SSE & Palm Trees


Well-Known Member
Original Poster
Ok, is it just me or should they replace the palm trees that flank SSE with some that are not nearly as tall?

The ones that are there are like 25 yrs old now and are more than a third of the way up the side of the sphere.

Just like the wand, I think that they mess with the perspective of the geosphere and should be replaced with some that are much shorter (like the size that they were 25 yrs ago.)

I think this would make SSE all the more impressive.

Your thoughts?


New Member
From merf's pics today (just because I didn't have to look through my photos to find them)



Well-Known Member
Ohhhh those palm trees. I don't think they intrude much and certainly don't throw off the scale. Not in the photo at least. :shrug:


Well-Known Member
That's never struck me as a problem.

The only important thing is that the palm trees are roughly equal in stature on either side of SE, west and east. Like a mirror image. That is all.

(Like my avatar, which is a perfect representation of how the trees should look)


Sheesh, that's nothing. I thought you were referring to the palm trees that used to be in front of SSE's legs--they were quite a bit taller and, IMO at least, didn't detract from SSE's scale at all. They were pretty impressive and looked nice all in a row--they kind of led you right into the entrance. Without them, the sphere almost looks too huge, like it's been randomly plopped into a plaza with no symmetry or order or anything to relate to it (the distracting tombstones don't help, but that's another thread, isn't it? :rolleyes:).



Well-Known Member
Sheesh, that's nothing. I thought you were referring to the palm trees that used to be in front of SSE's legs--they were quite a bit taller and, IMO at least, didn't detract from SSE's scale at all. They were pretty impressive and looked nice all in a row--they kind of led you right into the entrance. Without them, the sphere almost looks too huge, like it's been randomly plopped into a random plaza with no symmetry or order or anything to relate to it (the distracting tombstones don't help, but that's another thread, isn't it? :rolleyes:).


I LOVE this pic! :D


New Member
I just say they re-do all of future world north... the merchandise shops, the tombstones, the landscaping... everything. The only thing i do like and want to stay is the beautiful pink crape myrtle trees that are very symetrical and well taken care of in terms of pruning. they look so good that they almost look fake. it really helps with the theme of the area. perhaps new palm trees in the front would look nice too.


Well-Known Member
I just say they re-do all of future world north... the merchandise shops, the tombstones, the landscaping... everything. The only thing i do like and want to stay is the beautiful pink crape myrtle trees that are very symetrical and well taken care of in terms of pruning. they look so good that they almost look fake. it really helps with the theme of the area. perhaps new palm trees in the front would look nice too.
Hear hear!

To a new Future World North (and perhaps Central)!

*raises mug filled with Vanilla Coke*

Anyone else notice, they're celebrating Epcot's 15th. Then why no 25th?

Back On-Topic. I once read that those trees were planted to make SSE look bigger. Sort-of like forced perspective, the reason I hated the wand. I actually thought the wand looked nice though.:shrug:


Well-Known Member
Anyone else notice, they're celebrating Epcot's 15th. Then why no 25th?

Back On-Topic. I once read that those trees were planted to make SSE look bigger. Sort-of like forced perspective, the reason I hated the wand. I actually thought the wand looked nice though.:shrug:
Judging by the stuff people are wearing, I want to say this was for WDW's 15th--1986, not 1997 (surely people didn't still dress like that in 1997--that's when the 25th celebration was, anyway). Either way, I love the palm trees. If anything, they make SSE look BIGGER for me, because you see those trees and know they are enormous, and yet SSE towers above like they are nothing.


Oy, every detail I read these days about the design of EPCOT's entrance just makes me even more shocked at how much of it was carelessly tossed aside at the turn of the millennium. All the meticulous planning...all the effort that went into perfecting that first majestic sight of the park...everything placed just so, everything done for a reason, and more often than not done excellently...

And all that gets thrown out the window for what--an attendance-boosting celebration with the party decorations from hell?? It seems like such a waste.

Even if you happen to like the changes that were made, there is nothing to support the notion that they were anything but marketing gimmicks. The 1999 changes were given, at most, a fraction of the foresight and care put into the entrance plaza in 1982. I try not to be a "freeze EPCOT in the Reagan Era" kind of guy, but it just bothers me how much disregard there was in 1999 for the brilliant simplicity of the original layout...and how we've had to be stuck with it ever since.

Oh well, wand and kiosk...two down, at least.


Well-Known Member
They have been replaced once already, I am pretty sure.

I believe the palm trees have been replaced at least once. I was talking with someone while they were in the process of replacing the palm trees that are between the Swan and the Dolphin, I asked why they were tearing out what looked like healthy trees and replacing them with the same type of trees and he told me that they had gotten too tall and upset the asthetics of the area. He then told me that they had just finished doing the same think for the same reason at the "Epcot globe" and were headed to Contemporary next. So, while I know we are not supposed to speak of cast members telling us things, I do know that they were doing this exact function at S & D because I watched them over the course of almost a week and since, contrary to popular belief, I do not think CMs make things up just because they can I don't know why he would have added the bits about Epcot and the Contemporary.

I notice in the photo the 3 lucite monoliths are in the fountain, how nice to see them again. To bad we now have the graveyard with the low dark fountain.


Well-Known Member
Judging by the stuff people are wearing, I want to say this was for WDW's 15th--1986, not 1997 (surely people didn't still dress like that in 1997--that's when the 25th celebration was, anyway). Either way, I love the palm trees. If anything, they make SSE look BIGGER for me, because you see those trees and know they are enormous, and yet SSE towers above like they are nothing.

I was wondering about the date, too. My family and I didn't start going until 1992, and I would've remembered that cake thing if it had been there in 1997. Besides, like you said, those clothes are quite dated. More dated than 1997.
And I agree with you about the palm trees...I think they make SSE look bigger, too.

So...I've seen on tv before how Disney rips up perfectly healthy flowers to redo flower beds. Of course, flowers tend to be cheaper and grow more quickly than I assume they just throw the flowers away (which I don't think I could bring myself to do). What do they do with the trees? I hope they replant them some where or sell them instead of just throwing them away. Does anyone know what they do?

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