Well-Known Member
Yeah, that's a part I think people mistake: racism does not require malicious, bigoted intent in order to exist. A person, group, or institution can be doing that they think is perfectly right and fair in a given situation, yet be motivated by thoughts or beliefs that are informed by racially-based societal biases.An innocent intention does not necessarily mean that it is not guilty.
But when many of us hear "racist", we assume it has to be referring to a person wearing a pointed white hood and making fascist hand signs. Sadly, it's not that easy; if it was, then racism wouldn't be a concern anymore, since the main perpetrators could be singled out as individuals. But it exists on a wider cultural level, and even the best intentioned people can do something that propagates racially biased or charged beliefs, sometimes without even realizing it. That stinks, but it doesn't curse someone to being a terrible person; it just means it's on us, particularly those of us in populations that tend to be more advantaged than others, to do our best to be aware of the impact our words and actions can have on others.
Huh, guess that last part comes off as some real "everything I need to know I learned in kindergarten" stuff, but there you go.
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