It's going to be a LOT harder for them to get away with skimping on the scenery than Frozen. While Maelstrom has a lot of fans, it has never been remotely as popular or well regarded as Splash. It was also quite apparent early on that it was a low budget crappy retheme. Even the concept art was pretty hideously barren, especially compared to the same scene from Maelstrom (which had more than one moving prop aside from the three headed troll as well as some nice dense foliage).
Even had it been in an appropriate location as a new build, Frozen's art still looked bad. And that was their "best foot forward" too. It's an ugly and empty ride, but at least the art sort of accurately portrayed that. I'm interested to see what Tokyo's Frozen ride is like. It's going to be an entirely different take with a vastly larger building and budget. Non-projected AA's too. While Hong Kong's is rumored to be more similar to Epcot's unfortunately, even they're apparently getting at least one non-projected AA as well...
I hope they don't use face projections for Tiana, I don't have concrete information on that matter. They very rarely look decent. Classic Haunted Mansion heads (not including Constance) are the only ones that work really well, and it's because the ethereal white glow fits the with ghostly characters well. The dwarfs are a distant second place, the ambient light of the gemstones helps offset the usual lighting flaws, and the beards help hide the projection seam around the edge of the face. Lumiere also works okay with the effect given his small size and lighting. But every other usage of facial projection has been awful. And I can think of even more reasons why face projection would be a horrible fit for the characters in Tiana.
Whether the final product turns out good or not, at the very least the newest art for Tiana looks vastly better than Frozen's art. It has a lot of AA's and showcases a lush densely detailed environment. And if that's any indication as to what the rest of the ride might be like (the source claims it is, and more), we'll see. The ride's setting is one of the other reasons they can't get away with skimping on the scenery. Unlike Frozen, you can't just paint everything white and use flat corridors. This is a lush swamp teeming with wildlife, not a mountain ice palace (and yes they certainly could have done far better with the scenery in Frozen too, but I would still argue it requires far less detail than a bayou). I still hate that they're replacing Splash and not building a new Tiana ride elsewhere, but this art admittedly looks quite attractive on its own merits (and that's already more than I can say for Frozen)-
I was told they would be reusing Splash's old ones. The America Sings ones that is. That said, it's the one thing i'm waiting to see if it's true. While the art does show what is clearly quite a number of AA's, i've yet to spot any that are clearly reused from Splash. MAYBE the raccoon, but the rest don't look like any existing characters. Even the trio of frogs there look like new and unique designs compared to the Splash ones. Granted this is literally one scene. Though I wonder whether "reusing" in this context means the internals, but with new skins/shapes.
The person you responded to was being pessimistic, though not entirely without reason. Disney does have a disturbing track record of gutting AA-rich rides and replacing them with empty video screen laden rooms. I don't blame people for being negative, Disney has a poor track record with projects such as these and hasn't earned the benefit of the doubt. But I was of the same mindset (and still have a hard time letting go of my skepticism) and was recently given good reason that this might end up being a rare exception to the norm and turn out solid. Time will tell. The art above is clearly showcasing a number of animatronics though, and that's a positive sign. Hopefully the other scenes also have a lot, and don't drop the ball on the background detail.