Spirited News and Observations and Opinions ...


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I learned to count to 10 first. Did Iger count to 10 before sending that letter?

If he waited till the end of this week, would he have sent the same letter?

No matter what you think, there are a bunch of intelligent (mostly) guys running TWDC. Are they so absolutely certain this is a battle they will win? Are they so sure Markey is going to back down? Do they know something about Markey that's not part of the public record? Do they want a public fight?

Or did their egos take control?

I did find Iger's letter unprofessional. It's something I would have expected from Eisner, not Iger. At this point, I'm not sure what to think.

I think, judging by the feedback everywhere (not talking fan sites), he is regretting sending it already. He just made sure that Markey won't go quietly into the good night, and that others will also be looking into NEXT GEN.

Beyond the tone, the letter (vetted by likely no less than 5-10 people) was very sloppy.

People like to talk about Michael's ego and temper (and as someone who knows and respects the man, I'd agree on both), but Bob's always got a pass in that department. Remember why he is called the Weatherman ... now, ask yourself if you've ever known a TV weatherman to be a very balanced individual.

I swear sometimes it's like I think they're doing this to just give me material.:D


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74 can I ask you a question why are so passionate on this subject

Sure you can. You just did. ... Oh, you'd like an answer would you too?

I am passionate because I am a WDW fan, guest and shareholder. I value my privacy and don't like the direction this country has taken since the 90s (much worse since 9/11) where everyone talks about how important privacy is, yet none of us have it.

And, yes, I think this initiative is an INCREDIBLE waste of funds for a resort that has so many other more pressing needs.

Your thoughts?


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Well he just kept the story in the news cycle for at least another 24 hours. This will be in the NY Times, and probably the Journal tomorrow, but if it gets legs, it may find itself on local news. I don't know which member of his PR team suggested this (or maybe he is getting an Eisner-esque ego and only listens to himself now). Sometimes, I tell clients the best way to get a certain situation to go away is to not acknowledge it, and it will naturally die. (I'm not saying that the MM+ concerns aren't a problem, strictly speaking from a PR & news/crisis mgmt POV.)

This will be in the news cycle for longer than that, trust me.:cool:

I know of numerous media outlets looking into it and the more attention it gets, the more it will draw.

Very stupid kneejerk response on Iger's part.


Well-Known Member
Sure you can. You just did. ... Oh, you'd like an answer would you too?

I am passionate because I am a WDW fan, guest and shareholder. I value my privacy and don't like the direction this country has taken since the 90s (much worse since 9/11) where everyone talks about how important privacy is, yet none of us have it.

And, yes, I think this initiative is an INCREDIBLE waste of funds for a resort that has so many other more pressing needs.

Your thoughts?

Which gets back to my rant on Disney's poison management culture that has taken root since the end of Eisner's reign. Eisner did great things for this company (Saved it, actually) but I don't agree with his management style or the management culture he created within the company.

Sadly, I haven't seen Bob do anything to disuade that culture.


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Methinks Mr. Weatherman is sounding mighty defensive. Must be the stress :)

Seriously, this whole episode is now officially beyond bizarre. Why can't DisCo just get back to providing superior family entertainment instead of behaving like some Facebook wannabe?

Don't they remember what happened with Go.com?

Disney, you were already the coolest kid on the block and you blew it. Stop trying to be what you are not before it's too late.

Great point and one I've been meaning to bring up. Let's not forget that $1 billion plus boondoggle because Disney just had to be in the portal business.


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The Congressman had asked what the effects would be for someone "opting out" of MyMagic+, which is one of the central questions with the program. How does "opting out" work and what does that do to a person's paid-experience in the parks? Might even argue it's the central question, since Iger keeps reminding us that the program is "completely optional."

I don't think Iger's letter or the attachment addresses this.

Can we agree this is one provocative, half-arsed response?

I'd like to think so, but am sure we can't.

But I will repeat ad nauseum that once this program is fully up and running -- IF it is allowed to go thru unaltered -- that opting out will really be something in name only.


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Wow. NextGen must be important to Disney.

I don't ever recall a topic where so many first timers have rushed to defend it.

I just have to resist the temptation to feed the ...

Sounds like I should sign off for tonight and by tomorrow morning, this thread will be cleaned up once again.

I know. I feel like suggesting that new members have a waiting period (yeah, like guns) where they can't post immediately and there's a limit to the number of posts a newbie can have in one day or on one thread etc ...

There's no coincidence that this is happening. Or where it is happening.


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I hear that the MK is in a crash-cleaning mode with Iger coming this week....

I am still trying to find out from my 'minions of Disney destruction' on the ground if he and/or Tom has arrived yet.
I never found out the day they were coming, but sort of thought it was early like Monday or Tuesday ...


Well-Known Member
I know. I feel like suggesting that new members have a waiting period (yeah, like guns) where they can't post immediately and there's a limit to the number of posts a newbie can have in one day or on one thread etc ...

There's no coincidence that this is happening. Or where it is happening.
I now know why this is happening after the PM you sent me I can understand why, I ask you some simple questions and you twist the whole thing into I'm going soft or am intentionally undermining you, you ask me if the reason I posted earlier was because your the number 1 go to guy here and I could possibly be jealous, I ask this are you truly that delusional that you'd think that the majority of people worry about what their Internet cred is. You twisted everything I said and wouldn't give it true response just a canned one. You know it's said your really are that insecure about your place here, iw went challenging you I simply asked valid questions. But of course no where do you call me soft and say I'm sticking up for trolls in your response just in a pm. So to openly are this no 74 I'm not nor ever will be after your #1 spot. Also before you call someone soft please have a good reason for it. Now you'll say I'm trolling or you'll question my agenda as you did in the pm. My agenda this used to be fun, but I don't considered getting condescending pm's fun anymore. I really understand the trolls are here not due to the message but due to the messenger. I was respectful to you, I see what that gets me


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It really wasn't professional or becoming of a corporate CEO. It was much more like a semi-polite "F Off" to the congressman. If anything, that response will redouble the congressman's efforts to dig into what the mouse is doing.

**** WARNING****** Conspiracy Theory Ahead, Tinfoil Hats Recommended!

..... Unless thats exactly what Iger wants, so he can kill MyMagic+ and blame Congress for having to do so.

That's exactly what it was, Dave. And I have no earthly clue why Iger, Staggs, Mucha and Legal thought that a nasty, spiteful, antagonistic response was the answer.

Iger handled Markey, the way the less-disciplined members treat a troll. And it never ends well.

Unless Disney has pics of Markey in a sexually compromising fashion or bank records showing he's laundering money for a Columbian drug cartel, Iger basically stuck his foot into a fire ant mound and kicked it all around.

Makes very little sense except a maybe a posturing move by Disney Legal ... but not a smart one.


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Having problems posting links on here (my end, not the site) but Inside the Magic just posted the 2 page attachment.

I guess it's more important to look at what Disney elected not to respond to versus what they actually did respond to.

That aside, is it appropriate for anyone, much less the head of TWDC, to use bold underlined text when responding to a Congressman? ... But ... you know what? What really has my attention is that second paragraph, ''We are offended by the ludicrous and utterly ill-informed assertion in your letter dated January 24, 2013, that we would in any way haphazardly or recklessly introduce a program that manipulates children, or wantonly puts their safety at risk.''

Setting aside the ridiculous notion that a company should be 'offended' (like Disney has emotions or such), take that one sentence and deconstruct it.

Does TWDC realize what they have declared here? Is Bob Iger aware of the admission contained amidst the hyperbole? Just stunning that something like could come from the head of an $88 billion market cap media corp.

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