So, You Want to be an Imagineer - Season 19 Hype Thread


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Original Poster
That is until Season 13, I'll have the tea to spill when you get there next

Good thing we're talking about fast food because I'm still salty about that one
Can’t wait lol. Seasons 12 and 13 were definitely the worst when is comes to strategy, but I don’t think the strategy in Season 13 was malicious at least. I think 12 is the worst in that regard.


Well-Known Member
I feel like people who hate on others for their taste in movies need a life, or find a different hobby. It's all about personal tastes and you should like/dislike what you want!

I loved TLJ when it came out mostly because it surprised me but as time has gone on I've loathed it for how mismanaged the entire trilogy was by Disney. If you want an auteur director then give him a solo movie not one that has to build off of 7 previous ones.
I know I'm quite late to the subject but I believe that Disney's problem (when it came to the sequel trilogy) was only highlighted by TLJ. If they had spent more time with writing the new trilogy, I believe that they could've created a more cohesive and logistical storyline than what we got.


Well-Known Member
I’m personally intrigued by the Triassic Era specifically. Do you have any media recommendations for a person who has an interest in learning but is not well versed in the linguistics??
The Walking With series is one of my favorites. Walking with Dinosaurs has stuff about the Triassic, Jurassic, and Cretaceous, but you’ll find yourself sucked in very quickly and want to watch all the Walking Withs like Walking with cavemen, walking with monsters (pre-dinosaur species), walking with prehistoric beasts, etc.

Triassic: Age of the Dinosaurs is a BBC documentary on YouTube for free that is pretty solid.

Other than that, since the popular dinosaurs all came from the Jurassic and Cretaceous periods, there’s not a whole ton about the Triassic. There’s a book on audible about it but I can’t speak to the content as I haven’t read it yet
Thanks for the tips!! I’ll check those out!!

Yeah Triassic dinos get no love. But Dimetrodon is one of my faves (even though,....I guess it’s not actually a dinosaur??)
I know WWD only goes to Arizona in the Triassic (with Plateosaurus and Peteinosaurus from Europe) but does TAofD have Herrerasaurus? I don't think Herrera is represented in any media out of the Jurassic Park franchise.

Tegan pilots a chicken

Sharpie Queen 💜
Premium Member
Life gets in the way. I thought I'd have the day off but then I got invited to speak at graduation sooooo now I'm busy

Six are done, hoping to finish two more either today or tmrw. I also have something special planned but that will remain a surprise
I hope you know this was totally a playful comment and I was not at all trying to be a jerknozzle.


Well-Known Member
I like how the treehouse is at the top, also does this mean I can pay you to ride Jumpin‘ Jellyfish?
It's really a shame there's not a tier beyond All Time Favorites. Slackers like Haunted Mansion and Big Thunder don't deserve to be in the same tier as Chip N' Dale's Treehouse.

In all seriousness, besides the running joke I will never let die the rest of my list is entirely accurate to my feelings. I know I have some super eclectic placements there. Casey Jr. for example will never fall out of my All Time Favorites tier because of a cherished childhood memory I have marathoning it all night when I was a little kid.

Orange Cat

Well-Known Member
It's really a shame there's not a tier beyond All Time Favorites. Slackers like Haunted Mansion and Big Thunder don't deserve to be in the same tier as Chip N' Dale's Treehouse.

In all seriousness, besides the running joke I will never let die the rest of my list is entirely accurate to my feelings. I know I have some super eclectic placements there. Casey Jr. for example will never fall out of my All Time Favorites tier because of a cherished childhood memory I have marathoning it all night when I was a little kid.
You can add more tiers so the factory didn’t shows you’re a fake Chip N’ Dale’s Treehouse fan

Tegan pilots a chicken

Sharpie Queen 💜
Premium Member
Idk? Are they really homophobic or are the people who call them homophobic baiters or lacking in perception?
Soooooo. I really don’t wanna make a big thing of it. But, because you asked. They totes donated to organizations with outright anti-LGBT positions in the past.

But they seemed to have corrected this in recent years.

Just my personal anecdotes;

Thankfully the hardline anti-LGBT stances that have been firmly entrenched in certain sects of American Christianity seems to be dissipating. I attend a United Methodist Church and my entire YA group is extremely pro-LGBT. Which is good for me because well, 💅🏻💅🏻💅🏻

On the flip side of that, I have been making it my personal mission to not condemn people who have disagreements with me or who don’t understand who I am or why I am who I am, I seek to unify people by helping them better understand. I don’t believe in burning bridges or ostracizing people from the herd.


OKAY!! Back to being a chaotic hellion!!!

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