two issues with it? 1) The 180top. The music should feel grand, sweeping, a climax unto itself. As a soundtrack lover, how it is now is very underwhelming. Very soft, and it shouldn't be that way; and my other is a bit of a personal preference of mine, but in this case, goes a long way: the communication-now-Matrix tunnel. The music is very...different, haha, to say the least. I almost don't like it at all. In combination with the 180top, it should start soft and escalate more and more. The Irons version does that REALLY well, and to tell you the truth, is my favorite part musically in all of SSE besides the 180 and the old Ascent/Descent. It should really give the momentum for the rest of the ride.

Basically: You guys have a LOT to work on, but I got faith in you guys! :sohappy:

I shall be back with a good ending narration! :)


Well-Known Member
I had a chance to ride SSE twice today and these are my thoughts:

I am not at all thrilled with the end. You have this great build up and then an awesome climax with the 180 top but from then on its all down hill (figuratively and literally) into a big black mess. The only part of "the return to earth" that I enjoyed was the first lighting effect. It was very cool but it only lasted for a few seconds.

I think it's great that Disney is trying to make the theme park experience more personal and interactive I just feel that the "create your world of tomorrow" is so much of a cop out. Disney you could have taken this to the next level by creating scenes that have video screens built into the sets like in the Nemo attraction at the Seas. As you ride back to earth the choices you make about the future could appear in the show. Instead I get a boring second rate video that I quickly grew tired of. Also if I were to change my mind about a choice I had no way to go back and fix it. I also know that there are some individuals out there who may not want to select any choices and ignore the screen prompts altogether. For them they have nothing to look at for the last five minutes of their ride. Also in the "create your own future" it asks you where you are from but does not relate this to you at all in your video.

I think Judi Dench did a wonderful job on the narration but she is cozy and quaint for an attraction that requires a grand and impressive narration. I think it's great to have a female narrator but I miss the commanding presence of Jeremy Irons. I also feel the script itself as mentioned before insults the intelligence of the audience, although it didn't bother me as much the second time I rode it. Still I would like to see some tweaking of the script.

I think all the scenes looked amazing with the small touches they made to each one. My favorite little change would have to be the cave drawings moving. I also thought the two news scenes (although the first one more than the second) looked great. My only complaints with the scenes are I miss the video of Walt in the living room (which looks SO much better than the abstract living room it once was!), the fact that you have this big black ball of nothing after the "matrix" tunnel before the 180 top, and I was extremely, extremely upset they removed the Greek Theater scene. Theatre has played such a role in our history I find it upsetting that there is reference to all the arts but no reference to theatre.

While I knew I would miss the old score I'm still on the fence about the new one. It goes back to my problem with Judi being quaint and cozy. The new score just feels to trapped to me. When I think of Epcot's music I always think of Grand and Powerful and Majestic and Inspired. This music was just, nice. It lacks the showmanship of Epcot.

Another thought I had while riding the ride is that now with the touch screens it is clear that there is an on-board computer with the ability to play two different audio tracks in a car for the passengers in the front row and the back row. Now a days with so much focus on Diversity (especially in Epcot with World Showcase) and the fact that WDW brings in so many foreign guest why isn't there the option to pick what language the narration is in? It just seems like a no brainer to me.

Now I realize that the ride is not finished but at the start of the ride they took my picture. I was told this would be important for later but at no time did it ever come up again. Is this for the post show?

Despite my disappointment with the end I feel the Imagineers did a wonderful job with this refurbishment and re-imagining of Space Ship Earth. I can not wait to see the final product on February 18th.

Captain Hank

Well-Known Member
Lastly, the videoscreen. While the look of it, in the visual design, is great. However, two issues plague it: One, is how the program loads your selected 'future' in. It should be immediate, or at least just about 10-15 seconds, no more. That took WAY too long. Plus, the facts are REALLY unnecessary. We don't need to be quizzed on what we saw before.
There's a practical reason for the "loading period" and quiz: timing. The computer doesn't know how long it will take for guests to answer the pre-video questions. However, it does know how long the video will be (it's likely that all of them are the same length), and also when it has to start playing the video so it doesn't get cut off by the closing narration. Thus, the Imagineers were left with two options: start the video as soon as all of the choices are made, thus risking dead silence between the end of the video and the closing narration, or put dead space in prior to the video starting, so that the end of the video flows directly into the closing narration. The Imagineers chose the latter. Thus, the "loading time" isn't a loading time at all, but a time buffer. The quiz is just something to look at during this "dead" time.


New Member
Big time lurker here...but I figured that I will leave my comments after riding twice today.

I am half and half on this refurbishment. The ascent is very well done, and I think that I would like the score if I could hear it. The descent is poorly executed, and I think the narration needs to be changed, not necessarily from Judi Dench, but in what is said and how it is said.

The Ascent
The ride up has been done excellently from that first screen to the new personal computer scene. Everything looks refreshed and cleaned. The AAs are excellent. I do miss the theater scene, but think that its replacement is fine. I really like the new living room scene and computer scenes. Overall, the physical part of the ascent is very good.

The Narration
I am going to have to get used to Judi Dench. I think that she could be a very good narrator, but her voice is all over the place in terms of intonation and pitch. There are some points where I feel that the way she speaks should be a bit more solemn and slow and not giddy/excited. The very first line, "Like and grand a miraculous spaceship...," should be said with a feeling of awe and wonder. Now it sounds like someone rehearsing for a play to find the right level of emotion. I do like some of the added humor, but overall the narration and script did not leave me feeling like I had learned something or experienced something great. It was cheesy.

The Descent
The descent needs work. The blue grid effect is neat, but after that it is lousy. One thing that I loved about the previous version was gliding past all of the different scenes of the future and all of the possibilities: the three scenes of people being connected across great distances, that awesome city and the twinkling lights, and of course, Spaceship Earth itself. It was very awe-inspiring and grand. In a way the old descent let me imagine my own future and ideas for the future from what I was seeing, and the score enhanced it all. I could imagine myself into those scenes. Now I am forced to take a quiz and watch a bright screen tell me how I will vacation and how my luggage will pack for me. If I had wanted to watch the Jetsons I would have stayed home. The descent is childish and did not leave me feeling inspired the way Spaceship Earth did before.

The Score.
I really didn't hear it over the scenes. It doesn't help that I can hear the narration (and each seat's vision of the future) from the car behind and in front. From what I have heard online I do like it, but right now I am longing for the previous version.

I know this is a "preview," but I do fear that this is close to the finished product. Today, Spaceship Earth was not the awe-inspiring attraction that I rode the day it closed in July. I do hope that the work that does need to be done will bring back that sense of awe. If not, Spaceship Earth has lost what I loved about it.


Captain Hank

Well-Known Member
Another thought I had while riding the ride is that now with the touch screens it is clear that there is an on-board computer with the ability to play two different audio tracks in a car for the passengers in the front row and the back row. Now a days with so much focus on Diversity (especially in Epcot with World Showcase) and the fact that WDW brings in so many foreign guest why isn't there the option to pick what language the narration is in? It just seems like a no brainer to me.

Now I realize that the ride is not finished but at the start of the ride they took my picture. I was told this would be important for later but at no time did it ever come up again. Is this for the post show?
It's been announced that this will be an option in the semi-near future. As far as the picture goes, some have been speculating that the riders' faces will be superimposed onto the characters in the video at the end. The locations of the guests from Spaceship Earth will be mapped on the globe in the post-show, courtesy of the "where do you live" question. These and more are outlined in an Orlando Sentinel article from two days ago:,0,3844957.story?coll=orl_tab01_layout (you'll have to scroll down just a bit to see the article)

Mufasa's Pride

New Member
I didn't get to ride it for real, but this is what I think, judging by the video that I just saw.

1. AAs have improved. I am a sucker for the brand new AAs and love that they added those!
2. I like the new design on the outside (i.e the signs and queue)
3. Judi Dench is a very good narrator, but not as good as Jeremy Irons.
4. Costumes are nice for CMs.
5. Computer scene is pretty cool as well.
1. The decent down is just dumb! All your attention is focused on the touch screens which brings me to my next point.
2. The whole ending is just too kiddy!!!!! I thought it was going to be like Horizons where you are in the future, instead of having a cartoon version of you in the animation based on your questions.
3. Judi Dench is lovely, but her voice is all over the place. Either they had problems or they increased the volume significantly!!! When I was watching this, I barely could hear what she was saying, because of all the Judi Denchs' you were hearing.
4. The track is WAY TOO NOISY. I thought the other reason this went under refurb was to fix the track!

I give the new SSE a 3/10 for NOW (hopefully). This rating could go up if they do something better to the descent down! If not, then I will only ride this in April and pay attention to the descent up, but not down!

Is the "cartoonish future" animation similar to the animations projected on the globe in the new postshow. Hopefully not....:hurl:


Well-Known Member
This is all very depressing and a huge huge let down. 50% of it was done incredible, while the second 50% everyone is really upset about, I think Disney has pulled another Imagination in that portion, and of all the attractions this was not the one do that on. I agree if it werent pretty much done they would not be letting you ride so now Im thinking what you saw was probably all there is to it. But Im sure they will be hearing about it.
As for the music, another big dissapointment in my opinion, was not expecting it like that.


Concerning narration, I think it needs to be a bold and dynamic statement on humanity. Emotional and intellectual, one that makes you think, wonder, hope and, dream, much like Irons did. It did for me anyway. The music, well should do the same. The current composer is great but I don't think his style fits right with SSE. His pieces are usually more light and fun, look at UOE. Again I love his work he just doesn't fit SSE's needs for a grand and epic score.

The touch screen ending should not be as plain and retro looking as it is. It is supposed to represent the future so why does it look like I live in the 50's? The Irons descent was more emotional. The music, the emotion, it actually made me tear up on occasion thinking about all of mankind leading up to our times, and that we must not screw it up and help to build a better brighter tomorrow for ourselves and everyone after us.

I will reserve final judgment for when I ride it but that is how I feel now.


New Member
Concerning narration, I think it needs to be a bold and dynamic statement on humanity. Emotional and intellectual, one that makes you think, wonder, hope and, dream, much like Irons did. It did for me anyway. The music, well should do the same.

This is exactly how I feel about the narration of Spaceship Earth. The Irons version did that for me. It was powerful and inspiring. I think that Judi Dench could do this as well, but not with the current script.

Perhaps the touchscreens should be used in the beginning to choose the narrator you will hear throughout the ride. :lol:


Well-Known Member
Just thought of this.

Maybe the old ending peppers ghosts scenes are still up there. In fact, from rideing it, it sure looked as if the glass was still up there. All they have to do is TURN THAT BACK ON and nix the touch screens. That alone would be enough of a quick fix. Heck honestly, why even have the touch screens in the first place? They are, really at this point. The only major drawback to this rehab.



Active Member
Original Poster
Maybe the touch screens should offer an opportunity to take a survey about the rehab! That would be immediate feedback about the attraction. Once complete, they can take them out all together or just throw a Siemens logo on them to make the sponsor happy. Just add additional content to the descent.

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