Spaceship in Spaceship Earth


Park History nut
Premium Member
biggbird5182 said:
^ Which person in that photo are you talking about?

The one sat on the left hand side.

Here`s the girl in 1990:


  • SSE 180 top girl.jpg
    SSE 180 top girl.jpg
    43.6 KB · Views: 648


This is probably the most interesting thread I've ever been apart of! I love reading it and seeing all of the peoples "clues" and old pictures and movies and stuff. It's GREAT!

Castle Cake Apologist

Well-Known Member
marni1971 said:
The one sat on the left hand side.

Here`s the girl in 1990:

Does anyone have a picture of the printing press scene now without the animatronic, for sake of comparison?

Now... is the window girl an animatronic or a still figure? Because she looks way too much like the girl in the karate/baseball scene for me to write it off as pure coincidence...

Also... I'm assuming we've all agreed that there used to be an astronaut floating around up in there as well? Because I always used to get yelled at by people saying I was crazy, but I have camcorder footage from I believe 88 or 89 (or possibly 92) which clearly shows an astronaut up in there.

This thread is so facinating.


Park History nut
Premium Member
I can`t tell from my video (the pic above is from it) if it`s an AA or not - although blakesse06 does say actuators are still in position. BTW; DisneyExpert - you have a PM!

Yep, there was an astronaut up there - some people remember 2 (including myself) but there is no visual record of this. Here`s the pic that rekindled this topic (as you say very interesting!)

And here is the printing scene, minus the AA at the table:


  • SSE printing no AA.jpg
    SSE printing no AA.jpg
    125.1 KB · Views: 512


Active Member
it was replaced with the computer kids i have a book with pics and stuff from 87 i think with like3 pic of the redone area i'm sure thier is a video online somewhere


Park History nut
Premium Member
it was replaced with the computer kids i have a book with pics and stuff from 87 i think with like3 pic of the redone area i'm sure thier is a video online somewhere
Welcome! :wave:

What was replaced? If you mean this scene, it is still there - the still above is from the current Irons version. Are you thinking of the home or office computer scenes? These were in the Perrin and Cronkite versions, where the boy and girl videophone scene is today.


New Member
i dont know if the acuaturs for theAA in gutenburg press are still there im talking about the girl in the shuttle that was behind the satlite in that pic See above link the shuttle is part of the bulding and is behind you on decent from the virtual classroom scene look behind you at this point and you can still see it but it is painted black but the AA is still inside
the whole scene as i rememburing it was the satlite and the asturnaut were out side of the shuttle and in the window of the shuttle you could see the AA pushing buttons while the outher astranut in the space suit was working outside on the sattlite he was not an AA but I think he was rigged so his hand moved via a motor above him
i rode this ride quite a bit as a kid 4-5 yrs old my family had annuall passes for years and mom liked epcot alot more than magic kindom. ive ridden the old edition of this ride quite a bit over the years and rember the old verson quite vividly. and remberr being sad when they changed it its alawase been a favorite


Park History nut
Premium Member
blakesse06 said:
the whole scene as i rememburing it was the satlite and the asturnaut were out side of the shuttle and in the window of the shuttle you could see the AA pushing buttons while the outher astranut in the space suit was working outside on the sattlite he was not an AA but I think he was rigged so his hand moved via a motor above him

Shuttle? You mean there was a shuttle?

You arn`t confusing this with the Horizons space scene? This had an AA pushing buttons behind a window while another AA in a space suit worked outside? There were also several shuttles in the background.


New Member
I do remember this hazily and was confused when there wasn't much to see this time when i went (it was a 10 year gap between visits-never again!).

Any ideas why it was taken out/covered up yet?


Park History nut
Premium Member
Best guess is either a different plot; the original concept was of being beamed to a distant star - though how we`d still see the Earth is anyones guess. Maybe that`s why. Also, as mentioned earlier, the station set was really wasted since you couldn`t actually see it due to miscommunication during design (ironic for a communications led attraction!) and so perhaps a wholesale removal was done.


WDW Fan Since 1973
marni1971 said:
Shuttle? You mean there was a shuttle?

You arn`t confusing this with the Horizons space scene? This had an AA pushing buttons behind a window while another AA in a space suit worked outside? There were also several shuttles in the background.

In reference to the shuttle comments...I pulled out an old book I have "Walt Disney's Epcot-Creating the New World of Tomorrow" (pub in '82 by Abrams-hardcover, 240 pages) and it gives pretty good play by play descriptions (pre-opening I assume) of all the attractions in Epcot. In the SSE chapter it mentions the shuttle in question. Here's the text...."From the vantage point of space we look back on the world-tiny, fragile, but very much alive, our own Spaceship Earth. Beginning our descent-and passing on the way a crew of astronauts making repairs on a shuttle vehicle in outer space we come down to earth, in more ways that one."

It's funny that they describe the space station as a shuttle, because I don't recall it looking like a shuttle, but I thought you might be interested in what this book had to say. The book is a great read and includes mention of the "future" Rhine River Cruise in Germany, "Meet the World" opening in Japan in 1984, and Roman ruins and southern Italy (to open in '83). It also has a chapter dedicated to the Africa pavillion. Great construction photos, conceptual artwork and models make this book a great addition to the hard core Disney fans collection. I'd search ebay if I were any of you.


Park History nut
Premium Member
It`s a great book - as Steve says, hunt it down if you can! There were two versions though; the earliest has a model of SSE on the cover and gold lettering - this is the more thorough one.

What throws me about the shuttle comments in this book is the reference to more than one astronaut. As I said, I did recall more than one myself, but concept art, others recollections and chatting to George make me think otherwise. Plus, the astronaut is clearly fixing a satellite.


WDW Fan Since 1973
marni1971 said:
It`s a great book - as Steve says, hunt it down if you can! There were two versions though; the earliest has a model of SSE on the cover and gold lettering - this is the more thorough one.

What throws me about the shuttle comments in this book is the reference to more than one astronaut. As I said, I did recall more than one myself, but concept art, others recollections and chatting to George make me think otherwise. Plus, the astronaut is clearly fixing a satellite.

I've got the "model" fact, it had been years since I browsed through it. I only started re-reading it because of this thread. This has been a great thread (as someone earlier stated).


Active Member
Punkss said:
What a shame all that hard work wasted, as i remember it wowed me. Nevermind at least it got some glory for a while!

I know what you mean. Every time I ride it now it looks very bleak to me. It makes me feel a bit sad because I can remember how cool it was. When I ride it I "see" the space of the future in all its glory while other people just see the earth.

Slightly off-topic: this is a fascinating thread. It reminds me of the saying "the more you learn, the more you learn you don't know." I've always thought I was the world's biggest disney geek and have been called that by many. Now I know I don't deserve the title and am only a sub-geek.

I take off my hat to those certifiable geeks (Martin deserves special mention here) whose obsession and very hard work has provided so many people with a little piece of heaven.

Thank you! :sohappy::sohappy::sohappy:


New Member
marni1971 said:
It`s a great book - as Steve says, hunt it down if you can! There were two versions though; the earliest has a model of SSE on the cover and gold lettering - this is the more thorough one.

Actually, just to make matters confusing, there are three versions (that I know of) of this book. There's the original, pre-opening, unabridged version; there's another of the same size, post-opening, with more photos of the completed pavilions; and an abridged version. The ideal would be to have both the pre- and post-opening, full versions. I have only the pre-opening (which actually is good, as it's more rare).



Well-Known Member
steve2wdw said:
In reference to the shuttle comments...I pulled out an old book I have "Walt Disney's Epcot-Creating the New World of Tomorrow" (pub in '82 by Abrams-hardcover, 240 pages) and it gives pretty good play by play descriptions (pre-opening I assume) of all the attractions in Epcot. In the SSE chapter it mentions the shuttle in question. Here's the text...."From the vantage point of space we look back on the world-tiny, fragile, but very much alive, our own Spaceship Earth. Beginning our descent-and passing on the way a crew of astronauts making repairs on a shuttle vehicle in outer space we come down to earth, in more ways that one."

It's funny that they describe the space station as a shuttle, because I don't recall it looking like a shuttle, but I thought you might be interested in what this book had to say. The book is a great read and includes mention of the "future" Rhine River Cruise in Germany, "Meet the World" opening in Japan in 1984, and Roman ruins and southern Italy (to open in '83). It also has a chapter dedicated to the Africa pavillion. Great construction photos, conceptual artwork and models make this book a great addition to the hard core Disney fans collection. I'd search ebay if I were any of you.
Steve's post made me curious to see which book I own (post - 240 pages) and to see the SSE description in it. Next to my EPCOT Center book is the EPCOT center coloring book that was issued by Golden back in 1983 - they actually have 3 pages / pictures devoted to this topic. Pic 1) Outside in Space, Astronuts repair a Shuttle, Pic 2) Inside the Shuttle, astronauts talk to earth and Pic 3) A Satellie in Space sends information back to earth.


Original Poster
My copy of "Epcot Center" is dated 1982 and has the model on the front and has this description on page 51:
"From the vantage point of space we look back on the world-tiny, fragile, but very much alive, our own Spaceship Earth.
Beginning our descent-and passing on the way a crew of astronauts making repairs on a shuttle vehicle in outer space-we come down to earth, in more ways than one."
So perhaps there were 2 astronauts initially as some have suggested.

By the way, that picture of the girl in the window of the space station is a little creepy, but it's great that we have a pic. The picture is very dark, but I assume that the station was white at that point.


Well-Known Member
I wonder what else is up there in the space station besides that cylinder that hold the girl looking out the window and also the space station outline that's just past the "tv's in space".

I can't wait to see flash pictures of these from peoples trips coming up! :zipit: :cry:


Expo_Seeker40 said:
I don't know of any incident with the satellite. All I know is that since the 1994 rehab the satellite is not clearly visible. It is either hidden behind the rockwork of the moon, or covered up, or completely gone.

To me I've never understood why it is no longer in the public eye. Either it malfunctioned, looked to outdated, or was deemed too distracting from the stairfield and planet earth projection.

I wish it would come back, but it does look a little tacky. LOL. :dazzle:


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