

New Member
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My DD-in-law wants to know "Will she need to take Dramamine before she goes on Soaring?" She doesn't like to fly, so should she pass on Soaring? I just don't want her spewing her cookies :hurl: all over whomever is sitting next to her (possibly me). :lol:

I know it is like you are hang gliding over California, but other than that, we have not ridden it yet. Thanks in advance for all your inputs, it will help make my family vacation a little better if she can decide before what to stay away from.

230 days and counting:sohappy:


Active Member
I've never had a problem flying so I can't really say from personal experience. However, we rode Soarin' at DLR last year and my mother in law had a little trouble with it. Nothing major like getting physically ill, just a little dizzy.

You might want to request the bottom row of the ride (there are 3 rows) and that might help. Or if she goes on it, just tell her to close her eyes if she feels dizzy. I would not suggest taking medication for a 3 minute ride because it might cause drowsiness and mess up the rest of her day.
I've never heard of anyone becoming ill on Soarin', nor have I ever been called for a Protein Spill in the area. The ride itself doesn't move at all except for the initial swoop upwards, which is very smooth, and then a little rocking with a gentle breeze blowing in your face to simulate gliding. If your daughter's body is tricked into thinking that she IS flying, closing her eyes should do the trick, since the actual ride vehicle doesn't move enough to make anyone sick. You probably get a wilder ride on a porch swing if you take the movie out of the factor :)


New Member
I think she should be ok. I actually do get motion sickness. However, this ride does not bother me. I would rate it similiar to an IMAX movie. Actually, I usually have more problems with IMAX than Soarin'. The music is very calming and there are no jerky movements. I do agree that you might want to request the bottom row, just to be on the safe side.


New Member
Original Poster
You might want to request the bottom row of the ride (there are 3 rows) and that might help. Or if she goes on it, just tell her to close her eyes if she feels dizzy. I would not suggest taking medication for a 3 minute ride because it might cause drowsiness and mess up the rest of her day.


Thanks for the suggestions, I will hide her dramamine that week. This is her first time to WDW and she is very excited. I want her to be able to enjoy the whole WDW experience.



Active Member
To my knowledge, my wife has never had motion sickness in her life, but she is deathly afraid of heights. She closed her eyes as soon as her feet left the floor (the one time that we rode Soarin') and missed the whole thing, but she didn't get sick. To my mind, there is enough difference between getting airsick and "doesn't like to fly," to confidently tell your DD-in-law to leave the Dramamine in the queue.


New Member
Original Poster
I've never heard of anyone becoming ill on Soarin', nor have I ever been called for a Protein Spill in the area. You probably get a wilder ride on a porch swing if you take the movie out of the factor :)


Protein Spill that is a new one on me, very funny.. Bottom row great idea!



Well-Known Member
My husband doesn't have any problems with flying, but he can get nauseous from IMAX or 360 films. We went on Soarin' and he had a few weak moments, but got over it very quickly. As we were leaving, we got Fast Passes to ride later.

Master Yoda

Pro Star Wars geek.
Premium Member
Soarin is without question the smoothest, non-nauseating flight simulator in existence. Unless she is completely petrified of heights she will be fine.

On a side note you might want to try ginger pills instead of Dramamine for the motion sickness. Quite a few people, myself included, find them as effective as Dramamine but they have no side effects. She will need to take them a little more often (every 3 to 4 hours) but she won't have the drowsy or foggy side effects that come with Dramamine.


Well-Known Member
I'm terrified of heights and I was worried the first time I went on Sorain' but it's so smooth, and amazing and beautiful, that I've never had a problem.

Like mentioned, if she doesn't like it, she can close her eyes without any ill effects (like, closing your eyes on M:S would be :hurl: ) so there's no reason not to try it. I'm the person who doesn't ride Splash Mountain or anything because of heights so if I can handle it, I think pretty much anyone could.


Active Member
Well I'm not overly thrilled with flying anymore myself, get motion sickness easily and I have no problem with this ride. I would definitely ask for the bottom row, that will make a difference. There is really no movement and the visual effects no where as intense as in Star Tours where I do get sick.

L Fisher

New Member
I have motion sickness pretty bad. I can't do any 360's, Star Tours or the defunct Body
Wars--but I can and will do Soarin. When I rode last June I just closed my eyes during parts that were making me dizzy. You should be ok without the Dramamine.

Craig & Lisa

Active Member
As everyone has said, you don't need to take dramamine, ....but if you really have a problem with motion sickness take it. Better safe than sorry. But do NOT take bonine, it will knock you out in as little as 20 minutes. And lasts forever, but on the bright side you won't be sick! :snore:


New Member
Original Poster
On a side note you might want to try ginger pills instead of Dramamine for the motion sickness. Quite a few people, myself included, find them as effective as Dramamine but they have no side effects. She will need to take them a little more often (every 3 to 4 hours) but she won't have the drowsy or foggy side effects that come with Dramamine.

Master Yoda,

Oh knowledgeable and wise one, where can a young padawan find these ginger pills?

Padawan Princess CelticRose

Master Yoda

Pro Star Wars geek.
Premium Member
Master Yoda,

Oh knowledgeable and wise one, where can a young padawan find these ginger pills?

Padawan Princess CelticRose
To your local Wal-Mart or health food store you must go to find what you seek. Help with upset stomaches as well, ginger pills will.

May the force be with you.


Well-Known Member
My mother doesn't get motion sickness or have a problem with flying...but on Soarin' she was really scared. I've actually never seen her like that before. She wouldn't look at the screen because she got the feeling that she was actually tilting forward out of the seat everytime she looked. She just felt extremely unsafe on it to the point she'll never ride it again.

(She did think it was very well done and could see the appeal of the attraction, she just said that it wasn't for her.)

Take that with a grain of salt...everybody has different effects to different attractions.


New Member
She'll be fine, my Mother is the biggest chicken goin and she loves it.:sohappy:

However as peole have said everybodys tollerence is different, just give it a go and at worst she can shut her eyes for 3 minutes, no problems.


Well-Known Member
As everyone has said, you don't need to take dramamine, ....but if you really have a problem with motion sickness take it. Better safe than sorry. But do NOT take bonine, it will knock you out in as little as 20 minutes. And lasts forever, but on the bright side you won't be sick! :snore:
There's no harm in taking it, just in case. I've done Soarin' 3 times, and each time I get a little motion sickness at the aircraft carrier scene. The magic carpet part of Philharmagic has a similar effect. For someone susceptible to motion sickness, there are quite a few attractions in each of the major parks that could induce some nausea or headache. It's a very mild drug that some people take for airplane and even car trips. So why not?

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