Spaceship Earth preview poll part 2 - for those who have ridden the previews

How would you rate the new Spaceship Earth?

  • Excellent

    Votes: 46 17.8%
  • Good

    Votes: 99 38.4%
  • Average

    Votes: 63 24.4%
  • Poor

    Votes: 50 19.4%

  • Total voters


Well-Known Member
We rode it last Saturday night, and I have to say that we really enjoyed the changes/updates/additions at the beginning. The computer scenes are pretty classic - they seemed to belong there, like they had been there all along.

That said, I was disappointed in 180 top and the descent. The star field is pretty cool, but they are actually in perfect lines and rows...not random like space really is. Additionally, the video is just plain bad...

Overall, I give it a B-.



Well-Known Member
I rode it this past Saturday (12/15). I think the beginning though the 180 degree top is awesome. The end is very weak. I like the idea of the touch screen, but I am not a fan of the cartoon. I also wish they would add some music to the end. I am thinking a huge orchestral theme like they have playing outside would be great. I never have been a big fan of Tomorrow's Child, but even that would be better than what we have now. Overall I give the version of Spaceship Earth I rode a B, B- rating. It's good but not great.


New Member
More of the same here.

Animatronics and scenes are great, but there is a lack of everything else.

While I love Judi Dench, the script is somewhat trite and not as majestic as the Spaceship Earth script should be.

The music, while at some points inspirational, it is not the grand and amazing score that was there prior to the refurb.

The descent is awful. They should have done something with all the old scenes. Instead of focusing on the screen, I was focusing on what used to be in the descent.

Overall, I think it is not that bad of a redo, but it is not the impressive ride that the icon of Epcot should have. I have discussed with many others, both cast members and friends, and we all think the same thing.
I am going to pin in here. I rode it on December 8th, and I have to say that it's amazing until the 180 top. From there, it goes downhill. I know most people say the same thing, but I really miss the old version. What I would give to have that back. I actually didn't know there was music until I heard my recording later. That is not good news.

wolf lightnin

New Member
we got into a soft opening on 12/8. I gave it an average b/c I thought everything was golden until the end. so I balanced the greatness of the beginning with the atrocity at the end and got "average."

(btw, echoscot, good to see a fellow member of DWT over here :wave: )


New Member
we got into a soft opening on 12/8. I gave it an average b/c I thought everything was golden until the end. so I balanced the greatness of the beginning with the atrocity at the end and got "average."

(btw, echoscot, good to see a fellow member of DWT over here :wave: )

Hi wolf:wave: Yep, this is one of three boards I bounce around on, wasting away my days when I could be doing something soooo much more productive.


Well-Known Member
Some thoughts after reading this thread and the other poll thread (but none others--I rode it this past weekend and didn't want any spoilers):

We all seem to be in agreement that the ascent is amazing. The new AA's are fluid and lifelike. The new effects like the mammoth attack, cave paintings, and new computer scenes really add to the attraction.

BUT, I'm going to play the devil's advocate here and claim that people's frustrations stem from the fact that a change was made. People don't like Judy Dench and the new script because it's not Jeremy Irons and the old Ray Bradbury-infused script. Are these bad things inherently, or in comparison? Is the interactivity of the descent inherently bad? Are black walls inherently bad? (Actually, many people would answer yes to that one, but how are we supposed to answer questions and watch a screen while looking at other scenes? It's like watching tv while doing homework. Plus, what are we missing? Fiber optics and neon tubes? Is THAT what you're crying about?) We need to use perspective when commenting on new attractions. Stop looking at what's missing, and start looking at what's there.

Are new riders (people who've never ridden SSE before) really going to go complaining to Guest Relations because they were expecting the voice of scar to read a novel to them while they listen to a 'grand' score and look at lights?

Now, I LOVED the previous incarnation of SSE--everything about it, the score the narration the pretty lights. But why be so upset over change? Rides change, why judge one as better than another. They're certainly different, and you may like one better than another, but is getting in a tizzy going to make you feel better (or bring the old one back)? Your comments here influence people who have yet to ride. The same thing happened with Stitch's Great Escape. Give your opinion, but be diplomatic about it--let people make up their own minds. Just because you don't like it does not make it bad.

Now, here's my opinion:
I think Judy Dench did a great job. The narration is much easier to listen to, and understand. I didn't have to work at it, it fit. As far as the score goes, I'm under the impression that scores should not stand out on their own. They should blend in and enhance the scene--not take it over. The old score did just that--I had trouble focusing on the descent (narration especially) because I liked the score so much. I think the new score adds value without stealing the show. The star field at the beginning of the descent is incredible. The touch screens were really cool, and they DID talk about future technologies. I'm excited to see how they'll use my picture in it as well. Is it my new favorite attraction? No. Do I like it more than I did? Yes, actually. Could I find things I would change if I had the power? Of course, but I can do that on any ride, and frankly it doesn't matter, I won't let my pickyness get in the way of enjoying an attraction . . . like all your arm-chair imagineers out there.

Pete C

Active Member
Just rode the new SSE and I liked it a lot. I don't know why, but Judy Dench's voice made me listen to the dialog more than I have in the past. For the entire ascent, it was every bit as good as it has ever been if not better. The decent was very funny and while just a simple flash app, the general public will love it. I especially liked the grid of light points at the beginning of the descent...was that there before? It looked awesome.


Well-Known Member
DH and I rode SSE on Saturday, 12/22. I really liked most of the changes. Didn't care for the touch screen descent, but overall I'd give it a B+.
Rode it twice tonight...the heads on the decent are working for the most part; still some bugs here and there. For those of you who don't know, the picture that is taken during the ascent is used to paste your heads over the "jetsons" heads on the way back down. Make sure your face is clearly visible when the picture is taken and u'll have no problem. I *THINK* waving or doing anything with your hands that would cover ur face in any way could confuse the computer meaning the head effect on the way back down will not work. Please correct me if I'm wrong on that.

The curtins on the ride down look a tad too temporary to me...looks like shower curtins hung on a cheep piece of metal or something...if it was something more permanent I would think they would use more durable looking curtins. It makes sense to me that if they are adding to the end, that they would do it behind the curtins while allowing the ride to still be open to the public...since it is a crowd eater. The sign out front does state they are still in process of putting the finishing touches in. I am noticing some more effects with fiberoptics on the way back down. They have some lightning bolts on the right side and such. There seems to be more effects laying around, just not working yet. I understand that everyone misses the old stuff on the ride back down, I do too, but it is still a work in progress and so far I do agree with the poster who gave it a B+

Heck the first 3/4 of the ride is is looking the best it has in a while and the music score is getting more bearable the more I get used to it. The touch screen part is MUCH MUCH MUCH MUCH better when your face is actually added in. Give this sucker a few months and I have a good feeling we will have another priceless Disney attraction on our hands in flawless shape.


New Member
I have not ridden on it....but they will have a long way to go to make it anyhting more then the "nap" ride it has always been


New Member
I rode SSE on 12/30 (after waiting in the longest line I've ever been in for the attraction) and came away with mixed feelings.

The new audioanimatronics look great and much more fluid and dynamic than before.

The storyline / narration seemed rather rough and uneven. I think they've had a tough time trying to overlay a new story over the old set pieces. While the pacing was great for telling a story of communication, in talking about innovation as a whole it seems to move in fits and starts while leaving out so many things. The script Judi Dench reads underscores that feeling for me. It comes across as a series of statements of "oh, and look what we found next", as if she were opening random old boxes found in an attic.

I agree that it would have been nice to see the space station at the top. As it stands, it feels anticlimactic.

I don't mind the decent -- the touch screens and custom animated stories are rather cute and not a bad way to pass the time going back down. However, the facial extraction bit feels kinda creepy to me, and while it's a clever idea the live face doesn't fit with the animation.

I'd give it a B grade.

Hoop Raeb

Formerly known as...
The DW rode it today after waiting in line for 30 minutes (first time I've ever waited that long). There's actually switchbacks on either side of the entrance. Who knew! :)

Loved most of the ascent except for a couple things. The paperboy moved to the back of the scene. Why? I could hear his voice but just couldn't find him. Just weird. Judi Dench is OK but everything is dumbed down in the narration. It actually irritated me at points. Plus, the speakers are so loud that I could hear the car in front of me before my narration began. Then, when she stopped in between scenes, it all started again. Can we turn the volume down a little please?

I was also bummed that Robin from the Howard Stern show was moved from her rightful place in the radio booth, dressed up in go-go boots and put to work on a massive computer. The computer room, although cool at first, did kinda give off the vibe of "here's a panel of flashing lights that's made to look like a computer of old". Kinda like when you go to the fair and see one of those "handwriting analysis" machines. Is that really what old computers looked like? Maybe.

The matrix tunnel screams "copyright infringment" to me. How about something original projected? Also, that tunnel must be open to the 180 because there is a TON of light washout. I just remember the 180 being a lot darker. The starfield doesn't look as good to me and the earth projection doesn't look as bright. Look back towards the matrix tunnel when you're up there. You'll see what I mean.

The e-surance video during descent did put our heads on the cartoon bodies. An unexpected surprise. I guess the questions (an ultimately a different video) lead to rerideability, so that's a good thing. I just think they've backed themselves into a corner with the touch screens. If you have scenes and screens, you're asking yourself what to look at. I guess you could one or the other but the thing you're missing will be distracting. If they do both, I'll be interested to see how it all meshes.

Ultimately though, there's gotta be some other stuff behind those descent curtains! They're just too clumsy not to be. Speaking of clumsy... COULD SOMEONE FIX THE TRACK! Sorry, just had to get that off my chest. Absolutely terrible during the descent. I thought my fillings were going to fall out.

Can't wait to see what they do with the descent. Come on people. Do we really miss the lame scenes where kids in a classroom talk about riding on giant bees? Or maybe you were a fan of the motionless kid being beamed to Asia to talk to another motionless figure (but the videophone screens always showed them perfect, hmmm). Anything they do there will be an improvement.

Just hoping they do.


New Member
I thought it was okayy. They did a good job with the touch screens and animatronics, but the touch screens only play a small part with the ride. I really didn't like the girl w/ the yellow tights and black go-go boots...yuck. Otherwise, it wasn't bad.


Well-Known Member
Speaking of clumsy... COULD SOMEONE FIX THE TRACK! Sorry, just had to get that off my chest. Absolutely terrible during the descent. I thought my fillings were going to fall out.

Oy. I'm so tired of explaining that there is NO "fixing" the track!!! Those bumps you are feeling are a side effect of the anti-rollback things that are a result of the diffrent angles of the ride track. It'll ALWAYS be a bit bumpy.


Why not make the seat more comfortable?

I rode the ride Friday. It broke down after 10 - 15 minutes it started up and they did not allow riders for @ least an hour. The updates are ok, but it's not the best effort of the Imagineers, but they had their limitations built into the structure.

But why not make the seats more comfortable? Seems like an easy adaptation, but no, justa a screen was added.:sohappy:


New Member
it´s OK...great work with the animatronics and the thing at the end when you see your future...but i think that they could have left the original one..i dont care if it was old..but..its the original one!

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