So, You Want to be an Imagineer Season 15: Uniting Universal (Official Hub Thread)


Hmm...debating about changing the location theme to Monaco rather than Greece? Just because of the transition from Spain, to France, then to Italy from the City Walk to the two resorts. Also the buildings are more conducive to a large scale 700 room resort. Thoughts?


the wolfman encounter
the entrance will look like a 1800 gothic asylum, sometimes during the night there will be a projection on the building to show the shadow of the full moon, when that happens you can hear a beastly howl in the distance

queue line -
the queue line will be themed to a patient hallway, there will be multiple projections on the door windows here and there to show the inmates pounding on the glass,

pre show area -
the area will look like a old school teaching hallway for the patients, a doctor will then enter into the room
william stroker [ a refrence to boris karloff and bram stoker ]
[clears throat ] good evening everyone my name is william stroker, you're here today for a little teaching, today we will be discussing about clinical lycanthropy, [ a assistant wheels in a projector, the projector shows a diagram of a brain ] this mental illness is a strange thing alright, it tells the infected person that they indeed are a animal, the most common type of animal is a wolf, most of the time the person will act like a savage and try to harm his or any others in it's way and try to cannibalize them, now of course they truly aren't animals but it is a strange disorder, today we actually have a patient with this disorder, his name is Larry Talbot. [ picture will show up of him ] he used to be a healthy 36 year old male, used to be a famous stage actor too, now the weird thing about him is not just his lycanthropy but it actually started right when he entered into London, he claims a wolf bit him but we looked all over the forest and the only thing close to what larry said was a adult bear, the other strange thing is his lycanthropy triggers when ever the moon is full, of course we suggest not to moon him just in case, anyway we're gonna prove to him that he isn't really a wolf, today we're gonna show him to you during a full moon, but first we're show him multiple images through our projector of the moon, each one will show the image getting fuller and fuller until finally [ snaps finger ] if in case if he really is a wolf we suggest to act calm and just hit him with a newspaper, anyway let's begin our presentation.

[ more to come soon ]
Nice work!

D Hulk

Well-Known Member
the wolfman encounter
the entrance will look like a 1800 gothic asylum, sometimes during the night there will be a projection on the building to show the shadow of the full moon, when that happens you can hear a beastly howl in the distance

queue line -
the queue line will be themed to a patient hallway, there will be multiple projections on the door windows here and there to show the inmates pounding on the glass,

pre show area -
the area will look like a old school teaching hallway for the patients, a doctor will then enter into the room
william stroker [ a refrence to boris karloff and bram stoker ]
[clears throat ] good evening everyone my name is william stroker, you're here today for a little teaching, today we will be discussing about clinical lycanthropy, [ a assistant wheels in a projector, the projector shows a diagram of a brain ] this mental illness is a strange thing alright, it tells the infected person that they indeed are a animal, the most common type of animal is a wolf, most of the time the person will act like a savage and try to harm his or any others in it's way and try to cannibalize them, now of course they truly aren't animals but it is a strange disorder, today we actually have a patient with this disorder, his name is Larry Talbot. [ picture will show up of him ] he used to be a healthy 36 year old male, used to be a famous stage actor too, now the weird thing about him is not just his lycanthropy but it actually started right when he entered into London, he claims a wolf bit him but we looked all over the forest and the only thing close to what larry said was a adult bear, the other strange thing is his lycanthropy triggers when ever the moon is full, of course we suggest not to moon him just in case, anyway we're gonna prove to him that he isn't really a wolf, today we're gonna show him to you during a full moon, but first we're show him multiple images through our projector of the moon, each one will show the image getting fuller and fuller until finally [ snaps finger ] if in case if he really is a wolf we suggest to act calm and just hit him with a newspaper, anyway let's begin our presentation.

[ more to come soon ]
It's clear why this idea intrigued you so much, you've made an incredible introduction! I'd love to see you complete the entire attraction. This asylum setting is genuinely unnerving and Gothic in the best way.

D Hulk

Well-Known Member
Hmm...debating about changing the location theme to Monaco rather than Greece? Just because of the transition from Spain, to France, then to Italy from the City Walk to the two resorts. Also the buildings are more conducive to a large scale 700 room resort. Thoughts?
Monaco works well. A replica of the Grand Casino as a deluxe hotel! We could still add a value hotel themed to Greece over on the other side of the Italian resort at some point.

The way it's shaping up, this entire resort could be laid out like Europe (and maybe North America). The NY entry land for UniMK is to the west (maybe over water for the Atlantic?) while UniSEA to its east gets its British entry land.


Well-Known Member
show -
we are now in a room similar to alien encounter with minor changes, there will be multiple windows up top on the celing showing the sky, when you sit down the harness will come down [ there say it's just in case they have another ;inmate incident; ] a doctor will then wheel in a restrained knocked out Lawrence into the room. the doctor will then leave the room for safety. lawrence will then start to wake up
lawrence talbot
what the- HELP SOMEONE HELP ME, [ notices the audience ] oh no no i thought he was joking, you gotta leave now okay, you don't understand what type of harm i may do to you, [ moon comes up through the window, larry starts shaking ] oh no, IT'S HAPPENING, [ sideburns start showing up on his face ] KILL ME, KILL ME NOW, [ claws and fangs sprout from him now, he will then scream in a deep voice ] RUN,

the lights go out, you can faintly hear the sounds of bone and muscle tissue moving around and a faint growl, the lights will go on through strobe lights now showing the 7 ft tall wolfman roaring at the audience, the lights go back out then on again showing him jumping towards you, the lights go out and you can hear a scream from your right as water sprays on you as you hear a crunch, the harness will then shake as you can feel the beasts hot breath on you now, you can even feel him licking you [ it's a hidden wet cord on the back of your seat ] sometimes you can hear his claws moving around the back of your seat, after 2 minutes police men will come through the door and try to shoot at the creature, the wolfman will roar then exit out through the window, as your harness comes off you can now hear a faint howl in the distance,

gift shop - this area will sell multiple universal monsters dvds and some merchaindise too,
and also this as it's t shirt
Last edited:


Monaco works well. A replica of the Grand Casino as a deluxe hotel! We could still add a value hotel themed to Greece over on the other side of the Italian resort at some point.

The way it's shaping up, this entire resort could be laid out like Europe (and maybe North America). The NY entry land for UniMK is to the west (maybe over water for the Atlantic?) while UniSEA to its east gets its British entry land.
Now that I'm thinking about it that might be a fun layout

Ironically as you were typing that I was working on this haha -- which has the theme parks next to each other.

Might actually like your layout better because it creates that 'resort' vibe that WDW has...rather than having the parks right on top of one another. Plus it would be laid out like an atlas of the world, with UniSEA and City Walk, as well as hotels, taking the place of Europe, then as you go further west, you have New York...with Hong Kong even further west...rounding out the world.

D Hulk

Well-Known Member


Early layout concept for UniSEA. Entry into Victorian London through covered archways leads to a grand reveal of the central iconic Hogwarts Castle across the lake.


As this park's most unique feature, the castle is actually a full-scale in-park boutique hotel! A western river alongside Skull Island's jagged coastline connects to the greater Resort waterways. Hogwarts hotel guests arrive via boat across the lake and are sorted in the Great Hall into their Hogwarts house rooms. Here from towers overlooking the whole park, they LARP in the world of Harry Potter, with special park access into Hogsmeade.

Waterways and boat transportation circle the island of Hogwarts and Hogsmeade. Most lands retain views of Hogwarts, which actually ties in visually to their various settings - Victorian London, the steampunk sci-fi of Wells Laboratories, Transylvania, and Hyrule.


Only Skull Island and Pokémon Land (real name pending) shouldn't see the castle. On this side, the central island is defined by seaside cliffs inspired by Dover, England. From Skull Island, the moored steamer ship Venture helps control sight lines, as will trees and smaller structures in Pokémon Land.

Caves separate these two lands. Over them, hidden, is a roadway servicing Hogwarts, with an alternate hotel entrance in its courtyard by the school's Clock Tower.


This map of Hogwarts is the basis for the hotel's layout. Guest rooms dominate the western complex, as does the Great Hall banquet restaurant. The eastern complex is primarily the structure for Forbidden Journey, with possibly some hotel elements in the tall structures above it. All Hogwarts facades are redesigned from IOA's forced perspective template at a larger scale.





Early layout concept for UniSEA. Entry into Victorian London through covered archways leads to a grand reveal of the central iconic Hogwarts Castle across the lake.


As this park's most unique feature, the castle is actually a full-scale in-park boutique hotel! A western river alongside Skull Island's jagged coastline connects to the greater Resort waterways. Hogwarts hotel guests arrive via boat across the lake and are sorted in the Great Hall into their Hogwarts house rooms. Here from towers overlooking the whole park, they LARP in the world of Harry Potter, with special park access into Hogsmeade.

Waterways and boat transportation circle the island of Hogwarts and Hogsmeade. Most lands retain views of Hogwarts, which actually ties in visually to their various settings - Victorian London, the steampunk sci-fi of Wells Laboratories, Transylvania, and Hyrule.


Only Skull Island and Pokémon Land (real name pending) shouldn't see the castle. On this side, the central island is defined by seaside cliffs inspired by Dover, England. From Skull Island, the moored steamer ship Venture helps control sight lines, as will trees and smaller structures in Pokémon Land.

Caves separate these two lands. Over them, hidden, is a roadway servicing Hogwarts, with an alternate hotel entrance in its courtyard by the school's Clock Tower.


This map of Hogwarts is the basis for the hotel's layout. Guest rooms dominate the western complex, as does the Great Hall banquet restaurant. The eastern complex is primarily the structure for Forbidden Journey, with possibly some hotel elements in the tall structures above it. All Hogwarts facades are redesigned from IOA's forced perspective template at a larger scale.

Fantastic! :D Map looks great! Everything flows so well -- and like the touch of adding what looks to be a service road to the Hogwarts resort.


Well-Known Member


Early layout concept for UniSEA. Entry into Victorian London through covered archways leads to a grand reveal of the central iconic Hogwarts Castle across the lake.


As this park's most unique feature, the castle is actually a full-scale in-park boutique hotel! A western river alongside Skull Island's jagged coastline connects to the greater Resort waterways. Hogwarts hotel guests arrive via boat across the lake and are sorted in the Great Hall into their Hogwarts house rooms. Here from towers overlooking the whole park, they LARP in the world of Harry Potter, with special park access into Hogsmeade.

Waterways and boat transportation circle the island of Hogwarts and Hogsmeade. Most lands retain views of Hogwarts, which actually ties in visually to their various settings - Victorian London, the steampunk sci-fi of Wells Laboratories, Transylvania, and Hyrule.


Only Skull Island and Pokémon Land (real name pending) shouldn't see the castle. On this side, the central island is defined by seaside cliffs inspired by Dover, England. From Skull Island, the moored steamer ship Venture helps control sight lines, as will trees and smaller structures in Pokémon Land.

Caves separate these two lands. Over them, hidden, is a roadway servicing Hogwarts, with an alternate hotel entrance in its courtyard by the school's Clock Tower.


This map of Hogwarts is the basis for the hotel's layout. Guest rooms dominate the western complex, as does the Great Hall banquet restaurant. The eastern complex is primarily the structure for Forbidden Journey, with possibly some hotel elements in the tall structures above it. All Hogwarts facades are redesigned from IOA's forced perspective template at a larger scale.

this is my reaction


Active Member
Can't wait to see it!
You're right; Margaritaville would be a lot better in Jurassic World. Don't know why I didn't think of that!

I like what Americana at Brand did with the trolleys. What if we did that with CityWalk, but base the trams off the ones operating in Mallorca? I think those have the style we need!

EDIT: Sorry, I quoted the wrong post.

D Hulk

Well-Known Member
show -
we are now in a room similar to alien encounter with minor changes, there will be multiple windows up top on the celing showing the sky, when you sit down the harness will come down [ there say it's just in case they have another ;inmate incident; ] a doctor will then wheel in a restrained knocked out Lawrence into the room. the doctor will then leave the room for safety. lawrence will then start to wake up
lawrence talbot
what the- HELP SOMEONE HELP ME, [ notices the audience ] oh no no i thought he was joking, you gotta leave now okay, you don't understand what type of harm i may do to you, [ moon comes up through the window, larry starts shaking ] oh no, IT'S HAPPENING, [ sideburns start showing up on his face ] KILL ME, KILL ME NOW, [ claws and fangs sprout from him now, he will then scream in a deep voice ] RUN,

the lights go out, you can faintly hear the sounds of bone and muscle tissue moving around and a faint growl, the lights will go on through strobe lights now showing the 7 ft tall wolfman roaring at the audience, the lights go back out then on again showing him jumping towards you, the lights go out and you can hear a scream from your right as water sprays on you as you hear a crunch, the harness will then shake as you can feel the beasts hot breath on you now, you can even feel him licking you [ it's a hidden wet cord on the back of your seat ] sometimes you can hear his claws moving around the back of your seat, after 2 minutes police men will come through the door and try to shoot at the creature, the wolfman will roar then exit out through the window, as your harness comes off you can now hear a faint howl in the distance,

gift shop - this area will sell multiple universal monsters dvds and some merchaindise too,
and also this as it's t shirt
Really good work! This is all very spot-on. Ooh-wee!

Would you like to do some more brainstorming for the Transylvania land? I'm pretty set on cloning the Mummy coaster re-themed to Boris Karloff, but I'd love to see what you could imagine for rides based around Dracula and Frankenstein, plus the other monsters as they inspire you.


Well-Known Member
Really good work! This is all very spot-on. Ooh-wee!

Would you like to do some more brainstorming for the Transylvania land? I'm pretty set on cloning the Mummy coaster re-themed to Boris Karloff, but I'd love to see what you could imagine for rides based around Dracula and Frankenstein, plus the other monsters as they inspire you.
im thinking maybe a basic walk through maze of draculas castle and frankensteins lab, it will be similar to house of horrors basically, maybe a underwater roller coaster for creature from the black lagoon like this


You're right; Margaritaville would be a lot better in Jurassic World. Don't know why I didn't think of that!

I like what Americana at Brand did with the trolleys. What if we did that with CityWalk, but base the trams off the ones operating in Mallorca? I think those have the style we need!

EDIT: Sorry, I quoted the wrong post.
You're good! I know what you mean -- and I agree! I remember @David2319 wanted to have some sort of trolley in the park -- it might actually work better over here in the new City Walk!


im thinking maybe a basic walk through maze of draculas castle and frankensteins lab, it will be similar to house of horrors basically, maybe a underwater roller coaster for creature from the black lagoon like this

You bring up a good point in that Uni typically has one or two big coasters! I think we've brainstormed a few, but I think our emphasis has been more on visceral dark rides - so something like this could mix it up!


Well-Known Member
You bring up a good point in that Uni typically has one or two big coasters! I think we've brainstormed a few, but I think our emphasis has been more on visceral dark rides - so something like this could mix it up!
yeah i noticed that the area needs some originality, i mean most people think dark rides suit the monsters best but coasters could too if you thought about it,

D Hulk

Well-Known Member
im thinking maybe a basic walk through maze of draculas castle and frankensteins lab, it will be similar to house of horrors basically, maybe a underwater roller coaster for creature from the black lagoon like this

Definitely Transylvania should boast some mazes. We have the opportunity here to do something even grander with the Universal Monsters!

For Frankenstein, I've pictured a drop Tower set in Victor's fortress. The good Doctor straps guests into a gurney to serve as his creation's life force. Guests lift upwards during a storm to behold the Monster as it comes to life, then a lightning bolt sends them plummeting down and ending the experiment.

For Dracula, I'm keen on an all-access boat dark ride so that more guests can enjoy this land. (Currently UniSEA is a little light on rides without height requirements, which is a common Universal issue.) Drift through flooded catacombs - actually somewhat inspired by the Phantom's flooded crypt - and witness both Dracula and all the other Monsters in their lairs. This could even be guided like the old Jaws ride. (An alternative for Dracula is a thrilling motion base dark ride like Spider-Man upon the Count's haunted carriage.)

You bring up a good point in that Uni typically has one or two big coasters! I think we've brainstormed a few, but I think our emphasis has been more on visceral dark rides - so something like this could mix it up!
Currently UniSEA has the indoors Mummy coaster, plus an outdoors War of the Worlds coaster likely with a layout similar to Cedar Point's Maverick (tracks and trained themed to the London Underground dangerously twisted by the Martians). Hopefully Pokémon Land can host a family-friendly coaster too (themed to the Legendaries?).

DisneySea has no exposed ride systems except for when they're 100% thematically appropriate, and I'm trying for something similar with UniSEA. It makes coasters harder to create, but I agree the park needs a few. Any coaster ideas which can meet those needs?

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