Song of the South/Splash Mountain question


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Original Poster
Just wondering, I realize that the story of the "tarbaby" is offensive to many people, but is there an updated story with Brer Rabbit I don't know about? In the movie he is caught with the Tarbaby, but in the ride he is caught with a beehive. In the movie Uncle Remus says, "There ain't but one Brer Rabbit" but in the ride we see other rabbits. Is there a book or something that was updated since 1946 that I missed?


Well-Known Member
Well, SM combines plot elements of the three cartoon stories featured in the original movie. This accounts for the differences between the story of the attraction and the story of the film.

Aside from a Disney Sing-Along Songs release which was just a repackaging of some of SOTS's musical numbers, I do not believe Disney has updated or "continued" the story of SOTS on film or in books.


Active Member
Really in the movie there is a segment (featuring "How Do You Do?" as the song") where Brer Rabbit gets caught up in a tar baby trap that Brer Fox has set for him, but obviously that would be offensive to some, so I think what Disney did was to take an element from the last animated segment (featuring "Everybody Has A Laughin Place"), which was the bees, and use that to trap Brer Rabbit. Really Splash Mountain, while it has the songs and characters of Song of the South, is not a depiction of the movie, and there were a ton of Uncle Remus's stories (I refer to the actual stories on which Song of the South is based). It's kind of like a story in and of itself while resembling some of the plot points of the Song of the South movie.


New Member
Brer Rabbit and Tarbaby (it's the most famous Uncle Remus story of all)

srkingdom2 said:
Huh? Whats a "Tarbaby?"
[SIZE=-1]Brer Bear was getting tired of Brer Rabbit being too smart and too sassy. And Brer Rabbit was always getting away from him. So Brer Bear thought one day, he said, "I know what I'll do. I'll just make a little tarbaby and set him out here.[/SIZE]
[SIZE=-1]Maybe that'll catch him if he gets stuck to it. Then I'll be able to catch that smart Brer Rabbit."[/SIZE]

[SIZE=-1]So Brer Rabbit was coming down the road, lickety split [sings], "Do do do do, do do do do." That tarbaby is sitting over there, and Brer Rabbit says, "Morning."[/SIZE]

[SIZE=-1]Brer Tarbaby, he don't answer.[/SIZE]

[SIZE=-1]Brer Rabbit said, "Morning, I says."[/SIZE]

[SIZE=-1]Tarbaby, he don't answer.[/SIZE]

[SIZE=-1]So Brer Rabbit said, "If you don't say `Good morning,' I'm going to haul off and hit you with my right foot.[/SIZE]

[SIZE=-1]Brer Tarbaby, he don't say nothing.[/SIZE]

[SIZE=-1]So Brer Rabbit, he pulls that foot back and he gave it a whack! He gets stuck. Brer Rabbit, he don't give up yet.[/SIZE]

[SIZE=-1]Brer Rabbit says, "I told you, if you don't say `Good morning,' I'm going to hit you with my left foot."[/SIZE]

[SIZE=-1]Brer Tarbaby, he don't say nothing.[/SIZE]

[SIZE=-1]Brer Rabbit pulls that foot back, and whack! [/SIZE]
He says, "You mighty impudent. I told you if you don't say `Good morning,' I'm going to hit you with my right behind foot this time."

[SIZE=-1]Brer Tarbaby, he don't say nothing.[/SIZE]

[SIZE=-1]So Brer Rabbit takes that right behind foot, and whack! That gets stuck too![/SIZE]

[SIZE=-1]He still not paying attention because all he wants is for Brer Tarbaby to say "Good Morning." So Brer Rabbit said, "If you don't say `Good morning,' I'm going to haul off and hit you with my left behind foot." Whack![/SIZE]

[SIZE=-1]Brer Rabbit, he's all stuck up. All four foots are stuck up in that tarbaby. Then he said, "I give you one more time to say `Good morning. If you don't say `Good morning, I'm going to butt you with my head."[/SIZE]

[SIZE=-1]Tarbaby, he don't say nothing.[/SIZE]

[SIZE=-1]So Brer Rabbit hits him with his head, he's all stuck up, and Brer Bear comes out of the woods. He says, "Ah ha! I got you now."[/SIZE]

[SIZE=-1]Brer Rabbit, he's trying to figure out what he's going to do. How is he going to get away?[/SIZE]

[SIZE=-1]So Brer Bear is thinking, "What am I going to do with him now? He's all stuck up."[/SIZE]

[SIZE=-1]Brer Bear, he's thinking about what to do, and while he's thinking, Brer Rabbit's already out-thunk him. Brer Rabbit says, "Do anything you want! You can do anything! You can throw me in the water. You can throw me off the cliff. But please don't throw me in the briar patch!"[/SIZE]

[SIZE=-1]Brer Bear's thinking, "He sure don't want to get thrown in that briar patch. Maybe that's what I should do."[/SIZE]

[SIZE=-1]So Brer Bear takes him, holds on careful not to hold onto that tar. He holds onto that rabbit, and he slings him in the briar patch![/SIZE]

[SIZE=-1]Brer Rabbit, he's over there hollering and tusseling and moving. Brer Bear, he's mighty tickled because he knows he's got that old rabbit now. Before Brer Bear could raise his head up good, shooom! Brer Rabbit's going down the road lickety split, "Ha, ha, ha, ha! I told you, Brer Bear, you shouldn't pay attention to what I said because us rabbits was born in the briar patch."[/SIZE]


Well-Known Member
I'm not understanding why a tar baby would offend someone. They probably couldn't get the AM to get Brier Rabbit trying to fight off the tar baby.


Well-Known Member
LoriMistress said:
I'm not understanding why a tar baby would offend someone. They probably couldn't get the AM to get Brier Rabbit trying to fight off the tar baby.
In most popular depictions, the tar baby was shown looking like the racial stereotype of a person in blackface. That's one of the reasons it is considered offensive.


New Member
When I first saw the film I thought he looked like a tar bear cub but after I read up on the controversy of black face I could see where the nay-sayers could be offended.


New Member
Ok so THATS the reason "The Song of The South" has not been released does anyone think its a bit rediculous or am I by muself here?

Mecha Figment

New Member
no it's because small children die everytime they see and hear the horibly acted and over the top children in the movie. it makes you want to jump into hot boiling acid.


Well-Known Member
LoriMistress said:
I'm not understanding why a tar baby would offend someone.

Most people don't understand it and it's a shame that Disney has let the naysayers keep SotS from being released on DVD. It's a friggin bear with tar.... a sticky trap. Nothing more and nothing offensive (well, except for the people looking to be offended). :rolleyes:


Well-Known Member
Tarbaby has also become a metaphor for getting yourself deeper and deeper into trouble. The more you try to get away or push away, the more you get caught.


Well-Known Member
srkingdom2 said:
Ok so THATS the reason "The Song of The South" has not been released does anyone think its a bit rediculous or am I by muself here?
There is also concern that some perceive the movie to show slaves who are happy and content with their situation.


New Member
Oh... But if its true that it is only a bear covered in tar (And i am saying this without ever seeing the movie) then why would people get offended?


New Member
The movie takes place post-slavery. There are sharecroppers. They aren't shown as happy about their situation, but rather, optimistic people in general. I mean, think about what they overcame.

They are depicted as good and honest people. I didn't find much of anything to be offended about. Uncle Remus was the wisest, most likeable person in the film. The way some people talk about it, I was expecting something dreadful to be in Song of the South before I saw it.


Well-Known Member
srkingdom2 said:
Oh... But if its true that it is only a bear covered in tar (And i am saying this without ever seeing the movie) then why would people get offended?

Tarbaby was made by Brer Bear and Brer Fox to catch Brer Rabbit. I always thought it was non-descript, but that it could have looked like a bear. Here's a picture... you decide. :D

<img src="">


Well-Known Member
For the record, I never stated whether or not I agree with the allegations -- I just stated the allegations that have been made.


Active Member
Look, Tar Baby is a racial slur. It's not right at all, but I've heard in movies people say with a racial tone "Tar Baby MF'er". It had become a mean word, right up there with "cracker" :( :rolleyes:

We are one world, one people. Can't people who are generations seperated from slavery and racism get over it? I'm Italian heritage :wave: , and my ancertors were slaves too. What do I care. Honestly, I only give a horses patoot what has happened since I was born. The past is the past, can't change it, and none of us nowadays have ANYTHING to do with it.

If they can release the movie "Pearl Harbor", and even "Roots", why can't they release SotS?? :brick: NONE of us have anything to do with slavery, at all, period. Wrong, yes, but it did unfortunately happen. The past had slavery, concentration camps, genocide atempts, and women weren't allowed to read. We overcame all of that and are ALL better people nowadays.


New Member
1disneydood said:
Look, Tar Baby is a racial slur. It's not right at all, but I've heard in movies people say with a racial tone "Tar Baby MF'er". It had become a mean word, right up there with "cracker" :( :rolleyes:

We are one world, one people. Can't people who are generations seperated from slavery and racism get over it? I'm Italian heritage :wave: , and my ancertors were slaves too. What do I care. Honestly, I only give a horses patoot what has happened since I was born. The past is the past, can't change it, and none of us nowadays have ANYTHING to do with it.

If they can release the movie "Pearl Harbor", and even "Roots", why can't they release SotS?? :brick: NONE of us have anything to do with slavery, at all, period. Wrong, yes, but it did unfortunately happen. The past had slavery, concentration camps, genocide atempts, and women weren't allowed to read. We overcame all of that and are ALL better people nowadays.

I would love to see that movie and by the way "Tar Baby" looks like a penguin!


Beta Return
1disneydood said:
Look, Tar Baby is a racial slur. It's not right at all, but I've heard in movies people say with a racial tone "Tar Baby MF'er". It had become a mean word, right up there with "cracker" :( :rolleyes:

We are one world, one people. Can't people who are generations seperated from slavery and racism get over it? I'm Italian heritage :wave: , and my ancertors were slaves too. What do I care. Honestly, I only give a horses patoot what has happened since I was born. The past is the past, can't change it, and none of us nowadays have ANYTHING to do with it.

If they can release the movie "Pearl Harbor", and even "Roots", why can't they release SotS?? :brick: NONE of us have anything to do with slavery, at all, period. Wrong, yes, but it did unfortunately happen. The past had slavery, concentration camps, genocide atempts, and women weren't allowed to read. We overcame all of that and are ALL better people nowadays.

WOW. I could NOT have said this better myself. 100% correct. I wish they'd release it - I've never seen it!

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