SPACE MOUNTAIN- I assure you, we are SOFT re-OPEN!!!


Active Member
The first episode of my Space Mountain footage is being uploaded to YouTube now while the second is being made into a video. Click the link in my sig to get to my playlist, then go to my channel and view the new episodes once they are uploaded.
Just to let you know, your copyright infringement got the audio disabled. A real shame since that's the only thing that we online haven't heard on this refurb. Might want to check that out.


I was really, REALLy hoping we would get onboard audio. I think that music really adds alot to an attraction and life in general, as it sets a tone, and helps build emotion. I am please though with the upgrades we did receive.

Thankfully, I have an ipod and the score to DL SM, which syncs up nicely I might add. :sohappy:


Well-Known Member
To 74 & the rest of the whiners responding in this thread:

I've been on Disneyland's SM quite often now, being a new resident of southern california (go annual pass!). While I do love and appreciate the on-board audio and lift tunnel, I don't really understand why it's so monumentally important that these two things be included for you whiners to be happy.

I actually love the silence in the WDW ride, because space itself is a vacuum. To me, the music in Disneyland strays way too far in the whole "Telling us how to feel" category, rather than adding to the story of the ride. With the exception of Ghost Galaxy, the music doesn't say anything other than "Woooeee we're in space!" Yeah, I got that. The pitch blackness, stars everywhere, space-station themed queue, and fact that I'm sitting in a freaking rocket ship in TOMORROWLAND sold the story there. Cheesy synth music doesn't add anything to said storyline; all it does is force something on you. Ghost Galaxy, of course, is markedly different, but that's not the point.

So to me, the only thing that would have made the whiners happy here would have been at the very least on-board audio, a neat but ultimately unnecessary feature, a re-entry tunnel change (even though I love it and never saw anything wrong with it, fine, I'll hand that one to you), and a "smoother ride".

What this equates to is that you wanted them to basically remove EVERYTHING inside the mountain, and design and build what amounts to a completely different roller coaster, since the current system has no way of physically supporting the added weight of an on-board audio system (no, I don't have the data to back that up, but think about it - these systems are designed very specifically to the finest detail by people with engineering degrees, to be able to handle a finite amount of weight - quit emailing me). You wanted this done during the single worst economic crisis in this country since the great depression. Oookay. I know you can't please everybody, but yikes.

Another lapse in logic: We knew we weren't going to get an entirely new ride. So why are you people acting so surprised?

You guys are like spoiled kids on christmas, throwing their presents against the wall and screaming about how they didn't get that 21-speed bike...and of course, it's soooo easy to make a caricatured scapegoat out of TDO. No, I'm not saying they're saints or anything, but I find it way too convenient to direct tantrums at what amounts to a snidley whiplash-style cartoon villain. I can just see them now, with their monocles and black top hats, twirling their mustaches, and POURING over this thread as though their lives depended on it...

Yeah, right. Half of them probably think the internet is a tool used for catching trout. You ever think that maybe the reason they couldn't redo space mountain was because, oh, I don't know, a lack of time and money?

Yeah, umm, no. I'm glad you have an opinion, but I'm far from whining. In my opinion, from an on ride, show stand point, this is the worst of the recent rehabs we have received at MK (Small World, Pirates, Hall of Presidents, Haunted Mansion).

The audio was not the make or break thing with me. I would've settled for some actual physical props in the ride. That would've improved the experience greatly, IMO. A new reentry tunnel and a silent lift hill would've also raised my opinion of the ride.

Sue me for wanting to see a real astroid or two, maybe a planet here and there and a spiral galaxy. :shrug:

Main Street USA

Well-Known Member
I'm glad you have an opinion, but I'm far from whining. I'm stating fact.

I happen to agree about the refurbs, but you're not stating fact. It's only a fact in your eyes, and that's what is called an opinion. You both have opinions.

Other people may believe that this refurb was better than the Pirates or HM updates. Does that make them wrong? No. Likely in the minority, yes, but not wrong.


Premium Member
Yeah, umm, no. I'm glad you have an opinion, but I'm far from whining. I'm stating fact. From an on ride, show stand point, this is the worse of the recent rehabs we have received at MK (Small World, Pirates, Hall of Presidents, Haunted Mansion).

The audio was not the make or break thing with me. I would've settled for some actual physical props in the ride would've improved the experience greatly, IMO. A new reentry tunnel and a silent lift hill would've also raised my opinion of the ride.

Sue me for wanting to see a real astroid or two, maybe a planet here and there and a spiral galaxy. :shrug:

you mean worst, not worse ;)


Well-Known Member
I happen to agree about the refurbs, but you're not stating fact. It's only a fact in your eyes, and that's what is called an opinion. You both have opinions.

Other people may believe that this refurb was better than the Pirates or HM updates. Does that make them wrong? No. Likely in the minority, yes, but not wrong.

you mean worst, not worse ;)

True, and I changed both. I was posting quickly from my Blackberry when I did it.

Mistakes happen. :wave:


Premium Member
sorry, I'm a grammar nazi, I hate myself sometimes (and yes, I know I'm not perfect either, lack of capitalization for example)


New Member
Just watched a full on-board video and I noticed two things: 1. The new effect in the first tunnel is really cool, but yet quite odd. 2. Why do they take your picture on the turn right after the first tunnel and before the lift hill. Isn't that quite an odd place to take an on-board picture? :shrug:


Active Member
Original Poster
I took another ride, and I'm back with more pictures!

There's no '& Villas', it must not be a DVC Resort. Seriously, not even a Spa?


Active Member
Original Poster
This time around, I discovered that the queue can get a lot more complicated than I thought. This time we went back just past the the control tower and turned left into the switchbacks. We winded around in there until it reached the middle back wall with the Alpha and Omega on it. If you go left for Alpha, you actually go behind the cargo container wall. We were directed to Omega, which just goes into the single row of queue along back there.


Well-Known Member
So far it all looks pretty good. what i dont understand from a few posters, is other than on board audio, how would you want TDO to actually change the ride? No one likes DLs version. And WDWS is to rough, but the layout is great. Now its supposedly smoother, until i ride it and find out. This is not about preshow or post show, just the actual ride, which is very exciting.


Well-Known Member
My favorite update: Check Invisible Oxygen Dome!

And yeah, in 7 months the noticeable changes are video games and some quick post show work. (And the new launch tunnel audio and effect with a photo)
Did they do more than that, probably. Can't tell though. Coaster like "wild mouse" types are rough. Was in April, is now. Maybe slightly better in parts, but still just "wild mouse" jerky.

And Photopass IS NOT available for the on-ride photos.

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