Splash Mountain re-theme announced

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Brer Oswald

Well-Known Member
I've seen the real tired sentiment echoed that "if you don't support the ride being re-themed then you will be called RACIST!"

not only has that Not happened, but there's literally nothing wrong with being sad the ride is going away. What is gross is lashing out in hatred, vitriol, and name-calling because you're a brat who isn't getting your way.
That has happened to me on Twitter, causing me to lash out. People have blocked me and called me things I’m not because of my username.

I’m already mentally unstable. Accusations like this, in addition to losing my favourite thing that I still had, has put me over the edge.

Most of the mockery on Twitter is pointed at me. I should not be used as an example.


Well-Known Member
I understand WHY Disney is making this change. But of all the movie choices to choose from, they chose PATF? “Pocahontas”, as other pointed out, has its own issues that some may criticize. What about a more popular and well-known Disney movie? Given the length of the ride and the fact that it’s a water ride, “Lilo and Stitch” could have been the theme. Fill the ride with music from the movie, with “Hawaiian Roller Coaster Ride” playing before and after the drop. And given that it likely won’t be finished until at least 2022 (my guess), the timing would coincide with the film’s 20th anniversary.


Well-Known Member
Anyone know if this also means the end of Zip A Dee Doo Dah being played by Disney?
So far they've just announced changes to the ride itself. I wouldn't look beyond that for now. Disney is answering the movement but still evading their political stand on it.

Brer Oswald

Well-Known Member
Honestly at this point....if Splash Mountain is going, Peter Pan, Jungle Cruise, both need to go. As well as some of the areas of Animal Kingdom that are portraying parts of Africa villages as run down.

Burn it all!
Calm down. Both rides can just have their offensive scenes removed. Same with Mansion’s hanging scene.

But those needed to be removed yesterday, and should be of a priority much higher than Splash.


Well-Known Member
If their objective was to remove problematic media, but they also wanted to increase capacity, why didn't they do this?

Reopen and Reimagine the old plans for Western River Expedition. That fits more into frontierland and could replace splash.

Nuke Tom Sawyer Island and replace it with a bayou dark ride for PatF.

Now you have representation and the removal of two problematic properties while mildly leaving the area unbroken?

Please someone shoot me down.

That would have been a great idea, but we all know this was a heavy considered plan to get more revenue for that location without big cost. Bragging on the timing and cultural movement has just become a good timing bonus so they can appear to listen.


New Member
Disney could also do the re-theme of splash mountain to have the story line be like the dark ride at Six Flags over Georgia which used to also be a ride based on the stories of uncle Remus


President of Animal Kingdom
Premium Member
Man, I would hate to live in the world some of the posts on here portray. People are so intent in finding racism in every single place they can imagine. It’s a ride about a rabbit running away from a fox and a bear. YOU are the one associating Brer Fox with a white slave owner...I can’t even type that with a straight face.

Still, even if the cartoon segments contain no racism in and of itself.

They came from a racist movie. The association is there.


Well-Known Member
So far they've just announced changes to the ride itself. I wouldn't look beyond that for now. Disney is answering the movement but still evading their political stand on it.

I’m wondering if it will just quietly never be heard again.. no announcement.


Well-Known Member
I understand WHY Disney is making this change. But of all the movie choices to choose from, they chose PATF? “Pocahontas”, as other pointed out, has its own issues that some may criticize. What about a more popular and well-known Disney movie? Given the length of the ride and the fact that it’s a water ride, “Lilo and Stitch” could have been the theme. Fill the ride with music from the movie, with “Hawaiian Roller Coaster Ride” playing before and after the drop. And given that it likely won’t be finished until at least 2022 (my guess), the timing would coincide with the film’s 20th anniversary.
Why not PATF? That movie meant a lot to a lot of people. Changing a ride based on a movie with racially insensitive elements towards black people to a movie featuring their only black princess is so BA and empowering.

"El Gran Magnifico"

Can I borrow five dollars
Premium Member
I mean "Mickey's Mellerdrammer". Yeah I get that it was a spin on Stowe's novel. But Mickey is in blackface. Ask Jimmy Fallon and Jimmy Kimmel if artistic expression is even factored in once you paint your face. What happens if THAT petition gets started?


Calm down. Both rides can just have their offensive scenes removed. Same with Mansion’s hanging scene.

But those needed to be removed yesterday, and should be of a priority much higher than Splash.
Nope. There needs to be wholesale changes. If theyre going to do this....then it needs to be resort wide. I didn’t even think about Haunted Mansion, it’s based on a southern plantation mansion!

Captain Barbossa

Well-Known Member
I would like to remind everyone of the terms and conditions of posting here.

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Be courteous and respect your fellow members. To be clear, personal attacks, aggressive messages, and passive-aggressive behavior is unacceptable. If you take particular issue with another user and are unable to reply in a civilised and constructive way to their posts, you should ignore the user.

Everyone can have a different view, and everyone can have a say - that is OK. What is not OK, is to to launch into attack mode against anything you don't agree with. If anyone can't follow this simple request they will be prevented from taking part in this discussion.

I have been forced to remove more than 200 posts so far that are simply unacceptable, all in the space of a few hours. That is not the WDWMAGIC community that I know.

Thank you to those of you who are behaving like sensible adults and expressing your views in a calm and controlled manner.
Thank you Steve. Much needed reminder.

Magic Feather

Well-Known Member
I am torn about this post because I absolutely agree with it, but on the other hand, what point does this stop?

To clarify: I am not taking the stance of "the socialist left is taking over!" as some others on this forum are, a fact which absolutely amazing me. But really, if everything is measured to this level of cultural scrutiny when does this stop?

Sleeping Beauty was raped in the story it was derived for. Time to tear down two castles for being symbols of misogyny and oppression.

World Showcase is the biggest offender of this.

China: Tianmen Square
Germany: WW2
Correct. Disney did not include the problematic parts of China in the pavilion. They did not include the problematic parts of Sleeping Beauty in the movie or the castle. Disney did however include parts in SOTS which absolutely is 100% problematic. However, the problematic pieces of SOTS did not translate to Splash Mountain, same as China.
I really understand the conflicting sentiment inside many people in regards to this change. But, the closest I can come to explaining why I find Splash to be different is this. China is not inherently problematic. Germany is not inherently problematic. The Disney version of Sleeping Beauty is not inherently problematic. All have a couple of details that could be deemed problematic (In the grand scheme of things). Song of the South is very inherently problematic.
Man, I would hate to live in the world some of the posts on here portray. People are so intent in finding racism in every single place they can imagine. It’s a ride about a rabbit running away from a fox and a bear. YOU are the one associating Brer Fox with a white slave owner...I can’t even type that with a straight face.

I love your post because it beautifully highlights so much of the racism and ignorance that the people crying about being “woke” actually conduct themselves while screaming everyone that is not on their side is racists.
I'm not saying that everyone against this change is racist. In fact, i'd say that is very untrue. Nostalgia is strong factor at play here that I am trying very hard not to forget. However, if you can't see some of the problematic portrayals, then you are in a position of privilege that enables you not to see it. I've ridden Splash Mountain with a variety of people, of a variety of backgrounds. Almost universally, once Brer Rabbit started talking in the African-American vernacular, most cringed.


Well-Known Member
This post is probably going to be strongly disagreed with and lost in the barrage of posts on this issue, but I feel its worth sharing and explaining a few aspects regarding my opinions on this.

You should be able to look back on my post history and see that I was pretty strongly against most attraction rethemes: from Frozenstrom to Guardians. Out of the recent string of ride rethemes that Disney has done, I can genuinely say that this one bohers me the least by a pretty sizable margin. Enough to the point where I'm not just tolerating it, but supporting it. So... why? This seems like something that, based on my track record, I should be strongly opposed to. To make this a little easier, I'm going to compare it to another operating attraction at MK with some in poor taste cultural depictions and talk about how that could/should change and how that does and does not apply to Splash Mountain's case.

For the sake of this post, I will be comparing Splash Mountain with the Jungle Cruise. For starters, Jungle Cruise has a more clearly problematic portrayal of African people in the attraction, as seen in the head hunters section, where stereotypical "savage" images are used as a threat to comedic effect. Thankfully, this could easily be corrected by removing this one section and replacing it with another gimmick, maybe bring in the pirañas from DL or something. Regardless, it is one part of a larger attraction.

Splash Mountain is clearly different, in that its racist moments are not at all explicitly found in the attraction; in fact, the attraction even tries to hastily cover up some of the problematic moments ported over from the films. As one of many examples, Brer Rabbit's capture with the beehive honey is intended to replicate his capture with the "tar baby" (the name alone should throw up about five red flags). Or there is the way that Brer Rabbit is meant to evoke the mannerisms and actions of a slave (African-American Vernacular and all) while Brer Fox is effectively a white slave owner of the time. Finally, one of the most unknown offenders is the iconic song itself "Zip-A-Dee-Do-Dah" which is derived from blackface performances intended to actively mock the African-American population. The ties to racism is so intertwined with the attraction that it would be impossible to modify in the same way as Jungle Cruise. For JC you just get a new scene' for Splash Mountain, take away the way the Brers are presented, some of the tropes from the film, and the song, and you barely have a ride left. At that point, if you remove that, there has to be a conscious effort to keep Song of the South involved, which I can guarantee there is next to no desire to do.

As for "why Princess and the Frog?" it's really the only IP that could easily slip into both mountains. Sure it's a stretch in Frontierland, but so was Song of the South. As for the "yes, but why not keep Splash Mountain and give Tiana her own ride?" crowd: Splash Mountain was on borrowed time due to its irremovable ties to racist symbols, and (at least at DLR) there wasn't really a good spot to give Tiana her own ride. Really this kills two birds with one stone (and we don't have to see some god-awful visuals of Splash being demolished Horizons-style.

I know Splash is a sentimental favorite for many, but if we want a better future we need to account for past mistakes. Letting a ride that has inherent ties to racist portrayals of African-Americans would not let that happen.

As kind of a P.S., I've seen a lot of people suggest that Tony Baxter was forced into being involved with this. I have had it confirmed by different people that he wasn't, and that he was asked and he elected to be involved with this.

I am still reallllllly thrown for a loop by this decision and don't entirely support it, but this was beautifully put and really opened my eyes to alot of what that attraction/source material ultimately represents.


Well-Known Member
Still, even if the cartoon segments contain no racism in and of itself.

They came from a racist movie. The association is there.

So your argument is that even if the material isn’t racist the source must be? Because of the time period and a tar baby the film is racist? And even though none of these racist elements are in the ride the ride itself is racist because Brer Fox is a white slave owner in some racist person’s mind who would rather find problems where none exist?Makes total sense.
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