Since I have no where better to say this, did I ever tell any of you about how much I loathe the One Sentence competition?
Nothing against those who play in or run it. As an aside, it’s a challenge to run any contest. My brief foray into the now-defunct Elite Eight gave me immense respect for the creativity needed to run something of any scope. (Which, speaking of, I may have a competition idea to bounce off you old heads still lurking about.)
Back on point: my heavens, the writing is atrocious.
I suppose the competitors have no choice—there is always more to say than space in which to say it. Maybe it should be the three-sentence challenge. At least then we might see some proper punctuation.
Okay. Back to your regularly scheduled programming.
Here’s my two piece based on my thought process back when I revived One Sentence, and why I think it has stuck around and is still a pillar of these forums.
For me that was my first hosting and judging gig, and reading back the first couple of rounds were pretty rough. However I was using this competition in order to build up reputation with the ICS Board to be given the green light and branding for Twist in Time (a mess but hey it was fun).
Also yes for the newerfolk competitions were approved by a governing body. Well not all competitions but ICS ones were, and it all ended with the Elite Eight this big year end competition with the best of the best for the year.
Anyways One Sentence for me was a way to get off the ground and learn how to judge and host a competition. This trend continued with other users who would go on to host larger competitions after One Sentence. I view it as a good practice round, and overall warm up room for hosts and judges.
Now when it comes to competitors my goal back then was to involved everybody. I viewed One Sentence as a very casual game which offered appeal to users who typically did not participate in larger competitions or those from other sides of the forum. In this front I feel like it was successful, and it got new members in from the other side. It was a good marketing tool for the Imagineering forums.
@Pi on my Cake I applaud you for the marketing of this episode from an outsiders point of view I think it got the attention of many, even those beyond the regular Imagineer forums.
No onto the submissions. It’s one sentence, it was always meant to be very casual just like
@TheDesignPirate (AKA MonorailRed) 30 Days competition. To this day I think it succeeds in being casual, and is an easy crash course for new members to join into the fray in a way that major competitions can not offer to their more daunting needs.
Lastly I personally have never taken my own submissions seriously. Occasionally I use it to pitch something Ive been working on for a while l, and get basic feedback. Other times I have fun with it and make proposals like Sealand for Epcot, Trump Tower for Hollywood Studios, and a Wall Pavilion for Epcot which funnily enough came true
Now, with that said One Sentence may just be well sentence, but it is a keystone competition in our forum as it allows for newer and casual imagineers to grow and get into larger competitions like Sorcerers Apprentice, SYWTBAI, etc.
Yea, as someone who wrote a literal novella as my final project in Sorcerer's Apprentice, I have to agree that OSC is simply not for me. I think it's a cool creative writing excercise but the run-on sentences should be more moderated. I think in order to make the game live up to its full potential and challenge factor, some sort of grading scale for grammar and puncuation should be implimented. Just my two cents, of course

Also great to see you back. Please feel more than free to float any comp ideas you have past me. Right now I'm toying around with what we could do for a fall tentpole comp since both Sorcerer's Apprentice and SYWTBAI have been such big hits this year, but I don't want to be the focal point of two comps in a row.
A fall tentpole, I actually been working on a competition concept that may prove to be fun. And no it’s not a revival on. A Twist in Time I think shes better left dead
Of course if someone else has something to pitch by all means.