I think @
WDW1974 views as well as a lot of the comments I've read on this board are short sighted, misguided, and emotional responses to a changing landscape. And, I think it really needs to be reflected on more before final judgments are thrown out.
Quite frankly, I've done nothing but disagree with Disney's moves over the past 4-5 years about WDW. Their focus on DLR is nothing more than allowing Lassetter to fund his first love, and ignoring the needs of the "secondary" resort in the US.
However, the idea that, all of a sudden, all the things you loved about the parks are now taken away because of its new "direction" is hard to swallow. The updates have been slow and plodding, but, Disney's plans are fairly clear. They look beyond 3 years from now and consider what 20 years will look like. And, quite frankly, it makes sense. As large as the budget is growing for NextGen, Disney fully expects this system (and it's ability to evolve), to last for decades. They are building, what they think, will replace interactions and will build personalization into attractions. This is now an attention economy. A million things can now hold our attentions at any one time. There is now no limit to how we can be entertained and spend our leisure time. So, along with themed experiences, Disney wants to grab your attention by making things easier for logistical stuff, but, far more personal for their experiential items. And, everything built from this day forward will have that in mind.
They're betting (And I don't disagree), that the next big stage in keeping theme parks relevant is competing with the immense personalization that exists on phones and gaming systems today (and in the future). Whether it's characters that know children's names, or the ability for kiosks to be able to recommend certain new restaurants or tailer another experience.
Frankly, we are in this time right now where we are all frightened over the next stage of technology/personalization. The Xbox One, Next Gen, other political items that I won't mention due to this not being the right forum. But, it's happening and it all starts with our acceptance of it in our smartphones that we carry with us constantly. Companies know this next level stuff is okay because we do it on Facebook, twitter, and with our phones. We share our locations and deepest thoughts without any sense of what we're putting online. And, the bet that people are willing to share a name or preference with the company to make a trip more magical is probably a good one. Allowing rides like It's a small world to take the next level and include you as the star is bold and allows its timelessness to continue.
Suggesting that Universal's bubble makes it a better experience is strange to me. Disney World has always been sprawling, and something that was promised (one of its most exciting possibilities) when it was announced was the idea that it could continue to expand into a city. A place that you could drive through without much worry. No doubt, part of that meant that you couldn't just walk everywhere. Disneyland accomplishes that. No, Disney World has always meant to be an adventure.
In terms of Universal's growth, they are in their booming years. They have a lot of room to grow, and they're embracing it. Disney was once in that place. This will eventually stop (history always suggests this type of growth eventually stops). What do you think will happen when all these projects are completed? You think their growth plan will just continue forever? In 6-8 years, there will be people on Universal boards typing the same things as you guys.
I think Disney is at a different place of development than Universal and we should enjoy Universal during this exciting time. But, it doesn't change the fact that Disney is still lovely and the idea that my trip could include Mickey calling me by name or tailoring a new interactive ride to my preferences is something I would love to see happen.
Speaking of Universal, it reminds me of E.T.s personalization at the end (saying goodbye to you by name). That kind of interaction makes experiences more magical and engrossing. Exactly what this type of entertainment is supposed to do.
Be Our Guest is inspired and New Fantasyland's immersion is a trend that should continue into every land. I'm not sure it was every meant to be a land full of 4-5 attractions. It was meant to be a land that children could look through and get lost in world's they know and love. And, I don't think we can see past the lack of new things to hold our own more mature attention. I can't wait for Avatar, and the eventual DHS makeover and the Imagination replacement. And I'm hoping they come sooner rather than later.
I just am not as positive that Disney World has become a place without magic. For me anyway. And I'm hoping 10 years down the road, I'll be able to look back and say "I told you so."