Special Fairy Godmother


Original Poster
Yes I am, and yes I do.

Ohh that would be so awesome if you were able to give it to her. I am hoping she will remember us once again. In all the years we have been going to WDW since 2002 we have only missed her once...in 2004.

If you are able to get this to her please let her know how much we love her. We just love her genuineness and compassion. It is obvious in how she treats guests even though she is playing a character.

Would you let me know if you are able to give this to her? I would really appreciate it. :)
This story made my eyes well up with tears and thanks for sharing. A wonderful story like this is the reason we love Disney so much because it is so magical. Glad that you and your daughter had such a special experience.


New Member
Ohh that would be so awesome if you were able to give it to her. I am hoping she will remember us once again. In all the years we have been going to WDW since 2002 we have only missed her once...in 2004.

If you are able to get this to her please let her know how much we love her. We just love her genuineness and compassion. It is obvious in how she treats guests even though she is playing a character.

Would you let me know if you are able to give this to her? I would really appreciate it. :)

I gave it to her yesterday. She definitely looks forward to seeing you again and is so gracious for your kind words!


Original Poster
11 Days!Well I have good news about our upcoming trip to WDW....
THANKS TO A SPECIAL CM who is on this forum....We are going to be able to meet up with our favorite Fairy Godmother while at WDW. This is great news for us, and we are super excited!

I don't want to say the CM's name because I don't want others to bother this CM or harass them in trying to get special favors done....as this wasnt the original reason i posted my story. I only posted it to tell of the inspiring way in which CM's made my daughter's dreams come true. I NEVER dreamed that this CM would be able and willing to help.

I will not divulge this person's name unless they desire me to. But to that CM, I will just say publicaly, that I am forever grateful and in your debt for helping to spread a little pixie dust our way, and puting a smile on my daughter's face. YOU are special, and you should know that you are part of what WALT started do many years ago. THANK YOU :animwink:

I will post pics and the new story about our meeting with our FG once we get back.



Well-Known Member
What and amazing and touching story!!! God bless you and your family, and the CM's who made this little girl's dreams come true!!!

Those pictures are priceless and your daughter is beautiful!

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