So, You Want to be an Imagineer: An Imagineering Competition (Season 13: Get a Clue)


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Project Nine - Halloween Disney Nights (Part 1)


Due to the success of Universal's Halloween Horror Night mazes, and rising competition in the Orlando area for Halloween seasonal festivities, WDI is tasked with assembling a collection of Halloween style mazes to compete with the surrounding area.

Disney has been noted for their "less-intense" style of celebrating Halloween, with Mickey's Not So Scary Halloween Party being the prime time attraction of the season. After a decline in attendance following the 2016 fall season, a plan was set in place to populate the parks with themed maze experiences that would re-shape the season next year in 2017.

Over the course of several months, Disney went to work constructing several multi-purpose buildings, or re-using older buildings through the 4 WDW theme parks, placing a collection of 2 mazes per park.

Each park would have a varying level of "scare factor" to them. Despite the popularity of gruesome and terrifying Universal mazes, that isn't quite Disney's style, so they proposed a rating system.

A PG maze - which was more family friendly with a few scares scattered about, but suitable for most ages

And a PG-13 maze, which was a bit more intense, but without the blood and gore of the Universal mazes, however more geared towards teens and adults.

Each park would be equipped with one PG and one PG-13 maze, giving a variety to choose from throughout the parks, something Disney hasn't had the luxury of in the past.

With that said, this is Disney's 4-Park Maze plan for the 2017 Halloween Season.

Magic Kingdom Mazes

The Pass Through Bald Mountain - PG Maze


Utilizing one of the most famous segments of Fantasia, this Halloween maze takes guests from the graveyard of a quiet town to the terrifying peak of Bald Mountain. You will be swept up in the fury of that night, experiencing first hand. The entire journey will be accompanied by Mussorgsky’s famous music. Much like in Fantasia, the experience will rely solely on this powerful arrangement starting in the queue and lasting until the guest exit the maze.


Located to the right of Cinderella Castle, behind the Winnie-the-Pooh ride, is a new structure designed for this Halloween maze. This building will not only be used for Halloween mazes but it can also be re-themed for Christmas mazes as well as a party venue for special events throughout the rest of the year.


Although intended for families, please not some scenes may be too intense for small children. This attraction will feature bright lights, dark scenes, and at times, very loud music. Parental discretion is advised.


The road has been rough for you and your group. Everyone is tired, making tempers short and easily sparked into flaring heated words. Your feet ache with the constant walking, but ahead through the trees and strangely misted landscape, you can see what appears to be a village shrouded in the looming shadow of a bare, foreboding mountain. It’s getting too dark to travel any further tonight, so you urge your group toward the village in hopes of seeking shelter until morning.

As you venture nearer, several townspeople carrying eerie green glowing lanterns warn you away, seeming wary of those who would willing venture out on Walpurgis night. These towns people refuse to offer strangers like you shelter, fearing possible strange and unsightly creatures disguised as mortal men and women. They whisper tales of imps and fiends that roam this night eager to partake in their macabre revelry of the titan that lives in the mountain, Chernobog. Looking at the towering mass of rock and stone, you can certainly see why the people fear the mountain as it is completely bare all living things. But as there is no shelter to be found for your group, the only place to go is the mountain. Perhaps there is cave to rest in until the morning light. You will have to brave the darkness of Walpurgis night, but you are positive that the tales of grotesque specters are merely the stories of the superstitious townsfolk. However, to get to the mountain, your group must pass through the town’s graveyard.

The Maze

Passing beyond the boundaries of the town (the entrance to the maze), your group makes its way into the graveyard. On either side are lines of tombstones, graves, and even a hangman’s noose. Night has truly fallen, but an even darker shadow appears. The shadow of two monstrous hands slink down the rocky canyon walls on either side of your group seeming surrounding you in massive grip. Almost immediately, spectral skeletons rise from their graves flowing up and away to the mountain as if on a tide. Several skeletal figures pass through the very noose they were hung from, the gnarled rope swaying with each passing spirit.

You hurry along, apprehension clawing at the back of your mind. As your group travels further, this section of graveyard looks to be free to roaming spirits, but a dark ominous light revels the truth as a massive winged shadow appears overhead. It spreads its wings, encompassing the area where we stand still surrounded by the resting places of the dead. A distant pile of rocks surrounded by water looks to be a sorry resting place, but out of the rubble and the water appear the withered ghosts of a knight atop his horse. Their bones are stark white that pierces the darkness of the monstrous shadow. Following after are several guards complete with spectral pikes and spears. Tattered wraiths and spirits wielding sword and shield are close behind, all too willing to answer the titan’s summons. More and more spirits ascend from the ground, even what looks to be a bride buried in the remnants of her gown. The music swells as emaciated figures on brooms soar passed, and overhead the sky is full of spirits jostling in their eagerness to reach the mountain. Fighting the urge to duck as spirits swoop and wind around each other, your group presses forward almost as if you yourself cannot resist the call of the master of the mountain.

Making a left, your group exits the awakened graveyard, only to come face to face with the mountain wall. There! A crevice in the mountain, and what looks to be the beginnings of a path. The path is narrow, but there is no other way through the mountain. Your group, trying not to push and shove, are forced forward as only the spirit horde is at your backs, but you’re are swept away with the swarm. With side of the mountain on your right, you can’t help put look at the cloud of demonic looking spooks soaring and weaving to the left of you. The empty eye sockets of skeletal horses that race along the canyon walls don’t even glance your way as they gallop among equally demonic dogs and other specters wilding waving their arms. Overhead, spirits clothed in hooded robes, arms stretched out before them, silently surge ahead of the ever growing mass.

The music crescendos and the colophony of instruments clash in a whirlwind as frantic as the swirling mass of ghosts. The faster the spirits flail, the faster the music becomes. Bright green lights flash in time with the cymbal crashes changing the charging spirits from white to black, to white again, scarcely giving you time to blink before the scene changes again. The path turns sharply, and you can't quite convince yourself that you are not rising with the ghosts. To your growing horror, at the end of the bend are a pair of glowing, yellow eyes. The eyes glare down at you, the sharp edges of the eyes curling in the corners like horns.

Your feet seem unable to stop propelling you forward although you are fairly sure you want nothing to do with lies ahead.

In a blast of yellow-green fire, you see the beast that dwells in the mountain. Arms flung wide in a lurid imitation of welcome, this winged creature is Chernobog, the master of all that is evil. His wings span the width of the room, and the flickering flames illuminate the beast's curved horns and fang filled mouth twisted into a snarl. Hurriedly, your group rounds the corner anxious to flee this monster before he notices you, but in your haste you have only wandered deeper into the pit.

The shadows of half formed spirits stand atop the canyon rim backlit by the gleaming firelight. Slowly, perverse forms start to crawl out of the shadows twisting and bending unnaturally. For now they seem to ignore you intent on their own frenzied celebrations. The heat of the flames at your back pushes the group forward, and almost into the grip of the massive creature. It seems you have just missed being scooped up!

Chernobog's clawed hands hover just over your heads, portions of his followers' bodies squished between his fingers. Trapped between the crushing appendages, legs kick sluggishly as if trying to find purchase in thin air. One unlucky creature hangs upside down, arms outstretched as if beckoning you to join him in his master's embrace. Dread seizes your courage in an iron grip as Chernobog's eyes glare down from the ceiling. You can't be sure if he's seen you, but better move along quickly even so. The hellish flames soar up the canyon walls, towering over even the tallest in your group, casting frightening shadows all around.

Surrounded on all sides, malformed bodies of spirits dance and thrash, slapping their webbed hands against the ground. They jump and twist, writhing in time with the flames that lick at their feet.

The canyon walls are awash in the surging fires that never seem to recede or die down. Looking up, you can see the deviant visages of several demons staring down at your tiny group. Even over the music, you can hear them chattering and hissing, their purple eyes never even blinking.

Fortunately, the path curves to the right, away from the horde and hopefully to the exit of this nightmare. But it has seemed that luck has deserted you and your group for you have stumbled upon another group of spirits dancing for Chernobog’s pleasure. His massive cupped hand strikes home how tiny you are as it nearly spans the length of the room. Held at the same level as you, the strangely beautiful fiery dancers sway and twist hypnotizing you with their beauty and grace. Awe turns to disgust as the spirits jerk and transform into blue-skinned horned demons, leaping and flailing in a bizarre form of worship. The flames suddenly flare brightly, devouring the creatures before your eyes.

Venturing further into the mountain, your group passes various ledges filled with demons intent on their revelry, although some seem to glare at you from dark holes, their sightless eyes blinking as you pass. The towering flames are truly otherworldly, changing from yellow and green to red and blue at a whim, casting frightening shadows along the canyon walls. Lights flash and the music swells with each passing moment as demons hurl themselves into the fire amidst swooping harpies grabbing those that are not fast enough to surrender themselves to the fiery chasm.

It is in sudden realization that they have turned their sights on you. You move your group forward, not eager to join in just yet, but the there is only one way out. Just a head in a tunnel filled with restless spirits ready to usher you into their master’s hands. At the end of this swirling mass lies the giant face of Chernobog, his irritates snarl melting into a smirking grin, anxiously awaiting his new toys. You have no choice; you must go ahead.

Entering the churning vortex, a horde of winged skulls, monstrous faces, and moaning wraiths harry you along the tunnel for soon you will join them in their dance. You are sure you are about to meet your end as a bright flare of light illuminates the grinning maw of Chernobog. For a moment all is silent, the music pauses as if holding its breath, and then the sounds of bells echo just beyond the creature. With nothing left to lose, you dart past Chernonbog towards the bells, hoping for safety; anything is better than here.

Just around the corner, the soothing chimes of the bells are driving the demons back, disappearing back into the abyss. Even their master cringes at each knell, unable to stop you as escape. The soft pale flow of orange light glows gently, highlighting the exit to the mountain at last. You can feel the tension in your back slowly unraveling, and your breaths come easier.


Upon leaving the mountain path (exiting the maze), you risk one more glance behind you. Your breath catches as you see the great winged monster fold itself back into the very mountain itself! You vow then and there to never again travel out on Walpurgis night.

The Wormhole - PG-13 Maze

Location - Galaxy Palace Theater

The Wormhole will be a thrilling Halloween seasonal maze located at the old Galaxy Palace Theater between Buzz Lightyear's Space Ranger Spin and the Carousel of Progress.

The maze will be inside a new all-purpose building in Tomorrowland at the Magic Kingdom, which will be home to special events throughout the year and easily accessible to an eclectic variety of overlays depending on the season.

In the Mickey Monitor and on the Disney website in anticipation for the Halloween season, WDI unveils a list of walk-through mazes throughout the parks, and in this section, it delves into a new kind of psychological thriller maze in Tomorrowland, called Deep Space.

Bringing a bit of spice to Mickey's Not-So-Scary Halloween Party, this more intense walk-through attraction harkons back to the days of the Magic Kingdom that saw attractions such as Alien Encounter. A science fiction psychological horror set in the land of Tomorrow, venturing out into something that mankind fears the most, the unknown of deep space.

Tomorrowland is a land of the future, and in the future, we have inter-dimensional travel, abilities to extract through wormholes in deep space, and teleportation methods. This liberal ability to travel the universe has peaked the interest of some of Tomorrowland's most accomplished astronauts and scientists, who have set up the XX Dark Voyage...a space station with the capacity to venture through a wormhole, through a connection in space, and out onto another portion of our universe. This knowledge has taken years to accomplish, and in 2168, you will be among the first to venture into the unknown.

Robotic teams have established a base camp hub on various planets through the wormhole, and the job of the Dark Voyage is to visit these planets in search for more life in the universe.

Nevertheless, while these missions can sound exciting for the avid traveler, they are not all success stories. Some robotic teams have been destroyed either in the wormhole itself or in route. Planets have been too dangerous for humans to travel onto. And most recently, the first mission through the wormhole resulted in a catastrophic calamity, where an astronaut lost his life.

However, the Dark Voyager Space Station has re-built from previous loses, and had some successful missions, now seeking to bring in new opportunity for avid explorers to venture to deep space.

Health and Warning Sign
Due to the claustrophobic nature of walk-through mazes, a warning sign will be placed out in front of the queue, emphasizing the nature of the attraction, and that parents should take caution, as some of the elements could frighten young children.

Some elements may also be seizure inducing, so if you are prone to those, or don't do well in tight, dark spaces, you should skip this adventure.

If you accept the terms, you may enter into Deep Space...


Join the XX Dark Voyage in Tomorrowland as a team of explorers trek through a Wormhole on the outer rim of the Milky Way to explore worlds beyond. The year is 2168, and you're on a space station traveling through a wormhole into another pocket of outer space. You see out the window as colors and jet streams of light roar by you.

While presenting as a calm and scenic walk-through in deep space on another planet, you will soon be trapped in a horror story as your space station bursts in hyperspeed inside the wormhole as you are queued in the hallways. The blast sets off emergency alarms throughout the vessel as computerized voices encourage the crew to eject...into deep space.

With no reasonable alternative, as you approach a large hole in the station (the entrance to the maze), the vacuum of space sucks a group of 20 guests into the maze and the adventure begins.

Maze Walk-Through


You walk into a room with black light walls and projections of colorful lights all around you in a mesmerizing fashion.

An eerie chorus begins to play as you walk towards a beam of light in the distance.
Bright flashes. Blue and green streaks of color wiz by on all sides. Bam. A large eyeball flashes on to the wall and blinks. Then disappears. The ominous chorus begins to rise, as goosebumps begin to rise on your arms.

Where are you? What is this place? Who is with you?

As you continue to walk forward, the light turns into a shadowy you approach the figure, that looks like a man...the shadow's face lights up and it's an astronaut with a shattered helmet, floating through the wormhole.

How is this happening? Is this all a dream?

You realize you are walking through the wormhole. The answer to how can just want to escape this nightmare. You hear a voice call out to you and it points the flashing lights on the projection walls in a guiding direction. You follow its lead and the music suddenly stops. You walk into a pitch black room in dead silence.

Suddenly, the walls are are on an alien moon, looking at the back-end of a blackhole. The picturesque backdrop of deep space is almost surreal. And you hear communications come online. The Deep Space team back on earth informs you that you need to get to a teleportation hub, located on the moon, at base camp. On the projection screen as you walk forward, you can see it off in the distance.

As you turn the see a black, shadowy figure waiting for you on the horizon. You hesitate to move forward...then you hear the communications from earth demand that you get to the teleportation hub as quickly as possible, as other beings may inhabit this territory.

A short cut through a maze hallway leads you into a canyon on the alien world, and it is soon illuminated with a variety of colors. A blast of cold air hits you and you press forward, until...

You feel hot air breathing on your necks..the sudden change in temperature is noticeable, and then the lights go black in the canyon momentarily.

When they are turned back on a black shadowy figure is standing right in front of you (a static animatronic) and growls! You shriek, and chase off to find the exit of the canyon. You hear more grumbling and the music escalates and swells where your heart is pounding very fast.

You hear the creature move around the canyon and another breath of hot air, this time right above you, but now you can feel the drooling saliva of the creature from above.

The sensation freaks you out as you exit the canyon, and see the teleportation hub in the distance. Again in a picturesque landscape, the stars shine on the walls and the black-hole is seen off in the distance. You venture towards the teleportation you enter into a tunnel that will bring you to the teleportation chamber.

Lighting and sonic booms crash all around you as you enter the chamber, the door slams shut and you are trapped in a vortex of flashing lights, synchronizing your beam back to earth.

Dark shadowy figures now totally surround you, and multiply, almost as if you're hallucinating. Cackles are heard around you as well. Roars are shouted and the music swelling to a high pitch as suddenly the lights go black and everything is silent.

The walls around, in the dark close in towards the center where the guests are standing in the chamber. A mechanical pulley brings them closer together.

Suddenly, the walls that were once the walls of the chamber are now distorted mirrors right on top of you. Naturally, your instincts tell you to turn towards the mirror and bam

You see yourself in a distorted view, which freaks you out. Now your mind is confused. Something is distorting space time, distorting you. Maybe you're hallucinating, maybe not. The lights go black again and then...a light in front of walk towards the light.

Now the room is bright white, surreal, and cubical in shape. You hear the Tomorrowland area music, a more uplifting soundtrack, thinking that...perhaps is it over? Is the deep space nightmare over?

However this music is a false sense of security and another illusion...yet you still walk towards the music...and it gets louder.

Louder and louder as you walk down the white tunnel then it stops. No radio communication is heard. Have you been beamed to another planet? Another dimension?

The silence is deafening, but you trek forward, until...

The lights go dark

They turn back on you again see flashes of a dark shadow for a split second. As you walk further through the tunnel the shadow gets larger and larger and the tunnel begins to rattle and the rattling becomes louder and louder. Music peaks again. The lights flicker and you hear communications telling you, you're almost're almost there. As you reach the end, a large, winged like creature pops out of the ceiling.

You freak out and scream, hear a loud bang almost like you broke a space barrier or something, and then.....

You walk back onto the Dark Voyage Space Station...but this time it doesn't looks as realistic as the queue...Monitors of people working at the command center, and everything going as if nothing went wrong.

So you're left to ask yourself...what was this? Was this all a dream? Was this just a simulation test?

As you ponder the question a man on the teleprompter, congratulates you on a job well passed the test and are ready for another mission. You can exit to Tomorrowland now. think to this was all just a drill. However when the man in the telepromptor turns can see the shadowy figure looming in the Command Center, staring at you...

As you exit into Tomorrowland...are you still dreaming? Will this inter-dimensional figure travel with you throughout the day? What really happened? A mystery of deep space travel and an experience you'll never forget.

Epcot Mazes

The Salem Witch Trials - PG-13 Maze


Heading into the American Adventure, guests will stumble across the entrance to a new Halloween maze. A temporary building will be erected to simulate a train station that transports guests to Salem. The main portion of the maze will share the exposition hall in the back of the Japan pavilion.


As you head into the American Adventure, you are directed to the back hall where the train station awaits. Opening the door, you step into the train station. The Departure Boards indicate the MBTA is scheduled to arrive soon, and you can hear the train roaring in the distance. Over the PA, a friendly voice announces the arrival of the train. Through the “windows”, you see the train pull up to the station. The doors open up and allow you to board the train.

As the doors slide close, the floor vibrates as if the train is taking off. Through the windows, you can see the landscape pass by at great speeds. After what feels like no time at all, the train pulls into the Salem train station, ready to disgorge its passengers. The doors slide open with a hiss, and you are ready to experience the wonders and mysteries of Salem.


Maze-Walk Through

As you disembark the train you notice the air is crisp, the wind offers a haunting chill, and the moonlight shines over a small New England town. You are in Salem, Massachusetts in 1692 - and a cackle of a witch is heard on the horizon.

You traverse up a brick walkway and into a graveyard as a clock-tower overlooking the city on the horizon bellows at 9 o'clock. And leaves rustle off the trees, indicating that it is fall. As you walk through the graveyard, you notice tombstones decorated for the witches who were killed in the gruesome Salem Witch Trials in 1692.

Suddenly from one of the graves pops a terrifying witch from her grave (as a projection effect) and cackles as her face haunts the people who walk past. She gives a lurch forward and proceeds to curse the audience. Red flashing lights encompass the section of the maze, and all who proceed into Salem will be cursed by the plague of the witch. The clock then strikes again, at 10pm, as the witch proclaims she will have two hours until her curse is complete.

The witch cackles and as you proceed to walk under a moonlight and star filled horizon overhead, the witch flies off on her broom over the moon, as an easter egg to the symbol of Salem, MA

Continuing down the brick walkway that leads into the main town area of Salem, you are stopped by a flash of white light and a void where the dark witch from the graveyard is seen standing with a much younger white witch, who is trying to stop the dark witch from causing everyone so much pain. The dark witch cackles and vanishes in a projection effect.

As we continue down to the main street in town, the old marketplace, people are hiding from the witch as flashes of light erupt around you, and suddenly and army of un-dead Salem, MA residents begin to appear all around you They growl and move closer to you as you scream and head into the next room. In the next room you walk through the door of an old house, which turns out to be the House of Seven Gables. Inside the House, you hear footsteps above you and the surrounding area becomes quiet.

Then suddenly, a flash of light and the dark witch appears before you, grinning menacingly. You make a sharp right hand turn out of the house and head for the seaport of Salem, trying to make your escape out of the cursed town, as the clock-tower strikes hour to go. As a subtle reference to the haunted mansion, as the clock strikes you can hear the Haunted Mansion dog howling in the background as you frantically make your way out of the house.

As you approach the projection of the seaport of Salem on your left hand side, you realize that the dark witch has created a lightning storm and swirling waves on the docks, crashing into any abandonment ships. You hear her cackle and head back to the main town, how covered with even more un-dead Salem residents. As you meander through their grasps and duck and dive your way back to the center of town, and possibly to the train, the white witch is seen standing in front of you, telling you to stop.

With a flick of her broom, the un-dead servants retreat to their graves, and it looks as if the white witch has saved the day, until you turn the corner and the white witch is confronted by the dark witch. The clock strikes midnight and the dark witch grins.

Like a saving grave, the white witch blasts the dark witch as she bursts in a colorful blast, and disappears from the maze as she screams in terror. The town lights come back on in the distance, and things seem peaceful for the time being.

The white witch escorts you to the exit (the train station) and waves goodbye as you gaze at the moonlight behind her. However a subtle hint of thunder is heard, and as you turn the corner *bam* the dark witch is standing there, grinning as the train whistle approaches.

Exit Path:

You dart into the train station building hoping you were just imaging the dark witch, but not taking any chances. The train whistle sounds again, signaling the train pulling into the station. The doors slide open and you rush in, a sigh of relief escaping. The floor vibrates as the train pulls away. You look nervously out of the window sure that every shadow you pass, the dark witch will appear again. The train slows to a stop and the doors open back to where you started. You have escaped the curse of the dark witch, or have you? Looking back, you could swear a pair of glowing eyes watch as you hurry away to the main walkway.

Spirited Away: Presented by Studio Ghibli - PG


Studio Ghibli is infamous in Japan and throughout Asia for their stunning anime masterpieces, one of the most famous probably behind Spirited Away. But in the States and around the world, many people remember this film being distributed by Disney. And the influence it has on the pop culture in Japan, as well as the rich mythical lure in the film, makes it the perfect film for a Halloween maze.

But, as Disney does not own Studio Ghibli theme park rights, they will have to negotiate for the rights. So for the rights for the characters to be used in this one attraction, Disney gives cash considerations, as well as a royalty percentage off of all Ghibli merchandise used in promotion for this maze.


This family oriented maze will be placed in the Japan pavilion in EPCOT. Since the movie's popularity did not peak in the States like it did elsewhere, this is a special circumstance in which it is necessary that the attraction will follow the plot of the film, since the rich backstory isn't very familiar with the masses.

The basic plot of the movie follows Chihiro Ogino. She is driving with her parents, when her father takes a wrong turn into a magical world. The rest is very complicated, so you are invited to read the plot description off of Wikipedia:


The queue would be themed to the bathhouse where Chihiro and Haku meet. This serves as a transition in turning over to the spirit world with these two, propelling you into the rest of the story. The use of lighting inside makes it appear as if the sun has set by the time you reach the end of the queue.

The Maze

The maze begins in Yubaba's bathhouse. The inside is the same as in the film, and a costumed Yubaba is in the middle of the room (the costume works better than AAs because the mouth can move and this can be used to make her as creepy as she looks in the movie). Yubaba tells you that you are now a spirit, ad to escape you must remember your name and save other guests she has turned into pigs. She also invites you into the next room, where you will work a job in the meantime.


The next room is a recreation of the arrival of No-Face. This time, he is seen via screen, to better show his transparency in the beginning. He will occasionally eat a bystanding spirit, growing in size. So if you take the maze right before closing, he is much bigger than in the beginning. Chihiro is also with you, this time in AA form. She introduces herself as Sen, as that is the name she was given after forgetting her old one. She then says that she is trying to save her parents from staying pigs, and trying to remember her name to break the curse. She tells us to go out and look for her friend Haku, who has been traveling with her.


The next room is outside where you have been working. This room is mostly screens, with props of trees and terrain blending in. Sen and No-Face are standing off to the side, looking up at the sky. Suddenly, a couple of bug-like paper creatures called Shikigami start flying overhead. Sen points this out, and more continue to come. They begin swarming all over. And following them, is a big beautiful dragon, whom they are attacking. Sen realizes that this is her friend Haku transformed. She yells at him that she'll try to help, but he can't maintain all of the damage, and goes plunging into the penthouse above, the home of Yubaba.


The next room is the floor above Yubaba's. A model of Haku's dragon form is on the ground, unconscious. Sen is on a screen with No-Face, standing against a wall. A Shikigami flies by, and transforms into Zeniba, who is explained to be Yubaba's sister. She turns Yubaba's baby Boh into a mouse, replacing him with a decoy, and turns her pet bird very tiny. She also tells Sen that Haku had stolen a cursed seal that she wants back. Sen complies, and also feeds No-Face a dumpling that makes him throw up everyone he has eaten. Sen also takes Boh with her, as she leaves after Yubaba enters and tells Sen her parents will be slaughtered as pigs for all the damage No-Face has done. They then leave to go to Zeniba's house. Haku also awakens and tells Yababa that he will bring Boh back to free Sen and her parents

The next seen has them all in AA form, sitting down at a table talking. Zeniba tells Sen that the cursed seal will not kill Haku, because her love is stronger than the curse. She sends them off, telling them that he will return soon to bring them to the bathhouse since the dumpling being eaten ended him being controlled by Yubaba. No-Face stays with Zeniba to be a spinner. There is a great transitional hallway of screens showing the dragon Haku flying Sen, and Boh across the sea in vein to the bicycle scene from E.T. Sen tells a story about falling into a river, and Haku reveals that he is the spirit of that river


The final room is of a room of AA people and pigs, where Yubaba makes Sen guess which ones are her parents. She guesses that none of them are, and she is correct. Yubaba reveals that her real name is Chihiro, and lets Haku take her to the riverbed. There is another transitional flying scene hallway, this time with the sun coming up and them saying goodbye.


Exit Queue

The exit queue is themed to the path in the forest from the beginning. It also shows Chihiro and her parents waving goodbye.

To Be Continued....
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Well-Known Member
Project Nine: Halloween Disney Nights (Part 2)

Disney's Hollywood Studios Mazes

Cinemassacre's Monster Madness! - The Labyrinth PG-13


Finally, a Walt Disney World attraction even stranger than The Making of Me or The Circle of Life: An Environmental Fable (notice how they're both Epcot attractions). In late-2016, Walt Disney Imagineering took note of James Rolfe, aka the Angry Video Game Nerd, an online mogul, film and video game critic known for his foul-mouthed, occasionally "PG-13" reviews of - as aforementioned - film and video games. Every October (for almost the past decade), James and his channel - Cinemassacre - have displayed a thirty-one day celebration of all things horror entitled Monster Madness, focusing each day of October on one set horror film, whether it be as classic as Universal's Frankenstein or as bizarre as the ever-terrifying Freddy vs. Jason (which is iconically not terrifying for the right reasons). It was decided that in preparation for the planned Halloween Haunt festivities at Walt Disney World in 2017, Cinemassacre's Monster Madnesswould play a starring role in Disney's Hollywood Studios, much to the confusion of Internet fanboys and everyday guests alike. Nonetheless, Cinemassacre's Monster Madness! - The Labyrinth proved to be a smash hit with guests, reputable for its dark humor, respect to classic horror, and the world's first appearance of an Internet celebrity in a Disney Park (excluding Colleen Ballinger's brief stint working for the company years ago).

The Location & Exterior Queue

Taking residence in the former ABC Sound Studio, "The Labyrinth" has called for a complete gutting of the former theater, resulting in a leveling of the floor, a removal of the seats, and even slight modifications to the exterior (as part of an eventual rehab of the entire bit of real estate; perhaps a dark ride?). The iconic logo of Monster Madness is displayed right where the old "ABC" logo used to sit, whilst a dense fog machine eeps from within and around the property, day and night. A cast-iron fence embroidered in lace-vines and moss surround the perimeter, diverting traffic away from the "makeshift" exterior queue and toward Indiana Jones and Star Tours beyond. Old-timey piano music reminiscent of what would be played in a silent horror film of the 1910s fill the air, accompanied by the occasional howl of a wolf and Rated G-rant of the unseen Angry Video Game Nerd. Once inside the converted-soundstage, we embark into a maze beyond our wildest...dreams?

The Labyrinth


Rather than finding the interior of a theater, we find ourselves whisked back in time and into a foggy, black-and-white graveyard reminiscent of "ancient" Hollywood B-Movies. The pungent smell of latex fills the air as a full moon lingers on the horizon. Amid the crumbling headstones stands a statue-recreation of James Rolfe, arms crossed, a la an Egyptian Sarcophagi. The statue swings open to reveal a mummy inside wearing familiar glasses, moaning, "The Ninja Turtles... Why did they make a concert?!" Perhaps baffled by the mummy's strange comment, we are left wide-open for a jump scare, provided via a cheesy-looking skeleton springing out from behind an adjacent headstone with a classic "BOO" before retreating behind his purported grave.

Entering what appears to be an old Transylvanian castle takes us into the world of Nosferatu, perhaps the most chilling of the silent horror films. Everything in the labyrinth's entirety is displayed in black-and-white, the clever result of paint and makeup. Portraits of Transylvanian noblemen (and women) line the stone walls, some sliding open to reveal scareactors wearing AVGN (Angry Video Game Nerd) masks in color, each screaming some terrible movie or game title. Meandering past a collection of skeleton-filled coffins (some coming to life), we meander into the Dining Hall of Count Orlok, Nosferatu's rat-like star. A mortified man (a wax figure) sits at one end of the table, a purported wax figure of Orlok sitting at the opposite end. Suddenly, the "wax" figure leaps upright, reaching his skeletal fingers toward us before silently retreating.

The walls of Orlok's Castle give way to the sewers beneath the Paris Opera House, the thematic dwelling of Lon Chaney Sr.'s The Phantom of the Opera. Organ music plays wildly as red-eyed rats peer out from the shadows. After meandering through an atmospheric corridor, we finally come upon the organ of the Phantom, hunched over the keys and pounding away... It isn't until the masked musician stands-up that we realize it is another AVGN impersonator, this one dressed in the robes of the Phantom. He screams, "Why does the Super Mario Bros. Movie exist?!"

Next, the German Expressionist realm of The Cabinet of Dr. Caligari overwhelms the atmosphere, twisting the distant horizons and scenery into an unimaginable realm of nightmares and cinematic magic. The zombie-like star of the film often pops-up around corners and cutaways, providing quite a few jump scares until, finally, we reach the domain of Dr. Caligari himself, hunched over some sort of spellbook it seems. The doctor looks up to reveal...guess who...AVGN! Again! Quickly, we flee into the next scene.

The final scene involves the very first horror film, 1910's Frankenstein. Inside this bizarre laboratory, a large cauldron bubbles away, its contents unknown. Dr. Frankenstein busily stirs the cauldron, dropping various contents into the glowing cauldron as we slowly encircle the domain. With a few magic words, the cauldron begins to belch fog, ending in a culmination jumpscare of the AVGN in Frankenstein's Monster-form emerging from the cauldron. The angry monster springs from the cauldron and gives chase, chasing us right on outside the maze...leaving us both dazed and confused, wondering what the heck we just walked through...

The Twilight Zone Experience - PG

Welcome to another chillingly haunted experience coming to Walt Disney World for the 2017 Halloween season... Guests daring enough to experience it will find a new haunted addition of the infamous Hollywood Tower Hotel.


This maze will be located on the empty plot of land behind The Twilight Zone Tower of Terror. This newly built structure will not only blend with the rest of the hotel, but will offer additional space for special events like parties and even wedding receptions. Guests will access this haunted experience via a gate next to the exit of the attraction and its gift shop.


The Hollywood Tower Hotel has once again opened to guests for tours of the lavish hotel. Of course, anyone with the time can take the standard tour, but you and some lucky others have been granted VIP access. This special tour will guarantee to make you feel as if you step into the past, to the night where lightening from a freak thunderstorm struck the tower, vaporizing several wings of the prominent hotel – along with five unfortunate guests. Instead of taking the service elevator to the Tip Top Club as with the standard tour, you will venture into areas few others will get to see. Once you experience the high-lights of this tour, well…you may never want to leave.

Queue (Similar to the ride, guests will travel through the Hotel's official garden)

The music of a slowly dying gramophone, sounding as if it’s still struggling to play after all these years, wafts through the mist filled garden enshrouded with shadows.

The garden had grown wild after decades of neglect, with creeping vines wrapped among the decaying statuary. Please don’t let the sad state of the garden deter you, we here at the Hollywood Hotel promise this will be night to remember.

Off to the side, a lonely old bench sits, out amidst the overgrown weeds and plants half obscured in shadows. A man, or maybe it’s a statue (you can’t be sure), sits holding a newspaper as if he stopped to read the Sunday post. Spider webs stretch from the rim of his hat down to the newspaper, and as the you circle around to continue down the path, he still has not moved. Sure in the knowledge that it’s just a statue, you are about to move on when the man slowly fades away. You freeze and stare in confusion, not quite sure what you just saw. Did you really just see that, or is your imagination getting the better of you being this close to a supposedly haunted hotel? But the line is moving, and you have no time to ponder this anomaly.

As you reach the front of the line, your tour guide greets you cheerfully, and ushers you through the Tower’s doors.

The Maze Experience (guests will enter in groups of 30)

Our guide leads us into the ballroom of the Hollywood Tower Hotel. The dim lighting offers very little in the way of illumination, but it looks like this was the grand ballroom at one point. You can help but jump as the doors slam shut behind you, but you shake off the nerves as your tour guide regales the group with the story of Halloween night 1939 and the mysterious disappearance of the hotel wings and the five unlucky guests caught in an elevator.

Of course, you already know the story and are anxious to start the tour, but the guide offers one last warning: Please do not touch anything in the hotel. Everything has been left exactly the way it was from that night. We wouldn’t want to disturb anything…or anyone.

Oh, please. You’re not impressed; let’s get the tour started already.

My, how quick you are to forget the strange occurrence in the garden.

But before the guide can really begin the tour, the lights flicker brightly several times before settling back into a gull glow. Irritated by the distraction, the guide decides to go fix the generator before continuing, and assures the you that it will only take a moment. The guide exits out another door leaving you and your group in the dilapidated room.

Taking a moment look around, you notice with some disappointment at how small the room is. There are hardly a handful of tables for guests to sit at. Cobwebs dangle from a single chandler, and old, dirty linens still drape over tables fully furnished with place settings. Hardly what you would call a grand ballroom.

Suddenly, the lights start to flicker again as if the generator is straining, trying to keep up, but the room plunges into darkness as the room loses power. A moment of utter stillness before electrical discharges arch around the room, racing down pillars, and over table tops. The buzzing sound of sparking electricity echoes before disappearing. Will the lights come on again? Faintly, the sounds of big band music drifts through the room and the lights spring back to life and you are met with an amazing sight!

Gone are the cobwebs and old table clothes, now the room shines and sparkles with opulence and meticulously details décor. The room, you don’t know how, has grown ten times bigger; tables and dancers fill all available room. A band plays away in the far corner, their music now in full force along with the tinkling of glasses and laughter. A door opens up, and in the entrance, a bellhop, silently beckons you to follow. Should you follow? Your guide would surely be back any minute now, but your group is moving to the door. One thing you know for sure, you don’t want to left in here by yourself. As the last to exit, you swear you can hear the faint strains of The Twilight Zone music.

Out in the hallway, large ornate windows showcase the growing storm outside with thunder and lightning crashing. The patter of down pouring rain strikes the windows, filling what would be an eerie silence. The hallway lamps gently glow on top of the side tables dotting the corridor, next to small festive pumpkins. Again, you can’t help but notice the lack of cobwebs and dust.

Follow closely behind the bellhop, who remains silent through the trek down the hall, you and your group are led through a set of double doors and into the staff kitchen. Pots still hang on the walls and pans are still on their burners as if waiting for the stove to turn back on. Food carts are lined up next to spice racks and bowls while meat cleavers dangle over the cutting boards. A stack of plates has been knocked over, lying broken on the floor, and several jars are overturned as if someone knocked them over in their haste. You turn to ask the bellhop why you were brought in here, but your silent usher is nowhere to be seen.

A string of shooting electricity races over the scene, and then the kitchen starts to slowly awaken. The slow, hesitate clinking of plate knocking together, growing steadily and louder. One of the food carts creaks as it wheels towards you. The meat cleavers rattle on their hooks threatening to drop, and the stove turns on in a brilliant burst of flames. All of the objects start rattling in their cabinets, doors opening and slamming shut; the colophony is almost too much when all noise stops instantly.

Several specters sharpen into focus, and you can see they are the kitchen staff. A chef seems to be berating a server over the spills dishes, and his line cooks try to ignore the mess. The bustling of the kitchen indicates they are scurrying to prepare a feast with cabinet doors being opened and shut quickly. Plates clink and food sizzles, mixing in with the almost indecipherable chatting of the cooks.

A far door opens, and another bellhop motions you out. As you exit out, you turn one last time to room, only to find it empty except for the smell of burning meat.

The bellhop just as silent as the previous one leads you to the next room, the Natatorium. The huge swimming pool lies empty, with pool chairs still covered in hotel towels and robes. Several nearby showers drip incrementally and a beach ball, still somehow inflated, rests at the pools edge. Your hardly even flinch as another wave of electricity engulf the room. One by one, in rapid succession, the showers turn on in full force. Childish laughter echoes and the beach ball starts bouncing. The Pool is suddenly populated with swimmers, and the pool chairs are full of people.

The bellhop continues across the pool floor, note even noticing the strange occurrence, and as the group follows, you pass by one lone shower. The shadow of a young girl appears to be dancing in the pouring water, oddly enough, still clothed in a dress. Her soft voice barely carries over the falling water, and what she sings sends chills down your spine.

Quickly catching up to the rest of your group, the bellhop gestures you on ahead into the next room. Oh, it’s a game room complete with a dart board, billiard table, and a chess board. The dual windows in the room show that the storm is steadily growing worse with the wind howling even louder. A flash of lightening heralds another appearance of the electric arch which strikes the chess board. The chess pieces start to move by themselves as if two players were still continuing their game from that night. The billiard balls clack together and roll across the carpeted surface. The cue sticks wiggle back and forth as if taking aim. The thunking of the dart board heralds the arrival of several more players. Fading into view, the game room occupants seem to take no notice of you and your group. A door at the other end of the room opens on its own, allowing you and the others to flee.

It appears you’ve stumbled into the recreation of the lobby. Several luggage carts stand awaiting baggage, and a coat with gloves hangs over the back of a chair. Lightning and thunder continues to sound, illuminating the unoccupied lobby. The owl statue, transformed from is dusty state stands prominently in the center of the room when it crackles with the bluish white light of lightning. The eyes glow red and the bell at the check in desk rings continuously.


One of the luggage carts starts to shake and the bottle of wine near the far table finally blows its cork.

Ring… Ring…. RING!

The faint sounds of big bands music start to flow from the small café across the room although it seems nobody is there. The door to one of the libraries continuously sparks with lightening. Books violently hurl themselves off the shelves and float as if in invisible hands.

The booming thunder nearly causes you to shriek, and the room jumps to life. There are people everywhere; some relax in the armchairs, a couple enjoys a small tray of sweets with their treats, and one man is hunched over the guest log book singing his name.

Cautiously circling the room, several bellhops pop out from around several corners innocently asking if you are checking in and inquiring if they can take your bags. One bellhop even manages to get behind you, whispering in your ear, that your room is ready.

A waiting bellhop stops you and your group before you can go any further. You turn one last time to see this amazing sight only to notice a group of five guests near the elevator. A young couple, a bellhop laddened with luggage, and a young girl and her nanny, anxiously await the elevator which slowly descends. This seems familiar to you somehow, but you can’t quite put your finger on it. The high pitched ding of the elevator signals the opening of the doors and the 5 guests hurry aboard. You feel that this is wrong, that they need to get out now. But before you can warn them, the doors close and the elevator ascends.

A bolt of lightning strikes the elevator chased by the booming blast of thunder. The room is thrown into darkness. People are screaming in fright, but nothing is more horrible than the thunderous crash that follows. In one split second, you know the elevator never made it to the top, but before the lights can come back on, the bellhop throws open the heavy, wooden doors and motions you to enter…but this door leads to another dimension.

A swirling, dark, starry vortex appears in front of you, with a light at the end. Anxiously you get hurry towards it, only to discover it is the crashed elevator, still smoking faintly. The elevators gauge spins wildly from the 13th floor to the basement and back again. Another bellhop stands near gesturing to the doors as they open. Flames are burning brightly inside, and the bellhop says blandly, your turn.

There’s only one way to go and it’s through the adjacent hallway. You and your group manage to squeeze through the gradually narrower hallway and into a large room with no apparent way out.

All around you are mirrors that twist and reshape your mortal images into their ghostlier forms, but before you can fully grasp this frightening image, your reflections change, replaced by a black and white eye slowing blinking, a ticking clock, and a black and white window. The window shatters and the room is thrown into darkness. The lightening arches across the room one more time for the light come up.

You are in the same grand ballroom from which you started from! The chandelier is again covered in cobwebs and the room is once again barely able to hold her group. The doors are thrown open without warning, starting you. It’s your guide, back from fixing the generator.

Motioning you out back into the garden, the guide asks if you enjoyed the tour. Does the tour guide know what happened? What did just happen? The tour guide seems oblivious to your concerns, thanking you and inviting you to come back anytime. As you leave the garden and rejoin the main walkway, the faint notes of The Twilight Zone theme follow you out.

Disney's Animal Kingdom Mazes

Beastly Kingdom - PG-13 Maze

Location - Rafiki's Planet Watch

Board a the Wildlife Express Train that brings you to the mecca of the Animal Kingdom facilities environment of Rafiki's Planet Watch. While this area is known for its care and devotion to animals that trek through the Animal Kingdom theme park, a special Halloween maze will be located in this distant location, packed deep within the jungle of trees.

This maze is unlike anything Disney has ever created, though it does take inspiration from something they imagined.

Still propped up on the mantle of Disney's Animal Kingdom entrance, is a sprawling dragon head, indicating that the theme park is home to all animals, real and imagined.

During the park's inception, plans were made for a mythical creature land called Beastly Kingdomme, which would be a fantastical landscape of dragons, unicorns, and more. While the land itself was shelved, the spirit of the mythology still lives on, and will live on in this new seasonal maze dedicated to a variety of haunting mystical creatures.

These creatures, through folklore and oral tradition of haunting stories around the world, have become a staple of history, and will join together in a new story of oral tradition. Guests will be able to walk through a mythical world of creatures, and decide for themselves whether the fearsome beasts live up to the tales.

Health and Warning Sign
Due to the effects, dark turns, and sudden scares, guests are warned in advance outside if they have any preeding medical conditions that may be aggravated by this adventure. Due to the sudden jump scares, and lighting effects, guests are advised if they may have any sort of issue with the elements within the more intense style maze, that they try the Lion King, family friendly option located in Africa.

As you venture into the jungles towards the back of Animal Kingdom, a dense fog entraps you in your surroundings. Faint piano music is heard in the background, as you press forward into the dense forest.

Out of the jungles, humans dressed as jungle plants startle guests as the plant life comes to life around you and walks side by side as you continue forward. The plants don't make a sound, but simply flow to the light piano background music as you trek forward.

Maze Walk-Through

Eventually you approach the entrance to what looks like a rocky cave. You enter the can and mist sprays you from above. A transitional light blinds you as you enter the cave, acting as a spell that casts you back in time. Back to a time of mythical creatures and fantastical beasts.

The mist cools you off and blinds your vision of what is in front of you until you see a faint, ominous looking creature to your left.

A dark, possessed looking Unicorn is prancing around on a projection effect to your right, and suddenly, the unicorn head, with its sharp horn, pops out from a crevasse in the wall to your left, startling you as you continue on your journey.

You realize now that you are in a mystical land, however not one of fantasy or magic...but one of horror and nightmares of centuries past. The creatures here are some of history's most horrific encounters. And you realize, you are now along for the ride.

You continue forward into a dark forest, as more unicorns are seen in the moonlight to your left. They flash into the picture, before the trees around you rustle and wind blows around the room. A faint whisper is heard...before

A violin and cello begin venomously playing and you are whisked into the next scene as a large dragon like creature stares at you, peaked from a hill swoops down towards you and its head pops out of the ceiling, frightening you as you steadily pace your way past it...

The next room feels extremely warm...almost like you're in the belly of the beat. Red glowing eyes stare directly into your soul from the perch above you and suddenly fire breathes out of the hole in the roof. The dragon creature is near, and you need to make your escape.

In the next room, you are whisked away by Pegasus, a majestic creature that brings you into the sky. A nighttime projection is used in this scene to give you the sensation of soaring above the clouds with the winged horse-like creature. Pegasus swoops down and soars over a watery lake.

As you soar over the lake you pass by what appears to be church statues nestled on the rooftop. As you walk closer, they are in fact gargoyles, and the statues come to life and soar around you. One even ends up popping out from behind you, flapping its wings. You race across and come to a watery end.

The next scene you are surrounded by water, and walking across, what appear to be, magical stones across a lake. The ground rumbles, and suddenly out of the lake, a large necked creature bellows and pops out at you...the Lock Ness Monster. It roars, creating a terrifying sensation in the room as the music swells once more. You continue on your journey through the mystical land nevertheless though.

You re-enter a forest setting and are swiped at by a man-eating tree. These carnivorous plants thrive on human blood, and the branches rotate around the room, taking swipes at the guests walking (or dashing) through in an attempt to capture them. These terrifying creatures look like "evil Groots" and are part of a scary sequence in the maze, before reaching the ultimate climax of the Beastly Kingdom.

A Kerberos (three-headed dog in Greek Mythology) is standing guard of the Cave that will bring you back to the present day. The large beast's 3 heads are above the door, and guests narrowly make their way through before being snatched up by the vicious animal.

When the guests exit the maze, they are felt with a sense of relief. Nevertheless, the distant proximity (especially at night) from the rest of Animal Kingdom offers a less than comforting feeling, that the mystical creatures may still follow you around. :cautious:



- Located on a back path near Harambe.
- Enter through a large elephant skull, setting the tone.
- Start off walking through a maze of bones, with hyena-ish scare actors.
- Enter Scar's lair in a pitiful part of the attraction, with green-spewing vents and hordes of hyenas.
- Go back out, and encounter a screen where Simba is being chased by the hyenas.
- After being ambushed by a group of hyenas, another screen is showed of Mufasa saving us, before we make our escape.

Overall, this 4-Park Plan will shape the Halloween seasonal landscape at Walt Disney World and put it on the map for avid maze-fans who live for the walk-through experiences. It will also give families an opportunity to walk in well detailed and manicured mazes, who might be turned off by the shear terror of the Universal mazes, while still giving the thrill lovers an exciting spin on Halloween with a variety of creepy settings.

On behalf of the cast of Team Chandler, thank you for reading our presentation!
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Well-Known Member
Original Poster
Expect feedback for the projects on my end early tomorrow when I get a chance to review everything in detail. In the meantime here are the results. Good luck everyone heading into the next project... As announcing during Walt's Vault, the Power Couple twist was unleashed this round making @RMichael21 and @DSquared co-Team Leaders. As such, they each nominated one person from Team Chandler for elimination. Those two nominees are @spacemt354 and @IAmNotAHufflepuff.

After yet another unsuccessful killer vote, two killers still remain in the game. RMichael, you did not get any elimination votes so you are safe. The same goes for Puff. That means that Space and DSquared are vulernable. By a vote of 2 to one, @DSquared, I'm really sorry...

But your paranoia about the killers is going to have to go on to another round, because @spacemt354 has been eliminated in 7th Place.
Space, you were a powerhouse of a player and it was great having you on the cast. I'm going to message you with a special offer regarding a way you can still play a role in the Breaking Bad project, but for now you shine tall as a seventh place finisher.

And now it's time to reveal the next project...

Project Ten: Haunt-Toon Mansion

Out of everything @JokersWild and I came up with for this season, this is by far the prompt I've most been looking forward to. One of the very unique and treasured things about The Haunted Mansion is that it's an idea that can be translated to almost any land including Frontierland, Adventureland, New Orleans and Liberty Squares. For this project, you'll be taking the iconic Mansion in an entirely different direction by designing a version of Disney's most famous E Ticket for a hypothetical Toon Town within Disney's next Magic Kingdom. Treat this entirely as a blue sky concept. Don't worry about the larger details of the park this is going into or even the Toon Town land as a whole. All we really need is a developed idea for the concept of a Haunted Mansion within a Toon Town area. This can come complete with any character from any IP that Disney owns that can spice up the "Toon" element of it. The iconic "Toon Town Tower of Terror" from SYWTBAI Season Eight should serve as a bit of a blue print for this. I can't wait to see what becomes of this concept! Good luck team, this project is due Thursday, September 1st at 11:59 PM Eastern.

One last thing to attend to. @RMichael21 has chosen to give the key to Walt's Vault to @MANEATINGWREATH this round. MEW has decided to open it, but in doing so has unleashed the most devastating twist yet...The One Way Ticket. The same Walt's Vault event happened to @JokersWild way back in round one of Season Nine...That's right, MEW has just been sent straight to the Museum of the Weird and must complete the project on his own. There's potential for other people to go to the Museum via the killers (each of whom has one kill left and two rounds total to use them) or a killer being voted for an sent to the Museum. At the end of Project Eleven everyone left in the Museum will duel in a special challenge for a chance at a spot in the semi-finals.

Good luck to everyone going forward.


Well-Known Member
Expect feedback for the projects on my end early tomorrow when I get a chance to review everything in detail. In the meantime here are the results. Good luck everyone heading into the next project... As announcing during Walt's Vault, the Power Couple twist was unleashed this round making @RMichael21 and @DSquared co-Team Leaders. As such, they each nominated one person from Team Chandler for elimination. Those two nominees are @spacemt354 and @IAmNotAHufflepuff.

After yet another unsuccessful killer vote, two killers still remain in the game. RMichael, you did not get any elimination votes so you are safe. The same goes for Puff. That means that Space and DSquared are vulernable. By a vote of 2 to one, @DSquared, I'm really sorry...

But your paranoia about the killers is going to have to go on to another round, because @spacemt354 has been eliminated in 7th Place.
Space, you were a powerhouse of a player and it was great having you on the cast. I'm going to message you with a special offer regarding a way you can still play a role in the Breaking Bad project, but for now you shine tall as a seventh place finisher.

And now it's time to reveal the next project...

Project Ten: Haunt-Toon Mansion

Out of everything @JokersWild and I came up with for this season, this is by far the prompt I've most been looking forward to. One of the very unique and treasured things about The Haunted Mansion is that it's an idea that can be translated to almost any land including Frontierland, Adventureland, New Orleans and Liberty Squares. For this project, you'll be taking the iconic Mansion in an entirely different direction by designing a version of Disney's most famous E Ticket for a hypothetical Toon Town within Disney's next Magic Kingdom. Treat this entirely as a blue sky concept. Don't worry about the larger details of the park this is going into or even the Toon Town land as a whole. All we really need is a developed idea for the concept of a Haunted Mansion within a Toon Town area. This can come complete with any character from any IP that Disney owns that can spice up the "Toon" element of it. The iconic "Toon Town Tower of Terror" from SYWTBAI Season Eight should serve as a bit of a blue print for this. I can't wait to see what becomes of this concept! Good luck team, this project is due Thursday, September 1st at 11:59 PM Eastern.

One last thing to attend to. @RMichael21 has chosen to give the key to Walt's Vault to @MANEATINGWREATH this round. MEW has decided to open it, but in doing so has unleashed the most devastating twist yet...The One Way Ticket. The same Walt's Vault event happened to @JokersWild way back in round one of Season Nine...That's right, MEW has just been sent straight to the Museum of the Weird and must complete the project on his own. There's potential for other people to go to the Museum via the killers (each of whom has one kill left and two rounds total to use them) or a killer being voted for an sent to the Museum. At the end of Project Eleven everyone left in the Museum will duel in a special challenge for a chance at a spot in the semi-finals.

Good luck to everyone going forward.
I see where this is going.:rolleyes:


Don't worry - I saw this coming.

The only thing that disappoints me slightly is the last two projects we really had a creative rhythm with each other, bouncing ideas off, and helping out others on the team in many ideas that we broke the word count on this project and had to split it up!:bookworm:

Come merge, the game is 100% political. And that's where I never stand a chance:p Good luck to you Figment (you'll need it:cautious:)...I'm rooting for you:happy:


Well-Known Member
Don't worry - I saw this coming.

The only thing that disappoints me slightly is the last two projects we really had a creative rhythm with each other, bouncing ideas off, and helping out others on the team in many ideas that we broke the word count on this project and had to split it up!:bookworm:

Come merge, the game is 100% political. And that's where I never stand a chance:p Good luck to you Figment (you'll need it:cautious:)...I'm rooting for you:happy:
Yeah, I thought our team work was really taking off too. :( I never knew you could break the word count. :eek:

Thanks for the luck, I will definitely take all I can get.:cautious: I think I'll put the Breaking Bad research on hold; I may not need it after all . :bookworm:

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