Thank you for the thoughtful reply. In regards to your first paragraph (sorry, iPad doesn't want to cooperate and quote this piece by piece) I agree entirely. However, the people who might be seeking out such information are probably not going to be regulars on this forum. Perhaps I have a unique point of view, as I joined this forum last December, and my very first trip to WDW was in May. Granted, I've been reading this place for years now, but I don't expect that families who are planning their first vacation to WDW would be as dedicated as I was in pursuit of knowledge nd information.
I had a few complications with my trip planning, in regards to health concerns (Mom, who went with me, has severe Crohn's disease and IBS on top of it, I have anxiety issues but who the hell doesn't anymore) and needed more info than just "the cupcakes at xx were the best ever" and "the pools at cowered nice and perfect and great and faaaaaaaab". I needed hard facts, details, because in order to not disrupt my Moms issues, considerations and preparations had to be made. That being said, I wanted the truth, not glossed over details about pretty trees and ducklings. How long can I expect to wait in line for a ride? What kind of restraints does the ride have? In case of emergency, who do I look for to report to? What quick service areas are available in every "land" in case Mom is on the verge of passing out due to stomach pains or cramps? I simply didn't find any of this on the "positive only" sites. However I did find lots of photos, so they weren't a total loss.

most "rubes" (and for the record I hate that term) probably wouldn't have gone to the extent I did to find information. I'd like to think that anyone who is dropping thousands of dollars on a vacation is going to do some research and homework. I still hold out that much hope for the human race, even if "lol" is considered a word and I get text messages from grown adults at work who use numbers instead of words, and text because calling is "too much work".... I'd hope that we over generalize people and their intellect here.
And websites too. Look, I'm not saying every website that posts nothing but happy happy joy joy stuff is paid off, but it does make you wonder if there's not a motive behind it.
I absolutely love disney food blog, but every single positive review!? Even the "I didn't like this" are glossed over big time.
Ok, this is too long....