So, You Want to be an Imagineer Season 13: Get a Clue (Discussion Thread)


Well-Known Member
In terms of ToT, I've heard pretty much the opposite from everyone that I've talked to, so I'm surprised that you've come across so many people that prefer California's version. I'm honestly really ok with them overhauling the ride. It so needs it. As much as I love ToT, and as well themed the ride is, I think that WDW's just trumps DCA in every way: in location, in decor, in experience. DCA's just pales in comparison, which is mainly why I'm ok with it changing, aside from possible theming issues and the fact that DCA seems to be in a constant state of change and evolution, which is really odd to watch....
A lot of Cali's supporters claim that the elevator going backward immediately instead of later helps keep the story moving. They think the 5th dimension scene in Florida slows the story line down too much which I don't agree with personally.

Florida's ToT is by far my favorite attraction in either WDW or DL. The line's normally too long for me to ride more than once a trip, but honestly, I just love the area. Even if I can't ride, I just want to hang in the area and take in all the little details. I've had two of the best experiences I've ever had at the tower.

My first one was when I ran the Twilight Zone Tower of Terror 10 miler. I dressed up as a bellhop; pants, shirt, hat, and I even had a little suitcase I carried with me. After the run I went to ride ToT still dressed up, and all the bellhops commented on my outfit. One even asked (when we were loading) where I was going and I said I was taking this luggage up to a guest. Almost got him to crack a smile. When the ride was over, the bellhop pulled me aside and asked if I wanted to go again!

My second one was on a different trip, the line was too long, but I wanted to take pictures of the details most guests over look. Some i was the weird person you see taking pictures of the carpet, the little bottles of the shelves, and the ceiling tiles. I wanted to go back by the ride photo area because there was a bulletin board with some advertisements I wanted to look at. So I asked a CM and she said it was okay. Not a moment later, she said she would give me a tour of the place. She showed me the desk in the ride photo area and actually brought over all of the papers in the tray. Right on top was a real newspaper dated 1939 with a big picture of Hitler on the front. This was an actual newspaper from the era. She must have showed me around for a good 20 minutes explaining that the perfume bottle on the shelves were real, 90% of the books on the shelves are real period books that are not adhered to the wall! I thought for sure these were all just false props, but the CM said most of what guests see is the real deal. Simply an amazing experience.

By the way, I haven't forgotten about our SEA conversation.


Well-Known Member
Going to go ahead and give my trip report as well. Overall while I didn't have the "greatest day of my life" any of the three days like I did the one day I went back in March, it was still a great, albeit very crowded and hot, trip!

Day One:

Started the trip out right by flying out of the Charles Schulz Airport in Santa Rosa which was amazing in its own right. There's a big brass statue of Charlie Brown and Linus on the iconic wall right out front. There's tons of hand-decorated statues of Peanuts characters in the terminal. The guest relations booth is themed to Lucy's therapy stand. Lots of fun details I wish I could have gotten pictures of. I was so preoccupied with taking video off my smartphone this trip I barely got any photos.

Anyways after a VERY quick and nice flight to John Wayne airport I was picked up by Monkey and his lovely mother (who REFUSES to call me anything but "Tiki" which I think is adorable ;) ) I was taken to the Camelot Inn on Harbor and parted ways with the Monkey clan for the time being. Check in was a breeze. Got a great view of the park from the fourth story of my hotel where I was staying. You had practically a whole window into the parks where you could see the TWA rocket, Matterhorn, castle, Big Thunder, and more. I didn't end up doing it but I'm sure watching the fireworks from that view would have been great.

Anyways, got my room and briefly showered and changed, then headed out to the parks. One thing I really hate about DLR is the security checkpoints. For starters they look incredibly cheap (like, literally just plastic fold out tables that you would find in garage sales, and plastic tents..) it's not a great impression for guests coming to the resort for the first time. I also got stuck in 20+ minute lines for bag check which was INCREDIBLY annoying because I never had a bag the whole time I was there. There really should be an express lane for people with no bags, but I digress. Metal detectors while a bit imposing were really quick to get through and the cast members manning them were all very friendly which helped ease through the harsh reality of why they're there to begin with.

Got into Disneyland after being introduced to the new non-handstamp park hopping system that I loved! (They take your picture when you first use your park hopper, and you don't have to get a hand stamp the rest of the trip) I really wanted to take a vehicle down Main Street but since it looked like they were already setting up for the afternoon parade I opted to do Mr. Lincoln instead.

Loved Mr. Lincoln and it was the first time I've seen it since pre-50th. Really well told attraction with a great build to the actual AA figure. Haunting music, great dramatic lighting, loved the new starry sky backdrop. Overall a really well done attraction that was unfortunately playing to VERY light crowds. I also found it super trippy that one of my favorite bands totally sampled the Lincoln speech from the attraction.

After that I headed up Main Street and got to Jungle Cruise which I was anxious to go on since it was closed during my March trip. Jungle Cruise ended up being the attraction I went on the most during my trip, partly out of nostalgia as I hadn't done it since 2009, partly because the wait never exceeded 20 minutes.

After Jungle Cruise I rushed up Main Street to meet with @JokersWild and his mother. We slipped through the parade route using the "cutting through the shops" shortcut and proceeded to Pirates. After Pirates we had lunch at the Jolly Holiday Bakery where i tried the grilled cheese and basil tomato soup which was recommended by FreshBakedDisney. Loved it and kind of wish I had gotten it again as a meal.

Once we were done with lunch we park-hopped to DCA so Jokers and his mom could experience Cars Land for the first time. We waited about 20 minutes for Mater's upon entering which was a really fun flat ride. After waiting about a half hour in the Radiator Springs Racers single rider line and 15 minutes at seatbelt check where we thought we were going to get evacuated, we proceeded into the heart of the attraction where we actually got evacuated!

My car stopped RIGHT at the starting line by the Guido and Luigi AAs. All the music stopped and you could hear the gears turning on the Guido figure. Walking half the length of the Racers course was INCREDIBLE and well worth not getting to actually race. It's insane how much that mountain range feels like a naturalistic mountain. When you're walking the track the rock work just TOWERS over you!

After everyone was safely off Racers it was time to meet Monkey and his mother at Trader Sams. We cut through the Grand Californian secret entrance and arrived to actually find three seats perfectly situated at the end of the bar. Once Monkey and his mother arrived, Monkey's mother rocked it at getting us a table that was meant to be reserved for a private event.

Trader Sam's was definitely a highlight. I wish we would have gotten to drink inside but we had a band playing on the patio and a great view of the surrounding hotel area so it was still great. Jokers and I split the 40 dollar "Uh-Oah" drink which came in what looked kind of like a soup bowl and was lit on fire upon serving! There were at least three times consuming that thing where we thought we were almost done only to find out we'd made virtually no progress on it! I also ordered a May-ti just to ensure that my buzz kept up after we got back into the parks. The drinks were absolutely perfect! Monkey's father showed up about 10 minutes before we left for the park and it was wonderful to see him again. We waited for the fireworks to finish (which were really cool to watch from the bar) then proceeded back into the parks.

The most beautiful sight of the whole trip was walking through Downtown Disney with a good alcohol buzz going and seeing THOUSANDS of people rushing away from Disneyland. When we got back into the park most of the stuff besides the major E tickets were completely dead. We did Big Thunder and I still didn't get to see the explosion effect (this would be remedied later in the trip...)

The most surreal moment of the trip happened when I was indulging in my traditional Dole Whip in the Tiki Room preshow and a cast member overheard our conversation. I mentioned I had a podcast and he absolutely recognized the name "So, You Want to be an Imagineer" and kind of lit up when he heard it. So basically it was the first time I was recognized in public as a Youtuber. Apparently the channel is popular with cast members which is CRAZY. (I have a feeling @MANEATINGWREATH had something to do with that ;) )

Then the Pinocchio evac happened which was BY FAR the most memorable thing that happened the whole trip. Absolutely crazy seeing the blacklight paint in harsh regular lighting. It was definitely a dream come true being able to walk the course of a Fantasyland dark ride. After a quick ride on Toad we met back up with Joker's mother and made a dash for the Haunted Mansion where we made a point to be on the very last Doom Buggies of the night! I parted ways with Monkey and Joker and spent the next hour on Main Street taking advantage of it closing on 1 AM. Had a wonderful time eating hot dogs from Coke Corner while people watching from the famous "Porch". Made a point to be in the fire station at 1 AM.

After that I spent the next four hours editing video in the hotel and not sleeping at all. I waited until about 5:30 in the morning and went out to get a T-Bone steak and hashbrowns from the I-Hop. When I arrived a woman was letting the server know that there was someone asleep in the bathrooms. About half way through my meal a crazy looking woman comes tumbling out of the bathroom and proceeds to STARE ME THE HELL DOWN. I had just put my wallet away because I was checking to see how much I had for a tip, so I was absolutely terrified and half way convinced that I was about to get mugged. Fortunately that didn't happen. After going back to my hotel to shower I left for the day about 6:30 in the morning for day 2 in which I was planning on taking advantage of my one Magic Morning as well as jumping to DCA for their rope drop. Will the lack of sleep catch up with me? Find out on the next exciting episode! :p

How was the Camelot Inn? I've thought about staying there in January, but Disneyland Hotel has such awesome beds.

I have to agree about the security checkpoints. I was a little put off when i first saw them as well. they could really benefit from a no bag line as well. Not that I'm ever not carrying a bag, but it would help not to have "Tiki" in front of me with no bag.;)

I can't wait to try the no hand stamp thing as well in January. I was either not paying attention (most likely) or they didn't explain it well because i never heard anything about stamping your hand to switch parks. If my Mom hadn't said anything, i would have walked straight by without stopping.

Mr. Lincoln is indeed a fantastic attraction, and I'm sad to hear it played to light crowds. I especially love the song "Two Brothers". Sends chills up my spine when I hear it.

It's funny you should mention the grilled cheese and tomato soup from Holly Jolly Bakery. it's the one thing I've gotten every time I've gone to Disneyland.

Seriously, i would pay to walk the track at Cars. That must have been so gorgeous, and I'm super jealous. You can keep the Pinocchio experience though. It might be interesting to see with the lights on, but I'll never know since I probably will not go on that ride again. :cautious:

I can only imagine how Downtown Disney must have looked and felt after a night at Trader Sam's. The few times I got to go in, the drinks were potent, especially the Uh-Oha.;)

That was so neat that someone recognized you from youtube! How awesome was that!?:eek: THAT has got to feel good. How cool. :cool:

Can't wait to hear the rest of the trip. Hopefully it doesn't end with the crazy lady from IHOP tracking you down. :p


Well-Known Member
A lot of Cali's supporters claim that the elevator going backward immediately instead of later helps keep the story moving. They think the 5th dimension scene in Florida slows the story line down too much which I don't agree with personally.

Florida's ToT is by far my favorite attraction in either WDW or DL. The line's normally too long for me to ride more than once a trip, but honestly, I just love the area. Even if I can't ride, I just want to hang in the area and take in all the little details. I've had two of the best experiences I've ever had at the tower.

My first one was when I ran the Twilight Zone Tower of Terror 10 miler. I dressed up as a bellhop; pants, shirt, hat, and I even had a little suitcase I carried with me. After the run I went to ride ToT still dressed up, and all the bellhops commented on my outfit. One even asked (when we were loading) where I was going and I said I was taking this luggage up to a guest. Almost got him to crack a smile. When the ride was over, the bellhop pulled me aside and asked if I wanted to go again!

My second one was on a different trip, the line was too long, but I wanted to take pictures of the details most guests over look. Some i was the weird person you see taking pictures of the carpet, the little bottles of the shelves, and the ceiling tiles. I wanted to go back by the ride photo area because there was a bulletin board with some advertisements I wanted to look at. So I asked a CM and she said it was okay. Not a moment later, she said she would give me a tour of the place. She showed me the desk in the ride photo area and actually brought over all of the papers in the tray. Right on top was a real newspaper dated 1939 with a big picture of Hitler on the front. This was an actual newspaper from the era. She must have showed me around for a good 20 minutes explaining that the perfume bottle on the shelves were real, 90% of the books on the shelves are real period books that are not adhered to the wall! I thought for sure these were all just false props, but the CM said most of what guests see is the real deal. Simply an amazing experience.

By the way, I haven't forgotten about our SEA conversation.
That sounds absolutely amazing. I just love the cast at ToT. It's kind of become the new Haunted Mansion, in terms of cast, I feel.

And I totally forgot about our SEA conversation. Once I get back from work, we will absolutely pick that up.
How was the Camelot Inn? I've thought about staying there in January, but Disneyland Hotel has such awesome beds.

I have to agree about the security checkpoints. I was a little put off when i first saw them as well. they could really benefit from a no bag line as well. Not that I'm ever not carrying a bag, but it would help not to have "Tiki" in front of me with no bag.;)

I can't wait to try the no hand stamp thing as well in January. I was either not paying attention (most likely) or they didn't explain it well because i never heard anything about stamping your hand to switch parks. If my Mom hadn't said anything, i would have walked straight by without stopping.

Mr. Lincoln is indeed a fantastic attraction, and I'm sad to hear it played to light crowds. I especially love the song "Two Brothers". Sends chills up my spine when I hear it.

It's funny you should mention the grilled cheese and tomato soup from Holly Jolly Bakery. it's the one thing I've gotten every time I've gone to Disneyland.

Seriously, i would pay to walk the track at Cars. That must have been so gorgeous, and I'm super jealous. You can keep the Pinocchio experience though. It might be interesting to see with the lights on, but I'll never know since I probably will not go on that ride again. :cautious:

I can only imagine how Downtown Disney must have looked and felt after a night at Trader Sam's. The few times I got to go in, the drinks were potent, especially the Uh-Oha.;)

That was so neat that someone recognized you from youtube! How awesome was that!?:eek: THAT has got to feel good. How cool. :cool:

Can't wait to hear the rest of the trip. Hopefully it doesn't end with the crazy lady from IHOP tracking you down. :p
I was slightly surprised, but when I went on Lincoln, the theater was mostly full.

And in terms of security checks, I would highly suggest using the hotel guests entrance at the Grand Californian, if you're staying on property. We were able to walk through right through security and cut through DCA to basically bypass all of the normal crowds, which was unbelievably useful.


Well-Known Member
That sounds absolutely amazing. I just love the cast at ToT. It's kind of become the new Haunted Mansion, in terms of cast, I feel.

And I totally forgot about our SEA conversation. Once I get back from work, we will absolutely pick that up.

I was slightly surprised, but when I went on Lincoln, the theater was mostly full.

And in terms of security checks, I would highly suggest using the hotel guests entrance at the Grand Californian, if you're staying on property. We were able to walk through right through security and cut through DCA to basically bypass all of the normal crowds, which was unbelievably useful.
I think it's great that ToT is getting up there in terms of Haunted Mansion casting. You can tell the bellhops love their jobs.

No worries about the SEA conversation. I got bogged down with doing the drawings for the Star Wars challenge and then binge watching Steven Universe for the last challenge. Just let me know when you're ready. I'd like your take on some things.

I'm glad to know that Lincoln was more crowded for you, Joker. I would hate for that attraction to go away because of what appears to be lack of interest.

That's a good idea about Grand Californian. I've always wanted to try that anyway. On the list for January.


Well-Known Member
Since Jokers and Tiki have done some trip reports, I guess I might as well talk about what I've been doing for the past two days! :D

So yeah, as I'm in the process of moving to Florida, I decided to visit WDW for two days. Yesterday I went to MK and DAK, stayed overnight at the Bay Lake Tower, and then this morning I went to Epcot, and now I'm back in my temporary housing hotel room. Let's start at the beginning! :p ;)

Was up bright and early for rope drop at MK. The crowds yesterday there were actually pretty great until around 11, with nothing much over an hour, and only a few attractions that long at that. By noon, though, the crowds were insane all of a sudden, which is part of why we left for a bit in the middle of the afternoon, which I'll talk more about what I did later.

Anyway, so I started my day my trying to rig the Fastpass+ system :rolleyes::oops::hilarious: I got in with my new annual pass, however, I booked my hotel room before I got the pass, so I had two different magic bands. Since I only had fastpasses on the annual pass band, and it wasn't linked to the room band, I would have been able to get three on the room band by getting them at a kiosk. I've done it before, except instead of an annual pass I was using a guest pass from a cast member to get in. But, there were lines at the FP+ kiosks, and the attractions weren't too busy anyway, so I ended up not bothering.

Speaking of which, as much as people hate on MyMagic+, I actually really thought it was a very easy and nice way to go about the parks. I know most people's biggest complaint is about having all of these reservations that schedule your day way out in advance that you can't just go with the flow and that they don't like that, but honestly it wasn't a problem. There were a couple times where I had a Fastpass for a certain time, though I was either in the area a bit early or wanted to do something else instead in a different area. All I did was just go onto the app and change the time of the pass to just about whenever else. So, I thought that was convenient, and it is something you can't do with the legacy system.

So, for the first part of the day there wasn't really anything too notable to point out, it was just another amazing and fun day at the Magic Kingdom :happy: Though I was stuck on the Peoplemover for about 15-20 minutes inside Space Mountain. @TheOriginalTiki @JokersWild I totally get the feeling of loving the chance to get an evacuation. The rest of the people with me thought I was crazy for rooting to get evac'd and walk down the track (through space mt too!) :p Ultimately, though, the ride resumed motion and carried on through Tomorrowland.

So, like I think I mentioned above, around 2:30 or so we were pretty tired from being up very early and the crowds were starting to get unbearable out of the blue, so we figured we'd head out for a bit and check into the hotel to hang out there for a little while. This post has gotten pretty long before I realized it, so I think I'll call it off here for now, and will make like Tiki leaving you at this as an epic teaser for the next installment of the IDI Trip Saga! :p
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Well-Known Member
Since Jokers and Tiki have done some trip reports, I guess I might as well talk about what I've been doing for the past two days! :D

So yeah, as I'm in the process of moving to Florida, I decided to visit WDW for two days. Yesterday I went to MK and DAK, stayed overnight at the Bay Lake Tower, and then this morning I went to Epcot, and now I'm back in my temporary housing hotel room. Let's start at the beginning! :p ;)

Was up bright and early for rope drop at MK. The crowds yesterday there were actually pretty great until around 11, with nothing much over an hour, and only a few attractions that long at that. By noon, though, the crowds were insane all of a sudden, which is part of why we left for a bit in the middle of the afternoon, which I'll talk more about what I did later.

Anyway, so I started my day my trying to rig the Fastpass+ system :rolleyes::oops::hilarious: I got in with my new annual pass, however, I booked my hotel room before I got the pass, so I had two different magic bands. Since I only had fastpasses on the annual pass band, and it wasn't linked to the room band, I would have been able to get three on the room band by getting them at a kiosk. I've done it before, except instead of an annual pass I was using a guest pass from a cast member to get in. But, there were lines at the FP+ kiosks, and the attractions weren't too busy anyway, so I ended up not bothering.

Speaking of which, as much as people hate on MyMagic+, I actually really thought it was a very easy and nice way to go about the parks. I know most people's biggest complaint is about having all of these reservations that schedule your day way out in advance that you can't just go with the flow and that they don't like that, but honestly it wasn't a problem. There were a couple times where I had a Fastpass for a certain time, though I was either in the area a bit early or wanted to do something else instead in a different area. All I did was just go onto the app and change the time of the pass to just about whenever else. So, I thought that was convenient, and it is something you can't do with the legacy system.

So, for the first part of the day there wasn't really anything too notable to point out, it was just another amazing and fun day at the Magic Kingdom :happy: Though I was stuck on the Peoplemover for about 15-20 minutes inside Space Mountain. @TheOriginalTiki @JokersWild I totally get the feeling of loving the chance to get an evacuation. The rest of the people with me thought I was crazy for rooting to get evac'd and walk down the track (through space mt too!) :p Ultimately, though, the ride resumed motion and carried on through Tomorrowland.

So, like I think I mentioned above, around 2:30 or so we were pretty tired from being up very early and the crowds were starting to get unbearable out of the blue, so we figured we'd head out for a bit and check into the hotel to hang out there for a little while. This post has gotten pretty long before I realized it, so I think I'll call it off here for now, and will make like Tiki leaving you at this as an epic teaser for the next installment of the IDI Trip Saga! :p

Nice! :D

Certainly better than my last 24 hours.... After six and a half hours of traveling by ferry and car from Key West, barely getting any sleep, I wake up only to hear my grandmother passed away. :(:cry:. After all that traveling, I still have to drive four hours to get to the funeral service... Two days after I finally come back from vacation. :facepalm:

So.. Wanna switch? :p:oops:


Well-Known Member
Nice! :D

Certainly better than my last 24 hours.... After six and a half hours of traveling by ferry and car from Key West, barely getting any sleep, I wake up only to hear my grandmother passed away. :(:cry:. After all that traveling, I still have to drive four hours to get to the funeral service... Two days after I finally come back from vacation. :facepalm:

So.. Wanna switch? :p:oops:
Oh god, that's awful, I'm so sorry about that :(


Well-Known Member
So, back to where I left off on my little trip report! It was the middle of the afternoon, and we headed over to the Bay Lake Tower to check in and hang out there for a bit. One thing I love about this hotel is the convenience in its location. It's very easy to leave the park and comeback, as you don't need to go through the hassle of going all the way to the MK parking lot for your car/go through the bus system. We decided to take the monorail over the hotel (our room was a very short walk from the Grand Canyon Concourse station in the contemporary), for no other reason than we like the monorail :D Though, it's also a short five minute or so walk from MK, which is really nice.

Luckily our room was ready when we got there, so we went up. We stayed in a studio with a lake view on the 8th floor. The view of the sunrise this morning was incredible:

The rooms are very nice. I've stayed at the BLT before, so I knew what it would be like, yet every time it just feels so cool to be in there, it's my absolute favorite resort. The design is a perfect mix between ultra-modern and Disney charm, which is just awesome. The Magic Kingdom influences in all of the art of the hotel also add to it a lot, especially to the hardcore Disney fan like me who is triggered with nostalgia very quickly :P Not to mention, the roof of the hotel has an ok view :rolleyes::D

Again, favorite resort, everyone here should definitely try to stay either here or at the contemporary at least once, budget permitting. If you are looking for someplace to stay for a short couple night trip, this is where I'd recommend. Though, for a longer vacation, I think I would probably prefer a more immersively themed resort area like the Boardwalk area or Old Key West.

After exploring the resort a bit and just taking a break from the park and relaxing, we stared to get ready to return to the park around 5:30-ish. We had a 6:00 reservation at the Skipper's Canteen (which I was very excited about!), followed by a Fastpass for the Jungle Cruise at 7:25. Did the restaurant live up to my hype and expectations, and how was the rest of my magical night?! This post is also getting a bit long, so I'll tell you later :P


Well-Known Member
Nice! :D

Certainly better than my last 24 hours.... After six and a half hours of traveling by ferry and car from Key West, barely getting any sleep, I wake up only to hear my grandmother passed away. :(:cry:. After all that traveling, I still have to drive four hours to get to the funeral service... Two days after I finally come back from vacation. :facepalm:

So.. Wanna switch? :p:oops:
I am so sorry to hear that!

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