Curious Constance
Well-Known Member
@Curious Constance do you even want to be part of the HOB? They haven't even ever acknowledged your existence. Heck, im not sure if they acknowledged their own existence in the club, which come to think of it, is such an HOB thing to do and you and I respect that. Denounce the HOB today and pledge your allegiance to the Bruh's and you re in. Of course if bruh @Hattieboxghost110 agrees. I'm pretty sure he'll receive your "sympathetic vibration." However, he's busy mulling over another members inclusion into the club at the moment.
Can you tell I miss Game of Thrones?
I don't have to use the word "bruh" do I?
The HOB is so cold and lonely. And despite my general annoyance with everything in life, I'm a very fragile person!