Maybe you already have answered this and if so just refer me to the post. But why even greenlight the film if you want to set the movie up to fail? Because it failed Disney now has to take a beating from the media, has to write it off, the stock may be impacted, etc. How do they benefit from doing that? Wouldn't it have been easier to just cancel it during preproduction? (Which at one or two points they actually did to cut the budget)
They don't benefit from green lighting guaranteed failures. Disney is making every excuse they can about why this movie failed and for certain egos around the Studio making this whole fiasco look like it was "intended this way" or was a "bonafide hit job" is a nice way to set someone else up for the fall.
Spirit is relaying 100% accurate information with his friend advising him about the IP issues, but its a total bullsh!t excuse for anyone at Disney to trot out. If this movie grossed $115mm+ on opening weekend no one would have given a damn about the IP license. At all.