SSE Progress


Well-Known Member
With all of the talk lately on the boards about the new MGM Studios name and Beastly Kingdom rumors, it seems as though the excitement surrounding SSE has dwindled down a bit.

That being said, has anyone been over there today to see if there has been more progress on the removal of the remaining former Wand structure or the Stars on top of SSE?

I was there today (as usual) - give me a few minutes and I'll have the pics.


Well-Known Member
Someone should really plug up those holes in the wall... :lookaroun


And the wand as it looks today (8/13):





New Member
Dismedic and Unplugged, I spotted your sarcasm right off, don't worry.

S.F.D.Fan, we all know you're legit.

See? Everyone is on the same page.

Back to the topic:

It's seems as if they were in a hurry to get the letters off the wand, maybe they realized they were rusty and about to crash through the roof of the 180 top... :lookaroun
Sorry to drag this off topic once more, but this should sum up the unwanted sidetrack:

I would like to thank everyone who posted in my defense on this relatively unimportant issue. My only claim to any “in-the-know” fame:rolleyes: is my ability to see and verify on/off rental dates concerning the equipment units Disney rents from us. To me, this isn’t really that big of a deal. I am thrilled to have any “connection” to Disney whatsoever, but in reality, this bit of knowledge is nothing to get cocky over. Each and every time I go to post any information regarding the crane rental schedule, I debate if the post is even worth the time and trouble. It seems some of our fellow fans find it appropriate and necessary to viciously belittle and attack to OP without any true ability to verify or argue their informational contribution, be it fact or rumor.

I realize there are people who find it amusing to litter the boards with unfounded rumors of future attractions, 5th gate, etc., but I do not feel the minute bit of info I provide is anything of that magnitude. It is so reassuring to see that the majority here is a positive, welcoming bunch, quickly easing the unkind jabs one has received in the past. Thanks again to all who took the time to express support in this post. It truly means a lot!

Much love and admiration to my WDWMAGIC family!


Well-Known Member
It seems some of our fellow fans find it appropriate and necessary to viciously belittle and attack to OP without any true ability to verify or argue their informational contribution, be it fact or rumor.

This would be true regardless of who the OP was. McPhee himself could post all the details of Epcot's long range plan for the next 36 months and he'd receive the same fate (probably to a lesser extent).

It's all good. The crane data is actually very useful. Obviously if the crane is gone then we know the high work is done. IE, 99% of the support structure is gone and the stars are (likely) gone. We should be down to ground work.

Only 3 years until I get to go back and see it in person. Is it too early to start a countdown :D


Thanks for the Pic's...keep them coming.

Its funny how as each part is removed how much more other things stand out. Now the stars are driving me crazy. Because the wand was so big the stars were always the one thing that I didnt really mind (although I always would have preferred they left SSE completely alone) No they look so ugly and out of place and just sort of randomly scattered.

Cant wait to see a "cleaned up" SSE.


Well-Known Member
Thanks for the Pic's...keep them coming.

Its funny how as each part is removed how much more other things stand out. Now the stars are driving me crazy. Because the wand was so big the stars were always the one thing that I didnt really mind (although I always would have preferred they left SSE completely alone) No they look so ugly and out of place and just sort of randomly scattered.

Cant wait to see a "cleaned up" SSE. it looks like someone threw a bunch of Ninja Stars at Spaceship Earth for practice/:lol:


New Member
Thanks for update! SSE is looking good, it kinda looked like they took some of the stars down, maybe just wishful thinking on my part though!


Permanent Resident of EPCOT
thanks for the pics... man, i get busy at work for a few days and look what i miss, holes in construction wall pics. nice job.

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