Splash Mt. Down 10/19-?


Well-Known Member
we were there on the 19th! 5 min wait to board then 5 min wait again and agian and again and again lol animotronics seem to work well but show lights came on we waited awhile! we went back for the extended opening and there was no splash at splash lol


Well-Known Member
My good friend was there on Thursday the 18th and said SM looked great. All of the AA's were working. Just the jumping fountains were not working.

I hope the refurb they fix that issue. I always thought that was a neat little addition.

At what point will all of our inside sources find out what they will be working on for the 3 months?


Active Member
Rode last in Feb, prob like 6,7 times over a couple days, It was all jacked up and a different version each ride! Hopefully this refurb will shut us all up. We'll see.


Well-Known Member
I wouldn't get any hopes up about the refurb fixing everything. If it does it'll be a very nice if unexpected surprise. But remember that Big Thunder went down for almost 5 months and still reopened with some of its show elements broken or switched off, not addressed at all. Splash is getting far less time of around 3 months and there far more wrong with it that needs addressing show-wise than there was with BTM. I would not be surprised if the only thing addressed that we as guests can actually see was a repainting of the mountain (someone mentioned this was happening in another thread, as well as some track and computer work). I will be very glad to be proven wrong, I truly hope I am, but I just think it's realistic to set expectations low.


Well-Known Member
My good friend was there on Thursday the 18th and said SM looked great. All of the AA's were working. Just the jumping fountains were not working.

I hope the refurb they fix that issue. I always thought that was a neat little addition.

At what point will all of our inside sources find out what they will be working on for the 3 months?

If your friend rode on the 17th, I was there the day after. Numerous AAs were down, including the million dollar bunny and the gator that pulls on Brer Fox's tail at the end. Severely reduced motion for almost everything. The riverboat and chickens at the end looked great, but everything else seems to be in need of a good tear-down, cleaning, and re-build.


Well-Known Member
We were there on October 13, 15, and 17 and rode Splash Mountain a total of six times (each with Fastpass). We must have hit it at "just-right" times of day. The only non-working things I noticed were the Laughing Place turtles, and on our final ride, there appeared to be a lap bar issue -- not a mechanical error, but a human one.

Specifically, the man in front of me didn't put his lap bar down, and the CM who was "releasing" the logs didn't notice until we were already proceeding forward. I heard her hysterically screaming after us, "Sir! Sir, in the yellow shirt! Please put your lap bar down!" The man looked like he hadn't even heard her -- I suspect he just didn't speak English. I tapped him on the shoulder and, with some fairly comical yelling, pantomiming and pointing, got him to understand what he needed to do. He finally put it down about halfway up the first "hill." I don't know if there's some sort of safety stop the CM could have initiated -- if there was, she didn't (and I was selfishly grateful).


Well-Known Member
It's disgraceful for any attraction, let alone an E-ticket to be in such disrepair.
You're absolutely right. And when you think about it, it's the norm with Disney's E-tickets now. E:E, Dinosaur, Splash, BTMRR (rock scene), certain scenes on GMR, HM has even stopped numerous times on my last couple visits...

I know you can do things the right way Disney, you used to for so long. Time to stop with the cutbacks before you turn into Lester's Possum Park from "A Goofy Movie". May be a bit harsh on the comparison, but when is that new leadership kicking in???


Active Member
I rode in mid-August, and noticed some of the same things people are mentioning here, including the gator pulling on Brer Fox's tail. I also noticed that the sound quality, in some areas, especially outside, was poor.

In regard to the lap bars, each time I rode (about 4-5 times during my trip), there always seemed to be someone who didn't pull the lap bar down, but the log would still leave the station, with the cast member yelling, "Pull your lap bar down!"

That said, it is still a fun ride, and for people who have never ridden before, these things are hardly noticeable.


Well-Known Member
The thing about the AA's is that while a lot of them ARE at least moving, the majority of them are moving at only a small fraction of their intended range. So many might at least sway somewhat, most of them have broken eyes, legs, arms, necks, mouths, and more. The Brer Bear figure in the spinning hives scene is probably among the worst with these issues, he's just vaguely wobbling on his butt slightly but he's supposed to move with a lot more range than that. And speaking of that scene, last time I rode in February many of the hives were missing their spinning bees (or the bees were there but not spinning).

One thing I will say is that I've generally been lucky with the hopping Brer Rabbit over the past few times i've ridden. Though I had been several times when it wasn't working. Another hit or miss effect is the projection of the silhouettes of Brer Rabbit being chased over a hillside by Brer Fox and Brer Bear, dunno whether it's working right now.

It doesn't help that many of the AA's are also filthy and in bad condition on the exterior and either covered with mold or faded.

I rode in mid-August, and noticed some of the same things people are mentioning here, including the gator pulling on Brer Fox's tail. I also noticed that the sound quality, in some areas, especially outside, was poor.
Yes I can second the sound quality issues as well. I noticed it outside, particularly the turn you go around before "Slippin Falls". And another part that's particularly terrible sound-wise is before you go over the second "roller coaster" dro, both Brer Bear's comment "nothing but bees in here" as well as Brer Rabbit's laughter right as you're about to drop. These sound issues have been present since at least 2010 since I first started visiting WDW again and have yet to be corrected.


Well-Known Member
I think the longer they leave it, the worse condition it's going to be in, and the more money they are going to have to spend! Which means most of it probably won't get fixed.
It's such a poor show. It's not what Disney is about and they should pull their fingers out big time for one of the most loved, and headline attractions. Mouldy animatronics? That's just awful. Take it down and get it fixed PLEASE!!!!


We got stuck on it for nearly an hour on the 16th. Sat in the log until they finally came and got us out. Got to walk through most of it and then ushered into a back alley behind the ride.

I have never seen so many rides down. Went on the 19th and Splash was drained and down, Pirates was down, and the CM for Pirates said that Peter Pan was also down. Midway Mania was down when we went to HS the other day. Today Everest was down for a while at AK.

It hasn't been a very lucky trip for us. Pretty sure that we will be skipping next years trip. :(


Well-Known Member
I have to say.... Splash was down A LOT when I was there last... which was September....2011!!! They really need to fix it up good. It's disgusting to let such a fantastic attraction go to the dogs.


Well-Known Member
This is the endgame when fans like us pitch fits and moan when rides are closed for refurb.
Also, between Fantasyland being rebuilt and Thunder getting such a lengthy refurbishment, it's been the perfect storm of events to delay the Splash refurb.
Call me overly-optimistic, but I don't think it will ever get in such bad shape for a very long time.


Park History nut
Premium Member
If simple things like cleaning the vulture strobe lights can't be fixed I give up hope for the more complex issues.

Amazingly, the How do you Do hilltop projection was working amongst the rest of the carnage.

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