The ride was and still is fairly light on "future technology". The original theme (which is one of the elements that was dropped in the current version) was the history of communication. What little future prediction it had wasn't really outdated either, and easily updated with minor alterations if needed. The "Jetsons" cartoon is immensely more outdated and absurd than anything in the prior version of the ride.
The previous versions of the ride had a more mature feel, the narration in particular opted to treat guests more like sophisticated thinking adults (sentences were constructed with more elaborate and complex language, which interestingly helped to further complement and enhance the pacing of the ride). I'm also a big fan of the even older Walter Cronkite version, though my personal preference from a narrative/audio perspective is the Jeremy Irons version.
I liken the Jeremy Irons version in particular to a Cosmos episode from a narration perspective. Like Carl Sagan, Irons' voice (combined with the flowing script) contained both a deeply meditative yet simultaneously captivating quality. In stark contrast with Judi Dench's sharp voice (i'm ordinarily a big fan of her but not as a narrator for this ride) alongside the dumbed down language used in the script.
The descent was also beautiful and inspirational, including both the visual design as well as the gorgeous and uplifting musical score. The walls and scenery were all decked out in a stunning web colorful sparkling light, brilliantly executed with fiber optic effects. And the soundtrack used was also absolutely wonderful (based on a remix of a classical piece also used in a Cosmos episode IIRC). It always gave me chills and put me in a hopeful mood to witness this scene's visuals combined with the music-