Spirited News and Observations and Opinions ...


Well-Known Member
Original Poster
Should probably have said that I didn't get in BoG. Only had one MK day (more like afternoon and night) as we were doing MVMCP (disclaimer: though I am NOT a blogger, I did not pay for said tickets!) and wanted to try it for lunch. But they were policing entry like the place had the crown jewels inside, so I can't even say what type of vibe it gave me. The outside had a feeling that was very UNI/Potter esque.


Well-Known Member
Yeah, the guy just comes here to "express opinions". Definitely not to troll. He never, ever trolls. Wake up.

If you really felt it was a consistant trolling and not the content of being able to handle an opinion of difference based on someone else's experiences wouldn't of you of stopped reading as soon as you saw who it was post by rather than read part of the post and disregard the rest and post your distaste for such statements? I am awake, but perhaps the cranky need naps.

Magenta Panther

Well-Known Member
New Fantasyland? ... Where do I even start. Maybe tomorrow or Monday. ... But while what's there looks detailed and nice (and it does), can I also state that The Port of Entry at IOA is just as detailed or more and that ET is a better ride in 2012 than Little Mermaid is? Oh, I just did.

I made much the same observation in my review of New Fantasyland...said that the Port of Entry at IOA blew anything in Fantasyland out of the water. And yeah, the ET ride...as old as it is, when you're on the "bikes" and you lift off and travel through a moonlit forest...man, that is still so magical and a billion times better than the Mermaid ride...what a pity...unexcuseable...


Well-Known Member
Since you mention IOA and POE, I agree that Jurassic Park and HP are its best lands. In terms of simply walking through them, IMHO the other IOA lands are just so-so. The Lost Continent isn't bad visually but I've never been thrilled with its two shows and now, of course, it's being cannibalized by HP.

I think Suess Landing is very nicely done, too.


Well-Known Member
The new Fantasyland is nice. I had a friend comp me and my 12 year old daughter in for cast previews. Rode Mermaid twice. I personally loathed it. My daughter was meh. I wanted to do a third trip to take pics of broken stuff and AC ducts and light rigs. My daughter wasn't interested so off to Space Mtn. we went. I had to tell her to put her phone away during Belle's. Take that for what it's worth.
I actually prefer LaFrou's over Butterbeer, but that is simply a taste thing. There is no way that it will ever out sell butterbeer. Because people don't buy Butterbeer because of the taste, they buy it because it's butterbeer. I still prefer Pumpkin Juice over all the afore mentioned beverages.


Liker of Things
Premium Member
Well we got to do all the new stuff (except for TT) over Thanksgiving and it was fine. It's just nothing new is on the horizon (maybe Avatar?) and for the first time the degradation of WDW really set me off (I went a ton as a kid and a young adult with my first visit being MK in 1972 at 3). In particular, walking around EPCOT on a cold windy evening with nary a Christmas decoration to look at really floored me. If they quit giving a crap about that kind of thing, I'll quit giving a crap about them. I'll stay at DVC resorts and do other things.


Well-Known Member
I guess that I look at things differently. Even if it's just $100.00 in a Christmas card, it's $100.00 that you didn't have before and they didn't have to give you. Don't get me wrong, I'm not justifying anything for Disney. It's just that sometimes I think generally expectations are a little overboard.

I can remember back in the late 70's, I worked as the manager of a printing/publishing company owned by one person. It was small time by any definition. I gave my graphic arts supervisor a $300.00 bonus, which at the time was fairly generous. She called me and told me that unless her bonus was much higher, like around 1K she wasn't coming in to work. This was during the last week of our busiest time. Hell, I only got $400.00 myself and I was responsible for the entire place. I told her I wasn't going to be able to give anymore then what she had already received. She told me, that she wasn't coming in. I said, OK, it's your choice, I'm not going to send the police after you. Anyway, she missed the heavy work time, causing everyone else to work extra to cover her absence. On the following Monday she marched into my office, sat down and smugly said...are you ready to talk now? I said yes I am, here's your final check and have a nice life. Her jaw dropped about two inches and she just sat there stunned looking. I told her I had some stuff to do so if there was nothing else, she could find her way out.

If you say to the unhappy person, well, leave go to a different place where you will be appreciated more, the response will always be...well, I can't there are no jobs out there. And there you have the reason why!
Good for you! This season where people feel entitled seems to go on and on!

Darth Sidious

Authentically Disney Distinctly Chinese
I would call ST a significantly upgraded ride, but not a "new" ride. And the changes greater than the Spider-man upgrade. But I have to admit that I was a little disappointed at how similar ST1 and ST2 were. I do like the random options though. But when I got off I was like, "Well it's still Star Tours". Star Tours is still Star Tours. How is that a "new" ride?

It's a new ride scene with the same underlying ride system much like the other attractions you mentioned. The only difference is theme... I agree with you actually on ST not being new but disagree that DM is truly new... It is but it isn't. Sorta just a grey area really.

Magenta Panther

Well-Known Member
Sure you can.
Not on the basis of attractions, but for quality of work, theme and detailing.

Star Tours crushes Simpsons, IMNSHO.
But, that may be because I was fond of Back to the Future.

The Simpsons ride isn't bad, but it's so damn...weird. Too weird even for the Simpsons. I'm glad I rode on it, but I doubt I'll ever ride it again.

Star Tours on the other hand...much as I dislike non-Disney brands in the parks, I have to say that it's very well done, has a great mix of humor and adventure, and is def something to experience again and again. (But I'd still much rather have a Disney Villains or Fantasia ride in its place).

disney fan 13

Well-Known Member
While I generally a agree and respect your opinion, IMHO it is inaccurate by a large degree...I have AP to IOA an have never felt magical in PoE...almost comical to me that an entry is compared to a full new land...

Don't know how it is... Magenta was comparing visuals, which match up great against POE. (I have an AP too. ;))


Well-Known Member
Don't know how it is... Magenta was comparing visuals, which match up great against POE. (I have an AP too. ;))
again visually (with SDMT) and even w/o I would stand hard against the port visually beats FLE. Now if ur judging with construction maybe, but final project no way


Well-Known Member
Original Poster
Moving on to MVMCP. It is an event I regularly skip. I have now gone maybe five times and paid once (back in '97). I hadn't been in about eight years.

My thoughts on the event are likely artificially high by those facts, and that the fall has been a blur and I haven't been much of a holiday Spirit (a mass murder in an elmentary school isn't something that gets you ready to hear 'Rocking Around the Christmas Tree' for the 800th time). But Mickey and the gang were able to work their MAGIC on me to some degree. I had a great time (with one exception) and I didn't even ride one Mountain (can you believe that? I can.) It was largely about seeing/evaluating the Christmas entertainment. At least the MK, unlike EPCOT, feels like Christmas. The decorations/tree may be exactly the same as they were 20 years ago, but they're there.

I would tell people to attend the event IF it was in place of a one-day ticket/visit. Because they now let you in for the party at 4 p.m. you can get an eight hour day plus extra entertainment all at a discount (significant discount most nights).

While the cast members were friendly, they weren't exceptionally so and a few seemed to be bah-humbugging their way through their shifts.

I wish I could say the entertainment was fresh, but I can't ... well, except for me. I had never seen Holiday Wishes from inside the MK before because of my aversion to hard ticket events and/or visiting Christmas week. And that's a pretty spectacular show.

Celebrate the Seasons has been playing on the castle stage since ... well, many of the members here likely were not born when it started. The only change I noted was the use of the articulated foamheads, which either improves the show or makes ir creepier depending on your view.

The best new thing at the MK is truly new. And lhat's the amazing Celebrate projection show that replaces The MAGIC, The Memories and ME! This is a winner and a stunner and I'm a bit surprised that it hasn't gotten more props from fanbois because it's a helluva lot more impressive them whatever they call the new Mermaid ride (why do they now need to have sentence long names for attractions?) ... This technology is just amazing and while it's been used to great success in Paris and Hong Kong, the prior show was a sappy mess that often was showing out of focus pictures of strangers that were supposed to be taken that day, but were often reused over and over and over again.

This show has heart and classic Disney characters and the mapping projections are amazing. Some of the show is borrowed from DLP's Dreams and DCA's WoC and the prior WDW show, but much is new and it is a great show ... having the holiday tag was a bonus. But I'd gladly skip Mermaid on a visit to see this show if it was an either or deal.

The Totally Tomorrowland Christmas show was totally new to me since it was added to replace the much superior Mickey's Twas the Night Before Christmas, which didn't have a venue when they needed to expand parking and demo'd the theater so Phil wouldn't have to walk so far when he's around. Is it the worst show I've ever seen in a Disney park? Nope. Was it good? Not really. Basically harmless.

Beyond the Celebrate the Magic show and Holiday Wishes, the highlight for me was Mickey's Once Upon a Christmastime Parade. Now, I realize I am acting like a newbie who goes to the MK, sees something that isn't new and says 'WDW has never been better, Lou's right!' But I haven't seen this parade in person since it was Mickey's Very Merry Christmas Parade, so the soundtrack and some of the floats etc was new to me. It certainly didn't feel as tired as DL's Christmas Fantasy Parade, which I saw last year for the first time since 2007 and left me longing for a replacement.

I did quite a few attractions too. But the night wasn'u about that.

I'd be remiss if I didn't mention seeing the now truncated CBJ before the park closed to day guests. Yes, they improved the sound (still not an good as Tokyo, though) and the show certainly felt 'hacked' to me. Remember this was done not to curb walkouts (a la Tiki Room), but to get higher guest counts by having more shows daily.
Also, kudos to Skipper Josh for a great Jungle Cruise that included some unexpected extra time on safari due to some issue at the dock.

Magenta Panther

Well-Known Member
again visually (with SDMT) and even w/o I would stand hard against the port visually beats FLE. Now if ur judging with construction maybe, but final project no way

But the final project has yet to be seen. Much as I love the IDEA behind the Mine Coaster, I'm having misgivings about some of the AAs and storyline, based on what I've seen of the ride-through videos. But believe me, I very much hope I'm wrong...

disney fan 13

Well-Known Member
again visually (with SDMT) and even w/o I would stand hard against the port visually beats FLE. Now if ur judging with construction maybe, but final project no way

I believe they are on equal footing to be honest. The main thing to the visuals of NFL is the forest and water features, while the draw to POE is detailed exteriors, good soundtrack, and overall fantasy/adventure look to the land.

Magenta Panther

Well-Known Member
I totally agree with WDW1974 about Mickey's Christmas Party. This year's was my second visit to the Party, and it is totally worth the cost in my view. The fireworks show, the parade, the snow on Main Street, and that marvelous Castle projection show...equals THE BEST CHRISTMAS PARTY EVER, and it's stuffed with Disney magic.


When, near the end of the projection show, Walt himself appears on the Castle and says, "I hope we don't lose sight of one thing...that it was all started by a mouse"...man, I wanted to cheer. A lot of the people in the crowd actually did. Great moment.


Well-Known Member
But the final project has yet to be seen. Much as I love the IDEA behind the Mine Coaster, I'm having misgivings about some of the AAs and storyline, based on what I've seen of the ride-through videos. But believe me, I very much hope I'm wrong...

I agree but the poster above said you meant visually...anyways small potatoes

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