Sounds Dangerous + Idol = new attraction?


Well-Known Member
I was there in November and every time I got a Fastpass for a DHS attraction, the machine would spit out a free pass to American Idol as well. They were practically begging people to go. I think AIE's time has passed. Combine the two and you have enough space for a great ride.

This seems to be the approach when an attraction is dying - a feeble attempt to generate #s.

All things considered, the show was worth seeing - very good production value but not all that compelling.


Well-Known Member
I understand the are issues recruiting enough contestants - something that was not expected to be a problem.

I don't understand why Disney didn't figure recruiting contestants would be a problem a first place. I thought the attraction would have issues with recruiting enough contestants from the start. I never went to American Idol experience for 2 reasons and I am sure other people wouldn't going for my reason number 2 also.

My first reason is the fact I never have been big fan of the show. The 2nd reason is the I am a terrible singer.


Well-Known Member
Two weeks ago we also noticed Idol CM's everywhere trying to recruit, and it didn't look like anyone was really paying them any mind.

It's really not surprising that they're having such a hard time. A majority of WDW guests have traveled there and spent a bunch of money. Giving up time in the parks to have a "chance" at performing is a tough sell. And then consider the fact that most people cannot sing and/or have no interest in getting up in front of a crowd that size.

When I think of it that way, it's really surprising that they didn't push for this to be at DCA. You have many more people who visit the parks and live locally, as well as a lot of people with dreams of making it big in movies or music. Seems like a perfect fit there.

And this is coming from someone who is a fan of the show and has watched just about every season. We even spent some decent money to see the tour this year. With that said, we have only seen the AIE show once in about 7 trips since it opened. It's partially due to having a 3 year old but also due to not being all that interested. If I am going to spend park time at a show, it's going to be something I know I will enjoy in advance. AIE is just too hit or miss for me.

It would be fine with me if Idol runs its course and Disney comes up with something more significant for that space, hopefully a dark ride of some sort. But if AI really did foot the bill for that theater renovation, then I'm not holding my breath!


New Member
no surprise.

Personally I think it would be good for them to combine them if they could into something better. Years ago, we visited the Sounds Dangerous. Didn't really like the show and the headphones had problems and really old. I can't believe the building still stands there all these years and only open when needed.

As for Idol. This is something that seems to be happening too much these days. When they see a good thing, they try to milk it so much, that there isn't anything left. I used to watch Idol, but after 2 seasons, enough is enough. It was the same with survivor. It has been over done and lost interest. I was shocked when I heard they were putting in Idol in Disney. I was saying the same thing, do they really think they will be able to keep this going after how long it already has been going and get people to be a contestant? I can see if they did it at the beginning when the show just started, it would go on for a few years, but this is too late for it. I did go 2 years ago to see it, and it had hardly anybody there and just a few people in it. We didn't go to see it this year, but when we were there, they were out trying big time to try to draw people in. This isn't something that will work in a theme park as it takes up a lot of time from them visiting the park. Most won't do that. Yes, they may go to see the show to see what it was like if they were really there, but once done that, its time to move on.


Well-Known Member
Sounds Dangerous = terrible. About time it finally gets taken off life support and removed. American Idol I saw it twice in the three years it's been running. Nothing too special. There is no way this show should be here much longer than MAYBE one year. I agree with everyone else. Take it out and combine the two spaces to build a FAMILY dark ride! We all know the park needs another one very badly to help alieviate pressure from Toy Story Midway Mania.


I agree with bring back Superstar Television!... It was something fun and worthwhile watching. With that said, I have auditioned for American Idol and did find it quite fun. Stuck around and watched the show...still found it fun. The one thing that I always thought was a winner, they let it go....Who wants to be a Millionaire..seemed to me was always packed..and it gave EVERYONE a chance to be on stage and be a winner...that's one thing that Idol is missing!


Well-Known Member
I thought from the moment I heard about the AIE attraction that is was likely a bad move seeing as how the tv show was already losing steam and it would e hard to draw alot of people consistently in there (to watch and/or sing).

I hope Disney is learning some lessons from this....while I think Disney could do some awesome things with avatarland I have a bad feeling about this one as well.

Disney needs to do what they did several years ago in that each park gets some major attraction...I think the answer for animal kingdom is add disneysea into it and then build a place for world of color for a night show as well

Studios needs more rides and please god undo and redo the great movie ride to all Disney movie classics which would be a hit

Epcot needs an Ellen's change and maybe another country or 2 with rides

Todd H

Well-Known Member
Sounds Dangerous = terrible. About time it finally gets taken off life support and removed. American Idol I saw it twice in the three years it's been running. Nothing too special. There is no way this show should be here much longer than MAYBE one year. I agree with everyone else. Take it out and combine the two spaces to build a FAMILY dark ride! We all know the park needs another one very badly to help alieviate pressure from Toy Story Midway Mania.

Agreed. DHS is in desperate need of a few more family rides.


Well-Known Member
Agreed. DHS is in desperate need of a few more family rides.

The crazy wait times for TSMM should tell them that.

When I first heard SD was finally getting the boot, it was my first thought that AIE should go too. But what do you put there? An additional SW would be very welcomed, but I'd rather see an entire SW expansion behind ST and in to the parking lot. I don't the the SD/AIE building would be an appropriate place for a SW expansion unless the entire area around the lake is converted to a Lucasland.

Due to the money spent on the theater, I'm betting we'll see some kind of stage show take over. I wouldn't be surprised to see SD converted to a permanent location for the Jedi Training Academy, and AIE converted to some kind of stage show celebrating music from the movies – honestly, due to it's movies/Hollywood theme, I think it's something DHS has been desperately lacking.


Well-Known Member
While I don't disagree with the sentiment I think this has to be the gloomiest thing posted on WDWMagic this year.:lol:

...and yet it is as true since of all the people who try out there is only one true winner of the day....

When I think of it that way, it's really surprising that they didn't push for this to be at DCA. You have many more people who visit the parks and live locally, !

while it is true that a lot of people want to be the next big star out in that area of Cali...the second part is not as it was....traditionally the ratio of locals to non-locals was 70/30...but in 2010 it was at 55/45 with the numbers cruising higher on the non-local side of the equation. The proof is also in the pubbing when it is broken down by Mister Lutz:

Domestic Tourist Attendance: 6.5 Million, +4% over 2010
International Tourist Attendance: 2.1 Million, +10% over 2010
Local (Non-AP) Attendance: 3.4 Million, -5% under 2010
Annual Passport Attendance: 7.4 Million, flat from 2010
Complimentary Attendance: 2.1 Million, -4% under 2010

The trend is clear and if you take the time to read the entire article youll know that TDO's aim is to increase these numbers for the non-locals quite aggressively. Please read more of Al Lutz's article here

So in 2010 it was 13.91 million for locals and 9.65 million for non-locals.... if we ignore the change in comp tickets since according to mr. Lutz it is evenly split between locals and non-locals...and we assume the change is the same as last year (though his article alludes to the TDO strategy that the non-local number increases are expected to be stronger yet in these upcoming years) the 2011 numbers should be in the ballpark of 13.74 million locals versus 10.12 non-locals....

So granted there are still more locals than non-locals, it is soaring towards equality.... and even if it doesnt it still tosses the "Its all locals over there" out the window.

Someone should put this article of his up as a STICKY since this Locals thing is used as the excuse to why DLR gets this whike WDW doesnt.... and perhaps this will help delete this perception! Quality along with fresh entertainment,etc is what brings these folks back....and TDA seems to have implemented this in recent years and it is $rewarding$ their coffers.... and pulling in the increasing numbers of Joe Tourist from Australia, Great Britian or wherever to Anaheim that could have just as easily traveled to Orlando sorta says something.

Disney needs to do what they did several years ago in that each park gets some major attraction...I think the answer for animal kingdom is add disneysea into it and then build a place for world of color for a night show as well

Your Animal Kingdom ideas (assuming the expansion was well away from the areas where the largest concentrations of the animals are) would be epic... and from the sounds of it if WDW is not careful the folks at Shanghai will soon be the "Walt Disney World of the new century" with most of it being on par with the quality of DisneySea.

Guess where a lot of the Joe Tourists will be going then, especially those in not in North America....and heck if you are a Once in a Lifetime visitor from Chicago why not spend the extra $$$ and go to the Disney park where all the coolest stuff is?... I am not THAT smart so I would sincerely HOPE that TDO is already realizing this...

Today is Universal's turn to be a pain in the butt...but if Shanghai turns out even half as good as everyone says it will HAVE to chop into WDW's international visitors Big Time....and when that day arrives WDW is in for a lot of pain if they (TDO) fail to have a great vision to compensate and this should not have discounts and free dining at its core either....


Well-Known Member
Hopefully a dark ride (muppets?) but please use real physical sets and Audio Animatronics and not just have cars ride around 3D video screens please. If I wanted to do that i'd ride an electrical scooter around Best Buy.

Given it's proximity to Indy and Star Tours, it's more likely to be a Lucas related attraction to build up a potential "Lucas-land"


Well-Known Member
IMO, the biggest problem with Idol is that the prize for winning is worthless to most tourists.

The prize is a front of line pass to audition for the real idol. Many of the tourists are not even in the age range to audition. So while I may win a ticket, since I'm over 30 I couldn't audition to be on the show any how so why waste my time trying to win the Disney idol except to just do it. They need to make some alternate prizes for the winners.

IMO, they should give the winners of each show should be given a cheap trophy that says they won idol and maybe a set of 3 fastpasses good for any ride in the parks, especially considering the time it takes to audition, compete, etc...

The daily winner should be given an option of the golden ticket or something else fairly minor such as a free park ticket, t-shirt and hat combo, or something else along those lines to make it actually worth spending the time to compete.

All contestants should be given a free video of their performance as a keepsake.

In my opinion, if you add all of those options up, then the attraction becomes more worthwhile to compete in.


Well-Known Member
This isn't something that will work in a theme park as it takes up a lot of time from them visiting the park. Most won't do that. .

This is exactly why I haven't seen it. Why would I want to sit in a theater and watch other park goers attempt to sing when I could be riding Tower of Terror? I didn't pay top dollar to hear karaoke.

Get rid of AI.

And SD, never been open while I was there.

Did Knee

Active Member
Ok...I got my flame retardant suit on so here is my idea (LOL)! :

How about re-opening the space as "Rick's Café Américain" from the movie Casablanca. You could attach a dark ride that is a tribute to classic WWII movies that you enter via the club / restaurant in a way similar to Pirates at DL. Additionally the club could be staffed and rigged using props and actors similar to the Adventurer's Club. I'll take off my armchair imagineering hat and put my flameproof suit helmet on...have at!


Well-Known Member
*cough....Phineas and Ferb 4D attraction with 5 different films that are randomly selected through a computer with different effects for each film.....cough* excuse me I need to go get a cough drop;)


Well-Known Member
Ok...I got my flame retardant suit on so here is my idea (LOL)! :

How about re-opening the space as "Rick's Café Américain" from the movie Casablanca. You could attach a dark ride that is a tribute to classic WWII movies that you enter via the club / restaurant in a way similar to Pirates at DL. Additionally the club could be staffed and rigged using props and actors similar to the Adventurer's Club. I'll take off my armchair imagineering hat and put my flameproof suit helmet on...have at!
Casablanca is one of my favorite movies, and I think that is an awesome idea! Something like that would probably never happen, but it is fun to think about.


We hit AI every time we go because we're big fans of the show. It's always a good time watching the people try their best and we've seen some talented and entertaining contestants. There's no doubt it's a better atmosphere when it's near capacity though which has been rare other than a Spring break trip a couple years back.

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