So, You Want to be an Imagineer Season 16: Purists vs. Innovators (Official Hub Thread!)

Disney Dad 3000

Well-Known Member
Buses & Busbars intro copy.jpg
Having ruled the western reaches for 16 years, they set out to expand their kingdom, a Magic Kingdom if you will. Their park would be the fairest in all the land and set off decades of prosperous rule and expansion in the land known as Florida. These are the tales and stories of that kingdom.

Chapter 4
Flight of Fantasy

Fantasyland would be at the heart of the park
Captivating guests from morning to dark
Telling the stories of this epic new kingdom would take foresight and thought
Would they copy a few attractions from Cali or bring the whole bloody lot

In the end, the decided to bring only a few
The rest would be imagined and entirely new
Out would be Pan, the Toad and a princess named Snow
They nixed the nanny, a beauty and Sleepy Hollow

It filled up quickly with pachyderms and boats to meet the demand
But they needed three more attractions to fill out the land
After much deliberation their decision was made
An unexpected princess, wizard and mouse would surely make the grade

These are their stories, all adventurous and fun
From Opening Day in nineteen seventy one

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Imaingeers had already set aside a castle and carousel for her, but what this princess really needed was an attraction to call her own. Cinderella is such an iconic story and is an obvious fit for Fantasyland. Taking over for the originally intended Snow White show building will allow a seamless transition from the castle into the land.

With Cinderella though, we won't go too overboard. This will be a standard book report ride. While the book report ride can get a bad rap, in 1971 and even today, it's still popular with many guests. There's something to be said for re-telling the story from the film. Imagineers determine this is the best course of action for a nice mixture of both classic and new storytelling in the land.

The queue itself will be fairly standard for the times and Fantasyland in general. Simple switchbacks will weave guests through the queue with moderate theming appropriate for the ride. As they approach the boarding area, a glorious 4-seater carriage awaits them.

While taking from the polished look of the film, there will also be hints of the pumpkin origins in the vehicle as if the carriage could be getting awfully close to it's midnight deadline itself. Guests will certainly be riding in style throughout the attraction.

The scenes themselves will follow the film pretty religiously. The obnoxious step-sisters, the laboring Cinderella, the mice, the glass slipper, they're all there lending a nice blend of emotions during the ride. The ride will culminate with Cinderella and the Prince dancing the night away.

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Merlin's Magic Ride
As a replacement for Mr. Toad's Wild Ride, Merlin's Magical Ride will take guests on a madcap and manic experience through the world of the Sword in the Stone. The story itself will actually take place after the events of the film from which it derives it's material.

The queue area will be very regal and castle like blending with the Fantasyland vibe. It will also lead perfectly into the opening of the ride itself as we last saw Wart atop his throne, sword in hand.

Groups of 4 will board the wooden cart like vehicle and pull slowly through the large castle doors that open and allow them into the ride.

Opening Scene
We first see Wart looking comically small in an oversized chair with a number of large burly knights all around him at an early version of the round table practically ignoring him. He looks lost and ill-equipped to lead at his age in spite of pulling the sword from the stone.
Scene 2
Who should appear but Merlin! "Hello my boy what seems to be the problem?"
"It's me Merlin, i'm so small, none of the knights will listen to me, and I can still barely lift the sword. If i'm not big and strong this will never work"

Scene 3
"Oh dear, you apparently remember nothing from our early training. Looks like we have work to do"
In a puff of smoke Merlin and Wart (and the ride) has left the castle

Scene 4
The ride pulls into a fairly non descript forest scene and Wart is looking quizzically about with no idea what they are doing. The only thing around a few trees and an oddly shaped ant mound.
"I think you need to see that being small doesn't mean you haven't got strength, and not just physically".

Scene 5
Just like that the ride has entered a new scene where Merlin and Wart have been shrunk down to ants. Riders themselves will have been shrunk down as they glide through the ant colony. "Look around you, each of these Ants can carry as much as 10-50 times their weight and they work together. None of that knight business, and yelling and such.

Scene 6
As we move into another portion of the ant colony business picks up pretty quickly as apparently Merlin & Wart have walked right into the middle of an ant war. Another colony is in full blow attack. Merlin & Wart are scene scurrying to exit the mound.

Scene 7
Only to encounter Madam Mim, in anteater form! "Oh I've got you now you old goat"! Mim exclaims. "Now Mim. Don't make me give you germs again". Exiting the extended scene shows Mim vanishing just as quickly as she appeared.

Scene 8
Back in human form Merlin is muttering to himself how badly that went. Let's try something else and poof.

Scene 9
Merlin & Wart are seen in a farm yard with a number of small pigs and Merlin coaxing Wart to try and herd the pigs orderly. "Use your mind boy. Don't just jump in". What is that shadow approaching from the East?

Scenes 10-11
Suddenly a large dragon looms over the pair. "M, M, M Merlin........" "Oh bother. Mim cut that out!" With a large snort as the dragon sizes them up, They suddenly realize it's not Mim.
Scenes 12-14
The following scenes the previously slow dark ride picks up a little pace as Merlin & Wart try to escape the dragon's every move.
Finally they're cornered. "I don't have the sword Merlin" "That sword will do you no good now, think boy!"

Scene 15
"We need water Merlin!" Wart exclaims and with that Merlin has transformed himself into a bucket of water that Wart can be seen dousing the dragon before he's had a chance to barbeque them

Scene 16
And in a flash the pair has returned to the castle, Merlin slumped into a chair, exhausted from "class" and leaving the scene we find Arthur standing confidently at his round table, with the knights a little more attentatively. Though it appears he still has some work to do on that sword as he can be seen with a slight lean to one side where it hangs at his waist.

Deciding up their 3rd and final replacement (Peter Pan) attraction for Fantasyland, Imagineers still wanted to capture that sense of adventure and flight, but what to do?

As great a character as Peter Pan, they decided to reach back into the archives a little and build a story around a character who needs no introduction. Instead of just one film though, this journey would take place across several of them.

Little did they know how much this decision would impact an expansion of the kingdom some 46 years later. With regular updates over the years, the ride remained as popular as ever and eventually saved a certain movie attraction from extinction. All of which leads us to Mickey's Fairytale Ending, a thrilling trip through the fantasies in Mickey's mind as he aims to rescue a certain damsel in distress.

The entry way out front gives a few clues of what guests can expect. The queue will be filled with images and artwork of some classic fairytales and stories. Guest will approach the boarding area where they are greeted by a bed vehicle of all things. Seating 4 guests, with a similar ride set up to Peter Pan, the bed will slowly move into the show portion of the ride.

Scene 1 Boarding area
Scenes 2-3 It Happened one Day
These scenes find our hero relaxing on a park bench when he spots Minnie strolling along. In the background will be some dramatic love music audio as Mickey is instantly smitten. The pair exchange a flirtatious gaze. But what's this? A large overbearing figure (Pete) is seen pestering the dainty mouse

Scenes 4 Daydream Believer
Clouds start to appear around the vehicle as we transition between scenes with dreamlike tones lightly playing in the background. We have entered Mickey's daydream.
pampas of argentina swd.jpg
Scenes 5-6 The Gallopin Gaucho
From this cloud like state, the ride sails over the beautiful Pampas of Argentina. In the background we hear some Argentinian tango music and happen upon a cantina where Minnie is tango dancing and Peg Leg Pete is attempting to woo her as only Pete can.
Transitioning on, Pete is seen kidnapping Minnie and they are racing across the plains with Pete on his horse, and Mickey on his rhea.
(Note that while the animation of some of these older films is black & white and much earlier versions of the characters, the character representation will be consistent the entire ride and in color. Care will also be taken to soften the scenes as needed to avoid any derogatory stereotypes, etc.

A few dream clouds lead into the next scenes

Scenes 7-8 Mickey in Arabia
Here we find Mickey & Minnie in the Arabian Desert with a number of snake charmers and snakes writhing up and down out of their baskets. Once again Sultan Pete arrives to ruin the fun and tries to steal Minnie away.
Things move onto scene 8 as the Sultan and his well-armed men are chasing the pair, Mickey carrying Minnie in a flower pot of all things, up to the top of the palace roof.

Leaving Arabia a few more clouds appear to lead us to

Scenes 9-10 Ye Olden Days
We've entered a much different time and setting as desert has given way to medieval Europe and we find our brave hero astride a donkey, strumming a lute. Before him lies a large tower of the castle and we get our first glimpse of Princess Minnie locked away in the attic.
As guests round the tower we find Mickey & Minnie sliding down a rope of clothes to escape and Prince Pete (in place of Goofy) awaiting them for a duel.

Scenes 11-14 The Brave Little Tailor
The next scenes start off much more innocently as we find Mickey at home, flyswatter in hand with a number of flies about. Quickly transitioning into him in the King's throne room and taking on the task of slaying the giant. He's about to back out, but Princess Minnie quickly changes his mind.
From the throne room we find Mickey just missing being squashed in the houses and barns in the village and rolled up inside a haystack.
In the parting scene, Mickey is seen, thread and needle in hand, working his sowing magic on the giant.

Scenes 15-17 Mickey & the Beanstalk
Entering our final dream stage, we find a large beanstalk reaching to the sky. Mickey is seen climbing his way to the clouds above.
The set of scenes end with Mickey tricking the giant and fleeing his home with golden harp (with Minnie's image). The finale shows Mickey chopping down the beanstalk to a large boom.
Scene 18 We are back in the park and Mickey has been jolted from his daydream
Scene 19 Minnie is seen purse in hand, with Pete dazed on the ground beside her having been wacked pretty good over the head
Scene 20 A silhouette of Mickey & Minnie hand in hand walking into the sunset

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Well-Known Member
It's my sincere pleasure to announce @Pionmycake as the official cohost for the Uniting Universal podcasts! Having been absent from the boards around the same time and he and I both being otherwise actively involved in the community, we thought we'd make a great pairing when it comes to tackling the project you guys works so hard to put out. For the time being the plan is to do three on each of the major parks and one on Seuss Landing plus all the resort stuff. We should be doing the first one some time before the review podcast for Project Two with Jacob and I.
Is this still coming out later tonight or will it be later on the weekend? I'm really excited for these podcasts! :D

Magic Feather

Well-Known Member
Hey, so I have been having tech issues all night getting the project uploaded. Going to give a cliff notes version out. If allowed, will update later with all of the custom art and stuff that my laptop doesn't want to cooperate with. If that is ok with Tiki, if not, take this as the final project.
Hey everyone! Welcome to Looking Back on WDW, Fantasyland Edition. Today we brought in Disney Parks Expert @Magic Feather to talk about it!
@Magic Feather : Thank Cal for the introduction. When WDI set out to make MK, they figured that they could either plus the three dark rides they had, or make three new rides. You see, projections for DW, or WDW as we now know it, were looking low, and they figured that this was a cheap thing they could do to differentiate the two parks.

First, they made a new flying ride called "Flight of the Pegasus", used the Pegasus's from Fantasia as inspiration to fly over the three landscapes from the film, being the "Pastoral Symphony," "The Rite of Spring," and finally, swoop under Chernabog's Arms in "Night on Bald Mountain," as strobe lights clasped overhead. Currently, guests may know this space as home to "Flying Fantasia Journey," a similar concept, but with guest flying through smaller environments, with some based on Fantasia 2000. This was intended to be a sequel to Peter Pan's Flight, as it showcased the wonder and beauty of these realms of Fantasia.

In the space that currently houses "Winnie the Pooh and the Blustery Day," was once the king of all dark rides: Dumbo's Circus Journey!

Guests boarded a colorful cart of a circus train on one of two different tracks! While these tracks were mostly the same, a few key differences in twists and turns make for a different impact at times. Guests began by passing a Young Dumbo being mocked by elephants and people, before a Mrs. Jumbo on a rampage was found teetering over your cart. You then swerved into a brief "Baby, Mine" scene, before entering through a barrel of alcohol into the dizzying world of pink elephants. As you exited and swerved past a group of crows, you ascended on an elevated track for a brief swoop around the building, before gliding down the burining building to wave goodbye to Dumbo, who is now a star.

The final one was Mickey's Giant Journey, current home to Cinderella's Royal Gathering. Here guests would runaway from the giant Mickey was attempting to conquer, before ultimately being eaten alive by him.


Well-Known Member

Project Two: Black Lights and Bus Bars - Purists


Here we come to soar in the sky with Dumbo, go under the sea with Captain Nemo, and on a wild spin with The Mad Hatter. We come here not only to play, but to believe. To believe a young boy can take on the world. To believe dalmatians can escape a crazed woman. To believe that a book can come to life. On behalf of all of us at Disney, welcome to Fantasyland.​

Beautiful: Winnie the Pooh and the Honey Tree


Ride Stats & Info -

Attraction Type: Aerial Dark Ride​

Vehicle: Hot Air Balloon​

Theme: Winnie the Pooh and the Honey Tree (1966) & Winnie the Pooh and the Blustery Day (1968)​

Amount of People per Vehicle: 2​

Duration: 2 Minutes and 45 Seconds​

Riders per Hour : 62​

Riders per Day : 6,250 - 8,750​

Height Restriction : None​

Ticket Rating : C Ticket​


Queue -

A medieval tent catches the attention of guests as the marque shows the name of the attraction along with some bees dotting the tent itself. Guests will enter a standard switchback queue in which the barriers will be made to look as if they were carved out of a tree. Every once in a while on the walls will be a page of from the book Winnie the Pooh by A.A Milne. Overall it will be your typical Fantasyland queue of that era.​

Ride Experience -

Loading :

As guests get ready to embark on their journey through the Hundred Acre Woods they will see the multitude of hot air balloons they may sit in. Each hot air balloons' color scheme is inspired by a character from the Winnie the Pooh shorts. While the basket is one of Pooh's hunny pots allowing for two guests to sit comfortably. Above the hunny pots where the burner for the hot air balloon would be is a speaker which is synced up to the happenings of the ride similar to the nearby Haunted Mansion. This allows for the guest experience to be more immersive.​

Winnie the Pooh Balloon: Yellow (Bottom) and Red (Top)
Piglet Balloon: Pink and Magenta Stripes​

Eeyore Balloon: Solid Gray with a tail hanging from the back​

Roo Balloon: Brown (Bottom) and Blue (Top)​

Tigger Balloon: Orange and Black Stripes​

Rabbit Balloon: Solid Yellow​

Heffalump Balloon: Multicolored Plaid with a trunk hanging from the back​

Behind the loading area is a map of the 100 Acre Woods with everyone's favorite inhabitants of the woods. After the lap bar goes down the hot air balloons float into the first part of the ride.​


Scene 1 : Christopher Robin's Room

The hot air balloons glide into Christopher Robin's room. It is a shot by shot recreation of the room seen in the opening of the classic short "Winnie the Pooh and The Honey Tree". As the balloons go through a room a large oversized book is propped open. The balloons float into an opening in the book itself, and the next scene.​

This is the opening from the 1977 The Many Adventures of Winnie the Pooh, but it is the same opening used in the 1966 and 1968 short. The only difference being the credits themselves.

Narrator: Chapter One, in which we are introduced to Winnie the Pooh and his friends.​

Scene 2 : 100 Acre Wood

The balloons float by the treetops, and down below the residents of the 100 Acre Wood are already busy. Eeyore is sitting down in his gloomy place. As the balloon approaches is house made from sticks is knocked down. He lets out a sigh.​

Eeyore: Could be worse; not sure how.​

As the balloon continue to float on by they enter a sandy place in which Roo plays. Tigger is on his tail atop of a rock as Roo is getting ready to go bouncing with Tigger. Kanga looks on from her house.​

Kanga: Oh, be careful Roo!​

Roo: Don't worry, Mama!​

The balloons flyover Rabbit's garden. A scarecrow stands tall, along with with a wheelbarrow full of pumpkins. Signs are picketed into the ground stating that 'Absolutely no gophers or tiggers!'. Rabbit is off in his farm picking carrots, and Piglet carries them. Which is rather hard to see for you see Piglet is far smaller than the actual carrots. The balloons reenter the woods as they float by Owl's treehouse with Owl on his porch reciting his memoir to his guests.​

Owl: Now when I just a wee little owlet, I was quite the livewire in my nest.​

Owl's voice slowly drifts away as the balloons continue to float in the woods as they pass by a certain Mr.Sanders house. In front of a door is Pooh, thinking really hard. For you see he has come onto an issue: he had no honey, but there is a rumbly in his tummy.​

Winnie the Pooh: Oh think, think, can I get honey from the bees....​

The balloons float away from Pooh, and his very deep thinking.​

Scene 3 : The Quest for a Balloon

Narrator: Chapter Two, In Which Pooh Gets a Clue​

The balloons float to Christopher Robin's tree home, and below them guests can see a bike as well as some toys strewn about his yard. Among other things is Christopher Robbin handing a much muddier Winnie the Pooh a balloon.​

Christopher Robin: Pooh bear, why are you dirty?​

Winnie the Pooh: You see Christopher Robin, if the bees think I'm a raincloud then I can get some honey to eat.​

The hot air balloon floats away from the two as a slight breeze is heard through the balloon.​

Scene 4 : Little Black Rain Cloud

Narrator: Chapter Three, In Which the Winds Swapped Places​

The hot air balloons float among the treetops of the 100 Acre Woods as a slight humming can be heard. As the balloons continue to drift along the winds they see the culprit of the humming is none other than Winnie the Pooh.​

Winnie the Pooh: I'm just a little black rain cloud. Hovering under the honey tree.​

As Winnie the Pooh floats closer to the beehive he reaches out to grab a smackerel of honey. However a gust of wind passes through causing Pooh to float away from the beehive, and now he is reaching towards the tree.​

Winnie the Pooh: Oh bother, it must be a windsday.​

Scene 5 : Happy Windsday!

From the ground down below rises a surprise, little Roo rises in the air up and down as he gleefully shouts down to his mother whom he is holding on to through a scarf. Kanga on the ground looks on very concerned about her son.​

Roo: Look mama! I'm a kite! Weeee!​

Kanga: Don't worry Roo, I'll get you down!​

As the balloons float along with the gushes of wind pushing along guests they past by oversized swirling leafs. Hanging onto one of these leave is Piglet.​

Piglet: Happy Windsd-d-d-day!​

As the balloons float out of the Windsday a flash of light goes by and booming thunder is heard overheard. The light pitter patters of rain drops echoes throughout the hot air balloon.​

Scene 6 : The Rain, Rain, Rain Came Down, Down, Down

Narrator: Chapter Four, In Which The Rain, Rain, Rain Came Down, Down, Down

The ground of the 100 Acre Wood seems to have been completely covered by water as little ripples of raindrops landing in the waters appear throughout the woods. Down below in an umbrella boat is Rabbit is addling to land, and Eeyore on the other side gloomingly looking up to the rain clouds.​

Eeyore: Well at least there wasn't any snow...​

The balloons float by Christopher Robin's home miraculously unflooded as the inhabitants all gather there. Well everyone except Tigger, Pooh, and Piglet. Across the ways is Tigger's tail wrapped around a tree branch as Tigger attempts to balance himself on Pooh whose head is inside a honeypot, simply floating along for the ride. Piglet is on a chair which is teetering over the edge of a waterfall.​

Tigger: Don't worry Piglet! I got you!​

The balloons circle around our heroes, and see just how steep the waterfall is compared to where they float. Birds suddenly begin to chirp as the balloons float right back into a bright and sunny day.​

Scene 7 : The Celebration

Narrator: Chapter Five, In Which Our Heroes Celebrate​

Back in Christopher Robin's home and yard the flood waters are gone, and in its place party decorations celebrating Tigger who saved Piglet. A large table spread has been put up allowing for a place for everyone to sit, and celebrate. Well everyone, but Pooh who has seemed to have gone missing.​

All: Hip Hip Hooray! For Tigger and Pooh!​

Piglet: But where is Pooh?​

The hot air balloons fly into an old tree with an opening large enough for a bear to fit in.​

Scene 8 : The Honey Tree

The final scene depicts Pooh sitting in a pool of honey as he happily eats it by the handful. The walls seem to blur between being honeycomb, and paper mache with writing on it. The balloons float through the book they entered in through, and end up in the loading area as they depart from the 100 Acre Woods.​

Narrator: The End​

Scary: Peter's Scary Misadventure


Ride Stats & Info -

Attraction Type : Traditional Dark Ride​

Vehicle : Grandpa's Carved Wooden Cart​

Theme : Peter and the Wolf (1946)​

Riders per Car : 4​

Duration : 3 Minutes​

Riders per Hour : 600​

Riders per Day : 6,000 - 8,400​

Height Restriction : None​

Ticket Rating : C Ticket​


Queue -

Guests will enter what is the classic Fantasyland aesthetic, a welcoming festival tent guides the way into the attraction. Hanging from the sentence is the ride's name along with the wait time. The railings in this queue are made of stone, and as guests progress through the queue will gain snow. Various evergreens are seen throughout the queue as it blends together the the frosty tundras of Siberia, and the warm home at Peter's Village. Eventually after a series of switchbacks guests are allowed to board their ride vehicle.​

Ride Experience -


As guests get ready to venture out into the wilds of Russia they will see carved wooden carts go past them. Each wooden car will be carved based on a theme of either the Land, Air, or Sea in which different buildings, animals, and plants are carved into the vehicle. Behind the loading area various facades come together to form the Russian village seen at the end of Peter and the Wolf. The vehicles leave the loading area, and also the safety of the village.​

Scene 1: Village Outskirts

The carts exit the safety of the village, and enter the frosty forest passing by snow covered evergreens, and mounds of snow. As the vehicles circle around a particularly large mound of snow a wooden sign poked into the Earth is present warning guests about recent wolf sightings in the area. The vehicle pasts the sign, and approaches a quaint Russian cottage. The vehicle makes a turn as the door to the cottage opens revealing the warmth within.​

Scene 2 : Grandpa's Warning

The carts enter the warm and welcoming environment of the cottage. A tall old man with a long white bear, and a bulbous belly covered by a blue robe. He stands tall over guests warning them to stay inside for there are wolves nearby. The vehicles turn away from him as they approach Peter's pop gun, and the vehicles shadow which morphs into Peter establish that the guests are Peter.​

Scene 3 : Friendly Faces

The vehicles exit into a friendly forest where the light shines in, the snow glistens, and the birds chirp sweetly. Sasha the Bird and Sonia the Duck wait eagerly near a tree and a birdhouse happily chirping at guests. Ivan the Cat is soon seen basking on a fallen log taking a quick little catnap, an occasionally waves his paw at guests.​

Scene 4 : The Scary Forest

Th bright and cheery forest quickly becomes dark and foggy forest. Dead trees surround the area. The vehicles progress, but suddenly from the left of guests a wolf lunges out towards guests. The vehicles quickly spin out of control as it races through the forest. The trees have seemed to take on personalities on their own as they develop mean spirited faces, and their branches seem to reach out towards guests. As guests traverse the forest a running behind them is heard along with a heavy breathing broken by the occasional growl.​

Scene 5 : Sonia's Sacrifice

It seems as if all is come as if the wolf has been lost from guests, but as they approach an old mill something statingly appears. Sonia the Duck is running from the Wolf as she tries to fly away. The wolf seems to have already caught her ocne as she is missing some of her tail feathers, and they happen to be in his mouth. Guests pass a corner as the hear a loud clomp. In front of the old mill Sonia now appears with angel wings and a halo as she waves goodbye to the guests. (Pepper's Ghost)​

Scene 6 : Sasha the Brave

The vehicles are ushered further into the scary forest. Sasha is now seen attacking the wolf's nose as the wolf attempts to eat her. The vehicles turn, and guests will see Sasha has passed out now lying on the Wolf's tongue as he slowly closes his maw. The guests see Ivan hiding behind a log pointing to go deeper into the woods.​

Scene 7 : The Grand Hunt

The hunters pop up from behind bushes screaming louding warning guests to go home. The vehicles turn, and go down a path in the scary forest, but of no where the wolf pops up once more. The hunters begin to scream as gunshots echo throughout the forest, but seemingly miss everything. The vehicles rush through the forest, and anter a clearing in the forest.​

Scene 8 : The End

As the vehicles continue down the path the wolf once again pops up howling. The vehicles pick up speed, and pass by the hunters all seemingly to take aim at the guests. The vehicles pass a corner, ad guests will see they are aiming at the wolf who has lunged into the air. Guests will get up close to him, his eyes bloodshot by his **** for death, his fangs gleaming from the little light, and a blood curdling growl let out as he is about to eat the guests. A loud bang sounds off as strobe lights go off. The doors open, and guests are lead out of their vehicles. The question to be asked to one's self is"Who died?"​

Wild, But Fun: Cruella's Madcap Dash


Ride Stats & Info -

Attraction Type : Duelling Dark Ride​

Vehicle : Chaser Jalopies​

Theme : 101 Dalmatians (1961)​

Riders per Car : 2​

Duration : 2 Minutes and 30 Seconds​

Riders per Hour : 1,000​

Riders per Day : 10,000 - 14,000​

Height Restriction : None​

Ticket Rating : C Ticket​


Queue -


Ride Experience -

Scene 1 : The Twilight Bark

The jalopie roll around the English countryside passing by the general's farm. He informs his fellow animals that a group of puppies has been stolen, and spotted at the De Vil Manor.​

Scene 2 : Escape from the De Vil Manor

The Jalopies enter De Vil Manor to see the puppies escaping through a hole in the wall with the help of the general. Jasper and Horace are watching a Kanine Krunchies ad.​

Scene 3 : Get those Puppies!

Cruella appears in her pajamas yelling at the guests to chase after the puppies.​

Scene 4 : Dogs of Disguise

The dalmatians are seen rolling in the soot leaving it looking like labradors. Through a window on the outside Cruella is een driving by in her car. The jalopies encounter a van in which the puppies are being loaded into by their parents.​

Scene 5 : The Chase

The jalopies zip out of the building, and onto the rural town. Cruella yells to chase after that van. After a near collision with other guests the jalopies swerve on the ice on the pavements as they race against a moving van. The jalopies seem to slam into the van causing it shake and swerve from side to side.​

Scene 6 : The Escape

The van is seen taking another road to London as the jalopies go off road into the snow.​

Scene 7 : The Crash

Reaching a road again the jalopies swerve out Hasper and Jasper's way. The jalopies go full speed ahead, and swerve as Cruella's car crashes into the jalopies. The jalopies speed through a tunnel seeing Pows and Bangs being lit up passing by.​

Scene 8 : Dalmatian Plantation

The jalopies end up in Roger's house where he has decided to start a dalmatian plantation. The dalmatians now safe play happily as Roger sings.​

And I finished right on time o_O

I hope there's less things happening this challenge as the prospect of a new Switch game sounds fun.

Pi on my Cake

Well-Known Member
In the Parks
Is this still coming out later tonight or will it be later on the weekend? I'm really excited for these podcasts! :D
There was actually a scheduling conflict that came up. So, the first Uniting Universal podcast should be up tomorrow.

I believe the review podcast for the last round will be up tomorrow too either after or before Uniting Universal.


Well-Known Member
Original Poster
As Pi said, we'll be pulling double duty tonight with the first Uniting Universal podcast followed by Jacob and I doing our review podcast for "Black Lights and Bus Bars". Really happy with this turn out this past round. Everything is up to date in the Leaderboard thread.

To clarify the prompt on the Purists side...I realize I was jumping the gun by calling Buzz the first interactive dark ride considering Horizons exists. While Horizons is more of a "choose your own adventure", I want the purists project to go a little bit beyond that. It doesn't have to be a "shooter" persay, but it should incorporate some kind of "Game play" element all the way through. While you may take influence from Horizons and its non-linear structure, the ride system cannot be a clone of that.

Pi on my Cake

Well-Known Member
In the Parks
Star Wars:

Rebel Heroes



Opened around this same time of year (Christmas) in 1986, Star Wars: Rebel Heroes was a landmark, high tech, E-ticket attraction that holds up still to this day. Not only a first of it's kind attraction, but an only of it's kind interactive attraction like none other.​

-Ride System-

The ride vehicles essentially work just like the WEDway People Mover. Except the seats are sideways and the sides are enclosed (like the Doom Buggies from Haunted Mansion). This ride system was used because of how easily it can go from a brisk pace to slow and steady. Laser turrets are attached to the front of each seat for guests to control. Unlike the more modern Buzz Lightyear rides, these laser guns are simple light guns like from old arcade machines or the recent hit video game Duck Hunt for the NES.​


Some sections of the ride the cars rush through, other are more slow dark ride sections, and others are gently movie past tv screens that work like interactive arcade shooting games.​

Unfortunately, the technology for individual score keeping on a continuously moving attraction of this scale wasn't available in 1986. So, the shooting is not for points, just for fun. Thus, unlike the Buzz Lightyear rides, the shooting and the game element is not the focus, just another immersive aspect helping to improve the ride and complementing the other effects.​

1/3 quick dashing, 1/3 E-ticket level dark ride, and 1/3 interactive arcade attraction.​



The facade is relatively unchanged from the Star Tours facade in Disneyland. The addition of a few Rebel Alliance logos make the facade look more like a Rebel base.​

The inside and the queue are all themed to a Rebel base. Animatronic R2-D2 and C3PO are seen working on an X-Wing discussing the dangerous Rebel plan to take on the rebuilt Death Star. A safety video from Mon Martha tells guests that, as members of the rebel alliance, they'll be piloting the all new Z-Wing space crafts in a mission to help take out the Death Star Shield Generator and destroy the Death Star itself. Just remember, no flash photography or the Empire wins.​


-Scene 1: Space battle-


After boarding the continuously loading ride vehicles, Mon Martha can be heard telling us to get ready for the jump to lightspeed. The cars speed up and the lightspeed tunnel effect is achieved practically with lighting tricks. The vehicles enter into a space battle! All the ships involved are models that have simple motion and effects. Bigger Star Destroyers hardly move other than some lights and sound effects. Tie fighters and Rebel ships zip around on tracks and mobiles. The machinery is hidden in the dark space environment where just twinkling starlight can be seen in the distance other than the ships.​

Mon Martha can then be heard telling guests to turn on their targeting computers as the vehicles move in front of the arcade screens. The set up of the targeting computers works as an in universe explanation for the 1986 video game graphics in the arcade segments. Plenty of Tie Fighters and other enemy ships can be seen flying around the distant Death Star as targets for guests to have fun shooting at. After a bit, Mon Martha congratulates guests, but says their work isn't done. The troops on the Moon of Endor needs their help! Jump to lightspeed!​

-Scene 2: Endor Moon Forest-


Another brisk lightspeed tunnel! This one let's the ride vehicles out in the Endor moon Forest. Adorable animatronic Ewoks can be seen in their village. Stormtroopers can be seen on speeder bikes racing with Luke and Leia. AT-ST walkers can be small as miniatures in the distance as well as giant mechanical feet inches from the ride vehicles.​


Mon Martha tells guests to activate the targeting computers again to help destroy the shield generators. This leads to another arcade segment battling Storm troopers on speeder bikes and AT-ST walkers. After a bit, Mon Martha tells guest that they're needed on the front lines for the final attack on the Death Star. Jump to Lightspeed!​

-Scene 3: Death Star-


After another speedy lightspeed segment, guests join Lando in the Millennium Falcon flying into the Death Star Core like the climax of Return of the Jedi. Targeting computers turn on one last time as guest enter the Death Star Core. Guests battle against Tie Fighters and all kinds of enemy ships alongside the Millennium Falcon in a climactic battle while firing on the core itself. Leasing to a jump to lightspeed to escape the Death Star before it blows. Guests return to the rebel base as heroes. Animatronic Mon Martha, Han Solo, Princess Leia, and Luke Skywalker congratulates them as the ride vehicles slow down and return to the station.​

-2005 Battlefront Update-


In 2005, the graphics of the arcade sections received a major update by Lucas Arts to coincide with the release of Star Wars Battlefront 2 (the original Battlefront 2). Using assets from the game, this update bring the attraction to the modern era. The rest of the ride received minor updates and refurbishments. Nothing major though.​

-2011 Update: Republic Hero-


Just like how the real life Star Tours received an overall to Star Tours 2 in 2011, Star Wars: Rebel Hero is upgraded into Star Wars: Republic Hero. Based more on Episode 3 and the prequel era, this ride uses new state of the art technology. The arcade sections are again brought into the modern era with state of the art games. The effects throughout the attraction receive updates. The Space Battle scene is now very similar opening scene from Episode 3. The Forest scene is now Kashykk (the Wookie planet). The climax is now on Courascant. Obi-Wan Kenobi and Anakin Skywalker are your narrators. The story is now about destroying General Grievous's ship full of Battle Droids ready to attack the Senate. Point counters are added to the games. New high definition screens are added to the arcade sections. A reinvigorated experience that reuses much of the sets and effect from the original to create an exciting new experience.​
Since I kinda already did something like the purist prompt with my star wars project, I'd love to be on team Innovators!


Well-Known Member
As Pi said, we'll be pulling double duty tonight with the first Uniting Universal podcast followed by Jacob and I doing our review podcast for "Black Lights and Bus Bars". Really happy with this turn out this past round. Everything is up to date in the Leaderboard thread.

To clarify the prompt on the Purists side...I realize I was jumping the gun by calling Buzz the first interactive dark ride considering Horizons exists. While Horizons is more of a "choose your own adventure", I want the purists project to go a little bit beyond that. It doesn't have to be a "shooter" persay, but it should incorporate some kind of "Game play" element all the way through. While you may take influence from Horizons and its non-linear structure, the ride system cannot be a clone of that.
I’m excited for the double livestream tonight!! When can we expect it to start? I want to make sure I don’t miss it.


Right now it's 5 people (DisneyMan, D Hindley, tcool, kmb, Pi) on Innovators and only 3 on the Purists (Ace, DisneyDad, myself)

I'm up for a good ol' challenge, and I wouldn't want to see anyone be forced to do something they didn't sign up for -- I'm just curious how it would play out if in fact there's more people on one team than another.

Pi on my Cake

Well-Known Member
In the Parks
Right now it's 5 people (DisneyMan, D Hindley, tcool, kmb, Pi) on Innovators and only 3 on the Purists (Ace, DisneyDad, myself)

I'm up for a good ol' challenge, and I wouldn't want to see anyone be forced to do something they didn't sign up for -- I'm just curious how it would play out if in fact there's more people on one team than another.
I'd gladly switch to make it even. Honestly love the idea of both prompts


Well-Known Member
Original Poster
Right now it's 5 people (DisneyMan, D Hindley, tcool, kmb, Pi) on Innovators and only 3 on the Purists (Ace, DisneyDad, myself)

I'm up for a good ol' challenge, and I wouldn't want to see anyone be forced to do something they didn't sign up for -- I'm just curious how it would play out if in fact there's more people on one team than another.

Since there's no eliminations and people are free to come in and out I figure uneven numbers on teams won't matter as much as they normally would in a usual post-season five game structure. Everyone working in the teams will be getting the same collective total for the finished project added to their Leaderboard rankings so it's really not even a competition between the two teams (as much as "Purists vs. Innovators would suggest a comp ;) ) This is more just an excuse to get people brainstorming together and if there's a mismatch in numbers then like you said, the side with less numbers will just have to work all that harder ;) Plus yourself, Ace, and DisneyDad are a pretty deadly trio right there if I do say so myself! :)

Podcast schedule tonight will be as followed.
9PM Eastern: Uniting Universal Episode One
11PM Eastern: "Black Lights and Bus Bars" Project Reviews/Leaderboard update/"Elite Eight" Twist announcement

Stay tuned ;) In the meantime I'll be putting up written reviews for the dark ride projects throughout the day.


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Original Poster
Apologies if some of these reviews end up being lengthier than others. I've got a lot of different things I'm juggling on my plate today so I'll try to keep as even an amount of feedback as I can.

@D Hindley...first off, welcome to the game! I've heard many good things about you and this is an excellent first entry into your SYWTBAI portfolio. There's so much in this proposal to love! The queue is almost chilling in how accurate it is to what's there now and how it would fit into the current Snow White exterior. The branching pathways is a great fit for Fantasia. Structurally it bothered me slightly that Sorcerer's Apprentice took up the entire finale. I loved that you included Pines of Rome and would have preferred another set of branching paths to get one or two more Fantasia 2000 set pieces included in the mix. (Woefully under-rated movie in my opinion. My podcasting crew and I recently revisited it for Fantasia Month this past September)

Creativity: 8/10 - As I said, Sorcerer's Apprentice taking up so much of the ride is my one problem with this. I think it would have worked better had SA only been teased and alluded to from the queue. Maybe I'm just being too picky with it.

Realism: 8/10 - The Snow White queue is seamlessly transformed, and the branching pathways in the dark ride make a lot of sense. The only thing I question is the inclusion of the additional restaurant in the Village Hause space, knowing how cramped those Fantasyland dark ride show buildings can be I'm not sure if two of them (which would essentially average one average size showbuilding) would be enough to fit all the ambitious stuff. Then again, bonus point for having the foresight to NOT include multiple branching paths, as much as I personally wanted more Fantasia 2000 (If ya'll can't tell, I'm getting tricky with the bonus points this season ;) )

Detail: 10/10 - Really very seamless in explaining how everything fits together.

10/10 - Honestly, so far this is probably my favorite concept art of the season so far. Impeccable blend of real world imagery with the new creation you have in your mind's eye. Love the logo, love the tower, the map is incredibly professional looking. Overall can't complain...except I'll take off a point for NOT including links to music in a Fantasia project...simply a missed opportunity.

Total: 36/40


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Original Poster
@DisneyManOne really solid mix of "What-If" concepts. Unfortunately, part of the requirements for this project were that you couldn't use films that already had gotten the dark ride treatment, so I'm going to have to take a point off for creativity for you and everyone else who used films with pre-existing rides in either the Purist or Innovators prompts. With that in mind, your Pinocchio attraction is creepy as hell and I love it! To me it's just sort of weird as it's basically a larger version of Pinocchio's Daring Journey with extra intense scenes. The puppet show in particular is fascinating and turning it into a Pinocchio musical number in the refurb makes a lot of sense. I also love how this is supposed to be an old hold-over from the 1st person POV era of dark rides.

Sword in the Stone was probably my least favorite of the bunch. The ending was rather abrupt and the setting reminds me of Tony Baxter's philosophy on why he never made a Robin Hood dark's a bunch of stone walls and trees! Cinderella on the other hand is FANTASTIC and definitely my favorite of the bunch. You did a wonderful job translating the artistic streak of the film to the dark ride genre. As an adult Cinderella is a film that eludes me with its haunting isolation when it comes to the setting. The kingdom is like the world's most beautiful prison in a really interesting, symbolic way. You translated those moods brilliantly. Great job!

Creativity: 7/10 - Taking one point off for the use of Pinocchio, but overall a very solid, well rounded assortment of dark rides that do a great job of recreating different flavors of the genre.

Realism: 9/10 - There's a bit of a wonky "Butterfly Effect" thing going on with Pinocchio's refurb (how could it turn into an attraction that would have been inspired by it to begin with...the time travel physics make my head hurt :p ) but other than that silly loophole the realism is pretty much flawless.

Detail: 8/10 - Very well written and thought out, though Sword in the Stone's ending could use a little work. It's a bit clunky how it transitions from the magic duel to "Hey, I found a sword!" "long live the king!"

Presentation: 9/10 - Another excellent example of using limited resources to your advantage with the numbered maps, and a great use of music references to help set the tone.

Total: 35/40

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