Well-Known Member
Do you actually have data to back this up -Yet we still see an increase in strollers and also the age the people are putting their children in strollers has also increased. -
Or is it an observation?
Why on earth would you change your "lifestyle" just for a trip to Disney?
Children have never wanted to sit still - in any decade - unless they are sleeping.
Children need frequent breaks - but not standing or sitting still. They still want to move and see different things - strollers provide them with this opportunity.
-Kids that have a normal healthy lifestyle and eat good food should have no issue walking for most of the day - There is so much wrong and judgmental with this statement I won't even bother.
Ok I will - Disney is not the same as playing in the street for a few hours...... In WDW you have massive crowds that most kids never really experience, noise and music all the time, rides, screaming, yelling, crying, laughing, ect, ect........ From the moment you park your car its 100% sensory explosion and immersion. Even without all the miles upon miles of walking, their minds are being exhausted at a rate you do not really experience anywhere else.
Come on people - 100% of the strollers you see for babies, todlers and children of all ages are 100% necessary, especially in WDW!
Not to mention the fact that children have many different issues that may not be observable to you watching them for 1-2 mins as you pass by.
Cut these little people and their families some slack - WDW hopping is not a stroll in the local park, by any means!
LOL Are you saying that kids are so fragile now that the rides and music and your "sensory explosion" is too much for them? So much so that an older child that is perfectly able to walk now has to be pushed in a stroller just to get through the day? Again, I absolutely think stroller are great for little ones. But once you reach the age of 5-6, there is no physical need then a healthy child should not have to use one. There is a reason why these strollers have maximum weight limit and why they don't make strollers for kids that age.