@mickeyfan5534Just to review/recap where we were - and possibly where we will go, I'd like to see us try and finish this, but we may need some help.
The original goal of this game was to try and build out an entire Universal Australia Resort - complete with 2 parks (a Studios park and an Islands of Adventure style park) as well as a water park, hotels, shopping districts, and more.
Right now we have gotten a rough idea of some concepts for the Islands of Adventure style park (Name TBD) yet I'm not completely sold or attached to any of it. It can all change and mold as the brainstorming process unfolds. The map below gives the general idea of the layout too.
Going to tag some fellow armchair imagineers below with the question/conversation topic of "What would you like to see in a Universal park?"
It could be anything from your own past creations, your ideas like @brb1006 posted above, some attractions currently in Universal parks around the world that you enjoy -- anything to help give a library of concepts for us to work with! Then as the process unfolds, we can better piece together as a group how we'd want our parks and options to look in this resort complex. All ideas are welcome - thanks!
@Brer Oswald
@Disney Dad 3000