So, You Want to be an Imagineer Season 18 HYPE THREAD!


Well-Known Member
Original Poster
Tiki's Reviews

@NigelChanning09 - Coco Fountain

This felt like a return to the smaller scale concept of the first challenge, which is appropriate given the nature of the prompt. Coco is definitely going to get represented within Epcot's Mexico one way or another, and a fountain is a great way to do it. I also like the fact that the dancing fountains sort of play homage to the now extinct fountains by the main entrance. One note...I would have maybe liked to have seen this incorporated into the pyramid instead of outside. That way you could get the night-time effects of the fountain day and night through the pyramid's indoor/outdoor lighting.
Creativity: 8/10
Detail: 8/10
Realism: 9/10
Presentation: 8/10
Total: 33/40

@Pi on my Cake - Gone Workin’ Pond

I don't know how you did it, Pi, but somehow you found a way to make the glorious gloriousness that is Chip N' Dale's Treehouse even more spectacular. In all seriousness though, this was a lovely little concept and exactly the kind of scale I was looking for with the prompt. Definitely loved the breakdown of the joke. The placement of the lake was impeccable, especially because you could have taken the easy way out and placed it around Donald's Boat, but you went the extra mile to utilize a space that hasn't been properly used in aged.

Creativity: 8/10
Detail: 8/10
Realism: 9/10
Presentation: 8/10
Total: 33/40

@Outbound - Chocolate River

Well, this really got ambitious! I love the looming threat of the Fozzie movie, for one. Your projects are definitely developing a strong sense of continuity and personal style which is a big key towards setting yourself apart from the pack in the main game. The chocolate river concept sounds amazing in absolutely killer bit of placemaking that would tie the whole park together and give it a really big "Disney" feel. The only issue I have with this comes down to realism, especially when it comes to mixing different chocolates into the different rivers. Don't get me wrong, on a creative level it's absolutely top notch. For such a big undertaking though I've got to put my foot down somewhere, especially with this going above and beyond what the prompt called for. All that being said however, kudos to the podcast and web design. These are definitely skills that will get you far in the main game.

Creativity: 9/10
Realism: 7/10
Detail: 10/10
Presentation: 10/10
Total: 36/40

@Pufflefan - The Unity Fountain.

Realism: 8/10
Detail: 8/10
Presentation: 8/10
Total: 32/40
This isn't a dealbreaker by any means, but ya gotta learn where to put your images so they're not overpowering the text in the main post, haha. As far as the project is concerned, it's a winner and definitely a step up from your last effort. It has a kinetic energy to it that sort of reminds me of the old Toy Story Zotrope. I like how the fountain directly ties into a continuation of the film's story, which then leads into the land itself. That's some good flow when it comes to building your land, and some times the best water features do just that...tie the story of the land together. With All that being said, that leads us to...

@JokersWild - Jitney Geyser

This is a really solid, if short pitch as a way to plus up an already really immersive area. Cars Land already has several small water features like this such as Stanley's Oasis, so I think it fits itself into the fabric of the land wonderfully. The Tony Stark fountain is also really nice, if a bit thematically predictable. I think you made a good call going for the Cars one. Of course more detail and concept art would help, but for what's essentially an elevator pitch I got a really clear vision for your concept

Creativity: 8/10
Realism: 9/10
Detail: 7/10
Presentation: 6/10
Total: 30/40

@Basketbuddy101 - Big Thunder Reservoir
I don't even know where to start with this one! You took one of my favorite little out of the way areas and plussed it up to the extreme. The one criticism I have is that the city carved into the mountain isn't really part of the water feature and you spend a lot of time on it, but considering how incredible of a transition that would be into Star Wars Land along with the waterfall it still works flawlessly. I'm going to have to disagree about this being too large scale. What I like about this addition is that it adds to an already thriving collection of rock work along the rivers of America and up through Big Thunder and into Galaxy's Edge. It's almost like a cherry on top to that area after Galaxy's Edge changed the landscape of the park forever. Extra props to the backstory being included in the railroad and boat attractions.

Creativity: 9/10
Realism: 9/10
Detail: 10/10
Presentation: 10/10
Total: 38/40​


Well-Known Member
Reviews? Reviews!

Mickeyfan's Reviews

In concept, this is something I’m not flipping out over but I like it. It’s a charming idea that mostly works. Coco fits Mexico like a glove, but just a fountain feels way too small for a Coco inclusion.
Creativity: 7/10 - It’s a fountain with a statue of Miguel and Dante. It’s a bit basic but I appreciate making it a dancing fountain which really helped your creativity here.
Realism: 6/10 - I gave you a huge knock here for three reasons. The location in your art blocks basically the entire meat of the pavilion inside the pyramid in addition to further crowding the already cramped Mexico passage, the dancing aspect seems far too big for the scale of the project, and the projection mapping element uses a very complex effect for something that could be done with something far simpler.
Detail: 8/10 - You laid everything out here just fine. I didn’t see an issue and the concept art definitely added to it. A map would have added further to this for me
Presentation: 7/10 - The picture at the beginning could have been centered and the Dante picture could have been reduced in size to fit with the rest of the project. Nitpicks, yes, but nitpicks can add up, especially in a project as short as this.
Total: 28/40

@Pi on my Cake
There’s a theory of communication called Expectancy Violation Theory. It states that a person will walk into an interaction with an expectation of how it goes and when that expectation gets violated, the person either gives into the violation or denies it and ends the interaction. When I saw the art at the top of the post, I had a very low expectation, that was violated and you made me give in. This is great.

Creativity: 10/10 - The joke is presented so cleverly and witty and it adds to the land in a way that improves it and feels like it should have always been there while not being super obvious. That’s how you do an addition.
Realism: 10/10 - Replaces a useless space? Check. Cheap? Check. Fits the land? To a tee.
Detail: 9/10 - There might have been a bit too much in explaining the joke but it still works with the gag.
Presentation: 8/10 - A forum post yes but this feels like a pitch from a monotone corporate executive. Did I cackle at the citation? Absolutely. It’s a presentation that fits the gag of the project. It’s just so clever, so witty, so dry. Awesome presentation.
Total: 37/40

I was skeptical but you really made it work. You went for a sort of joke project and yet, it works really well. Presentation is key here. We’ll get into this because I do have some thoughts about this in my breakdown.
Creativity: 9/10 - Extra points for doing something outside of Disney. I love the idea of a chocolate river for Hershey Park and while it is very Willy Wonka, the idea of it fitting into this new made up, fakey, almost disingenuous DIsney rip-off backstory. This is just so freaking good.
Realism: 8/10 - This is exactly what I think some try-hard Imagineer wannabe would propose for a smaller regional park like Hershey Park in all its complexity and effects (I really hope this was intentional or else this just makes me look like a jerk).
Detail: 10/10 - The explanation of just how totally elaborate and yet functional the effect as a whole is and just how disgusting the chocolate river would look in real life, all of it. The satire is strong with this one and that’s what sent this project over the top.
Presentation: 10/10 - I wasn’t really pleased that you went into the blog presentation again but you went a step further and you did a parody podcast, in addition to updating the blog as a whole with some new gags. You freaking killed it. I don’t know where you’re gonna go from here honestly. The bar was set for a 10/10 presentation last week. You just went and launched yourself 10 feet above the bar. I can not wait to see where you’re going to go from here.
Total: 37/40

Let’s have a brief discussion on research. There are a ton of very good sources on upcoming areas and attractions available on WDWMagic alone. I’m assuming you used Zootropolis since that was the name of the film in some European countries. However, a simple Google search would have told you the name of Shanghai’s Zootopia land in English will be “World of Zootopia”

Creativity: 8/10 - Extra points for doing something original with the prompt and using a land that’s currently under construction. I question the elephant when just the fox and rabbit would have kept things really simple and clean, especially for just a gag that we’ve seen done several times.
Realism: 9/10 - Elephant aside, I absolutely see this. It’s something super simple but it really fits into the land and Zootopia as a big city.
Detail: 7/10 - You were on the right track here. Almost everything was going right but you flubbed the landing a bit. What about the fountain at night was different? The art has little purple arches over the statues for night. What are they? Please explain to me how the fountain transforms itself from day to night from a show perspective. By that I don’t mean the mechanics of it: it’s a fountain. I mean what exactly is different from day to night?
Presentation: 6/10 - I had a really hard time figuring out what to score this. I’m assuming you went the same route as Outbound by satirizing a blog but the method of presentation didn’t work. Google Slides is amazing, don’t get me wrong, but this is your 3rd Slides Presentation in 3 projects with a style of presentation that didn’t quite fit your method of presentation. That combined with the research issue I talked about in my opening really brought this score down for me. And on the nitpick side, Disneyland. Only one capital letter. If that was intentional to fit your presentation, that’s on me.
Total: 30/40

For as small as this project is, I think there's some stuff to talk about here and praise. I do think Cars Land needs a bit more water, and this just works really well. Overall, Jokers jumps into the competition with a raging start.

Creativity: 9/10 - You did something creative with Cars. I despise the Cars franchise just because it’s such a black hole of creativity and this just sounds so peaceful and nice and relaxing while still fitting the land really well.
Realism: 10/10 - The area is so perfectly Disneyland and Carsland I’m shocked it doesn’t already exist.
Detail: 8/10 - It’s a single paragraph but everything I need to know about this is right here. Location, setting, environment. If there were some concept art, I’d have given you a full 10 here.
Presentation: 6/10 - You said yourself to give you a hammering on presentation and while I don’t think that you deserve a 3/10, it’s a simple form post without much formatting or reference image with good grammar.
Total: 33/40

BasketBuddy at it again. This is my personal winner for the round because this is SO GOOD

Creativity: 10/10 - An entire backstory for such a simple area, but one that adds to Frontierland so well and makes it that much more detailed and realistic.
Realism: 9/10 - It feels too big for Disneyland which is the biggest knock here but scaled down, I really see this working and being a really beloved new addition like the Rivers of America waterfalls are.
Detail: 10/10 - On the border of too much detail but none of it was useless and I think the project would be lesser because of it missing.
Presentation: 9/10 - Near flawless presentation. The slides are clean without too much information overload, points are developed, the presentation flows extremely well, and I can only give praise.
Total: 38/40

This is an incredibly difficult challenge. It seems so simple but to come up with something unique that fits is SO HARD that I have to give kudos to everyone’s project for successfully executing it.​

Orange Cat

Well-Known Member
Weekly Challenge Four: Going Up, Sir
View attachment 470780
Ever since the Haunted Mansion stretch room set a gold standard for theme park pre-shows, elevators have been used to immerse guests in the story of attractions before they ever set foot on the ride vehicles. From the Hydrolators of The Living Seas to the utterly immersive trip down into the vaults of Gringott's, elevators have provided the theme park industry with some of its most memorable pre-show experiences. For this weekly challenge, you must design a pre-show for a new attraction that takes place on an elevator. Importantly, I want much of the detail of the write-up to be focused on the elevator itself. By all means set up what will happen before and after you get into the elevator, but the elevator should be the central focus of the write-up and your detail score will reflect that. This project is due Friday, May 22nd at 11:59PM Eastern/8:59PM Pacific.
Does it have to be in a Disney park? @mickeyfan5534 @TheOriginalTiki


Well-Known Member
NigelChanning09 Presents..
The Wall-E pre-show elevator!


Disney Dad 3000

Well-Known Member
What’s your parks “white whale”? What is something you've always wanted but just haven't ever been able to catch? Dining? Entertainment? Rope drop to Kiss Goodnight? Ride? Tell me about it
Main Street Vehicles with the family
Did them as a kid, and have done them several times since when I'm attempting an every ride challenge since it means being at MK at 6, but never been there early enough and able to catch them running with the family as opposed to just being a street decoration.


Well-Known Member
Original Poster
Does it have to be in a specific park at all? If the focus is on the elevator, is it even necessary to include specifics in the form of park and precise location?

Nope! Location of the park is completely optional. Probably something I should have mentioned from the start.

Unfortunately the podcast is being pushed back to early tomorrow afternoon. I'll keep you guys posted with an exact time.


Well-Known Member
Big shift in the leaderboard this week. Outbound is shining in the pre-game with a 21 point lead and the race for 2nd is tight between Basketbuddy and Pi. It's still anyone's game though. Who'll rise up the ranks and who'll fall to the bottom? It's time for some elevator pitches.
PlacePlayerCreativityRealismDetailPresentationTotalCumulative Total
3@Pi on my Cake37373332139427


Well-Known Member
The Week Three Reviews
@Pi on my Cake 's Gone Workin' Pond

I definitely enjoyed the wit and the humor of the gag within this project and the effort that went into it, it's like walking straight into a visual punchline! I also appreciate how it's fixed some of the aesthetic issues of Chip N' Dales treehouse and put the former abandoned space into proper use. I originally gave you a seven in detail, but in hindsight I didn't count the explanation and only the description of the area itself, which maybe could've had some sort of reference to the types of flowers planted, but I bumped it up a bit even if it wasn't my final score, since the explanation was good enough for me to understand what the joke was about. Also, the image you added to the project was an extremely nice touch and the forum post was okay this round because this is a shorter project in comparison to some of the others.

Creativity: 10/10
Realism: 10/10
Detail: 7/10 (Original), 9/10 (Revised)
Presentation: 8/10
OVERALL SCORE - 35/40 (Original), 37/40 (Revised)

@Outbound's Hershey Chocolate River

The amount of detail that went into explaining how the visual effects of the river work while also keeping it realistic enough to work is astounding, along with your decision to think outside of the box and use Hershey Park as the location for the prompt instead of the typical various Disney parks. You went above and beyond in creating this river, and it really adds some much needed immersion to some parts of the park. Also, your writing style is absolutely amazing and it really helps me feel as a judge like I'm watching a documentary or a YouTube video on the history and the mechanics of a feature that doesn't even exist and it feels extremely professional. I feel like the mixing of chocolate in the actual rivers is too far of a stretch though without some explaining to how it works, compared to the pumps which are given a proper look over.

Creativity: 10/10
Realism: 9/10
Detail: 10/10
Presentation: 9/10

@Pufflefan 's Unity Water Fountain

I usually like how you present your projects and I still gave your presentation a high rating, but I feel like the order of the art could have been arranged better. I love the concept of this project and what it stands for given what the themes and the allegory behind the movie is/are. I feel like there is some room for improvement still on some of the parts of the project that definitely could have been expanded on for sure, but it's satisfactory as it is. The only real nitpick I have when it comes to detail is how the elephant is never really explained on why it's there when the Fox and the Rabbit already are there, but I just interpreted the Elephant as a representative of how the Ice Cream Parlor owner discriminated against other mammals and how it ties into the movie's themes of discrimination and how it has kept the two apart for so long.

Creativity: 9/10
Realism: 9/10
Detail: 8/10
Presentation: 10/10

@NigelChanning09 's Partysaurus Rex Statues & Coco Fountain

While the Partysaurus Rex Statues do feel reasonable for a Disney Park, I feel as if you went a little too extra with the Coco Fountain, with the amount of effects that are used and the amount of maintenance that would be needed to upkeep the whole thing. Nonetheless, both are extremely neat ideas, especially the Coco Fountain and the way it honors the movie. Like @TheOriginalTiki and @mickeyfan5534 have suggested, I would recommend moving the Coco Fountain more towards the Mexico Pavilion and expanding the size of the fountain while simplifying effects that are complicated for seemingly no reason. Also, I wonder how the Partysaurus statues would blend in with the environment and wish there was more elaboration on how they fit in.

Creativity: 8/10
Realism: 9/10
Detail: 9/10
Presentation: 9/10

@Basketbuddy101 's Big Thunder Reservoir

This was an absolute treasure to read from start to finish. I feel as if it blends almost perfectly with Frontierland while also creating a link to Galaxy's Edge's entrance as well while not breaking the immersion of either. I also appreciate how it honors some of the past attractions of Frontierland as well by reviving them in a different form. I really appreciate how you put effort into a proper backstory for this area, and how your presentation looks like each slide came out of a defunctland title card. I was charmed by the Waterfalls of America and the various figures of NA Wildlife in segments throughout this expansion. I'm happy that this segment was long while still being very high quality in terms of the amount of detail you put in it.

Creativity: 10/10
Realism: 9/10
Detail: 10/10
Presentation: 10/10
@JokersWild 's Tony Stark Memorial Park & Jitney Geyser

Both of these concepts are very simple and short in nature, but I think they both work really well that way. The geysers feel like they fit in naturally with the prairie type environment of Carsland and adds a nice contrast to it while adding onto the preexisting parts of the land that could require further expansion. Plus, kudos for using Cars, which while it's a bad movie, it's an awesome for park usage in how creative most of it's usage is which really allows for this project to shine. Tony Stark Memorial Park is also a sweet mention to the ending of Endgame, while still sounding like a very serene, peaceful, yet small place to visit. I will say that I do wish that you could flesh out your presentation more since it really does create something special when done right and can create a sense of tone and feeling to your work.

Creativity: 8/10
Realism: 9/10
Detail: 9/10
Presentation: 7/10


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