Spaceship Earth: The old and new


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The version of Spaceship Earth I remember mostly was the one with Jeremy Irons doing the narration. Why does it feel that this new version is a mere shadow of what the old held? I understand that most of the "future" technology in the 90s/00s version was becoming outdated, but there was still this Horizons like feel to the ride. Now? The ride just feels almost like a product infomercial. Like, "Look we have the old stuff, but check out this new thing with the video monitor that looks like your cut out picture in a Jetsons episode..." I do understand the concept of moving forward and I do like Judi Dench's narration, but it lacks something.
In my opinion, I largely don't like the new version because the new narration feels like it's talking down to you.

Another big reason for me personally has to do with the ending. The touch screen method for the future feels super lame. I realize they had to replace the tech at the end because it was becoming dated, but it was not the way to go.

I imagine that a large reason they chose this is it'd be a lot easier to update the "future" aspects of the ride with something like an interactive animation. For that reason I find it fairly ironic that instead of the content/material aging bad it'll probably be the presentation style that will feel out-dated first.

That being said, Spaceship Earth is still one of my favorite Disney Rides even if the new version isn't as good as the previous version.
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The ride was and still is fairly light on "future technology". The original theme (which is one of the elements that was dropped in the current version) was the history of communication. What little future prediction it had wasn't really outdated either, and easily updated with minor alterations if needed. The "Jetsons" cartoon is immensely more outdated and absurd than anything in the prior version of the ride.

The previous versions of the ride had a more mature feel, the narration in particular opted to treat guests more like sophisticated thinking adults (sentences were constructed with more elaborate and complex language, which interestingly helped to further complement and enhance the pacing of the ride). I'm also a big fan of the even older Walter Cronkite version, though my personal preference from a narrative/audio perspective is the Jeremy Irons version.

I liken the Jeremy Irons version in particular to a Cosmos episode from a narration perspective. Like Carl Sagan, Irons' voice (combined with the flowing script) contained both a deeply meditative yet simultaneously captivating quality. In stark contrast with Judi Dench's sharp voice (i'm ordinarily a big fan of her but not as a narrator for this ride) alongside the dumbed down language used in the script.

The descent was also beautiful and inspirational, including both the visual design as well as the gorgeous and uplifting musical score. The walls and scenery were all decked out in a stunning web colorful sparkling light, brilliantly executed with fiber optic effects. And the soundtrack used was also absolutely wonderful (based on a remix of a classical piece also used in a Cosmos episode IIRC). It always gave me chills and put me in a hopeful mood to witness this scene's visuals combined with the music-


Well-Known Member
Original Poster
The ride was and still is fairly light on "future technology". The original theme (which is one of the elements that was dropped in the current version) was the history of communication. What little future prediction it had wasn't really outdated either, and easily updated with minor alterations if needed. The "Jetsons" cartoon is immensely more outdated and absurd than anything in the prior version of the ride.

The previous versions of the ride had a more mature feel, the narration in particular opted to treat guests more like sophisticated thinking adults (sentences were constructed with more elaborate and complex language, which interestingly helped to further complement and enhance the pacing of the ride). I'm also a big fan of the even older Walter Cronkite version, though my personal preference from a narrative/audio perspective is the Jeremy Irons version.

I liken the Jeremy Irons version in particular to a Cosmos episode from a narration perspective. Like Carl Sagan, Irons' voice (combined with the flowing script) contained both a deeply meditative yet simultaneously captivating quality. In stark contrast with Judi Dench's sharp voice (i'm ordinarily a big fan of her but not as a narrator for this ride) alongside the dumbed down language used in the script.

The descent was also beautiful and inspirational, including both the visual design as well as the gorgeous and uplifting musical score. The walls and scenery were all decked out in a stunning web colorful sparkling light, brilliantly executed with fiber optic effects. And the soundtrack used was also absolutely wonderful (based on a remix of a classical piece also used in a Cosmos episode IIRC). It always gave me chills and put me in a hopeful mood to witness this scene's visuals combined with the music-

I wasn't around for the Carl Sagan Cosmos, but I have seen Neil deGrasse Tyson's version. I agree that the meditative voice along with the more complicated language of the Jeremy Irons version was very well done. I didn't get to experience Walter Cronkite's narration as this was before my time, but I would imagine that version of Spaceship Earth was very well done as well.

On a side note, I always find that men have more calming narrative voices versus women, with our sharpness. Judi Dench is ok...but I still prefer Mr. Irons.

My favorite part of the descent was seeing Spaceship Earth lit up with chasing lights and matching music...why Disney?


Well-Known Member
I wasn't around for the Carl Sagan Cosmos, but I have seen Neil deGrasse Tyson's version. I agree that the meditative voice along with the more complicated language of the Jeremy Irons version was very well done. I didn't get to experience Walter Cronkite's narration as this was before my time, but I would imagine that version of Spaceship Earth was very well done as well.

On a side note, I always find that men have more calming narrative voices versus women, with our sharpness. Judi Dench is ok...but I still prefer Mr. Irons.

My favorite part of the descent was seeing Spaceship Earth lit up with chasing lights and matching music...why Disney?
To bad you missed Cronkite because he was, hands down, the best. All this crap about dating stuff is just a way for us to lose good things. Even though Mr. Cronkite has been dead for a while now... I would never get tired of hearing his voice if they ran it for a hundred years.


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BTW, all the talk about how the original descent was sooo much better is a crock. It was OK just as todays ending is OK. It wasn't all the high tech compared to what we have there today and it is just distorted memories that have built it up to be wonderful. It was something to look at just like the screens are now and you didn't even get to see your face on cartoon characters.:) The song Tomorrows Child was inspiring as were most of attraction related songs were, but, I don't see why that can't be used with even what we have today.


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BTW, all the talk about how the original descent was sooo much better is a crock. It was OK just as todays ending is OK. It wasn't all the high tech compared to what we have there today and it is just distorted memories that have built it up to be wonderful. It was something to look at just like the screens are now and you didn't even get to see your face on cartoon characters.:) The song Tomorrows Child was inspiring as were most of attraction related songs were, but, I don't see why that can't be used with even what we have today.
I see your point there. There will come a time years from now where kids of this time will miss the current version we have now. We are on a constant repeat of nostalgia.


Well-Known Member
I see your point there. There will come a time years from now where kids of this time will miss the current version we have now. We are on a constant repeat of nostalgia.
I won't even be years from now. The amount of time that I have been going to WDW (34 years) SSE has changed 4 times. Sometimes just a little and sometimes a lot. The first 3/4 of it have remained very close to the same but from that point on there have been all kinds of change. Not much of it has had staying power.


Well-Known Member
The original theme (which is one of the elements that was dropped in the current version) was the history of communication.
The current version is exactly about the history of communication, and one of the clever things it does is connect advances in communication to today, such as referring to copies of historic books as "the first backup system". By adding things like the first computers and the first home computers, then connecting those to enabling the internet we use today, I don't see anything dated at all about Spaceship Earth... except for the currently broken "Your Tomorrow" game on the decent, which is unfortunate.

I do agree that Walter Cronkite was the perfect narrator. I wonder if Neil deGrasse Tyson would be a good replacement, or someone with a wonderful voice like James Earl Jones.


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The current version is exactly about the history of communication, and one of the clever things it does is connect advances in communication to today, such as referring to copies of historic books as "the first backup system". By adding things like the first computers and the first home computers, then connecting those to enabling the internet we use today, I don't see anything dated at all about Spaceship Earth... except for the currently broken "Your Tomorrow" game on the decent, which is unfortunate.

I do agree that Walter Cronkite was the perfect narrator. I wonder if Neil deGrasse Tyson would be a good replacement, or someone with a wonderful voice like James Earl Jones.
Spaceship Earth through the Cosmos...that would be awesome!


Well-Known Member
I'm not sure what that's supposed to mean. What did they change about the narration to make it "common core level"? If anything, it's been improved to update it, not 'dumbed down'.

Multiple threads discuss this topic on how they've taken many parts out of the storyline and pretty much let the ride turn into shambles. The latter half of the ride doesn't even exist anymore. It has been replaced by background music and looking at non-working wire bundles. But don't forget the hi-tech touchscreen animated part at the end where you can paste your face into a futuristic setting and email it to yourself.


Well-Known Member
The scenes they retained from prior versions are still about communication, but the scenes following the Moon Landing (the ones they altered completely) largely opt out of the communication theme for a more generic "history of technology".

The current ending sucks outright. I absolutely like the Cronkite descent a lot better than the Dench version, and it's not even a contest when compared against Irons' descent. It doesn't matter that the cartoon is "something to look at", its campy "Jetsons" tone clashes horribly with the rest of the ride. It lacks all the elegance and uplifting emotion of either preceding endings.


Well-Known Member
Multiple threads discuss this topic on how they've taken many parts out of the storyline and pretty much let the ride turn into shambles
Yes, and I disagree with them entirely. I feel that the updates have hugely improved the ride's connection to today's use of technology and the narration has created a better narrative flow, from the beginnings of communication connecting it to the use of the Internet. What it lacks is a vision for the future; I agree that the cartoon/conclusion is in desperate need of updating, especially now that it's broken and the photo-heads don't work at all, so you're just seeing a goofy cartoon with no connection to you at all.

It's dumbed down.
And I disagree. But that's just my opinion.

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