Speedway necessary?


Well-Known Member
This attraction is sooooooo 20th Century. Why is it here? Whose vision was it that in the land of tomorrow we'd be whizzing along on a track choking on fumes? This ride reeks of who cares on the part of Disney. Let's just stick an auto park attraction there. Lazy. Lazy. Lazy. It was fine in the '50s. Of last century. Just think of the possibilities that could go here. I agree with all previous comments that a much better ride could go here. Heck, it takes up so much room you could probably stick two rides in its place.


Well-Known Member
Originally posted by mraw
The OHRC for Indy Speedway is always high. There are only a few times day when the line is stagnant, and that’s when we have to add or remove cars, and when we get really slow drivers. Other than that, you’d never stay standing in the same place for more than a few seconds.

I guess everytime I ride this attraction they must be changing cars because it's always been slow to me. Oh well.

Originally posted by Tramp
"Tomorrowland will be the world of the future. We'll send people on tours in a rocketship, showcase the newest science and technology and even little kiddies will get in on the act being able to drive a car, something they wouldn't be able to do for years in the future." Walt Disney

Um, yeah. That was like 50 years ago. "Kiddies" will never be able to drive unless they change the legal driving age to 5 years old. Not doubting Walt, just saying the quote was made a long time ago. Times have changed. Time to look at the "newest science and technology" part of that quote. Those vehicles are ancient. :animwink:


Well-Known Member
It might be expensive, but maybe a sleeker, more 'retro-future' looking (less polluting) car is all thats needed. I'm not talking like the test track style cars, but something that fits with the 'retro-future' theme of tomorrowland. Granted thats a lot of cars to replace/upgrade, but perhaps that might make it fit better.

just a thought....


New Member
I would think, with the braintrust that is WDI, that whether told to or not, they've come up with a ton of better ideas to replace this traffic jam. Let's just hope one day they're given the green light on one of them.


Well-Known Member
Originally posted by PhotoDave219
...but maybe a sleeker, more 'retro-future' looking (less polluting) car is all thats needed.

Less polluting! That's what Disney is supposed to be about. Maybe they should take some of those barf bags from M:S and put them in the queue line at Autopia. Inhaling those carbon monixide fumes is enough to make anyone :hurl:

:lol: :lol: :lol:


When I don’t particularly care for an attraction in WDW, I simply walk by it. Just because I don’t like an attraction doesn’t mean that it needs to go. I’ve been to WDW many times, and I’ve yet to ride Dumbo- I would never wait in line to ride it. But, on the other hand many people (of all ages) love the ride and it’s always on their to-do list when they go to MK. When kids come from the Make-A-Wish Foundation and Give Kids the World to drive the cars, you realize that this is probably the only time these kids will get to drive a car. It makes them happy. And instead of ripping out old attractions to add new ones, the company should focus on adding new attractions where there aren’t any. There’s a Six Flags in my city, and they are always tearing down rides to put in new ones. So, it’s basically “you have a time span of three years to enjoy this ride- after that, it’s out”. Why can’t there be room for both rides? Growth involves adding to what’s already there- not replacing.


I'm not sure why, just because it doesn't appeal to everyone, something must go. Without getting myself in trouble, you'd be amazed how many people ride this on an average day, let alone peak season. You'd also be amazed how little they pollute. Trust me, I was very surprised when I first saw the stats.

Seriously, though, the people that want speedway gone are the same ones who want to see a coaster in Future World. Ditch the crowd WDW was built for, families, and appeal to teens/adults. Sorry, but when Disney goes too far in this direction, they'll just be another Universal. :hurl:


Well-Known Member
Of course it's necessary. I love the Speedway. I have nothing to support my opinion. I just like it. :D

And uh.. TestTrack.. if that's you in your avatar.. :kiss: :animwink:



New Member
The INDY is hands-on Fun for kids...

While we're upgrading to the 21st century....might as well dump "Dumbo," nothing is more simplistic than that...or maybe the Carousel, damn, those things go back a few centuries, don't they? What a waste of prime space, eh? "Peter Pan" is a two minute ride after a 45 minute wait, may as well close that waste of time down with it's unrealistic theming. I won't touch the silliness of IASW cuz that sets too many people off but, really, isn't it time to bring some high tech to those dancing babes? The more I think of it, Disney World is so 'yesterday'...with all the high tech available to us, I want something I can experience and knock my socks off without ever leaving my house!:animwink:

...oh, and screw the kiddies...we need more adult entertainment and let the kids fend for themselves. Disney World is OURS now and kids need to deal with it. Leave the damn brats in the room so they don't get in the way of us having a good time!:eek: Move over kid, that's MY spot on the parade route!:animwink:

(I never rode INDY until I took my daughter on it....she was too short so she steered while I pressed the gas pedal...no one, but no one, will ever erase the happiness of that moment and I hope others can experience that feeling with their kids before the "Dump the INDY" crowd has it's way and it becomes Disney history)

(...just one more point...before anyone begins ripping out original attractions, think about better utilizing space that's available NOW...Fantasy Theater, The Sky Ride areas and 20,000 leagues, for example, are not what I consider 'Best Use' of prime space!):eek:

I say fill in BAY LAKE and build a park just for ME


New Member
Originally posted by Defend10 Seriously, though, the people that want speedway gone are the same ones who want to see a coaster in Future World. Ditch the crowd WDW was built for, families, and appeal to teens/adults. Sorry, but when Disney goes too far in this direction, they'll just be another Universal. :hurl:

:rolleyes: As you can see by my posts in the various threads that talk about the old story-telling attractions versus the new speed/thrill attractions that have replaced them, i don't fit into your category.

In fact i can't remember anyone who has been on my side of the fence on this issue(in this thread) saying a speed/thrill attraction is what's needed instead. I mean SM is right next door as it is. In fact, minus the speed/thrill and just focus on the lack of attention to detail in newer attractions, it could be mistaken for an attraction that replaced a Disney favorite.

Its not a Disney proprietary attraction. Its not based on an animated film or television show that Disney produced. Its a poor example of go kart tracks that are all across the US. These days kids are growing up with these local cart tracks as well as the even better F1 chain of indoor tracks.

I just can't understand that when attractions like 20,000 League, Horizons, et al are trashed, an attraction as mundane as this is still standing. From a fan's standpoint it doesn't make sense. From a business standpoint it probably does since people still enjoy it and they rarely have to do anything to it.


I am always torn back and forth as to whether I think the Speedway should go. As of now, I feel it should stay. I haven't been on it in 14 years, mostly because the people I'm with don't want to go on it. However, if it stays, I think it could use a rehab. Since it's in Tomorrowland, it could use facelift to make it seem more futuristic. Why not make the cars look like rockets or something, and have the track and course designed to look like Mars or something.

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