Well-Known Member
I totally agree with this. Some (usually the ones calling mm+ a 2billion dollar disaster) claim that management is specifically looking for mm+ to generate quantifiable revenue.Not every expenditure at Disney is a profit based investment per se. Many things like road repair, painting and cleaning are just plain overhead and charged out against over all income. They are not a profit center in and of themselves. If that is the way it is being looked at, and I have suspicions that this is what they are doing, there is no significant quantifiable measurement. It is an operating system designed to reduce costs via better planning, staffing and stocking and overall improved park resource management. None of us will ever know how successful it is because that is something that Disney would never divulge. I don't recall them ever publishing what it cost to clean a restroom.
And to the thought another poster posited on Disney having enough money to do tons of rapid expansion:
You say the parks worldwide make 2.2 billion a year. As an interesting coincidence that's roughly the amount they're already spending world-wide on expansion per year. While Disney makes boatloads of money a year they do not, in fact, have limitless pockets and are probably sensible in not biting off more than they can chew. Hence one of the reasons I suggest relatively slow expansion. To spend a billion or more per year at WDW alone on expansion would see the neglect of the other parks worldwide.
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