Splash Mountain problems


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Original Poster
It could be true about running at high capacity but my wife and I have been to disney 32 days out of the past 365 with us going on splash about 28 of those days. We were there in June 04. October, Xmas-New Years, and this past may before memorial day. Only the Xmas time was what I would consider high capacity, but not during any of those times did the water effect work and 7/8 of those days the rabbit wasn't hopping. esides, for the past 10 years prior to these most recent two, all the parts of the attraction were still working. If anyone would be interested I would like to start a letter campaign asking Disney to refurbish this wonderful ride, and get everything back to the condition we all would like to see it in. If anyone has the mailing address of where we could send our suggestions/complaints to, please let me know. I also have a feeling that many on this board are Annual Passholders and Disney shareholder like myself and that we have an obligation to let the powers that be know our feelings regarding part of the company we all love.


Well-Known Member
surfsupdon said:
The leap frog fountains were working May 17--23. I was surprised. Their aim was a little off, but they were jumping. They are a great effect and should not be discontinued.

A few weeks earlier, they were "trying" to work, but they would only shoot out a dribble.......I could hear the device "trying" to work though.


Well-Known Member
speck76 said:
A few weeks earlier, they were "trying" to work, but they would only shoot out a dribble.......I could hear the device "trying" to work though.

The "high capacity" idea makes sense. The fountains were not working during New Years week when I was there last, but were working during off season May. While they were working, b/c of the lower capacity of boats, the fountains shot water way in front of the boats. Initially, when the fountains ALWAYS worked even during high capacity times, the fountains kinda leaped over your boat. Now, as I said, they leaped in fornt of your boat, in the gpa between boats. But there aim was way off...but i appreciated them working.


Well-Known Member
It's funny, the week after the 5th EVERYTHING was working. It was the first time I had ever saw the leap frog fountains working. The fish in the water, the skipping Brer Rabbit, the whole nine yards. It's amazing how quickly things break down.

It was nice to see Splash in it's glory, but I have to admit although I'd hate to see it down for a long period of time, it could use a bunch of spit and polish (and some good old fashioned TLC).



Well-Known Member
Rode it on Memorial Day. I'll admit even my sister noticed it, and it takes a while for her to notice things so that tells you we've ridden Splash many, many times :rolleyes:. I remember she said something in the part where Brer Rabbit was supposed to jump. She said "hey, isn't something supposed to jump there or something?" And she and my brother noticed the missing fish.

Nevertheless, we rode Splash 3 times in a row and loved it. It is my favorite attraction at MK (aside from Philarmagic) and I honestly don't care for the mistakes. Sure we notice them, and sure they're bad when you're looking at it from that perspective. But for someone who has ridden it many times, it is still so much fun and such an incredible attraction. I love the fact that the ride still brings a big smile to my face. For first-timers, I can only imagine the amount of fun it must bring, despite the malfunctions. I don't think the experience is ruined by these minor things, so deep breaths folks :lol:


Premium Member
....I'd love to know whether the jumping water effect was back. Most of the other maintenance items I'd noticed in 2004 have been fixed, and this is the last, glaring exception. The up-and-down jumping water effects were on, but not the streams that arced over your boat and across the ride track.

The one-circuit/one-sensor explanation makes sense, but I wonder what the threshold is for "high capacity." It would be odd if the circuit wasn't designed for ordinary crowd levels, and not that difficult to replace.



Active Member
Some stuff not working sounds fine to me as compared to the last time we were there.

Between May 24-30 Splash was broken down for a day and a half, so I only got to ride it one time. I think the exact dates were May 27 and 28.

(I got a pic of where there was no water coming down the drop, but don't know how to post it.)


Well-Known Member
Original Poster
I understand what some of you are saying about some malfunctions as being no big deal, but I have to disagree. This ride has a story, and a good one at that. Without some of the things working, that story is diluted and difficult to understand. Also for me, one of the things that makes Disney great are all of the little touches they add to the rides and the theme park experience in general. If they let things go and view the extras as unimportant then they become no different than places like Busch Gardens or Paramount's line of theme parks. I guess one way to look at it is that you wouldn't purchase a mercedes convertible, but not care that the headlights and radio don't work, because it's still a great car. You'd want the entire thing to be working properly, and that's how I feel about splash mountain. When I took my wife to WDW for her first time in 1996 (she was my girlfriend at that time), Spalsh was the ride that I considered Disney's crowning jewel, it always put a smile on my face and I loved all the little things about the ride like the fountains, etc. I knew she would be as impressed as I was and after that ride she became a Disneyholic like myself. It just saddens us to see such a wonderful ride start going into a state of disrepair and many people saying that it's ok because they haven't expericenced it the way it was before or becuase they view the problems as unimportant and trivial.


Well-Known Member
on my trip I haven't seen the jumpin fish and jumpin brer rabbit .. but maybe I pointed the camera wrong .. (see my video on Disney-Central) :)


Well-Known Member
LudwigVonDrake said:
Anyone know when the last time the jumping waters worked? :veryconfu

It was definately working mid-May. It only worked one day I was there and I had never seen it before. I thought it was a great effect - it's too bad it doesn't work more often.



Well-Known Member
Jumpin' Brer Rabbit is hit-or-miss, sometimes it works, sometimes it doesn't. It's the most expensive animation in the the enitre attraction, costing $4 million, i believe, correct me if i am wrong. The DL's Splash, which premiered earlier, does not have this AA, but is has Brer Rabbit on a Trian cart. It's interesting to see. I just got back from there, and rode Splash, it was interesting to see how they improved it when it opened at WDW. Look for an update soon in the DL section.

General Grizz

New Member
The ride's a marvel, and it's sad to see the variety of elements not working so often. It's understandable, based on the complexity of the show scenes, but I agree that a rehab is needed here (and at the Carousel of Progress)!

Don't give me any of this "Pirates of the Caribbean" trash... ;)


When I rode Splash Mountain on Memorial Day the rabbit wasn't hopping and the water wasn't jumping. However I did notice some new occurances. The shadows that run over the field in the "rabbit farmers" scene were there, the roadrunner was talking "hey where'd brer rabbit go?" "a laughing place! can i go too?" (i dont remember this, is it new?!?), when brer bear hangs from the tree in one of the first scenes there's a cow bell near the branch that "dings" (this MUST be new!), and it was good to see the little waterfall at the end to the right. Any comments?


Active Member
It broke down when I was there last September, we were stuck for about an hour before cast members let us out of the logs, it was quite cool though to see behind the scenes and the buildings around the back of the attraction.

I've noticed things like the roadrunner or gardening rabbits talking or Brer Rabbit hopping were always hit or miss even when the ride first opened and all figures were working. There were times the boat in front of us would be seeing all these show scenes performed but ours would enter the area and there'd be pretty much nada going on. This always led me to think that our boat was out of ''sync'' since dispatch and the animation hadn't had a chance to start up before our arrival...

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