Something you always say you're going to do, but don't


Well-Known Member
Some of what has been mentioned has reminded me of things I still haven't done but want to.

-I want to have a nice sit-down meal with my family. We usually just eat counter-service because the buffets and whatnots are too expensive. The last time we did a character breakfast was O'hana back in 2000 and we've done Rainforest Cafe a couple of times since then. This year I want to do a character breakfast in either Chef Mickey's or Cape May Cafe...or maybe a nice lunch at the Garden Grille...grr I dunno :lol:

-I still haven't done MVMCP but I want to try and make it happen this year...we'll see.

-I also want to take the time and take nice pictures around the parks. I usually end up just using one and a half rolls of film.

-I definitely want to take more time to walk around World Showcase and take in everything the countries have to offer. Usually we just go to Mexico to eat, ride Maelstrom and stroll around the rest of WS without making any stops.

American Adventure was also something I've wanted to do and finally got to last December. For those of you who haven't seen it, definitely make a point to see it next time. It's the best audio-animatronics attraction! I kept reminding myself these were not actors :lol:


Well-Known Member
phlydude said:
I know I always promise myself that I won't get burnt to a crisp but I always do. Stupidity in the sun I guess (and if you think sleeping with burnt shoulders is bad, try sleeping with a burnt head :lol: :)

I have never seen Illuminations and vow to do it this trip.
I always swear to take time to get pictures at every single Kodak photo spot but never do.
I never have had a turkey leg (usually because I can't find the stand in Tomorrowland - I don't know why, it must be hiding!)
I always promise myself that I won't come home tired but I do (I don't mean to, I just want to do everything as much as possible when I am there!!)
In Frontierland there's a cart with Turkey Legs...don't know if you've seen it. In Tomorrowland, it's in that counter-service stand right under Astro Orbiter. You can't miss it! I also believe Epcot has a cart with Turkey Legs in front of Test Track/Mission:Space.


Well-Known Member
I've always wanted to eat at Victoria and Alberts.

I've never had a turkey leg.

I've always wanted to dine with an Imagineer since they started it.

Always wanted to splurge on at least one really nice sit-down meal.

I've always wanted to do a behind-the-scenes tour or any tour that Disney offers.

I've always wanted to walk under Main Street using the corridors.


Active Member
Scooter said:
I alays say I'm going to ride Astro Orbiter but never do.
I don't have much patience and the line is always too long.

I'm the same way (just said two weeks ago its the only ride I haven't ridden for the same reasons). The only other thing I always say I'll do and don't is get over to one of the two mini golf courses for a round. Never seem to find the time.


Well-Known Member
TAC said:
I've told my wife that I want to do BTMRR and Space Mountain, but I chicken out. :eek: I'm not a coaster person. She says they aren't that bad at all.

I've also wanted to get over to Tom Sawyer's Island, the Hall of Presidents, and Diamond Horseshoe Review. We've also wanted to take the Libertybelle Riverboat ride, but it just seems so crowded. I've heard it holds a lot of people though. Also, like to spend some more time in Innovations, and get a chance to play Millionaire, see some of the films in the World Showcase, and see Festival of the Lion King (at AK). My wife wants to someday get to Rafiki's Planet Watch.

Flights of Wonder at AK is pretty cool if you are a bird lover, or even animal lover. I think the bird show at BGT is better though.

I'd also like to do other things at night instead of just waiting and watching Illuminations/Fantasmic!/Wishes. It's not that I don't like seeing the night time shows, but say one night (at each park) see the night show. Then another night, go back and just walk around the park, and do outside attractions, like TT, or KS just before dusk, etc.

Do you do anything while your in WDW? It seems like you haven't hit a lot of the good stuff! :hammer:

As for myself, I always say I'm going to win a trip to Disney, but I never have. :cry:


New Member
1) Play a round of mini-golf at Fantasia gardens---doing that on arrival day this trip :)--it's on the schedule.
2) Have dinner at California Grill---doing that on my bday this trip :)


Active Member
To those who won't ride Kali because of the getting wet...we've found this to be a real crap shoot. I've ridden Kali and gotten soaked and we've ridden Kali and had one or 2 on the raft come off virtually unscathed. Riding isn't a problem for us. By the time you walk around for a while (hour in August heat) you're dry. As far as never done, the Teacups and Dumbo. I have a son who has trouble with spinning so we never do those 2. He tried Astro Orbitor once and that's when we found he had the spinning issue. Maybe I can do Dumbo this year with one of my nieces. He's 17 now so he'll be fine waiting for us.


New Member
the one thing that I have always said I wanted to do and have not done, I finally did a couple of weeks ago. It was ride the Hobby Horses at MK. Most of the time the lines we to long and I really felt funny as an adult riding with any kids. But I did it, and I love it.



Well-Known Member
The music on the "caroussel" is awesome. If there is any reason to ride something, the music on the glockenspiel is it!


New Member
I try but miss

I always want to go play one of the miniture golf courses, but never make it there to play ... maybe next time!


New Member
I always said that I would go on Alien Encounter...but I never worked up enough courage to go on...looks like it's definitely not going to happen now. haha.

I too, like so many others, say that I will play a round of mini golf...but it's just never come to fruition...maybe because Splash Mountain seems like heap loads more fun than mini golf. :animwink:


New Member
I always say that Im going to go to PI but never do. When I went to WDW in 2001 with my best friend Meg we actually rode the bus to PI but I couldnt do it. I have a thing with being in dark places with lots of people and I just couldnt go. I say every single time I go to WDW that Im going to go to PI... but like the thread says... I never do lol! :hammer:

Buzzes Dad

In Jan. I plan on hitting everything that we have yet to do in 5 trips

Hall of Presidents
Flights of Wonder
Tiki Room
The show at China?
The show at Canada?
Tom Swayers Island

and a couple of others that I can not remember right now.

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