Spirited News, Observations & Thoughts IV

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Well-Known Member
Original Poster
Ever heard of a company called IQT? Me neither. At least not until I did some research on NGE (hey, @Jason Garcia maybe you might want to do likewise instead of appearing on fanboi podcasts!) after receiving the information I posted a few days ago here.

What does Disney have to do with this company? And what exactly is this company (and is mentioning it in a post going to get me waterboarded?)

The company describes itself as a 'nonprofit venture capital firm' specializing in private sector innovation. Ah, pardon my Wall Street 21st century bastardized capitalist ignorance, but exactly what is that?

A nonprofit venture capital firm is an oxymoron...no?
Here's the content from the page describing IQT's genesis:

<<Throughout its lifetime, the CIA has operated at the cutting edge of science and technology. From the U-2 spy plane to the CORONA satellite, CIA's "wizards of Langley" earned a reputation for bold innovation and risk taking, working in advance of the private sector and other branches of government. Much of CIA's technology success was a result of identifying gaps and opportunities.

By the late 1990s, the pace of commercial innovation had overtaken the ability of government agencies to develop and incorporate new technologies. Private industry represented technical insights and innovation far too important to ignore. Driven by private sector R&D investment, these commercial technologies addressed many of the same information technology, biotechnology, communications, and energy challenges that faced the Intelligence Community.

In 1998, CIA identified technology as a top strategic priority, and set out a radical plan to create a new venture that would help increase the Agency's access to private sector innovation. In-Q-Tel was chartered in February 1999 by a group of private citizens at the request of the Director of Central Intelligence and with the support of the U.S. Congress. IQT was tasked with building a bridge between the Agency and a new set of technology innovators.>>

If that has you curious, look at the BoD:

Michael M. Crow
Chairman of the Board of In-Q-Tel; President of Arizona State University

James Barksdale
President and CEO of Barksdale Management Corporation

Peter Barris
Managing General Partner, New Enterprise Associates (NEA)

Partner, Greylock Venture Capital

Christopher Darby
President and CEO of In-Q-Tel

Anita K. Jones
Professor Emeritus of Computer Science at the University of Virginia

A.B. "Buzzy" Krongard
Former Executive Director of the Central Intelligence Agency

Jami Miscik
Vice Chairman and President of Kissinger Associates

Michael Mullen
Former Chairman, Joint Chiefs of Staff

Elisabeth Paté-Cornell
Chair of the Department of Management Science and Engineering at Stanford University

Ted Schlein
Managing Partner at Kleiner Perkins Caufield Byers

Charles M. Vest
President Emeritus of Massachusetts Institute of Technology

What the (blank) do these folks have to do with you getting a FP for Space Mountain, your daughter getting greeted by Princess Aurora and you snagging that dinner at Le Cellier (complete with food you ordered five months, or three prices increases ago, in advance)?


Well-Known Member
They are. It is under development as we speak. A done deal. There will not be any SW presence in that park at opening.
Do you think the Tron attraction will be the best ride there in its current opening day lineup or are there other attractions that look better?


Well-Known Member
Mars Rover
Launch Vehicle: Atlas V 541
Launch Site: Launch Complex 41, Cape Canaveral Air Force station, Fla.
NASA Center: Jet Propulsion Laboratory
Spacecraft Mass: 8,463 pounds (3,893 kilograms) total at launch, consisting of 1,982-pound (899-kilogram) rover; 5,293-pound (2,401-kilogram) entry, descent and land- ing system (aeroshell plus fueled descent stage); and 1,188-pound (539-kilogram) fueled cruise stage
Spacecraft Instruments: 65 pounds (75 kilograms) in 10 instruments: Alpha Particle X-ray Spectrometer, Chemistry and Camera, Chemistry and Mineralogy, Dynamic Albedo of Neutrons, Mars Descent Imager, Mars Hand Lens Imager, Mast Camera, Radiation Assessment Detector, rover environmental Monitoring station, and sample Analysis at Mars
Spacecraft Dimensions: Rover dimensions: Length: 9 feet, 10 inches (3.0 meters) (not counting arm); width: 9 feet, 1 inch (2.8 meters); height at top of mast: 7 feet (2.1 meters); arm length: 7 feet (2.1 meters); wheel diameter: 20 inches (0.5 meter)
Spacecraft Power: Multi-mission radioisotope thermoelec- tric generator and lithium-ion batteries
Total Cost: $2.5 billion, including $1.8 billlion for spacecraft development and science investigations and additional amounts for launch and operations.
Mars Science Laboratory, NASA Facts, October 2011
Mars Science Laboratory Launch Press Kit, November 2011

Oh Disney, where has all the money gone?


Premium Member
Ever heard of a company called IQT? Me neither. At least not until I did some research on NGE (hey, @Jason Garcia maybe you might want to do likewise instead of appearing on fanboi podcasts!) after receiving the information I posted a few days ago here.

What does Disney have to do with this company? And what exactly is this company (and is mentioning it in a post going to get me waterboarded?)

The company describes itself as a 'nonprofit venture capital firm' specializing in private sector innovation. Ah, pardon my Wall Street 21st century bastardized capitalist ignorance, but exactly what is that?

A nonprofit venture capital firm is an oxymoron...no?
Here's the content from the page describing IQT's genesis:

<<Throughout its lifetime, the CIA has operated at the cutting edge of science and technology. From the U-2 spy plane to the CORONA satellite, CIA's "wizards of Langley" earned a reputation for bold innovation and risk taking, working in advance of the private sector and other branches of government. Much of CIA's technology success was a result of identifying gaps and opportunities.

By the late 1990s, the pace of commercial innovation had overtaken the ability of government agencies to develop and incorporate new technologies. Private industry represented technical insights and innovation far too important to ignore. Driven by private sector R&D investment, these commercial technologies addressed many of the same information technology, biotechnology, communications, and energy challenges that faced the Intelligence Community.

In 1998, CIA identified technology as a top strategic priority, and set out a radical plan to create a new venture that would help increase the Agency's access to private sector innovation. In-Q-Tel was chartered in February 1999 by a group of private citizens at the request of the Director of Central Intelligence and with the support of the U.S. Congress. IQT was tasked with building a bridge between the Agency and a new set of technology innovators.>>

If that has you curious, look at the BoD:

Michael M. Crow
Chairman of the Board of In-Q-Tel; President of Arizona State University

James Barksdale
President and CEO of Barksdale Management Corporation

Peter Barris
Managing General Partner, New Enterprise Associates (NEA)

Partner, Greylock Venture Capital

Christopher Darby
President and CEO of In-Q-Tel

Anita K. Jones
Professor Emeritus of Computer Science at the University of Virginia

A.B. "Buzzy" Krongard
Former Executive Director of the Central Intelligence Agency

Jami Miscik
Vice Chairman and President of Kissinger Associates

Michael Mullen
Former Chairman, Joint Chiefs of Staff

Elisabeth Paté-Cornell
Chair of the Department of Management Science and Engineering at Stanford University

Ted Schlein
Managing Partner at Kleiner Perkins Caufield Byers

Charles M. Vest
President Emeritus of Massachusetts Institute of Technology

What the (blank) do these folks have to do with you getting a FP for Space Mountain, your daughter getting greeted by Princess Aurora and you snagging that dinner at Le Cellier (complete with food you ordered five months, or three prices increases ago, in advance)?
Wow!!!! What the heck is going on down there? This is some crazy stuff. When you posted your original info there was mention of IQT but did it say they were a partner in developing the NextGen technology? If this is the case I can't see why a mainstream media outlet wouldn't find this story too juicy to pass up.


Provocateur, Rancanteur, Plaisanter, du Jour
Shhhh.... I am trying to concentrate.... Submitting my business plan to IQT right now.... Looks like they can help me develop some real life Na'Vi.... Will need to install the correct genetic cassette to make it so they can breath our air.... Me, IQT, and Disney will save the Avatarland attraction...



Well-Known Member
Thats a giant problem. Why is the government interested in who goes to WDW? Or are they just interested in the methodology and covert ways of tracking people?
Wow!!!! What the heck is going on down there? This is some crazy stuff. When you posted your original info there was mention of IQT but did it say they were a partner in developing the NextGen technology? If this is the case I can't see why a mainstream media outlet wouldn't find this story too juicy to pass up.
The bubble has become a Petri dish. MM+ is looking like a means and method to track the individuals transactional data. What we buy, what we look at, and how we react to external stimuli. This information will be digitized and analyzed with the goal of developing predictive algorithms. All this under the facade of more "fun"

Rock the Band: Red Pill or Blue Pill


Well-Known Member
Original Poster
Well, I guess that is all true, but, I don't look at Disney the same way I look at oxygen. I do not have to have Disney. If they cannot find a way for me to participate, if nothing else by charging extra for it, without having to sign on to the database, I still have the option to tell them where to place their Disney Park and go elsewhere. Why can no one see that? No it's not an ideal solution, personally, but it is very easy to do and is not terminal. That is where our control is and it is very effective. Disney can only do to us what we allow them to do. They do not control any part of my life other then, possibly, when I am at one of their parks. In my mind they don't even do that then.
Bull. What happens when a society's way of controlling its populace is through information?There will be a time when you can't live without a phone without a tracker and your car will have one (to help if it is stolen ...or if you tick off someone in power). And you won't be able to bank any longer if you don't do it electronically. Want a job but you don't have a facebook or Twitter presence so you can be judged by your employer? Enjoy not working.

We are at a very key time in urination (should be our nation's but I love autocorrect) history. We've been sheep since the 90s and it is biting us hard. I see that when I am the only person at TSA checkpoints to refuse to enter the strip search machines to get on a flight.

The idea that I just won't go to WDW is very naive. That changes our behavior, not the corporation's. Besides, I'll say it again, but Disney doesn't really want us oldtimers with long memories and standards. Not when we can be replaced by rubes.
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Well-Known Member
Presumed, assumed, denied, accepted, yet confirmed. The 5 stages of discovery. Now that the truth is revealed, what can we do about it now?
What is discovery? A relative who was trying to get out of a timeshare contract was told to just stop paying it and to give them the lawyer's number at work. "They will probably drop it there, but if they don't, I'll bury them so deep in discovery that...well, there is no end to discovery. Just don't pay them another cent."

So, again, what is it and how does it apply to google?


Well-Known Member
What is discovery? A relative who was trying to get out of a timeshare contract was told to just stop paying it and to give them the lawyer's number at work. "They will probably drop it there, but if they don't, I'll bury them so deep in discovery that...well, there is no end to discovery. Just don't pay them another cent."

So, again, what is it and how does it apply to google?
I meant discovery from a psychological perspective not from a legal perspective.

How does this apply to google?

I think my email may not be private - Stage 1 - Presumption
They may be mining my email - Stage 2 - Assumption
Google: YOUR EMAIL IS PRIVATE - Trust Us - Stage 3 - Denial
If they are mining my email, so be it everyone's doin it - Stage 4 - Acceptance
Google: Yup were mining your email - you have no privacy - Stage 5 - Confirmation

Same process follows for many other aspects in life

Just to add. It's all tinfoil in stages 1-4. It only becomes strategic thinking at Stage 5.
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