Speedway necessary?


I’m a seasonal Cast Member at the Indy Speedway, and I do believe that certain things could be changed as far as the setup of the ride, but I don’t think it should go anywhere. Even before I began working there, the “racecars” were something that I’ve always remembered. In returning years afterwards I never had an interest in riding the cars, but just looking at them and seeing the look on kid’s faces is astounding. You have no idea how great it is to see a kid’s face LIGHT UP when they jump behind the wheel of the car. If you ask any boy between the ages of 5 and 9 what their favorite thing was about the Magic Kingdom, I guarantee you they will say the Indy Speedway. I’ve provided so many Magical Moments for children by letting them jump the line because it’s their birthday or because their parents don’t want to ride. I cannot see Disney ripping something out of the park that makes kids so happy. But I agree that the cars should be powered by electricity. But I don’t think that’ll be happening anytime soon.

On the other side, for those who complain about how slow the cars go- they are slow for a reason- safety. Cast Members have really gotten hurt on the job out there. I worked with one lady who got hit by a car and because of it, her finger is paralyzed, and at the time, the impact knocked her kneecap to the side of her leg. She had to have all kinds of surgery. Also, I’ve had to see doctors about my foot because a man bumped a car that I was unloading while my foot was on the outside pedal. It feels better now, but anytime I have an injury involving my foot (i.e. I twist my ankle), that same area gets effected over again, and before this accident, I’d never had problems with my foot in that area.

And the cars can go fast- during grad nites, a few people that I worked with played with the gears and that car was going close to 30mph. They put the car on a track where no other cars were and they sped by the people at grad nite several times. It was kind of fun looking at the expressions on their faces when this car came speeding by and they were going 7.5mph. If the cars that we worked with went even as fast at 15 mph, seriously, Guests would kill us. For these to be adults that complain about the speed of the cars, they certainly can drive irresponsibly.

One side note as well, it also makes me smile when I see little women and men from India, Asia, etc. that have never driven in their life come to Disney World. Indy Speedway is their first time driving ever, and these people are in their 50’s, 60’s and higher. But they can really hold up the line! If you think that the cars already go slow, wait until you get behind someone that age that’s never driven before. We almost always have to end up letting everyone behind them go twice…


Well-Known Member
From the long lines I see at this ride...I don't see it going anywhere soon.

I say leave it...as long as it makes the kiddies happy.

I kind of enjoy taking a minute to relax and watch the faces of the kids on this ride.

Update it? Why? If it aint broke...don't FIX it.

I think some of you have just forgotten what it's like to be a little kid .:lol:


Well-Known Member
Originally posted by mraw
I’m a seasonal Cast Member at the Indy Speedway, and I do believe that certain things could be changed as far as the setup of the ride, but I don’t think it should go anywhere...

I personaly am not saying they should rip it out. I'm just saying the theame of Autopia is out of place in Tomorrowland. Maybe an update to more futuristic cars and some tunnels or something might make it blend in more. Right now it just looks like they forgot to change it when Tomorrowland had a makeover.


Don't worry, the Speedway will be going nowhere in the near future. Too many kids are indiferent about seing Ariel or Snow White (esp boys just getting to their cool age) that are stuck on Speedway and won't stop riding. You may see some relatively small changes, but the attraction is going nowhere.


Speedway's futuristic theming, while still there, is definately more subtle. I would love to see futuristic cars, but keep them realistic, the main crowd for Speedway, kids, need to know they're driving a car, that's the main appeal.


New Member
Originally posted by Lee
It's needed for the kids?
Oh please! If a kid can't find something better to do at Magic Kingdom, he might need a good talking-to.:rolleyes:

lol...exactly. As if the MK wasn't catering to children enough already, they built Toontown to offer even more. There's certainly not a lack of child-orientated attractions that, if removed, they wouldn't want to return to the Magic Kingdom because the loud/slow/railed cars were gone.

This is essentially a preferences debate, as are most threads, but if you look at Disney's track record for what has remained, what has been rehabbed, and what has been replaced since WDW was built, this attraction certainly doesn't fit the mold for what should remain. I'm not a fan of the fact that there's a GM pavilion called test track that has nothing to do with future world other than "here's our new(read future) line of cars, make sure to buy one when you get home." But this didn't have anything to do with Tomorrowland when it was first built.


New Member
I always loved the Speedway as a kid, Couldnt wait to ride it every time I was there. When I was there a few years back as an adult the luster was a bit worn. I had always wondered after the red 0f the Autopia at DL, why WDW didn't get a redo.

The great thing is that they could do the same thing at WDW. There is a substancial plot of land between the RR Tracks and the service road just north of SM. They could use the existing site plus this parcel and could do an Autopia type remodel or other
Auto based attraction. Maybe they could spend the bug bucks and replace the current fleet with a more green frendly vehicle, Maybe a futuristic vehicle to fit in with the makeover from the late 90s and have it be solar powered


Well-Known Member
In a perfect world, they would rip out the Speedway and put in a Mysterious Island (from TDS)/Discovery Bay project.
Then build the Jr. Autopia near test Track at Epcot, for the kids.
In a perfect world...


Active Member
My kid loves the Speedway, but I can't stand it. Too long waiting for too slow go carts. Those cars are slower than my lawnmower.

Guess I'm biased though since I worked at a real go cart track as a youth. :)


It would not be difficult to come up with a business case for replacing the Speedway. Something new, glitzy and High Tech. The same could even be said for replacing Snow White and Peter Pan, Pooh etc. These rides are a throw back to the 50's. And probably the Speedway concept does not fit into the Tomorrowland Theme (maybe it really never did or perhapds it did once but time has outgrown it).

But I too agree that it is wonderful for the kids. Look at the length of the lines filled with excitedly waiting kids to get on and their bored parents. I have not ridden Speedway in many years and yet everytime I pass it with my now 23 year old daughter (who still makes several trips a year to WDW with me) I still have vivid memories of her driving me around the track in chase of her older (now 28) sister and mother (now deceased) in the car ahead of us and of course the inevitible crashing into the back of their car, accidently of course.

How about this.....keep the concept of but update the old tech rides....add a level or two to Peter Pan; change Snow White by building different chapters of the story into the ride; but make them multiple lines so that each line's waiting time could possibly be reduced (an hours wait for Peter Pan seems silly to me). Keep the vision but improve the ride and what I'll call the environment of the ride (not necessarily imageerring - sic) BUT CERTAINLY DO NOT do what they did to poor figment several years ago.



Premium Member
Well, I was just there in early December and I have been going to the Magic Kingdom since the second year it was open. Now I take my kids/grandkids on the Tomorrowland® Indy Speedway (3, 3, 4, 5) and they love it. Between that and the tea-cups was probably a tie for the ride I saw them smile/laugh the most.

While I could see giving it an image boost like Autopia, please please don't let them remove it. I remember how excited I was as a kid when I got my first Mickey Mouse driver's license for being a good driver at the end.


Well-Known Member
Originally posted by cabihler
...But I too agree that it is wonderful for the kids. Look at the length of the lines filled with excitedly waiting kids to get on and their bored parents.

Yes, that's because it is a slow boarding, slow moving ride. There are always long lines. Don't get that confused with it's popularity.


New Member
Well, I like it, BUT...

I think the land could be better utilized and it wouldn't bother me if it was gone.

I have found over the years that their is somebody passionate over something at Disney. Whether it be the Swiss Family Treehouse, to CoP, to Dino-rama, to the trees in front of Cindy's Castle.

OK, there is more sentimental value at Disney than any other parks on earth, but things change and need to move forward. It's one thing to want CoP preserved (it's unique), but as said earlier, the Speedway is run of the mill today and can go, much like the Skyway that went before it. Do I like it... Yes, can it go... Yes.



New Member
Seems this subject comes up for air every 6 months or so. Relative to the question whether or not the Speedway belongs in Tomorrowland, I draw your attention to the following:

"Tomorrowland will be the world of the future. We'll send people on tours in a rocketship, showcase the newest science and technology and even little kiddies will get in on the act being able to drive a car, something they wouldn't be able to do for years in the future."

Walt Disney

Maybe Walt's vision is outdated, huh?


I have a feeling that if Disney annouced that the Speedway was coming down people would be complaining like crazy. There would be online petitions and probably 20 different threads on this site about the topic. Disney can't win. People don't like it when they get rid of the old attractions and now we don't like it when they keep a "classic." That being said the attraction stinks, but there has to be something about the length of the lines that says a little something about the speedways popularity. Heck I think the Pooh ride is the biggest waste of space, but every time I go by it there is atleast an hour wait - Someone must be enjoying it! Not every attraction is for everybody, but Disney does a good job making sure we enjoy the majority of them. If they didn't we wouldn't be Disney fans and this site would even exist.


Originally posted by Tramp
Maybe Walt's vision is outdated, huh?

No, Walt's vision is not outdated, the kiddie car ride is.
You can find a car ride in almost every amusement park in the country. It is not a rarity like it was in 1955. Other than the fact that it sits in a Disney park, it has no great redeeming factor.

The Speedway at MK is the only one in all of the Disney parks that intrudes on the rest of the land. The others are built on the perimeter where they don't visually destroy the theme.

If it MUST be kept, it must at the very least get a "New Tomorrowland" theme. If Disneyland can do it, surely MK can.


Originally posted by raven
Yes, that's because it is a slow boarding, slow moving ride. There are always long lines. Don't get that confused with it's popularity.

The OHRC for Indy Speedway is always high. There are only a few times day when the line is stagnant, and that’s when we have to add or remove cars, and when we get really slow drivers. Other than that, you’d never stay standing in the same place for more than a few seconds.

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