If I remember you come down around 2 floors at a time, then level out, then come down another 2 floors at a time - thats why the return is so steep. Imagine a forty five degree incline, then a flat section, a=then another 45 degree part - like a zig zig.
BTW - the upright section right under the base of SE dosn`t take any structural weight - thats the fire exit.
Also - the track only actually uses 1/3 of the geosphere - the top 1/3 is the planetarium area, and the entire section below where the legs attatch dosn`t contain anything of note. In the 70`s it was impossible to design a suspended complete geosphere, so they built the top 2/3 on legs, then underslung the bottom third onto this, hence why nothing is in there. Or something like that!