New Member
I have now caught up with the thread and it's great!
Unfortunatly, my first trip to WDW was in 99'.

Unfortunatly, my first trip to WDW was in 99'.

the window with the woman in it was located in the space shuttle also the sattlite would of been located closer toward the shuttle,also the network tunnel ends wherre the track starts in youre pic if thats what you ment by the white streaks but outher than that it looks like 180 top and the red lights would be right under the shuttle hope this helpsbeanboon said:I've taken the liberty of adding the location of the space station to your drawing, Martin. Here it is:
The space station is directly across the octagon from the classroom and directly over the tunnel entrance. The walls to the left and right of the classroom and old space station are sound panels and nothing else (except maybe some water stains). I could clearly see that in my night shot video. I'll post screen shots or upload it once I dump it into my PC here.
I don't think the area where the news screen is now was ever covered like you've drawn, rather I think the red lights might have been mounted on the angles of the roof of the octagon area (look at the angles in the pictures that I took and see if you agree). I imagine something interesting must have been where the classroom is now as you get such a good look at it.
There is PLENTY of room as you are spiraling down on your right for the satellite to have been mounted (just past the news screen as you descend).
And having the ride stop where it did and looking up into the dome was fantastic. It REALLY looked like you were moving with the space station set against the stars.
marni1971 said:Beanboon,
No probs. Change away!
I`m surprised you think the satellite was so far down - not that you are wrong, I always thought it was up in the planetarium.
marni1971 said:I agree with your comment too about the red strip lights being mounted on the octagon - it does look the right shape. I`m re rendering my 1990 video right now with a rediculous level of enhancement; I`ll narrate what I see.
Okay... come out of the ascent tunnel and pan right. There is Earth. Lots of murk. A long pan to the right (visable stars are a good reference) and there`s the satellite, slightly above the ride position. It dosn`t seem we have begun the descent yet. Now we have, a few seconds later - I tilted the camera up slightly and the satellite was directly above, but further away. Immiediate pan right and down to the girl (she`s on the same level as I am) and we are descending and turning to the left (that is turning on our right shoulder if you get my drift) then pan left and up, and in a second or two the red strip lights are visable. We are still turning, almost spiraling. The red lights seem to be on a level with the girl, or very close. Quite a lot of murky nothing, then on either side of the track are the red rotating pattern projections - we are now curving on our left shoulder slightly, and still descending. Once past the rotating patterns its straight into the Tomorrows Child screens.
From looking at another video, I`d say the red strip lights were fixed to a framework - nothing really solid. I think I can also more or less verify this framework is in beenboons 3rd & last picture on the previous page. The shape is too close a match. This framework must be the top of the octogon. See the circular cut out in these photos too? That matches perfectly where the dark glass `dome` with flashing lights used to be too.
One more thing; the red rotating pattern projections are at the start of the `tunnel` - that is, where there is a roof above us as we go down a floor. Previous to this you can still see up around the props to SSEs ceiling.
And it`s so frustrating watching the camera pan to what we know must be the space station area, but all that comes out is murk. I`m not sure if this has answered any questions or started more!
marni1971 said:Woah.... Expo - good question. It never occured to me the satellite was moved between 82 and 94. I doubt it was during the `86 rehab since the pavillion was only closed for 4 days (but it`s possible) - the photo of it reffered to by us clearly shows the `arm` and also the position of it being right of the track, just before descent. Whether it was moved here is a good point. I`m one of those who could have sworn there were more than one astronaut originally, but my first ride was in 1987 so the memory could be playing tricks.
marni1971 said:blake; I still can`t remember or find any more info about there being a shuttle (the EPCOT Center book aside) but having the satellite held by the robot arm does suggest it.
beanboon; yep, your cylinder position does make sense. Planet7`s pics verify this I believe. This being the case, the girl in my video wasn`t in this cylinder; the parrallax movement suggests she is to the right of the track.
About the enhanced video; there really isn`t much to see. The camera was SVHS which helped resolution, but it was a 3 chip semi pro model (Panasonic AG450) and so didn`t handle low light well; 3 lux was it`s minimum. Believe me, you can`t see the satellite properly. You can make out a fuzz of dots that is the parabolic dish, and the leading edge of the astronaut. If you didn`t know what you`re looking at you wouldn`t know. I`ve used the best bits in my almost complete ultimate tribute video to SSE86 & Communicore; I`ve had to simulate the satellite footage again (though this time it does look better; it has the solar panels for one!)
What we need to find are the D series blueprints for SSE. If anyone sees any, let me know. The A series are the architechts structural layouts (A and a 3 digit number) but the D series were WED`s show scene plans.
looking forward to it.My turn to bump a thread.
Expect some new images from the Cronkite SSE 180top very soon!!
My turn to bump a thread.
Expect some new images from the Cronkite SSE 180top very soon!!
A good friend of mine, Mark. Shot in `94 just before the rehab with a good low light tolerence camcorder. Nothing out of hours - totally legit.Images taken by ?
Don`t get too excited; they are still murky and dark I`m afraid. Apart from the window girl, who looks great, you can make out the satellite(s) and where they were. Better yet, the solar pannels of the one featured earlier in this thread (it had 8 pannels sticking out) were mirrored - in the video you can see them reflecting the red light from the overhead strips as the car passes it. I`ve stuck a small version of it in my album http://photoalbums.wdwmagic.com/showphoto.php?photo=23700&cat=500Wow, I remember this thread! I saw this post and I thought to myself that it couldn't be the same one, but it is.
Can't wait to see the images!
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