These stories exist outside of the context of Harris, and are African/ Black American and Native oral literature and sacred stories. Yes, even the above one. There are dozens, practically hundreds of pieces of scholarship written by Black and Native authors that go over this. Naturally things that are over a hundred years old, let alone time in millenia don't age well. The Harris versions come out of the era of Ishi and the Human Zoos, because American anthropology is rooted in "preservation" and eugenics. Now BIPOC can't even bring it up without some exhausting NOT Like Other Girls reminding the whole world that it's "racist" if we aren't keenly aware of its misuse. Some people used the Disney version during the residential school era to retain the stories, but how do you explain that to people who know everything? Regardless, the dialect in the Harris version doesn't exist in the rides, no matter how much people want it to. Since Splash Mountain (especially the California version) is based on the unused Catfish Bend ideas, they're supposed to be like the country folk in the Rescuers.
But, you know, people want what they want and nevermind what real life consequences are. That's what kills me.