SSE Reviews


Active Member
Original Poster
Let's use this thread to capture all reviews for SSE.

With that said, here's mine:

Positive Changes::sohappy:

1. The cast received new costumes which are nice.

2. The landscaping done by the Horticultural team looks wonderful.

3. The new score was playing in the queue area and sounded great. A very nice update.

4. The new exterior lighting on SSE is very nice and makes the park icon shine.

5. The vortex tunnel received new flat screen tv's and some minor updates which are nice additions. You also get your photo taken in this area.

6. The caveman mammoth video projection was updated and looks way better than the old. Great job!

7. All animatronics look great. New costumes and movements are incredibly impressive. Once again, nice update to a great attraction!

8. New computer room scene has a nice retro feel and flavor. Love it!

9. Global Neighborhood was designed well and feels so much better than before.

10. Judy Dench was a nice update.


1. From the top down was just awful! Epcot's descent into hell! (And that's being nice)

2. The track is as bumpy and rough as ever. Just pathetic for an attraction that's been down for over 5 months.

3. The new screens added to the ride vehicles are distracting you from nothing...unfortunately. They're unimaginative and take away the updated but classic ascent of the attraction. They just are not cohesive with the story line what so ever.

4. Descending for 7 minutes in total darkness while watching a cheesy Disney Channel reject type cartoon is disheartening and insulting to the history of the attraction. This feature makes you totally forget about all the great newness in the first half of the ride and makes you leave with a bitter taste in your mouth.

5. The lightning effect at the load area was not working.

6. Even with adding the super imposed photo to the finale video, this element will not make up for the lacking content. More show scenes are needed and less video crap!

7. Although excited to ride, I was disappointed Disney would think the attraction was in a state of "show ready". It was so unfinished and lacked luster it made you wonder why they would ever allow guests on it! Just sad....

Overall, the attraction receives 5 out of 10 stars from me. This is due 100% to the descent being unacceptable. Siemens should demand the finale be corrected and should be ashamed until that happens! I will be letting them know that myself.

I know the attraction is not complete but who's decision was it to allow guests on in its current state! (they should be fired!)


Well-Known Member
Michael said that there is a sign stating that the ride does not open officially until February and that they are inviting you to join them on a reimagined Spaceship Earth while they add the finishing touches..and to not be upset if they close at any time.

So they are just trying it out I guess and getting a feel of it and what people think

He just rode it a minute ago.

The chariot is back up in Rome and there was some lightening effects on the descent.


Active Member
I just posted this in another thread, but I'm copying it here so that maybe it's easier.

I've taken a couple more trips on Spaceship Earth. Some observations:
-They started letting Guests in at about 1625, and were still letting them in when I left EPCOT around 1710.
-The horse and chariot projection has returned in Rome.
-There was a line that disappeared since Thursday, where Judi Dench says "Thank the Phoenicians." I couldn't tell if anything else in the narration changed.
-My second trip today had an Imagineer sitting in the rear of the Time Machine behind me, with a keyboard and mouse pad plugged into it, working on it throughout the ride.
-Looking at the fixtures past where the glitter city used to be, seems to be a lot of the same fiber optic stuff that was there before, just not turned on. The sparkles that came out of the line that swooped around the Spaceship Earth model are still there and were on.
-I think the two children are static figures from the old finale. The boy looks like the one that was chatting with the girl from Japan (the old bedroom where the 60s computer room is now), and the daughter looks to maybe the Japanese girl he was talking to.
-Picking up on what Merf said, it looks like the picture of your face could definitely be superimposed into that video, the figures in it are kind of generic, without any specific reference to gender, besides the faces. It makes sense.
-There was also a nice new sign out at the beginning of the queue that reads "Welcome Aboard Spaceship Earth Join us on a re-Imagineered journey through time as we add the finishing touches to this EPCOT adventure Please keep in mind that we may need to close at any time... Official Reopening February 2008"


Well-Known Member
-The horse and chariot projection has returned in Rome.

-Looking at the fixtures past where the glitter city used to be, seems to be a lot of the same fiber optic stuff that was there before, just not turned on. The sparkles that came out of the line that swooped around the Spaceship Earth model are still there and were on.

YES, ok its sounding a little better, lets let them keep working on it :)

Also, the woman who use to be in the radio booth, isnt she now in the new computer room scene on the left???


Rating 3/10

I didn't get to ride it for real, but this is what I think, judging by the video that I just saw.

1. AAs have improved. I am a sucker for the brand new AAs and love that they added those!
2. I like the new design on the outside (i.e the signs and queue)
3. Judi Dench is a very good narrator, but not as good as Jeremy Irons.
4. Costumes are nice for CMs.
5. Computer scene is pretty cool as well.
1. The decent down is just dumb! All your attention is focused on the touch screens which brings me to my next point.
2. The whole ending is just too kiddy!!!!! I thought it was going to be like Horizons where you are in the future, instead of having a cartoon version of you in the animation based on your questions.
3. Judi Dench is lovely, but her voice is all over the place. Either they had problems or they increased the volume significantly!!! When I was watching this, I barely could hear what she was saying, because of all the Judi Denchs' you were hearing.
4. The track is WAY TOO NOISY. I thought the other reason this went under refurb was to fix the track!

I give the new SSE a 3/10 for NOW (hopefully). This rating could go up if they do something better to the descent down! If not, then I will only ride this in April and pay attention to the descent up, but not down!


As I told the imagineer as I exited:

I no longer feel emotionally connected to the ride. I left feeling like I just played another interactive game in Project Tomorrow. There was no excuse for this, and I let him know it.


Account Suspended
Merf rode! Twice!

When i got thee they had just closed the queue and were telling folks to go away. I stood my ground and it opened. The used much of the queue, including the full long switchback near guest relations.

The blue-grid scene is awesome, big improvement over the classroom. After that, the descent falls apart. You can see the wires for the old effects like the grid for the other things - you can see the whole support for the old fiber optic tunnel. Also, expsed metal and other parts of the building, suggesting its nowhere near done.

Also, while the "matrix" is neat looking, it has the support frame showing too obviously and then ends abruptly in what can best be described as the skeleton of the old ride show scene, which you peer through to se the stars before you exit the end of the tunnel. Masked better with abstract shapes it would work, but as it is, it looks unfinished because it looks like the skeleton of a building.

Light also bleeds too much from the matrix into the star field.

Notes from elsewhere.. hidden mickey in the scrolls. Awesome new costumes and they got rid of the creepy smile on the black guy in the printer scene.

Costume changes i can recall.. much better looking cavemen, headdresses for egyptians, the artists all had painted and such, lots more grime and reality on things, even the sistine chapel guy has sweaty wet hair. His arm moves better now too. The female musician is now a brunette. The gold necklace on the greek is a nice touch. The jewish and islamic scholars have much improved costumes.

There are a few scrims and drops which are sagging, but that happens when soft pieces ar new, they stretch. They just need to be tightened. Most notably the one outside the TV-room window.

Also, the black cutouts of an audience is ok.. but not great. It could be done better.

The descent needs more like the blue grid, if it ws just the blue grid it'd be okay. It just has parts of old scenes there that look horrible. It's like they didnt take into account that the screens in the vehicles would shine light on the metal shapes.


Premium Member
Let's use this thread to capture all reviews for SSE.

With that said, here's mine:

Positive Changes::sohappy:

1. The cast received new costumes which are nice.

2. The landscaping done by the Horticultural team looks wonderful.

3. The new score was playing in the queue area and sounded great. A very nice update.

4. The new exterior lighting on SSE is very nice and makes the park icon shine.

5. The vortex tunnel received new flat screen tv's and some minor updates which are nice additions. You also get your photo taken in this area.

6. The caveman mammoth video projection was updated and looks way better than the old. Great job!

7. All animatronics look great. New costumes and movements are incredibly impressive. Once again, nice update to a great attraction!

8. New computer room scene has a nice retro feel and flavor. Love it!

9. Global Neighborhood was designed well and feels so much better than before.

10. Judy Dench was a nice update.


1. From the top down was just awful! Epcot's descent into hell! (And that's being nice)

2. The track is as bumpy and rough as ever. Just pathetic for an attraction that's been down for over 5 months.

3. The new screens added to the ride vehicles are distracting you from nothing...unfortunately. They're unimaginative and take away the updated but classic ascent of the attraction. They just are not cohesive with the story line what so ever.

4. Descending for 7 minutes in total darkness while watching a cheesy Disney Channel reject type cartoon is disheartening and insulting to the history of the attraction. This feature makes you totally forget about all the great newness in the first half of the ride and makes you leave with a bitter taste in your mouth.

5. The lightning effect at the load area was not working.

6. Even with adding the super imposed photo to the finale video, this element will not make up for the lacking content. More show scenes are needed and less video crap!

7. Although excited to ride, I was disappointed Disney would think the attraction was in a state of "show ready". It was so unfinished and lacked luster it made you wonder why they would ever allow guests on it! Just sad....

Overall, the attraction receives 5 out of 10 stars from me. This is due 100% to the descent being unacceptable. Siemens should demand the finale be corrected and should be ashamed until that happens! I will be letting them know that myself.

I know the attraction is not complete but who's decision was it to allow guests on in its current state! (they should be fired!)

I mostly agree with you.

I have one word to describe the Spaceship Earth refurb... underwhelming. The animatronics look good the new scenes are decent but there is no audible score traveling with you through the attraction and the video screens are horrible. They could and should have done better.


New Member
like people have been saying this ISN'T the final product, i wouldn't be criticizing anything until the referb is all said and done. just my opinion.


New Member
Costume changes i can recall.. much better looking cavemen, headdresses for egyptians, the artists all had painted and such, lots more grime and reality on things, even the sistine chapel guy has sweaty wet hair.

Uhh. "The sistine chapel guy"? You mean Michelangelo? Maybe Dench shoulda mentioned his name in her narration. :lookaroun


Premium Member
like people have been saying this ISN'T the final product, i wouldn't be criticizing anything until the referb is all said and done. just my opinion.

I think everyone is just reviewing the ride that has been put infront of them over th past few days. Ready or not, WDI must consider it close enough to finished to let regular guests ride it. Also, historically, very few changes are made from the previews to the final ride.


Premium Member
I just got back from the evening (9 December) previews. I rode twice and wanted to share my feelings.

Unfortunately, I have to say that overall I was extremely dissapointed with the reworked Spaceship Earth. With WDI's recent great track record (Soarin, Nemo, Everest, El Rio, Pirates, Mansion) I really had no concerns going into this - I was very VERY wrong.

I understand the ride is not finished yet. However, with WDI allowing guests to ride, they must be reasonably close to completion. In the past, we havnt really seen significant changes to attractions after previews, so I am guessing the same will be here. So just to restate - I am reviewing the preview version shown to park guests today.

The Good

- Most of the scenes up to the top have been improved. Animatronics are smoother, sets well lit, and restored to good order.

- A couple of new scenes have been installed, and they are good. I wouldn't say they are spectacular, but they are good.

- The audio is stable and does not cut out.

- Nice new landscaping outside the attraction.

- New costumes for Cast are nice.

- Good looking signs.

The Bad

- The return to Earth from the top is an absolute embarassment to WDI. It consists of being in an almost black tunnel (with a few tiny white lights/fibres on the ceiling), and watching a very uninteresting video clip that is created after you answer 5 totally pointless questions. The finale is basically now a typical web-type flash animation that you find all over the place online. I cant really put into words how much of a let down the finale is - you need to see it to believe it. The video system is not a way to spend your time on an omnimover. It is like they decided to put a good chunk of a very boring post-show on the actual ride vehicle.

- The narration content and delivery is not what is required for an attraction of Spaceship Earth's calibre. The narration now resembles the familiarity of a delivery by a teacher or a mom (not that there is anything wrong with either of those! it just doesnt work in Spaceship Earth!), rather than a grand, impressive narration. Judi Dench is totally wrong for this, and the script is not doing any favors. Somehow they are linking Rome with the World Wide Web, and Arabic scholars as being the first backup system. It is all very tenuos and insulting to our intelligence.

- The score is forgettable. It's OK, but doesnt stand out like the previous versions, and doesn't seem to flow through the attraction.

- The ride system is just as bumpy as ever, very little (if anything) was done to address the bumps.

- Nothing at all has been done to the load or unload area. They are just as beat up and worn out looking as they were before the refurb began.

- They have some colored lights on the trees outside that make the palm trees look like they have been spray painted. Its interesting to have some color, but it doesnt look right.


For me, this is by far the worst refurbishment in recent years. It really reminds me of the Imagination saga. It looks to me as though there has possibly been been corporate pressure from Siemens to include certain messages that WDI could only achive via the video return to Earth. The first half of the ride is a fine, but the second half, and unfortunately the memory you walk away with, is a total mess. I didnt see anyone leaving the ride in a usual "I've just been on an awesome new Disney ride" kinda buzz. A lot seemed to be somewhat shell shocked, but I didnt really get a chance to hear anyone elses comments.

Disney are still saying February for reopening, so they have time to do some fixing. I guess it all depends on what the average guest thinks. My views may or may not match those. I can say though, to me, Spaceship Earth was CONSIDERABLY better prior to the refurbishment, and I just hope someone at Disney stands up and makes it clear to whoever is orchestrating the changes that it isnt good enough for Epcot's signature attraction.


Premium Member
like people have been saying this ISN'T the final product, i wouldn't be criticizing anything until the referb is all said and done. just my opinion.

If they don't consider it show worthy then it really shouldn't be open. It must be in a nearly complete state for them to allow previews. I've done a number of soft openings and everytime the rides have been show worthy and nearly complete to the point where I doubt I would have noticed any changes after final opening.

If there are major improvements to this attraction between now and Feb. then I'll eat my hat, but I'm really doubting it. :shrug:


Account Suspended
I personally am happy with the ride until you head into the 180-top. The matrix seems too short and then it revealing the old ride scene skeleton just looks bad. The 180-top seems stripped all of the old black forms, so it feels more open, it's ok.

Then you start down... there's a net overhead for no apparent reason. Maybe a future scene or projection? Anywho, that goes to the blue grid. The blue grid is awesome and one of the neatest effects i've seen in a ride in ages. It's really disorienting.

But after that? Blah.


Active Member
Original Poster
Agreed. If the attraction wasn't somewhat completed they should of never opened it to the public. The rehab is an embarrassment to WDI and the Epcot Leadership.

I hope for the best but honestly the rehab makes you want to cry. (or throw up):hurl:


Not much of a review as much as it's a compilation of changes to the classic scenes that I got from videos (actual riders should have much more)!

Posted this in another thread but hear you go anyway.

1) Cave men
*Leader moves wonderfully
*Cave drawings move?
(are all the cave dwellers there or are we missing one?)
2) Egyptians
*Papyrus maker now has a cap
*Pharaoh and co have new costumes and caps (advisor's Leopard coat is gone but he finally has a cap to cover his bald head)
3) Phoenicians
*Boats and characters move great
(hows the area adjacent to them with the matte painting of a boat?)
4) Greeks
*Two actors are replaced with a philosopher (Socrates?) and three listeners
5) Rome
*Movements look better and predicting the projection will too
6) Islamics
*Down to three from four Arabs and they have new costumes (one with a huge turban)
*Jewish guy is squatting instead of standing
*All have great movement
7) Cathedral Abbey
*Writing Monk has realistic wrist action
8) Germans
*Gutenberg and co now have realistic movement
9) Italians
*The two Berries and Cream guys have been replaced with a grey eybrowed Sam Elliott from Ghost Rider
*The male musician is older and now has a mustache
*Both musician now have stands that they read their music off of
*They now have great movement
*Statue now politically correct
*Michelangelo now has realistic arm movement
10) The Age of Invention
*Newspapers now read Civil War Over (paper boy now shouts this)
*You can now hear what is being prepared for the Telegraph (new movement)
*Radio show actor has new costume and now has a hat (new movement)
*Female radio actor is gone
*Movie montage (Snow White, 20,000 Leagues, Harold Lloyd) is now a theater showing undetermined film/s
*Television montage (Wonderful World of Color, Ozzie and Harriet, NFL Championship Game) has become a detailed living room with the little girl moved off a stool and onto a chair to her right and a new figure on the ground, all watching man's first steps on the moon
11) Computers
*Computer room replaces the picture talk and uses two new adult animatronics in place of the two kids
*Garage Scene replaces the same area with the invention of the personal computer and adds another animatronic
*Electronic babble neon lights replaced with matrix effect

Money well spent :sohappy:Add more as you find it!

I personally am happy with the ride until you head into the 180-top. The matrix seems too short and then it revealing the old ride scene skeleton just looks bad. The 180-top seems stripped all of the old black forms, so it feels more open, it's ok.

Then you start down... there's a net overhead for no apparent reason. Maybe a future scene or projection? Anywho, that goes to the blue grid. The blue grid is awesome and one of the neatest effects i've seen in a ride in ages. It's really disorienting.

But after that? Blah.

Can you explain more about the "blue grid", I'm very interested!!


Account Suspended
Think of a 3D grid, making boxes, but without the lines. At each corner of a box, there's a blue light. So, grid minus the lines made of blue dots floating in space. It stretches out seemingly endlessly in all directions.

Its where the classroom was, so you sort of twist down into it at angle, for a very disorienting effect.

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