Which were originally just African folk tales, but with a Southern "b'rer" overlay.
Similar stories are found from all around the world, with some scholars pointing to Iran or India with the oldest version of the 'tar baby / briar patch' story.
Anyway, we've been through this: The characters are toxic because they're from SotS, which is racist, and not because the characters are racist (though, they're pretty derogatory to Appalachian 'hillbillies' -- and their 'Blackness' was stripped away in the animation).
Whatever virtue they may have had from being "an African American folk tale" is tainted by association with a racist movie.
Whatever could have been done to reboot them with a team of African story tellers and animators has long past.
It's not whether they're racist, it's their SotS source which makes them toxic.
And the African American community is not a monolithic community. While some may want the B'rer family to stay, many in the forefront of the BLM movement wanted them to go, which was the catalyst to announce that they're going.